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(Blossom, and Beautiful Creatures have been uploaded as well)

It all started. With you. In that skimpy white dress. Showing off your legs and how long they would go on for. And the white feather shawl wrapped from on elbow to the other.

His eyes kept to you as you sipped onto your drink. The bar that night was dull. Some stragglers came in. But there wasn't much.


He had to get your attention.

Standing from the table he was sitting at with his crew. He wandered up to you. But you didn't even give him a glance. Your eyes kept to your nails.

"Oo Bellamy I'd steer clear of (Y/N) she's got a powerful family on her side. You better go find someone else to screw around with. She's a fish you can't fry."

"Pft. I can take them. Doflamingo wouldn't let anything happen to me." He rumbled.

"As Doflamingo wouldn't let anything happen to her. After all she is his flesh and blood."

He furrowed. Doflamingo's daughter? He never spoke of having a kid before. Yet alone a fucking goddess sitting beside him. He could tell you were ignoring him. And probably should of listened the the bartenders advice. But.

He had to have you.

"Donquixote (Y/N) huh?" He purred.

"What about it?" You sighed still not giving him your attention, "You gonna try to fight me so my daddy can come running hm?"

"Oh no. I admire Doflamingo. I work under him. Well kinda." He beamed.

"Admiring my father for what? All he's done is turn this island on it's end."

"Well. I mean. He did a good job creating you."

You cracked a small smile glancing to him then back to your nails.

"And does Mr. Charmer have a name?" You asked.


Your eyes lit up as you turned to him.

"Your Bellamy??"

He nodded. Entranced by your beauty he cracked a cheshire cat grin. You stood taking his hands.

"Bellamy. My father is looking for you. You have to come with me right away."


You took his hand leading him out of the bar and up to the palace. Doflamingo perked up as you brought Bellamy to him. Who instantly bowed in his presence.

"I see you found Bellamy." He grunted.

"I told you." You hummed.

Stepping out of the room Bellamy's eyes kept to you as you winked to him. Shutting the doors behind you, Doflamingo slammed his hands on his desk. Bellamy snapped to him as Doflamingo snarled at him.

"Bellamy. I trust you with the life of my daughter. Your eyes are to be kept to her as you look to your crew. (Y/N) wishes to travel with you and your crew to get her fill of adventure. If you so lay a hand on her I will not hesitate to snap off your jaw. While I watch you dig your own grave with it. Do I make myself clear?!" Doflamingo hissed.

"O-Of course." Bellamy grinned sheepishly.

"Good. Your voyage starts tomorrow. My daughter will accompany you for three months before I come and get her."

"Of course sir. Anything you wish."
Doflamingo rumbled resting back in his chair.

"I knew I could always count on you Bellamy."

The following morning you stepped down in shorts and a crop top. Bellamy's eyes were on you as you dropped your bag before him.

"There you go. Take it to the ship for me will ya." You hummed.

"Yes my lady." Bellamy chirped.

Doflamingo and you embraced before he let you go.

And you started your adventure. The flirting was constant. The crew soon got sick of you two.

You held a gun between your hands Bellamy stood behind you. His hands intertwined with yours. His breath against your ear.

"Now. Fire." He purred.

Pulling the tigger on the gun it shot out hitting a rock. You grinned and turned to Bellamy. You noticed how close he was. Your eyes locked on his before. You kissed his cheek. He's eyes widened as you pulled back you smiled up to him.

"Thank you for taking me with you." You smiled.

"It's no problem at all."

But. From that moment on. Your relationship formed.

As the three months were coming to an end. You had... a problem.

"What's wrong is everything okay?" Doflamingo asked.

You sat in Bellamy's lap. He trembled at Doflamingo's harsh voice.

"No daddy Bellamy has taken the best care of me. I was wondering if I could maybe stay with him for a bit longer?" You asked.

"Oh? For how long?"

"Um. Maybe a year?"

"A year? (Y/N) You can't-"

You glared to Bellamy then back to the den den moshi.

"A year? How come?" Doflamingo grunted.

"I've grown found of Bellamy. I enjoy his company and I feel safe at the sea. He has done nothing to hurt me and treated me with the most respect in the world." You said, "Daddy I truly believes he loves me and I want to stay with him."

Doflamingo was silent. You turned to Bellamy who rested on your shoulder. His arms tightened around your form.

"Is he with you?" He hissed.

"Y-Yes sir." Bellamy spoke.

"If I find out there's something going on between you two I will not hesitate to kill you. Lay one hand on my daughter and I'll rip your small intestine out your mouth. Then rip your large intestine out your ass and use you as a skipping rope!"

"A skipping rope? Daddy please it's me your talking about. You'd rip out his skull and keep it as a trophy." You got him to laugh while Bellamy went pale.

"That's my girl. Be careful out there darling. And don't hesitate to call me if something happens."

"Of course daddy."

You stroked Bellamy's cheek. As you hung up. You put the Den Den moshi away. You sighed resting against Bellamy's shoulder.

"He's gonna kill us." You grumbled.

Bellamy slipped his hands to your shirt. Lifting it to the small swell of your stomach.

"He'll kill all three of us." He sighed.

Doflamingo floated down onto the ship. Earning Bellamy's attention. He went pale as Doflamingo grinned. It was almost a year and you had the baby days ago.

"Doflamingo wh-what are you doing here?" Bellamy asked.

"I came to see my daughter."

"She- she's resting. We had a big pirate fight and. She did put up a good fight." Bellamy grinned. Doflamingo's smile turned to a frown.

"You were supposed to be PROTECTING her!" He hissed, "Not letting her fight! I don't want blood on her pure skin!"


He perked up as you stepped out. Bellamy hurried to your side. Since you were still weak. Doflamingo grinned kneeling down to look at you. He frowned cupping your cheek.

"What happened to you? You look awful." Doflamingo asked.


"She got sick during the fight-"

"Bellamy. I'm telling him."


"Daddy. I fell in love with Bellamy. I. I had his baby. Well. Our baby." You said turning to Bellamy.

Doflamingos face hardened as he turned to Bellamy. He started to huff as his fingers twitched.


"Daddy!" He turned to you.

"Bellamy sat with me the entire time. He treated me like the princess I was. I love him Daddy. Would you like to see him?"

When he didn't respond you smiled stepping under the deck as Doflamingo gripped Bellamy's throat.

"You will take responsibility for what you have done?!" He hissed.


"Then marry my daughter and be the father she makes you out to be!"

Doflamingo dropped him as the door opened. Bellamy gasped, coughed, and wheezed. You smiled stepping up to Doflamingo. He scooped you up as you showed off the beautiful bounding boy.

"He's beautiful you did wonderful my darling. I wish I could of been there for you." He sighed.

"Thank you daddy. But. I was already stressed since a pirate crew had attacked our crew as I went into labor." Doflamingo's face hardened. You cupped his cheek Doffy's face softened.

"Bellamy protected me the whole time."
He sighed setting you down with Bellamy.

"Now what do you do now? Hm? You can't raise a baby at sea." Doflamingo grunted.

"If your suggesting I go home with you. I won't. I want to be with Bellamy."

"Then come back to Dressrosa so I can supply a suitable ship for you and the baby."

"You'd do that for us?" you asked.

"No. I'm doing this for you. And if Bellamy is going to take responsibility for him. I'd rather you be supplied with only the best. And I want you two to be wed in Dressrosa."

"Your just upset I didn't get to have my first baby with you. So you want to see me get married before you." Doflamingo rumbled getting down to your level.

"Your looking into this too much." He chuckled.

You stuck your tongue out at him. He chuckled flying off to the sky as you sighed. You turned to Bellamy rubbing his neck.

"I'm surprised your still alive."

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