Doflamingo X!Daughter Reader {Notice me, Not as a Weapon}

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Notice me, Not as a Weapon; Doflamingo X!Daughter Reader

Doflamingo and her daughter were standing close to the Execution Platform. Ace has just escaped the platform. 
"Oi, (y/n) go and take him down. You're a human that can defeat him." Doflamingo ordered. 
(y/n) only gave a nod as she flew into the air.
(h/c) hair girl with (e/c) eyes flew into the air and attacked the Ace and Luffy. 

They both fell to the concrete ground. The both landed head first.
"What the?" Ace muttered as he turned around. 
(y/n) gathered the water that wasn't frozen. (y/n)'s true form appeared. A girl now had a wing that moved like fire. 
"Portgas D. Ace and Monkey D. Luffy. Your death execution is now here! In the name of Donquixote Doflamingo!" (y/n) yelled. 
"Ace! She's got the wings of fire!" Luffy yelled.

"Fire Fist!" Ace yelled as his flame fist formed but Doflamingo only laughed. 
"Ufufufufufu~. That won't work." Doflamingo laughed. 

Ace's fist went into the body of (y/n)'s. But not even with her moving the flame disappeared. 
"What happened?" Ace muttered to himself. 
The girl slowly walked and moved forward towards Ace and Luffy. As if she was walking through the corridor of a school.

"Can I be your friend?" (y/n) asked.
"Ace, it's a trap!" Jinbei yelled.
But it was to late. (y/n)'s hand touched Ace's arm. Ace's arm came off.
"ACE!" Luffy yelled.
"You should never trust a water human!" (y/n) yelled. 

Before Ace could move (y/n) hugged him. Luffy stared as his only brother slowly disappeared into (y/n)'s wings. Luffy's eyes widened.
"(y/n)! You did well. Go and kill the rest as well." Doflamingo ordered, "Your my best weapon."
Silent tears continued to fall down (y/n)'s (s/c) face. Though she obeyed. She killed many and many till the war was stopped by the Yonkou Shanks. 

+++Time Skip+++ Dressrosa Arc+++

"Ufufufufu~ You are going to have fun dear. You will have fun. Daughter and son moments." Doflamingo laughed as he sat on the couch that was on the top roof.
Law was battling with the string Doflamingo while Luffy was battling the one of the worst Devil Fruit owner Bonney. (y/n) cracked a smile. She was happy he noticed her not as a weapon.

"SHAMBLES!" Law shouted.
Law got switched over with (y/n). Not expecting to be switched (y/n) got caught by Luffy's red hawk attack. Though the fire was useless the punch was painful for (y/n).
"(y/n)-chan!" Tribal yelled.
"(y/n)!" Doflamingo yelled.

Blood trickled down from the corner of her mouth. The battle was starting. Doflamingo vs Law while (y/n) vs Luffy. But (y/n) was getting used to getting ordered she took every hit of Luffy threw at her.
"Water Human is what you are! Put Luffy down just like you did to Ace!" Doflamingo shouted. 

(y/n)'s (h/c) bangs covered her eyes but the silent tears were very visible to Luffy. Luffy's eyes widened. 
'She was ordered to kill.' Luffy thought.
(y/n)'s (e/c) eyes were no longer warm. They were cold and wet. 
"Water Spear!" (y/n) yelled.
(y/n)'s fingers were no longer fingers. They were more like spikes.
Luffy didn't move.
"FOR MY FATHER!!" (y/n) yelled as the spear like fingers pierced the corners of Luffy's shoulders.
(y/n)'s spears pierced through his shoulder then the legs. But (y/n) didn't 'kill'. 

"Mugiwara-ya! Why aren't you attacking?" Law yelled as he attacked.
"Because she's only doing this to be noticed!" Luffy yelled.
Doflamingo eyes widened. (y/n) stopped as well. Her legs weren't carrying her weight.
"(y/n) join our crew. You'll be noticed. Not as a weapon." Luffy said.
(y/n) was still crying silently. She then walked and got her spear ready. 

"Sorry, but I'm only father's!" (y/n) with that  Luffy threw her into the couch putting her unconscious.
After a while (y/n) woke up to a big crash. (y/n) jolted awake before groaning about the pain that went through her side. 

"(y/n)! Can you here me!" Doflamingo yelled from a certain hole.
(y/n) ran to hear the sound. There she saw Doflamingo surrounded by marines.
"FATHER!" (y/n) yelled as she took a step forward.
"Don't you dare come near me!" Doflamingo shouted.
(y/n) froze. 

"Don't save me. Sorry for the mistakes I caused. Sorry for being a bad father. Go and joined the Straw Hat Pirates. I'm sorry my dear daughter. See you again." Doflamingo smiled as he raised her hand to wave at (y/n).
(y/n) stood there. Doflamingo can see her face clearly. Silent tears and the sad (e/c) eyes. 

"I hope to see you again." he smiled before his hand flopped down as he became unconscious.
"FATHER!!" (y/n) yelled.
"There she is! Doflamingo's weapon!" a marine shouted.
"SHUT UP!" Luffy yelled.
All the marines froze at the figure that stood beside (y/n). 

"She's a human. She's a daughter of Doflamingo. She's joining my crew and she's my crew." Luffy yelled as she dragged you away.
"Father, Doffy..." (y/n) cried. 

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