Chapter 1: The Rubber Boy, And Panda Teen.

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" ": Talking.

' ': Thoughts.

Gold Roger, The 'King Of Pirates', had achieved it all. Wealth, fame and power had all been his. Not surprisingly, the final words he spoke before they decapitated him inspired adventurers throughout the world to sail the seas.

Gold Roger: "My treasure? Why, It's right where I left it...It's yours if you can find it, but you'll have to search the WHOLE WORLD!" 


The about to witness a great era of PIRACY!

12 years later, a small harbor village...

One year ago, a pirate ship made the village its base. The wind blows from the east, and the village is at peace...for now.

Pirate: "Hey, Luffy! What are you up to now?!" A pirate shouted.

Said boy, apparently named Luffy, was standing on the prow of the boat, holding a knife in his hand with a decided look on his face.

Luffy: "Iv'e had it with you guys! Now you'll have to take me seriously! This is how tough i am!" He announced.

Pirate: "Hahaha! Get it other with! Whatever it is..." One called out.

Pirate 2: "Whats that pup up to now?" Another asked.

Now to their surprises, he used the knife he was holding, and stabbed himself in the face?!

Pirate: "Huh?!" He exclaimed.

Luffy: "AARGH!" He howled out in pain.

Pirates: "YOU IDIOT! WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR?!" The crew shouted.

A Little While Later.

Everyone was back in the tavern, to 'celebrate' what just happened.

Pirate: "A toast!! To Luffy's courage, and to our great voyage!"

Pirate 2: "Harharhar! Drink up!"

Pirate 3: "Grog!Grog!Grog!MORE GROG!" 

Pirate 4: "Hey thats MY meat!" (That's what she said-)

Pirate 5: "Not anymore! I'm gonna eat it!" (HOW MANY PIRATES ARE THERE?!)

Pirate 6: "Hey, stop fighting! You'll spoil our fun!"

Luffy: "It didn't hurt a bit!" He said, now with a bandaged cheek.

Captain: "Liar! That was a foolish thing to do!" He scolded.

Luffy: "I'm not the least bit afraid of getting hurt!! Take me with you on your next voyage!! I want to be a pirate too!!" He argued.

Captain: "You?! A pirate?! Impossible!!" He retaliated.

Shanks (Aka My Favorite Character, Ace Is Second.): "Luffy, do you know who we call you 'Anchor'? Because you can't swim-You just sink!! What good is a pirate who can't swim?"

Luffy: "But if i don't fall overboard, then it doesn't matter if I'm an anchor!! AND I'm a strong fighter!" He announced. "I've been training! My punch is as powerful as a pistol!" 

Shanks: "A pistol, eh? Is that so..." He asked.

Luffy: "Are you doubting me?!" He shouted.

Pirate 1(Ah Shit, Here We Go Again.): "Calm down Luffy!"

Pirate 2: "Lets just have a good time!" 

Pirate 3: "Yeah! Pirates always have a good time!" 

Pirate 4: "The sea is vast and there's lots of islands to explore!"

Pirate 5: "And best of all, pirates have FREEDOM!" 

Luffy was in total awe after the speech.

Shanks: "You guys stop filling his head with crazy ideas."

Pirate 3: "But it's true! Right?!" 

Pirate 1: "Come on, Captain, let's take the lad with us just once..."

Luffy: "Yeah!"

Shanks: "Okay, but ONE OF YOU will have to stay behind.."

The Entire Crew: "Sorry laddy, you've just been beached! Let's drink!"

Luffy: "Hey! I thought you guys were on my side!"

Shanks: "You're just too young, kid. Maybe in 10 years I'll give you a chance."

Luffy: "Captain Shanks! I'm telling you I'm not a little kid!" 

Shanks: "Don't get upset now. Here, have some milk."

Luffy: "Oh boy! Thanks!"

He kinda charged into that one with an iron bull.

Shanks: "See! A real pirate would never drink milk!!"

Luffy: "That was a dirty trick!"

???: "He's right you know, that was a bit uncalled for Shanks..." A young ish voice said.

Shanks: "Come on, that was hilarious!"

???: "Can't deny that." The voice admitted.

Luffy: "Not you too (Y/n)!" 

Said person was revealed to be a 6ft5 black-haired teenage boy, leaning against the counter with a bamboo leaf in their mouth.

Luffy: "Hmph! I'm getting tired of this. I even stabbed myself in the face so you'd take me with you."

(Y/n): "Yes, and you cried for a good 20 minutes after that. When I was stabbed i just broke the back of the guy that did it."

Ben Beckmann: "Luffy...They're just doing what's best for everyone."

Luffy: "How do you figure, Mr.First mate?"

Beckmann: "The safety of the entire crew and ship rests on the captain's shoulders. Being a pirate isn't all fun and games, you know. There's a lot of duties like, pillaging, hostage-taking, HEAVY drinking (I'm Half Irish So Fight Me Bitch-)....And SWIMMING!" He started. "And the captain knows about all about the dangers of the sea, too! It can kill you in a thousand ways! It's not that he wants to crush your dream of becoming a pirate. And you know way to well that (Y/n) considers you like his own brother, he will always support you."

Luffy: "Well I don't believe it, they just like to make me look dumb."

Shanks: "Hey, Anchor!"

(Y/n): *PFFR* P-Please *Pffr* S-Stop!" He said as he tried to hold in his laughter.

Luffy: "I told you!"

Makino: "Captain Shanks! I'm glad to see you and your crew are enjoying yourselves."

Shanks: "Ho boy, I just love making fun of this kid!"

Beckmann: "Hmm...Maybe the lads got a point..."

Makino: "Luffy, (Y/n), would you like something to eat?"

(Y/n): "Nah, I'm good."

Luffy: "Yeah! Just put it on my treasure tab!"

Shanks: "Treasure tab? Look boy, don't try to swindle the lady."

Luffy: "I'm gonna become a pirate, find lots of treasure, and then I'll come back and pay her!"

Makino: "Hahaha! We'll celebrate together when you return."

(Y/n): "Can't wait to see it happen."

Some Time Later

Luffy: "Hey Shanks..."

Shanks: "Yeah kid?"

Luffy: "How much longer will you stay at this village?"

Shanks: "Hmm. Let's see...We've been using this village as our base for about a year...After two or three more voyages, we'll leave here for good and head North. But, (Y/n)'s gonna stay behind. Kind of like a guardian for you just in case."

Luffy: "I see...Two or Three more trips, eh?"

It was quite obvious that Luffy was disappointed with that, and beside (Y/n), Makino noticed it too.

Luffy: "I'm gonna learn how to swim by the time you leave!"

Shanks: "That's good kid, do whatever you want."

The discussion was interrupted, when the doors of the tavern were kicked open, letting a bunch of not-so-friendly-looking people enter.

Higuma(His Actual Stupid Name-): "Make way for the scourge of the mountains!"

The one who was the boss looked around with a cocky/disappointed/amused smirk on his face.

Higuma: "Heh heh...So you call yourselves pirates, eh? First time I've seen pirates. You look like a sorry lot to me."

No one responded, and instead, they all just eyed him menacingly, while he made his way to the bar.

Meanwhile, Luffy was eating a fruit.

Higuma: "We're mountain bandits. Oh, don't wet yourselves, (Trust me someone will soon-) we're not here to bust up the place. Just sell us 10 barrels of grog, and We'll injure only the bare minimum."

Makino: "I'm sorry...We just ran out of liquor."

He didn't seem to buy that.

Higuma: "Hmmmm...That's strange, what are all these pirates drinking? Fruit juice?"

Makino: "It's true, I just served the last of it."

Shanks: "I feel kinda guilty....I guess we drank up all the liquor. Sorry about that. Why don't you have this? Its still unopened." 

He held out the last bottle of liquor, but the boss looked like he just insulted his ancestors, and smashed it on Shanks head.

The whole tavern had various reactions: Makino And Luffy were baffled, the bandits were smirking at their boss attitude, while the crew of Shanks, (Y/n) Included, were just looking at the scene with expressionless faces.

Higuma: "What do you take me for? You can't make a fool of me! What good is ONE bottle of grog?"

On the other hand, Shanks was dripping with booze, but didn't seem to care about Higuma.

Shanks: "Oh my, what a mess."

Higuma: "Look at this."

Higuma: "My heads worth 8 million Berries. I'm a wanted man. I've killed 56 people, mainly fools like you. Watch yourself if you're fond of breathing! If you're smart you'll sail away from here so I never see you again."

Shanks wasn't really listening and didn't seem to care, as he was busy cleaning the floor.

Shanks: "Sorry about this mess, Makino. Give me a rag and I'll clean up."

Makino: "Uh...Don't worry about it."

This was seriously ticking off the 'boss', as he unsheathed his sword, and literally crushed everything that was on the counter with it.

Higuma: "So, you like to clean? This ought to keep you busy for a while." He went for the door, with the rest of his gang. "Farewell, cowards."

(Y/n): "Says the coward himself." 

He stopped dead in his tracks, as he turns to the teenager.

Higuma: "What was that, kid? Do you have a death wish or something?" He walked up to (Y/n) putting his sword in his face trying to intimidate him. "If I were you, I would watch your mouth. Remember I'm wanted; I could kill you right now if I wanted to."

(Y/n): "Oh, I'm sorry, I think you mistook me for someone who cares about that." He froze, Looking at the teen with hate-filled eyes. "I'm just saying, if you need to hide your face behind a sheet of paper and some numbers, maybe you're the real coward then."

Higuma: "That's it, you asked for it kid!" 

He gripped his sword, and went for a horizontal slash, trying to decapitate him.

Makino/Luffy: "(Y/n)!"

He would have succeeded if his head wasn't suddenly gripped in a large fluffy white and black hand. The camera slowly panned over to see (Y/n), now standing, with his panda hand lifting Higuma off the ground with ease. 

Shank's crew looked on with amused smirks, as (Y/n) let out a tooth filled smile.

(Y/n): "What did I tell ya, a coward, not hesitating to attack a disarmed person just because he don't like him. Bad luck for you pal, I'm way more armed than you think." He said his grip tightening slightly. "Now, I believe your not welcomed here anymore." With a single lazy throw, he launched Higuma into his gang knocking half of them down, as Higuma already lost consciousness after peeing himself. 

(Y/n) then turned to the rest of the gang. "If you don't want the same treatment, I highly recommend you to leave this place now."

Out of fear, they all fled, dragging their boss with them, as (Y/n)'s arm turned back to normal.

Surprised by this display of power, Makino went to Shanks and tried to help him.

Makino: "Captain, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Shanks: "I'm fine, no harm done."

Suddenly, he started to laugh, along with his entire crew.

Pirate 1: "Har Har Har! Captain! He got you good!"

Luffy: "You think it's funny?! He made you look like a weakling! Why didn't you fight him like (Y/n)! Sure, they outnumbered you, and maybe they were pretty tough, but what kind of man lets himself be treated like that then laughs it off? You're all a disgrace to pirates!"

Shanks: "When you grow up, maybe you'll understand, kid. He just got some grog on me, that's all. Needless killing doesn't make you a man."

(Y/n): "For example, what I just did was a bad idea, but he just pi..ticked me off." 

Luffy tried to leave, but Shanks held his arm.

Shanks: "Hey, where are you going?"

Luffy: "Hmph! To go find a real role model!"

Normally, the fact that Shanks was holding his arm would prevent him from leaving, buuuut....

Yes, that's right, his arm just stretched, (And no you didn't smoke Uncles drugs-), under the dumbfounded looks of everyone.

Shanks: "His arms stretching!!! Does that mean...did he..." 

Pirate 1: "He couldn't have!"


Pirate 3: "It's not here! The Gum-Gum fruit we took from that enemy ship! Luffy! You didn't eat this fruit did you!"

Luffy: "Yeah! I ate it for dessert! It didn't taste all that great, though..."

(Y/n): "That was the Gum-Gum fruit! The fruit of the devil, It's one of the secret treasures of the sea like mine! If you eat it, your entire body becomes like rubber! And you'll never be able to swim for the rest of your life!!"


Shanks: "Luffy...YOU IDIOT!!"

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