Day 17 - Hanging by a Threat (Corazon x Reader)

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"Come on Corazon, we're just getting some ice cream," you told the mute member.

He stared at you unamused and lifted a note that said 'No'.

"Please, Cora-san, please!" Baby Five clung to the blond's feathered coat. "Doffy-sama said we can't go without you."

Corazon looked down at her, regretting it instantly as she gave him puppy eyes. Sighing, he went to get up from his chair only for it to fall back and roll him over. Buffalo and Baby Five cheered, taking the sign as a yes. You smiled at Corazon as you helped him rise to his feet.

"I want mint chip and rocky road," Buffalo said as he bounced up and down by the door with Baby Five.

"I want bubble gum!" Baby Five exclaimed when you reached down and pick her up.

Corazon frowned at the children and gave them a note to read. Curiously, Buffalo took it, and you crouched down so Baby Five could read the message as well. Both children made pouty faces after reading the note.

"What, only vanilla?"

'Either that or no ice cream.' Read the second message.

Baby Five looked at you, using her big eyes to get you to help out. Adjusting your hold, you responded to her, "Well Corazon is being nice enough to let you guys have ice cream, I think it's a reasonable deal."

"But [N/n]-san," Baby Five whined as she clung to your arm.

"Well I don't mind as long I get some ice cream," Buffalo told you.

"See, Buffalo likes it."

"Okay." Baby Five gave in.


"Hey thanks for coming out with us." You smile at Corazon while the kids happily lick their ice cream.

Corazon rolled his eyes and held up a few notes for you to read. 'I didn't do it because I wanted to. Your job is to keep these children satisfied and taken care of when Doflamingo is busy, don't expect me to save your ass every time.'

"Right..." You look away as you were reminded of your duty. While the Donquixote family was generous to give you the position, Doflamingo's words haunted you.

'Remember I will dispose of you if at any point you fail your duty.'

"Thanks anyway," you mumble to Corazon and walked ahead.

Corazon only stared as you did. Once you were a good distance away, he allowed himself to sigh as he reached into his pocket and pull out a cigarette. Lighting it, he made sure to put out the fire that munched on his shoulder. 

'If we were in different circumstances, we could've gone on a normal date.'

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