Day 19 - Enough is Enough (Hatchan x Reader)

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"Hey, leave her alone!" Hatchan spoke up.

The three human bullies turned their heads to the fishman, devilish grins imprinting on their faces. The tallest one of the bunch stepped away from the circle while the other two held you and your personal items. Hatchan briefly caught sight of your fearful eyes til the leader of the group address him.

"Well, well, well, what's a fish like you doing out of the water?" The boy questioned, folding his arms. "You ought to go back sea where you belong instead of snooping into our business."

"You guys are being mean to that girl! You're the same species, you have no reason to do that!" Hatchan stated, pointing three of his hands at the culprits.

"Yeah, we do!" One of the subordinates said and nudged your side with his foot. "Her parents are pirates, she might as well be captured and thrown into prison like them."

"That still gives you no right to hurt her!" Hatchan stood his ground, glaring at the humans.

"Would you rather have us beat you instead, freak?" The ring leader asked, his smile showing his teeth, making Hatchan step back now uneasy.

"No, don't hurt him," you pleaded, wiggling in their grasp.

"Oh, so it is a good idea," he smirked and waved his hand. "Let him have it, boys!"

The boys dropped you and your stuff, circling the fishman. One boy threw a punch at Hatchan, only for his wrist to be caught by the octopus. The others attempted the same feat, meeting the same outcome. The humans struggled to get out of Hatchan's grasp as the grip tighten on their wrists, they kicked their legs around, intensely aiming for their capture.

"Go somewhere else and leave that girl alone!" Hatchan said and tossed them down the hill. "I don't want to use other means."

The boys scoffed and ran off.

"Hmph, what meanies." Hatchan then turned his attention to you. "Hey, you alright?"

"I'm fine..." you lied as you attempt to support your head lolled. Using your other arm, you wiped your tears and sniffling nose. "Thank you... thank you for helping me... but please... go away now."

"But you're hurt, I don't think your injuries should be left-"

"I said leave!" You glared at him but it turned into a look of surprise when you saw the fishman.

A freak of nature, just like you.

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