Arlong Park Part 2

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Last Time on One Piece: The Dragon and Harpy Book 1: East Blue................

"Luffy" Said Nami. She drop the knife and had her head down facing the ground. " What do you want? You don't know anything about this. You don't know what has been happening for the past 8 years."

"Your right I don't." Said Luffy.

"This doesn't have anything to do with you. I thought I told you to leave." Said Nami

"Yeah you did." Said Luffy.

"THEN LEAVE!!" screamed Nami as she throw dirt at Luff feet. She continue to scream at Luffy and keep telling him to leave. Luffy, however, didn't move a muscle.

Finally Nami stopped and began to cry. She cry so loud, you could almost hear her pain between sob. "Luffy...." She said as she turn her face over to Luffy to reveal tons of tears coming down her face. ".....Help me." She begged.

Luffy then took off his straw hat and placed it on top of Nami head. Luffy then turn around and walk about 5 inches before taking a depth breath.

"Of course." Said Luffy. "HE IS GOING TO PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Luffy as she screamed very loud at the sky.

For the first time, Nami felt a tiny bit of hope for her village.

"Hey you sir." Said Ash. Luffy turn his head to face Ash and Monet coming up to him. "Can we help you taking Arlong down? I feel like I need to hit something." Said Ash. "Same with me." Said Monet.

"Sure." Said Luffy.

He then began to walk over to his crew. One of them has green hair and has a blue shirt on and has tons of bandages all over his chest. The Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, Roronoa Zoro

The other one has a a long nose and has woolly hair. He also has a blue an white armband on his left arm. The Sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates, Ussop

The Third one has a black suited and a tie. He has yellow hair and curly eyebrows. The Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates, Sanji

Once their captain got close to them, they began to walk with him towards Arlong park, where the fight for not just the island but for the whole east blue.


With our heroes....

The Straw Hat Pirates and Ash and Monet continue their walk towards the Arlong Park. "So can you tell us your name before reach our destination?" Asked Ussop.

"Oh right. Where are my manners? My name is Ash. And this here is my big sister Monet." Said Ash as he introduced himself and his sister.

"Hello. It is nice to meet you all." Said Monet. 

"That is Zoro, Sanji and Ussop." Said Luffy.

"Hello." Said Sanji, Zoro and Ussop.

"And I am Luffy. And I going to be King of the Pirates!" Said Luffy. After saying that both Monet and Ash fell forward in both shock and surprise.

"King of the Pirates? That means you are planing to sail to the Grand Line? To find the greatest treasure of all? The One Piece?" asked Ash.

"Yep." Said Luffy

"Wow." Said Ash. His eyes were filled with amazement and excitement. Ash look at his sister. His sister know what he is going to say and she nodded in agreement. "Can me and my sister join your crew?" asked Ash.

"Sure." Said Luffy.

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT IDIOT!" Shouted the crew of the Strawhat pirates with shark teeth.

"Come on guys. They seem nice people and the more the merrier right?" asked Luffy with the biggest smile on his face.

"Alright but at least tell us what you going to do during the fight?" asked Ussop.

"Oh. My sister and I will be using my devil fruit powers." said Ash

"YOU BOTH HAVE DEVIL FRUIT POWERS!?" Shouted and asked the Strawhat crew.

"Yeah. My sister has the Snow Snow Fruit powers which is a logia type devil fruit. I have the Dragon Dragon Fruit which is a Zoan type." Said Ash. 

"Cool!" Said Luffy and Ussop.

After a while, the Strawhat Pirates made it to the Arlong Park. They saw the the townsfolk being hold up by two people. One of them has  metal headband on his head and his holding a sword in his hand. Yosaku.

The other has a tattoo on his face and is also holding a sword in his hand. Johnny

Once the Strawhat pirates made it through the crowd, since they moved aside for them, Ash went up close to the giant door.

Ash took in a deep breath and close his for a few seconds. After he open them, his eyes were burning with fire in them. 

"Time to see if this door likes a taste of my power." Said Ash. He hold up his right hand into fighting stance. Then his entire arm began to turn into red dragon scales, then his arm was surrounded by powerful flames. "Dragon Dragon Flaming Fist!" said Ash.

When he punch the door, an after image of a huge red dragon did the same position as Ash. The door was then launch off its handles and crashed outside of Arlong Park.

Luffy walk right next to Ash and hold up his fist. "Now which one of you is Arlong?" asked Luffy.

As the dust settle, their was four powerful Fishmen. One of them has the saw tooth nose and long black hair and with a huge sun like tattoo on his chest. Arlong

Another fishmen has six arms and white spike hair. He has the same sun tattoo on his fore-head. This is Hatchan

Another fisher-mean is dressed like a martial artist. He has a long hair that is tied into a long ponytail. Kuroobi.

The last powerful fishman has muscular muscles and a thick lips. This is Chew.

Ash walk past Luffy and began marching towards Arlong, who is sitting in a fold up chair. "So, I am guessing your Arlong?" asked Ash.

"Yeah. And who are you?" asked Arlong. HE doesn't know about the danger that is about to happen.

"I am a pirate." said Ash.

"What does a pirate want from me?" asked Arlong. Ash was quiet for a while before giving Arlong a strong punch on the side of his face. It caused Arlong to be launch towards the wall on the other side of Arlong park.

"That is for making Nami cry!" Said Ash. Luffy then came up right to him.

"And don't make our navigator cry!" Shouted Luffy.


TO be continued..................

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