The Affair

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TeruTategami  this is for your contest love! It kinda sucks so sorry.
(Thatch x Reader)

Spinning your wedding ring around your finger. You sighed softly. Slumping back against your bed. Another fight. It was always fighting. You thought it was all for love. But. It was more to boost his ego. For you to be his trophy wife. Then he would leave for missions. While you sat around, doing nothing.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Marco called threw the door. You sit up as the door was opened, Marco leaned against the doorframe.

"We have a new brother. Why don't you come and meet him." Marco jestered out of the room.

"Alright." You sighed.

You get up and approach Marco. He knows of your marriage between you and his brother. Teach. At first he was all sweet and kind. He could talk you into anything. But once the wedding was over. He. Just used you. After all you were Whitebeard's ligament child. Marco knew about the fights, the neglect, the heartbreak. Along with your loneliness. Both of you vowing not to tell your own father. Both unsure of what pops would do.

Marco lead you up on deck. The few of your brothers surrounded him. The newbie. He was tall, he was all smiles. When his eyes landed on you. You smiled softly as he hesitated to finish introducing himself. Where he excused himself to push his way to you. You watched as he straightened himself up approaching you. While you, slipped off your wedding ring. And dropped it in your pocket.

The tall dark brown haired man took your hand and kissed your knuckles. His emerald gaze kept to yours while a soft smile was on his face.

"My name is Thatch. And I'm going to be your cook." He spoke.

You smiled, "I'm (Y/N)."

He ginned, "What a pretty name. I. I look forward to being apart of the same crew as you."

"As do I." You smiled.

Everyone could see it. The puppy love you both fell for each other. But. Teach, finally wound his head back onto the ship.

You sat at the bar while Thatch was cooking. Your eyes kept to how quick and gentle he was with the food. Would he treat you like that. With delicate hands. A feeling, you've never felt before.

Snapping out of it the door swung open. And your heart sank to your stomach. Teach held an ugly grin stepping into the room. You forgot, you were his wife.

"Darling. Has this been the place you've been kept up? While I've been away?"

"I. Just wanted some company."

Thatch turned to Teach earning the fat man's grin. They introduced themselves, but he didn't introduce himself as your husband. Yet.

"You've been watching over my (Y/N). Have you?" Teach laughed.

He chuckled, "Watching out for each other. More or less."

"My darling wife is very fragile. And weak. Be careful with her."

Puffing your cheeks you knew that was a lie. You were a strong woman before you met Teach. And now he thinks your made of glass and could shatter at anytime.

Thatch turned to you, "Oh. She's.... your wife."

Teach nodded, "Come on (Y/N). We have to catch up."

Sighing softly you follow in step behind him while Thatch watched you leave.

Your love making soon turned dull. You just wanted it over as it slowly turned into a nightmare.

Standing out on the deck in the pouring rain. You let his touch wash off you. Shuddering softly you sniffled. Your tears blend with the rain down your face. Until the rain no longer hit you. Turning beside you. Thatch smiled holding his jacket over the both of you.

"A pretty lady as yourself will get sick if you stand out here too long." He winked.

"Thatch." You sniffled, "I'm alright. Just. Thinking."

"Then I will stand beside you until your done."

You smiled as you lead him inside. He went to whip something up for you to drink. Which turned to be some hot coco.

"Now, tell me what's wrong? I've been told I'm a good listener." Thatch winked.

You rumbled softly going to sit at the bar while wringing out your hair.

"It's nothing, honest."

Thatch took your hands, "As your husband says-"

He stopped as you turned away from him. Your jaw clenched while your eyes burned a fury.


You turned to Thatch, "I hate that man."

Thatch sat next to you, "Tell me everything."

Thatch sat with you, as you explained your husband's neglect and slight abuse. He just used you, and your title. To become a trophy wife. But before you could finish. He swooped in and kissed you softly. He pulled back with a soft smile.

"I couldn't help it."

You cupped his face and kissed him softly once more. He pulled you onto his lap, while your bodies entangled with each other. Until one thing lead to another.

The two of you would meet there every night. You'd talk, or star gaze or talk about your previous lives. It would slowly build. Well. Until things got a little more serious. And the two of you fell in love. And.....

"Your pregnant."

You pressed your lips in a line your eyes stared at her. Like she was some soft of ghost.

"I'm. What?!" You hissed.

The nurse handed you the clipboard, your eyes narrowed to the positive test results. Your heart beat in your ears. While your eyes narrowed to the birth father.


You turned to the nurse handing back the file.

"Please. Keep this between you and me. No one must know who the father of my child is."

"You have my word."

You sighed in relief as she took the clipboard. Stepping out you found Thatch sitting outside the door. He scrambled to get up as you stepped out.

"Is it food poisoning? Is it something I did?" He asked with a panic in his tone.

You grabbed his wrist before throwing him into the closet. You followed after and shut the door behind you.


You grabbed his face and kissed him softly. You pulled back with a smile.

"I'm pregnant. With your baby." You hushed.

Thatch grinned before embracing you. He peppered your face in kisses before running a hand to your stomach.

"What if Teach?" He started.

"We cannot tell anyone. All they need to know. This is his baby. But. I should tell you, this baby is yours." You spoke.

"Everyone will know it's mine. Besides him. It will be fine." He bargained.

"We can't risk it. He will kill you if he finds out."

"He won't find out."

"The truth is always revealed."

"Fine. But. I get to be there when you have them okay?"

"Once I do, I'll divorce him."

Thatch smirked, "I can't have you be a single mother."

"Oh what are you implying?"

"Marry me."

You smiled, "I will."

You two kissed softly before heading out of the closet. Where you went up on deck announcing your pregnancy. But everyone besides Pops and Teach knew who the real father was.

With the months passing by. The baby got bigger and your stomach got plumper. You  and Teach grew apart. While you went back to your old room and started to sleep there. As it was starting to get better. It got worse.

All but you and Thatch were drunk. Ace was just welcomed into the crew and promoted to second division commander. And as usual there had to be a party. With all the booze they had in the seller.

"Goodnight pops. I'm heading to bed." You said.

"Ah wait! Lemme help you down the stairs."

Thatch hurried to your side as he scooped you up and helped you down. Teach chuckled resting back on his palm.

"What a great guy that Thatch is. He can cook and look after your wife." He laughed.

"Yeah too bad." Ace burped.

Teach furrowed, "Too bad what?"

"She's not having your baby."

"What are you talking about?"

Ace took another tankard, "Oh you know. Everyone knows she's been having an affair with Thatch. And she's pregnant with Thatch's kid. I mean they would probably have a cute kid too."

Ace turned to Teach not sitting beside him. He shrugged not knowing what trouble he caused in his drunken state.

Marco stepped out of the infirmary. He rolled his neck seeing Teach storm down the hallway. He cocked a brow as he stood before him.


"What business do you have?" Marco asked.

"I need to see the chart."

"That's confidential. Only her eyes can-"

"Give me the god damn chart!"

The nurses inside coward slightly having Marco glance to them. Then back to Teach.

"You doubt your wife?"

Teach frowned, "Ace said-"

"He's drunk! He doesn't know how many hands he has. All the fame of being a second division commander is going to his head. He doesn't know what the he's talking about."

Teach sighed, "Your right."

Marco patted his shoulder and took him back up onto the deck. But he started to doubt this baby was his.

Time was running short, and the baby would be here any day. You looked like you swallowed a beach ball with how big your belly was. You had started to become bed ridden. Thatch was with you always. He helped bathe you, feed you, and did anything he could to make the pregnancy the best for you. You'd have visitors, like Ace and Marco. Ace had fun feeling the baby kick him while Marco distracted you from Ace's attempts to play with the baby.

Sighing you watched Ace press his ear to your stomach. Teach hasn't even come to visit you. Not that you cared. But. Something was up.

"Something tells me you might want to tell him soon. Before, he looses his temper." Marco spoke.

"I know, I will after the baby comes. I have to focus on being stress free." You hummed.

Both of you turned to Ace. He frowned.


Thatch stepped into the room holding the paper.

"Alright, let her rest guys."

Marco and Ace kissed your forehead before leaving. Thatch shut the door before turning to you.

"Do you need anything? I can whip-"

"I'm fine. Relax."

He sighed stepping up to you and taking your hand. He kissed your hand before down your arm to your neck. You cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly.

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too. Now. Get some rest."

Teach stepped in while Thatch was reading the paper. You had fallen asleep. He perked up to Teach.

"Oh, She's doing great. She's taking a nap so. It's best not to wake her."

"I can watch her now you can take a break."

"I'm alright here. Marco said he'd get me if anyone was hungry."

"I'd like alone time with my wife."

"Alright. I get it."

Thatch folded the paper before setting it down. Thatch headed out of the room, Teach shut the door behind him before turning to you.

He had to know.

Stepping up to you he took your hand. He kissed it softly before trailing up. You hummed softly as he kissed your neck. Cupping his cheek you giggled softly.

"Thatch, I'm sleeping."

"You whore."

Your eyes snapped open as Teach gripped your throat. His hand tightened as you clawed onto it. His grip grew tighter. You were gasping for air before.

It was all over.

He killed you.

His eyes narrowed to your swollen stomach. He stepped back before heading to the deck of the ship.

"Where's Thatch?!"

Everyone turned to Teach filled with anger. Death on his hands.

"He killed my wife! He strangled her! That son of a bitch killed my wife and my baby!"

Marco stepped up to him. While Ace and Vista went to check on you. Thatch stepped out with a tray of food. Where the crew turned to him.

"You son of a bitch!"

Thatch blinked, "Wh-what?"

"You killed (Y/N)! She's dead! You fucker strangled her!"

"What?! No! I would never!"

"You were the last person to see her!"

"You were just in there! I loved her! She told me of all the abuse and neglect she went through with you!"

Ace and Vista stepped out. You were in Vista's arms. Thatch dropped the platter before bolting to you. The crew surrounded.

"Hurry! Bring her here! I might be able to at least save the baby!"

They turned to the nurses. Vista hurried to take you with them. While pops had a hard time with the loss of his only daughter.

"Take them both to there rooms. I'll conduct the investigation." Marco barked.

Thatch and Teach were escorted to there rooms. Where they were locked inside.

Thatch grieved while Teach. Disappeared. The nurses weren't able to save the baby. While the crew held your funeral. Thatch begged to be there, and Marco let him go. Knowing he wouldn't do anything to hurt you.

Marco stepped up to you with a box. The baby was within it. As he put you out at sea. Thatch clutched onto Ace's hand before crying onto his shoulder.

Marco fluttered back up onto the deck. Where they knew Thatch was not guilty of the life that had been taken. The brothers surrounded each other with sorrow. And grieving.

"So, what are you going to say at my funeral now that you've killed me?"

Teach snapped to you. You sat in a glowing blue form holding a small bundle in your arms. You looked up to Teach.

"Here lies the body of the love of my life. Who's heart I broke without a gun to my head. Here lies the mother of my children, both living and dead. Rest in piece my true love, who I took for granted. Who because of me sleep evaded and slept with another man. Where her heaven will be without betrayal. Will you say that in my honor? Or will you just forget me?"

"Your supposed to be dead."

"Oh I am. My final plee before I leave this world. Was to haunt you. Because I know what killing you would do next."

Thatch stood in the storm. He knew you liked them the most. It was war between the sky and the sea. And you always watched them. So. He did too.


He turned. Only to lose his life as well.

You sat beside him stroking his head. While holding the small child you both made together. In a meadow of golden grass. Thatch sat up and turned to you. He grinned and embraced you. He pulled you into his lap while the two of you looked to the baby.

"He looks just like you." You spoke.

He kissed your neck, "At least we can be together now."


(Word Count: 2487)

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