La Seine and I (Law x Reader)

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2 weeks have passed since Law had escaped White Town. The boy had visited every hospital he could find, not one had a cure for his amber lead disease, and what made it worse had been the very fact he was treated like a monster. Cast out, chased down by authorities, and terrified everyone that crossed his path. Law couldn't even find a decent place for shelter, he didn't have cash but even if did it's not as if any inns would welcome him.

So there he sat in an alley, wrapping himself in rags that were scattered around near the trash. The place he rested was damp from the specks of snow that managed to fall in the narrow area, and the temperature was low enough for him to be able to see his breath. Shaking like a leaf, he pulled the fabric closer to his body when laughter and music began to play from inside one of the buildings.

The sound almost made Law cry, it had been a long time since he listened to music and it reminded him of the festivals that White Town once held. He missed his home, his family-

"[Y/n] where do you think you're going?"

"I'm just taking out the trash."

A door to the back alley opened, a soft light shade poured into the outside and you stepped out, tugging a black trash bag behind you. Law sucked in a breath and slowly back-crawled, not wanting to be discovered. The boy was already out of energy from escaping the marines that hunted him earlier that day, he didn't want to run again. However, it's as if the world hated him because of a bag of bottles that chined against each other when he back into them.

You heard the noise and glanced over to where it came from. You were met with wide eyes staring into your, Law flinched and ducked down. Concerned, you placed a stone in front of the door so it wouldn't close, you cautiously crept towards the boy.

"Are you okay?" You asked, your voice softer than a pillow as to show you meant no harm.

"Go... go away." Law barked, burying his face into his arms so you wouldn't see the white spots on his face.

"Why?" You innocently inquired.

"Because... because I'm a monster, people like you are scared of me! You'll just scream and call for help."

Small giggles were heard, causing Law to look up with an irritated expression. Was this girl laughing at him? Before he could ask what was amusing, you spoke.

"If you're a monster then what does that make me?"

Law lifted his head to see what you were talking about when he thought an angel was standing in front of him. Easy mistake because you had white feathery wings on your back, at first Law concluded they might have been a fake prop but he scraped that when he witnessed the wings shake off the snow that collected on them. You smiled at him and one of your wings gave him a wave. Law stared at you in awe, having not seen anything like this before.

You held out a hand for Law, he glanced at it and back at you nervously. Hesitantly, he reached out and grabbed your hand. Quickly, he wiped his head to the side, not wanting to see the scared expression you'd give once you saw the little white spots on his hand.

Seconds passed and he didn't hear any gasp or horrified cry. Puzzled, Law looked at you wondering why you didn't say anything. He frowned his brows and pointed at one of the small white spots, he thought you might've not seen it because they were so small. Was it stupid to do that? Probably but he didn't want you to realize later and be given false hope.

"Don't worry, I have marks too," you reassured him and lifted the side of your shirt to show a bruised spot on your ribs. Law winced, seeing the discoloured spot on your skin. "Rocks hit hard, I think it's better when they're tomatoes." You looked back at Law, unfazed by what you showed him and kept your smile. "Come on, let's get out of the snow."

The boy took your hand a propped himself onto his feet. Carefully, you glanced around to make sure no one was around before taking Law under your small wing and leading him inside.


"Law, psst, Law!"

The said boy blinked his eyes opened to see a little girl waving a hand in front of his face. Rubbing his eye to wake up, Law recollected what happened earlier in the night. You had snuck him inside to the attic where you stayed, a nice gesture though he was still worried he'd be found. Fortunately, you, and only you, discovered there had been a little hidden room in the attic behind a small door. That's was your secret hideout and now it's being used as Law's home.

"I managed to grab some food for you," you exclaimed in a hushed tone and held up a pouch. "I don't know about you, but I know I was hungry back when I was sleeping in alleys, so I figured you might be too."

"Yeah-uh... yeah, thank- thank you, [Y/n]-ya." Law didn't want to admit it but he was starving. A smile grew on his face when he opened it to see cheese and grapes.

It had become a routine the next few days; you left during the day and came back later in the evening with food you managed to snag for Law. Neither of you had to worry about water because you had a stash of bottled water in the attic. The evening would then be small talk between the two of you until one yawned and call it a night, you'd go back to your part of the attic and he'd snuggled in the makeshift fort of blankets & pillows. However, almost every night Law would wake up from a nightmare of his old town, he never told you about it... then one night-

Law jolted up, breath racing and tears falling from his eyes. He pulled his hat over his eyes and hugged his knees, sniffling and cursing the marines under his breath. The night slowly grew still as Law calmed down, yet he could catch the faint sound of something when he did.

Curious, Law crawled over and pressed an ear against the small door. He concentrated on the sound he had heard, but it wasn't a sound. It was a voice...

"She's resplendent, so confident~"

A voice of an angel.

"La Seine, La Seine, La Seine~"

The singing was soft and soothing.

"I realize, I'm hypnotized~"

The voice intrigued Law, and slowly he opened the door.

"La Seine, La Seine, La Seine~"

He peaked out, searching for the source.

"I hear the moon singing a tune~"

That's when his eyes landed on you, engulfed in the moon as she sat on the ledge of the attic window.

"La Seine, La Seine, La Seine~"

Your gaze rested on the view outside the window, unaware of Law.

"Is she divine, Is it the wine~"

A small warmth filled in Law's chest and his cheeks became dusted with red.

"La Seine, La Seine, La Seine~"

He watches in awe as he listened to the most beautiful thing he ever heard.

"I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are~ La Seine and I
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are~ La Seine and I..."

The stinging memories of the past were now no longer on Law's mind, replaced by the angel he saw before him.

"Wow..." Law muttered unconsciously out loud, which caught your attention. You turned your head towards him, a blush erupted on Law's cheeks and he glanced away. "Sorry, sorry-"

"Uh- no I'm sorry," you apologized waving your hands in front of you. "I just sing when I... when I can't sleep. I didn't mean to wake you."

"Don't worry, you didn't wake me. I just... couldn't sleep."


The room grew quiet, silence walking by the two who both averted their eyes from each other. Once it passed, you spoke up.

"Would you like to sing with me?"

"I don't know if I'll be as good as you," Law said and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Heh, singing isn't about being good, it's about what you feel in your heart."

When Law look back at you, you were now in front of him, a gentle smile on your face. Delicately, you grabbed his hands and lead him to sit by the window sill. From there you taught him the song you were singing moments ago. Law fell asleep on your shoulder that night, and for the first time in a while, Law was able to rest easy.

~~~~~~~ 11 Years Later ~~~~~~~

Arriving at Saboody, the Heart pirates had decided to visit a restaurant for something to eat. Entering the place, Law couldn't help but notice the stage and currents in the dining area. He turned to the waiter escorting him and his crew to their table.

"What kind of performances does this place have?" Law inquired as he sat down at the table.

"Mostly travelling singers," the waiter answered, handing out the menus. "Though we do have a few who perform regularly. Our most popular attraction is the infamous Angel [Y/n]."

Wait a minute, could it be? The same- no, it was impossible after what happened. Yet as Law became distracted by his thoughts and tuned the waiter out, his eyes drifted to a familiar set of white feathered wings going behind an employee-only door.

"I'll be right back," Law stated to his crew, abruptly getting up from the table and made his way to the door. Glancing around, he stealthy slipped in and found himself in a hallway. He didn't know what he was doing but, he felt as if a red string of fate tied around his hand and pulled him towards the direction of where the winged figure went off to.

Searching for the needle in the haystack, Law began to lose hope that you were actually here, though just as he passed by a door he heard a faint voice. Retracing his steps, Law pressed his ear to the door, listening carefully.

"She's resplendent, so confident~"

There it was, the singing angel he had been searching for.

"La Seine, La Seine, La Seine~"

No other person could ever hold a candle to your soothing melody.

"I realize, I'm hypnotized~"

Law leaned back on the door, not ready to face you just yet.

"La Seine, La Seine, La Seine~"

But his lips tugged up as he remembered the song.

"I hear the moon singing a tune~"

And he couldn't help but try to sing with her.

"La Seine, La Seine, La Seine~"

He carefully wrapped his hand around the doorknob.

"Is she divine, Is it the wine~"

Mentally he braced himself.

"La Seine, La Seine, La Seine~"

Slowly opening the door, he noticed you stopped singing to see who it was but that didn't stop him from continuing.

"I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are~ La Seine and I
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why
That's how we are~ La Seine and I..."

"Law..?" you breathe, feeling as if this was a dream.

"It's been a while [Y/n]-ya," he replies, gazing into your beautiful eyes that stared at him in awe.

"This is real, right?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Law chuckles.

"I see you have tattoos instead of spots now," you comment, gently taking his hand and peering carefully at the ink design.

Law's cheeks become coloured with red as your delicate hands held his. Even after all this time away, the feelings he had for you still stir in his winter heart. You were one of the few people left in this world he was able to connect with and love, however, with you, the love he felt had been more than what he felt with family.

"But you're still someone with few words," you tease, glancing back into his silver eyes.

"And I still mistake you for an angel with those wings."

You giggle but a blush dusts your cheeks, feeling flattered by the tall man in front of you. He has certainly grown into a handsome fellow. You both smile, feeling content with the presence of each other, but that goes when he frowns.

"You don't have your marks, do you?" His voice was cautious, not wishing to remind you of any unpleasant memories.

"Um... there's still one left but I can't really do anything about it..." You subconsciously rub the back of your neck where the celestial symbol was burned into your back just below.

"Unless it gets cover..." Law tells you and takes your hand in his. "By a tattoo... or another mark."

"What would I even get?" You smile at him, wanting his opinion.

"My jolly roger," Law answers. "Join my crew [Y/n]."

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