The Beginning

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A/N: Lol I have 69K reads.

(Shanks x Reader)
The redhaired pirates stopped to an island. It was small, beautiful and peaceful. Where a meadow broke out the entire island. Besides a few tree's and some tall sunflowers. Shanks grinned stepping down onto the island holding a bundle of flowers. The crew watched as he went over a hill and skid down to it. He smiled to the large headstone before sitting before it.

"Hello, (Y/N)." He smiled, "I know, I know I've been away for so long. But I brought you some flowers. Look there your favorite."

He placed them down onto your grave then sighed sitting back on his hand. The wind blew through his hair slightly before soon fading.

"I can still hear your voice in my dreams. But I don't know if it's the real you. So far away but for some reason I can still feel you."

He sat up looking to his hand, then back to your headstone.

"I try to close my eyes but it doesn't help I can still see you. It's like the sweet smell of your fragrance never ends. It's hard to pretend it's not there because it is. Enveloped in the air around me like an invisible mist."

He smiled softly leaning over, placing a hand on your headstone.

"I still remember the sweetness of our first kiss. Where time slowed down and I couldn't hear a single sound. Had no idea what was happening around me. I was just glad that finally a piece of happiness found me."

He sighed resting back once more. Shanks frowned.

"Waking up in a cold sweat your memories stick to my skin. I swear some nights my dreams begin with scenes so vivid I feel like I'll lose myself in the past. And if I don't relive these moments I'm afraid the few memories I have left of you won't last. And you'll turn nothing more then a ghost."

Shanks smiled resting on his palm, "But of all the time we spent together. It was actually the beginning I remember the most. Because the first time I made you smile it felt like the warmth of the sun made its way inside and stayed for a while. I mean I could try to compile a list of things to describe it but. I get lost in a sea of words so deep it would be hard to keep my head up. The tender warmth of your lips made it hard to resist. Even though your past relationships had left you in bits and pieces. I promised I'd love you with all you imperfections."

Shanks smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek. He looked to the two wedding bands on his pinkie and his ring finger. He wiped away his tear with the heel of his hand as he chuckled softly.

"The moment your eyes thanked me, I saw myself in there reflection and I realized then. That you had let me in where only a few others had been. What was once shrouded in darkness, now suddenly became clear. This was the side of your heart where you had hidden all you have ever feared. All that you had ever lost. All the regrets you buried, and all the memories you forgot."

Shanks sighed as he looked to the ocean above your headstone. Then back to you, he knew you were there listening. You always were.

"It's all the nights you cried so hard, it left you breathless. Overwhelmed with disappointment and second guesses, I know it's not easy. When every step you take reminds you of a past mistake. When every smile you fake hides the pain you fake you wish you could replace with something that other then a burden. The most frustrating thing about love that is can be so uncertain. It's like a leap of faith, so brace yourself cause you don't always make it."

You smiled sitting beside him, placing your hand on his knee. The breeze blew by him as Shanks shut his eyes. Taking in the wind. He soon opened turning to your headstone.

"Sometimes you gotta fall face first on the pavement to get a taste of failure. But eventually learn not to fear it. After all there a few things in this world, more resilient than the spirit. And you know what?"

He knelt before you putting his forehead against the top of the headstone. You sat petting his head knowing he couldn't feel you.

"It's quiet a sight, to look forward to a future brimming with life. A future bathed in colors, so bright it will make your heart soar as if heaven itself was right at your feet."

He sat back sniffling softly, you frowned as he did too. Looking to your name carved in stone.

"And I'll be waiting for you there, in the meadow where we first heard those humming birds singing. There sweet songs to take me back, back to the beginning."

He gave a shaken breath as he rested back in the grass. Tears threatened to fall as Shanks tried to blink them away. Only to fall into a peaceful sleep.

"That was beautiful you know." You smiled.

He fluttered open his eyes to you. He smiled reaching up to you as you cupped his hand against your cheek.

"It was nothing, just a little something from the heart."

"I hope you know I'm always with you. I'm not always here alone. Buggy came by though. He cried too."

"Old sap."

"Your the one to talk."

You kissed him softly as he chuckled, you glanced up before back to Shanks.

"I will see you tonight, thank you for visiting me." You said.


He smiled, "I'll always come."


He snapped his eyes open to Benn. He sat up wiping his eyes sniffling softly.

"It's time to go."

"But I-"

"We will be back soon."

Shanks sighed getting up, Benn and him turned to you before leaving. You smiled sitting on your headstone.

"I'll be waiting, back to the beginning."

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