Zoro X !child Reader [7 letter 2 word] Part 2

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Nami rushed into the Impel Down sickbay to get her at least bandaged around her wrist and all. Chopper was there to aid her. But unfortunately, though Zoro wasn't there yet. 
"Na..mi..?" a faint voice said.
"(Y/N)!! Be quiet for now! I will do your treatment soon as possible," Chopper panicked. 

(y/n) was trying to open her eyes but it wasn't working since the poison was still inside her body. Her dark (e/c) eyes weren't sparkling now. It looked like it lost hope. 
"IM NOT A TANUKI!!" Chopper yelled.

The alarm had now started to go off. (y/n) let out a chuckle. 
Chopper didn't notice this but certainly, Nami did. And maybe a few others. Nami then looked at (y/n) and then figured a plan to escape. 
"Chopper, we are running towards the block deck 2. Probably everyone's there," Nami said. 
(y/n) then grabbed at her sleeve and got onto her legs. 

"You idiots. If we are going to... blah... escape... How do you hide a tree?" (y/n) asked as she took wobbly steps towards the door as she spewed some blood.
"(y/n), get onto my back. We will run towards the exit," Chopper said.
'How to hide a tree? Put it in a  forest,' Nami thought.
"If you don't have a forest?" (y/n) continued as if she read Nami's mind.
"Make your own," Nami answered, "Chopper we are heading towards the Block 23," Nami said.
"EEEHHH!!! But we just rescued (y/n) there," Chopper whined.
"JUST GO!" Nami demanded.
Off they went. Nami got some spear keys out of nowhere and ran towards the block 23. It was a fast trip. Nami, Chopper and (y/n) stood now in the middle of these greedy men. 

"OKAY! WHO WANTS TO BE FREE! My treat," Nami shouted.
Suddenly all the people in the block 23 were roaring like beasts. But the victory was thought to quick.
"YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" one of the guards said as they pointed their guns.
"USO!" Nami said and started to panic.
Chopper was about to use a rumble ball but it was taken by someone else.

"Sorry, Chopper," said the person with tears in her eyes. 
'If humans take this pill it would heal for at least 5 minutes but the after effect can put the person to sickness or even to the point of death,' Chopper thought. 
Nami was trying to open the doors of the prison while the marine guards were ready to fire. 
"NNNNOOOO!!!!" Chopper yelled.
"FFFFIIIIIIIRRRRREEE!!!!" one of them yelled signaling about 50 people to shoot at once.
Everything was in slow motion. Nami was fumbling with the keys. Chopper was trying to stop something while (y/n) was just smiling. 

'For Straw Hats,' (y/n) thought as she opened her mouth, 'and for the people I love. Wish me luck.'
The bullets were fired one by one. All of them hit the target. Not like it mattered though. Blood was splattered but as I said before it's not like it matter. (y/n) took all the hits from all those guns. Marines cheered for victory while Nami and Chopper went to her. Nami just freed one cage but no one came out. They would be shot like (y/n) again. A smirk appeared on the bruised (s/c) face. (e/c) eyes shining like it's turned into a demon. (y/n) then quickly took off her hat she had been wearing for the entire time and took out two objects.

"How do you have that in your hat?" Nami asked in disbelief.
"I'm one hell of a spy. If I don't even have this sort of stuff I wouldn't be worth the captains salt. If I don't have these what would I be?" (y/n) asked.
(y/n)'s body was now completely healed. (y/n) stood up and looked at the marines they all gulped. It was like she was about to snap at any moment and well she did. 

"TOO EARLY FOR A VICTORY B*TCHES!!" (y/n) yelled before spewing out all the bullets again.
Chopper and Nami did all the cage opening while (y/n) cleared the path to create there "FOREST" for an escape plan. But the bullets didn't last long. All the bullets were now out of her body. (y/n) then charged through the marines kicked there butts one by one defeating all of them unconscious. After all of that everything was quiet. There was no one else in here except for (y/n), Nami and Chopper. 

"How did you plan all this?" Nami asked from behind the bars with Chopper.
"Luck... I... suppose..." it mumbled.   
(y/n) then casually tried to walk. But the effect of the rumble ball had run out. (y/n) faceplanted on the ground and coughed out more blood than she should of. Of course one of the Marines were obviously still not dead woke up to place a gun on her (h/c) head.
"I'm sorry to you," said the wobbly marine guard, "Your effort was useless."
(y/n) cursed under her breath before writing something in blood again. 

The trigger was pulled but nothing happened. A very awkward silence echoed through the Impel down block 23. Until the marine guard fell unconscious. Revealing an obviously pissed off Zoro. 
"ZORO!" Nami said before running towards (y/n).
Zoro picked up (y/n) and looked at the words. 
'Love you,' it said.
Nami then looked at the ground too. Nami burst into tears while Chopper also started to cry. Zoro tried to stay monotone but tears were spilling out of his eyes too.
"(y/n)... I heard your past from that Ero-cook. You are going to live with us so you better stay alive," Zoro muttered through his mouth.

(y/n) only nodded before Chopper said something out of the blue.

"Nami! I smell the gas from Punk Hazard!" Chopper said.
"Crap, Zoro doesn't have one. Nor does (y/n)," Nami said.
"What are you talking about," Zoro asked.
You could now see the purple gas traveling through the elevators and people were falling asleep. (y/n) lifted her hat and took out a gas mask.
(y/n) had taken out 2 masks before and now another one?
"She was an assassin in her past life. Not that it's surprising to have a gas mask," Zoro said.

(y/n) then fell asleep. Zoro hugged her so she can't be dropped. Nami chuckled a bit before Zoro did the "Three-sword style; Tastumaki," and flew to the roof. In the tastumaki, Zoro looked at (y/n). For a moment she looked like she was awake. She looked like she smiled and said these words. 
"Zoro, Love you," she said.
Zoro then rubbed her eyes to see that he was just imagining stuff. (y/n) only wrapped her arms around Zoro's chest. Zoro kissed her on the forehead and waited to arrive at the boat. Sanji was though glaring at him.
The tastumaki stopped ages ago and they were on block deck 2.
"MARIMO!!" Sanji yelled.
"OKAY! BACK TO THE SHIP!" Luffy yelled before anything could happen.
A smirk though appeared on the (s/c) face. Was she awake?
"I think I want my daughter back now," her father said, "I don't want to put her in more trouble after all. As a father." 

PART 3? 

Sorry, it took SSSUUUPPEEERR long. I was planning a lot and it didn't have much of a Zoro X Reader so I had to redo this a couple of times. Anyhow, I hope you like this one because it took me ages to do this. BYE BYE. Looking for requests. I could probably make a book out of it. LOL. ANYWAYS who got the reference I put in this book? The battle scene was also inspired by it. 
Now doing; Smoker X Reader; Separated Paths Part 2..... Renamed; Escape the Path

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