Snow White

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(These are way longer then I thought they were going to be. So. These won't be uploaded in one week. They will be uploaded, eventually.)

(Sabo x Reader)

Once upon a time, there lived a girl. A princess to be exact. Kind to heart, and as pure as the white snow.

You sat looking out to the sea. Your dress fluttered in the wind as soon a figure sat beside you. Turning to him you smiled. Sabo greeted you with a bundle of white flowers.

He was a huntsmen, and the two of you spent every waking moment together. But your love was forbidden by your mother. You were to be wedded to a prince within a few months. Sabo and you could only spend so much time together before that happened.

He placed his hand on yours earning your attention.

"Lets, run away." You said.

"You know I can't let you do that." Sabo hummed.

"But, we could be together. And. We can rule the world!"

You smiled looking to the sea.

"Like those pirate books you read?" Sabo cocked a brow.

You pursed your lips, "Maybe."

"Princess, (Y/N). Your majesty is looking for you."

You both turned to your butler. Sabo took his hand from you as you headed inside. Sabo followed after.

You met your mother in the throne room while a young man stood with her. He grinned to you with freckles on his cheeks and hazelnut brown eyes.

"Princess (Y/N). I'm Prince Gol D. Ace. I will be asking for your hand in marriage."

Sabo furrowed, "Ace?"

You stepped back, "I would never."

His smile faded as you bolted out of the room. Your mother stood as you left the room. Sabo stepped in while he watched you leave down the hall.

"Sabo, can you escort Prince Ace to his room." Your mother sighed, "Then join me in my room."

He nodded as Ace stepped up to Sabo. There eyes not tearing from each other as they stepped out of the room.

"It's good to see, your alive." Ace winked.

Sabo smiled, "I'm surprised to see you here, brother."

"I'm here to marry (Y/N), but I see. She wants nothing to do with me."

"Cause she loves me."

Ace smirked turning to him, "Is that so?"

You shoved stuff into a bag, money, food, clothes. Some stuff for your adventure. And a book. A book of freedom. The most freest people out there.


You smiled holding close the book and put it into your backpack. Sabo soon stepped into the room earning your attention.

"Ah! Your here, lets go." You said.

"Yeah, lets go."

Sabo snuck you out of the castle to the woods. Until you lost Sabo.

You stood glancing around the woodland area and. He was gone.

"Sabo! Where are you!" You called.

There was no response.

You tried go get farther into the forest. But your dress kept getting caught. You tried to pull and yank yourself free. But it wasn't working. You perked up to a soft click. In the distance Sabo stood shaking. Your eyes narrowed to the gun he held.

"Sabo, wh-what are you doing?" You cried.

"My job."

There was a gunfire noise before Sabo scooped you up and held you close. He softly lied you down in the grass. His eyes glanced around seeing a figure disapear into the woods before he looked down at you. He placed a finger on his lips having you furrow.

"I aimed for the tree behind you. Your mother asked me to kill you, or she was going to kill my brother. We were also followed. I had to do something."

Tears welled in his eyes as you reached up for him. You slapped him across the face before pulling him into a kiss.

"I'll be okay. Just long enough to fool her." You said.

"Lay here for a minute, then. Head straight until you reach the cliff. I will meet you there in a day."

You nodded, "I'll see you soon."

Sabo had left while you lied in the grass. After a minute you got up and headed into the forest. Your eyes narrowed to a figure running around in the forest. You slowly approached the small figure who was playing around with a rabbit. It hopped away as you stood close enough. The boy with the straw hat turned to you. He pursed his lips and then screamed before bolting off into the forest.

"Hey wait!"

You took off after him before he lead you to a clearing in the woods. He bolted into a large home. You blinked dropping your bag as a blonde poked his head out.

"Luffy, stop bringing people here."

"I'm sorry, she found me!"

You knelt down as the little boy hid behind the blonde short man. They were tiny men, like they were shrunk half there height.

"Marco! Don't be rude to our guest!"

You blinked as a brunette pushed past Marco and Luffy stepping out of the house.

"Who are you guys?" You asked.

"We're dwarf's. Well. Kinda. We were shrunk. And now banished to this side of the island. And kicked out of our own home, we've resided here."

But he took your hand and lead you inside.

"Hey! Thatch you shouldn't-"

"You look exhausted, come in and make yourself at home."

Thatch placed a small teacup in your hand before letting you sit in a tiny chair. You smiled as he filled your cup with tea before setting it back by the fire. Marco and Luffy went to you to meet you. Where Thatch and the two of you got along, very well.

"And then my mother tried to get my lover to kill me and. He didn't, and let me free."

"Who is your mother? We'll attack!" Luffy piped in.

"The queen."

Luffy and the others frowned.

"You have to go."

"What?" You gasped.

"If your the queen's daughter then. We don't want you."

Thatch took the teacup as Luffy and Marco pushed you out. You stumbled out of the house and onto the ground. Thatch threw your stuff out before they shut the door.

"Please! I have no where else to go! My own mother tried to kill me! I didn't want to marry prince Ace and Sabo went back-"

The door opened as the three poked there heads out.

"Prince Ace?"

You nodded, "I'm engaged to marry him."

"He's here?"

You nodded, "He's a nice guy."

"He's our brother. One of the 16 prince's of our kingdom." Marco said, "This kingdom."

"This is my king-"

"No. It's not. Your mother is darkened with magic and banished us out of our own home to this and shrunk us. Yet alone, gave Ace away from us, and erase his memory of us." Thatch spoke up.

"If the queen finds out your with us, she will kill us all." Luffy said.

"She won't. I'll keep on the down low. Promise."

"Let her stay."

You turned to a man almost your height. Was he shrunk too? He seemed a bit taller then the others. And older.

"Pops." Marco spoke.

"We will keep you safe until your, lover, comes."

You smiled, "Thank you."

You watched as a group full of young shrunken men swarm you. You giggled as they bombarded you with questions.
Luffy watched you with a soft frown.

"Ace." He muttered.

"Her heart." Sabo said.

He handed over the box as the queen grinned to it. Snatching it from Sabo's hands she opened it seeing the bloody organ inside.


Sabo nodded before he stepped away. The queen set the box onto the pedestal and stepped away. She snapped her fingers before turning to a guard.

"Send word to king Roger he will be wed within the next week."

During that week the queen had no clue of your survival and the making of new friends. While the wedding of the prince and his "bride" were still in the making. But a little slip up was still in the making.

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of them all."

The mirror swirled and twisted before a head appeared.

"Indeed you are fair, but the princess still lives. She resides at the home of the true king and prince's."

She frowned, "She what?!"

The queen hissed before turning to the box on her pedestal.

"That is the heart of a pig."

With anger the queen headed down into her secret room.

"And they lived on there adventure forever. The end."

"Pirates sound SO cool!" Luffy cried.

"Very. And I'm going to escape to the open seas. Of course with Sabo at my side."

"I want to be a pirate too!" Luffy cheered.

The clock stroke two earning everyone to get up and head into the forest to look for dinner. You would patiently wait for them to return. While you waited you decided to make them a special surprise for letting them stay with you.

"Oh dear."

You perked up from baking when you heard someone outside. Poking your head outside to a woman holding a basket. She held fruits of all sorts while looking lost.

"Are you lost?"

She turned to you, "I'm just looking for the palace."

You pointed to the direction of the palace, "That way, ma'am."

She smiled looking in that direction. Then turned back to you before pulling out the only apple she had.

"In return for your kindness, please. Take this."

You smiled taking the apple, "Oh thank you."

"It's a magic apple. Once you take a bite, your hearts biggest dream. Will come true."

Looking to the apple your eyes raced over every wish you had. But you settled to one.

"I wish, for everything to go back to normal. So I can marry the man I love."

She smiled as you bit into the apple. Within seconds, you collapsed.

"(Y/N)!" Luffy called.

He gasped stopping on the outskirts of the woods. Marco and the others emerged and they saw as you lied on the ground. They turned to the older woman who slowly backed up.

"Get her."

They attacked her with rocks and sticks before chasing her off the cliff and to her ultimate death. When they came back they found Luffy trying to wake you. Marco pulled him away as he checked your pulse.

"She's unconscious." Marco said.

"Well, lets put her in a proper place before someone else comes after her."

Sabo darted off into the forest snapping the reins to his horse. Before he got to the house. He then noticed the apple.

"I'm too late." He muttered.


He turned to Luffy stepping out of the home. Sabo jumped down as Luffy darted to him. Kneeling down he scooped up his brother as Luffy started to cry.

"(Y/N). She's. She."

"Take me to her."

Luffy nodded before leading Sabo into the back of the house. He took Sabo into the woods and to a small bedding in the woods. The others gathered around you while they layered flowers around you. Sabo went up to you taking your hands.

"I'm sorry we couldn't escape. I'm sorry." He whispered.

Cupping your cheek Sabo kissed you softly. There was a soft glowing around the shrunken men. Sabo looked seeing everyone to there normal height.

Ace groaned collapsing to the floor and holding his head. Once the pain subsided he slowly got up. Everything was processing before he darted out of his room.

You slowly sat up and held your head. Looking around, everything your mother told was a lie. If you could even call her that anymore.

A hand took yours earning your attention. Sabo smiled getting up and helping you up. Everyone embraced you for breaking the curse and they cheered taking you back to the house. Ace stood there panting softly.

"Ace?" Luffy asked.

He perked up to Luffy and Sabo and grinned.

"Sabo, Luffy, my brothers."

Luffy darted to him as they both fell back against the grass. You turned to Sabo clutching onto your hands.

"Go to him."

He kissed you before also tackling his brother. You all giggled as Thatch also joined the dog pile. Then a few others joined too.

"Do you think he will live?" You asked turning to Newgate.

"Eh. Broken or not, he is still my son. But. Probably not."

So. The kingdom was put back onto its track. Roger and Newgate formed an alliance. Ace stepped down from becoming your husband. And Sabo took that place.

"Where they were married and lived happily ever after. The end."

"Momma, that was awesome. But. Do you think the evil spell on papa will lift soon? I want him to remember uncle Luffy and Ace. Just like the story."

You shut the book, "Maybe one day."

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