Crazy Train (Law x Reader)

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Law scratched the lower part of his neck when you stood next to him, uncharacteristically he felt nervous around your presence. The train station always seemed to be a ghost town when you were there, waiting for the train. I suppose that's just what happens when someone is lovestruck. There was only one problem, he didn't know your name.

Every day you would arrive at the station shortly after Law did, but you were always wearing headphones, drowning out the noise of reality and nodding to the beat of whatever you were listening to. That made it difficult to talk with you, not that Law enjoyed making small talk, he just wish he could get your attention. The doctor has tried bumping into another person that'd end up making you drop something so he could pick it up and hand it to you, but you only thanked him before going back to minding your own business.

The only thing he knew about you, other than the fact you listened to music daily, was that you took the same train as him. Convenient in a way, he could see you longer but he tried to keep himself from staring by going over stuff from work or thinking what to make for dinner. There were times he had been tempted to follow you after both of you got off the train to see where you go but there was no telling how long that'd take and he didn't want to give you the impression he was a stalker.

Walking home, Law sighed wondering if there'd ever come a time where the cycle would break and he could get to know you. He wasn't sure if hanging around Luffy started to affect him but a small spark of hope reassured him that day would come soon. Great, but when?


Law checked the time on his phone, you still haven't arrived at the station yet and the train would be here soon. Normally he wouldn't care if others were late or miss something important because that was their fault, he didn't have anything to do with it, but the thought of not being able to see you didn't well with him, and the image of you missing the train with a devastated expression left a sour taste on his tongue.

Grumbling, he slipped his phone back into his pocket, careful not to squish the earbuds in there. The sound of rushed footsteps growing closer caught his attention, his eyes scanned the crowd to find the source but instead, someone crashed into him.

"Oof!" Law caught himself from falling and the person who ran into him, getting a better look at the figure in his arms he recognized it was you. Law couldn't feel his breath, too shocked that you were in his grasp.

"Sorry, sorry," you apologized, backing up and standing up straight.

Law cleared his throat, retrieving his voice before responding, "It's alright."

You brush some loose hair behind your ear after shuffling the items you were carrying back into a proper hold. You glance Law and relief washes over you, making you smile.

"Oh good, it's you!" You exclaim, laughing slightly. "I was worried I missed the train."

"You know me?" Law inquired, raising a brow. He could feel his heart flutter when you spoke to him with recognition.

"Well, sorta." You shrug your shoulders. "I know we take the same train, so I make sure to stand beside you at the station. You probably didn't know because I don't exactly talk much with my headphones on."

So that's why you always stood beside him, Law just thought you were there since that was the spot furthest away from the crowd yet convenient to get on the train, at least that's part of the reason he waited there. Law had a ghost smile, this was the highlight of his day, knowing you knew he existed and seeking him out. That did raise a question in his mind though.

"Where are your headphones?"

"Oh, I forgot them at home this morning," you sweatdropped. "Going throughout the day without them kinda threw me off my game. I never knew everything was so noisy..."

"If you want, I have some earbuds, you could use them if you want," Law offered before he knew what he was saying. Just as the words left his mouth, he mentally scolded himself for being so nice. That wasn't like him, that's something Luffy would do not-

"Really?" You beamed with happiness, it was too cute for Law to go back on his offer.

"Yeah, only until we get off at our stop." Law averted his eyes so he wouldn't be overwhelmed by your adorable expressions.

As if he summoned it, the train zoomed in and came to a stop. The doors opened, people stepped off or boarded the train. You grabbed Law's hand, leading him into the train and searched for a place to sit down together. Millions of butterflies flew around in Law's stomach while you were holding his hand, how were you able to make his emotions go all wild?

"Yes! Free seats away from people!" You whispered cheered and took a seat in the rather empty part of the train, letting go of his hand in the process.

Law's hand frosted over, now missing the warmth your hand provided when it held his. The raven-haired man shook his head and sat down beside you, taking out his earbuds then passing them to you. Your eyes sparkled, putting any of the stars in the night sky to shame as you happily took the earbuds from him. Law couldn't help but smile at how adorable your expressions were, and he wasn't aware he was staring until you offered an earbud.

"Oh, did you want to listen?" you asked him, holding out an earbud.

"Sure," Law replied, taking it from you and placing it in his ear. Law couldn't care less what people listened to, as long as he didn't have to hear their terrible taste he was fine. You on the other hand, well, he did want to get to know you more. He just prayed it wasn't one of those cheesy or questionable pop songs.

'Allllllll aboard! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!
Ay ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay'

Law's eyes widen and his jaw dropped, sneaking a glance at you listening to the metal music just the same as you did when he saw you listening to music across from him on the train every day. He never thought you'd be the type to listen to metal, was he missing something?

'Crazy, but that's how it goes~
Millions of people living as foes~'

No, that smile you wore, and the way you swayed to the music with your eyes closed told him you listened to this song millions of times.

'Maybe it's not too late~
To learn how to love and forget how to hate~'

Law's heart rate matched up to the rhythm of the song, feeling connected to you by the song. Was this what love felt like?

'Mental wounds not healing~
Life's a bitter shame~
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

I'm going off the rails on a crazy train'

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