Scales to Feathers

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A/N: Quick update! I will be out of state for the next couple of days. I'm visiting family. I will do my best to upload in the morning and write at night. Or during breakfast. And  the Lucci x reader has been uploaded. Its called The Vixen. I haven't gotten many views on it yet so I figured you guys didn't know yet. So I'm done talking. Enjoy!!

(Mihawk x Reader)
Crocodile lead you down the steps of the casino. Where Mihawk another warlord stood. He perked up to you as you stepped up to him. Crocodile stood beside you and handed him a sack.

"Hawkeyes, this is my wife (Y/N). She will be in your care until the end of this battle. Once it is finished I will come back for her." Crocodile spoke.

"Pleasure to meet you, greatest swordsmen." You said extending your hand.

He had taken it kissing your knuckle, "The pleasure is all mine."

You smiled softly before pulling away. Crocodile tilted your chin up. He kissed your forehead before he turned and walked off. You sighed before turning back to Mihawk. You smiled to him and took his arm.

"Shall we get going?" You asked.

Within a few days. Mihawk had taken you to his home. Where the sky rumbled and then began to pour. You smiled tilting your head up to the sky feeling the coolness of the rain and breeze. His golden eyes kept to you as he docked the ship. He stepped up to you holding out his hand. You smiled taking his hand as he helped you onto his island. Your eyes glanced to the forest and the large castle. It was very gloomy and dark.

"I wanted to thank you and the misses for letting me stay with you." You said.

"I am not married." Mihawk spoke.

"Oh. So you live here alone?"


"Then, I shall keep you company until I am supposed to leave."

He smirked, "As you wish."

So. You stayed with Mihawk in his castle. Keeping him company reading books. Or cooking for him. Sometimes you gave in and took a glass of wine. Learning more and more about each other everyday. Well. Until you felt something with Mihawk that you didn't feel with Crocodile.


You looked to the large green emerald. It sat proud on the gold band it sat on. Proud to be on your finger. But. It felt like it didn't belong to you. You slowly began to take it off before you opened a drawer and dropped it inside. Folding your hands together, you slipped them between your knees and looked out the window. Smiling softly you rose.

Stepping out of your room you stepped out of your room to the hall. Where your feet picked up and you headed down the stairs. Once you stepped down to the bottom of the stairs the door opened. Mihawk stepped through holding something behind his back.

"Your home early." You said.

He turned to you, "Yes, I have something for you."

He stepped up to you handing you a rose. You smiled softly looking to the vibrant red. Looking up to him you smiled and kisses him softly. He was surprised before pulling back. 

"What about Crocod-"

"Screw him. All I was to him was a trophy wife. Just some prize for him. He never told me he loved me or actually kissed me." You said.

You looked to his coat, "I've never felt this way about Crocodile like I do with you."

"Look at me."

You looked up at him as he kissed you softly. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his wrapped around your waist. He pulled back and smirked.

"Then, if he wants you. He'll have to go through me."

You smiled, "I'll fight with you."

My next x reader idea

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