Chapter 2: Episode 1 - Boba Fett Vs Samus Aran

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"I can't wait to see what you're gonna show us bird guy!" Luffy exclaimed as he munched on a piece of meat with a grin.

"Bird guy?" Jack questioned with a confused and raised eyebrow.

"It's too late to change his mind." Law said with a grim smirk.

"That name is gonna be stuck with you because straw hat doesn't bother learning people's names." Doflamingo said with his usual grin but a vein was prominent on his forehead.

"Poor Law, he calls you Tra-guy the whole time." Robin said with an amused giggle.

"Tra-guy!?" Ace and Sabo exclaimed as they laughed.

"At least mine isn't as bad as this loser." Law said as he pointed as Doflamingo.

"Who're you calling loser, brat?" Doflamingo asked.

"You, you sadistic son of a bitch." Law said as he glared at Doflamingo.

"Oi! Tra-guy! Doffy! Stop fighting, I wanna watch other people fight." Luffy said as his brother laughed at the nicknames.

'At least the dumbass bothered to remember my name.' Buggy thought as he held in a laugh at the seemingly greater pirates.

'Oh~ Luffy my king~ I don't mind the nickname you gave me; it is perfect~' Hancock thought as she dreamily stared at Luffy with a blush.

Jack sighed as he summoned a piece of paper "Before we start, I have to go over some rules that the Death Battle contestants have to follow."

"That's lame." Kid said in annoyance.

"It's a battle to the death, what rules are needed?" Nami asked.

"You'd be surprised." Jack responded "I'll simplify it so all of you can understand."

"Do you think we're stupid enough to not understand simple rules?" Akainu asked in offence.

"Could've fooled me." Ace whispered as Luffy and Sabo snickered.

"I don't think you're stupid but long winded rules can get tedious and boring and I just wanna quickly run by them." Jack explained which made sense to most of them.

"Then explain away." Sanji said as he lit another cigarette.

"Rule number 1: Two fighters from different universes cannot know of each other at all thus no preparation is allowed but they are allowed to know each other's names and if they exist in the same universe and do know each other then this rule does not apply." Jack read as he walked around them.

"I see, if preparation was allowed then it wouldn't be fair and would leave someone at a disadvantage." Coby summarized.

"So this isn't just another brawl between brutes, interesting." Mihawk commented as he sipped on some wine.

"Rule number 2: This is Death Battle so there will only be a winner if one of the contestants die or at least "dead" as far as physical forms are concerned. If both or all the contestants die, then the last one to die wins." Jack continued.

"I'm not looking forward to seeing people die." Shirahoshi muttered fearfully.

"Me neither." Rebecca agreed.

"This is my type of show." Zoro said with a smirk.

"Of course you would like it, moss head." Sanji jabbed.

"The hell you call me love cook!?" Zoro shouted as he clutches his swords.

"You heard me!" Sanji shouted as he raised his foot.

Suddenly the two were knocked down to the ground by Nami as she yelled at them "Cut it out you idiots!"

"Shishishishi! Aww come on Nami, it was just getting good!" Luffy exclaimed with a laugh as Nami glared at him.

A split second later, Luffy quietly munched on some chicken with three steaming bumps on his head as Nami sat down without a care for what she did.

"ZEHAHAHA! What a woman!" Blackbeard exclaimed with a laugh.

"Luffy!" Hancock exclaimed worriedly.

"I really wonder who the actual captain of their crew is." Marco said with a sweat drop.

Roger laughed "This kid's got a funny crew!"

"That's Nami for ya." Vivi said with a sweat drop.

"Rule number 3: Any combatant with peaceful natures will have that removed and will have their restraints on killing removed." Jack continued.

"Wait so someone like Chopper would be willing to kill someone in these things?" Vivi asked in surprise.

"GAAH! I don't wanna be a killer!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Does that hurt your feelings Killer?" Kid asked as he chuckled at the pun.

Killer remained silent as Usopp gulped "This show definitely isn't for me."

"Rule number 4: All other traits will be shown with accuracy as the hosts will examine everything and anything about the combatants." Jack listed.

"This research must've taken a considerable amount of time." Robin stated with an impressed hum.

"Rule number 5: Combatants with multiple versions of themselves will be fighting in their best aspects unless stated to be chosen as a specific incarnation." Jack said.

"The multiverse theory." Hawkins said cryptically.

"Rule number 6: To get as many common abilities as possible, the warrior will be shown at their latest depictions or their oldest age as an active combatant, so long as it is within their prime."

"So if pops was shown then he'd be shown in his prime," Ace summarized as he pointed at Whitebeard "Now I'm really excited to see this."

"Gurarara! Seeing that will leave your minds devastated." Whitebeard joked.

"Rule number 7: To ensure fairness, any player customization will be prohibited." Jack finished.

This left a lot of confused faces staring back at him.

"I don't really get that one." Helmeppo said as most agreed with him.

Jack ignored them as he stuffed the paper back into his pocket as he turned on the screen "Alright without further ado! Let's begin!"

Luffy cheered as Jack sat down next to him and opened a bottle of rum as he started chugging while the Death Battle started.

(*Cues: Invader - Jim Johnston *)

Wiz: The bounty hunter. Galactic pirates of living beings.

"That's one way to describe them." Zoro commented as he thought back to his days of bounty hunting.

Boomstick: They blow shit up for cash.

"And we blow up shit for no reason, because we want to!" Kid exclaimed with a laugh.

"We usually just drink and party though." Killer reaffirmed to the disturbed princesses.

Wiz: A prime example is Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.

"Oh ho! He looks like a strong silent killer." Garp commented with a grin.

"He kinda reminds me of you Killer." Kid said as he made the comparison and Killer just hummed at the thought.

"He must be a powerful one with the title of being the most feared in the galaxy." Rayleigh said with his usual calm smile.

"We'll just have to see old man." Shanks said with a laugh.

Boomstick: But don't forget Samus Aran. She's so badass, whole planets explode when she's done with them. BOOM!

"She blows up planets!?" Luffy exclaimed with stars in his eyes as Usopp and Chopper jaw dropped.

"Probably an exaggeration," Nami said as she rationalized "Blowing up planets is impossible."

"Doesn't Whitebeard have the power to destroy the world?" Bege asked.

"Gurarara! That may also be an exaggeration, although I've never tried." Whitebeard said as he drank his beer.

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

"Weird names." Helmeppo commented.

"Have you looked at your birth certificate? Helmeppo is a weird name too!" Coby exclaimed.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze the weapons, armor, and skills of these two beastly killers and answer the most important question of all: Which of these two warriors would win... a Death Battle.

"Interesting." Robin commented.

"This is going to be SUPER!" Franky exclaimed.

"Maybe we can learn some new techniques as we watch." Sanji said with a hum.

"The fact that you have to learn your techniques is pathetic in itself." Yonji said with a laugh.

Sanji glared at them "Piss off!"

Boba Fett

(*Cues: Star Wars Episode IV - The Death Star/ The Stormtroopers*)

Wiz: Boba Fett is well known for his cunning, ruthlessness, and brute force. But his killer instinct relies on his diverse arsenal of death.

"Ah, he is well versed in weaponry." Kizaru said with a lopsided smile.
"Most just stick to a single weapon, impressive." Jinbei said.

Boomstick: Plus, he wears the most badass spacesuit ever.

Wiz: That's no ordinary spacesuit, Boomstick; that's Fett's Mandalorian Body Armor , forged of nearly indestructible durasteel , containing a micro-energy field for dispersing impacts.







"Huh?" Luffy asked in confusion as Robin took out her notebook and began writing the information.

"He has a retractable drinking straw?" Sabo asked as he chuckled.

"Handy." Lucci said with an amused smirk.

Boomstick: This guy can have a freaking bomb blow up in his face and still walk away.

"Whoa! I want me some of that!" Franky exclaimed

"But don't you already have some built in armor?" Usopp asked.

"Yeah but bombs still hurt." Franky said.

"Imagine the capabilities if that was outfitted to our men." Akainu and Dragon said in thought, they glared at each other after hearing what the other said.







Wiz: His gauntlets house a fibrecord whip with a reach of 5 meters, a flamethrower, and numerous concussion and stun missiles.






Wiz: His weapon of choice is his EE-3 Carbine Rifle, an extremely accurate and powerful weapon which Fett often cradles like a child.

"What an arsenal." Bege commented as he was impressed.

"This bounty hunter means business." Law said.

"It's a bit weird that he cradles his gun like a child though." Rebecca said as she was unnerved by that.

"Not at all, warriors become attached to their weapons all the time. I was devastated when I lost one of my swords." Zoro explained.

"Freak." Sanji said and soon dodged a sword slash.

Boomstick: Yeah, I do that with my guns too...

"Weirdo." Nami said.

"This guy's funny!" Luffy exclaimed with a laugh.

Wiz: That's... not weird at all, Boomstick. Fill us in on Fett's heavy weaponry.

"At least his compatriot is sensible." Sengoku said with a hum.







Boomstick: Well, everybody and their grandmother knows that Fett can zoom around on his badass , but that jetpack also has a single anti-vehicle homing rocket, and believe me, you don't want to see this thing heading your way.

"JETPACK!?" Luffy, Usopp, Sabo, Rebecca, Shirahoshi and Chopper exclaimed with stars in their eyes.

"A homing rocket? That must be a very useful weapon for quick escapes." Law examined.

"So he can fly and expertly kill you in seconds." Lucci said with narrowed eyes.

"Scary..." Vivi said with a gulp.

Wiz: That's right, Boomstick. In short, Fett is a human Swiss army knife. He's killed hundreds of criminals, politicians and Jedi. He's even held his own against Darth Vader ... twice.

Most got a feeling of dread when they saw an image of Darth Vader but chose not to comment on it.

"A killer will always be a killer." Tashigi said with some mirth.

"Bounty hunters aren't good people Tashigi so don't expect any heroic deeds from them, if they're given the right amount of money then they will kill anyone." Smoker said.

"That's very true." Kaido said.

"I assume a lot have come after you?" Sabo asked.

Kaido smirked "None have survived."

"Mamama! I just assume a lot of them come to offer their souls to me." Big Mom chuckles as she ate two cakes.

Boomstick: Holy shit, that is hardcore!

Wiz: He became leader of the Mandalorian mercenaries after the Galactic Civil War, and battled Mace Windu to a draw when he was 12 years old.

Benn whistled as he was impressed "This man is impressive."

"Thank god he isn't coming after me..." Moria said with a gulp.

"Who would come after you?" Bonney asked with a scoff.

"Doflamingo came after me!" Moria exclaimed.

Doflamingo chuckled "I could do it again if you want?"

Moria screamed as he shook his head in fear.

Boomstick: Sam Jackson's got nothing on him.

This brought some confusion from everyone and they chose to ignore it.

Wiz: But with all his awesomeness, every so often Fett will totally blow it. He's fallen into the Sarlacc Pit three times. Three! And the Sarlacc's not exactly running around looking for snacks.

"Good god!" Sengoku exclaimed at the sight of the sarlacc.

"That thing is horrifying!" Vivi exclaimed.

Usopp screamed as Nami gulped "If that thing was in Alabasta then we would've been dead."

Boomstick: Three times? How do you even do that once? It's a giant hole in the ground with teeth, and he's got a jet pack!

"He's pretty stupid huh?" Ace asked as he lost some respect for the bounty hunter.

"Everyone has their flaws even if they are dumb." Dragon said with a sigh.

Wiz: Still, even with his ridiculous flaws, Boba Fett is a whole new meaning of deadly.

"I believe that" Nekomamushi said with a firm nod.

Darth Vader: No disintegration.

Boba Fett: As you wish.

They were disturbed by Vader's dark voice and intimidating presence but found that they had come to respect Boba Fett's skills and abilities.

"He may be an idiot for falling in a pit way too many times but I'd be happy to have him under my rule." Judge said.

"He looks like someone who will get the job done." Bege said with a nod in agreement.

"Hopefully the other combatant is as impressive as him." Crocodile said.

Samus Aran

(*Cues: Lower Norfair - Super Metroid*)

Wiz: Samus Aran was infused with bird-like DNA at a young age, increasing her strength, speed, and athletic ability far beyond those of a normal human being.

"Bird DNA?" Bonney asked in confusion.

"Is she a Zoan Devil Fruit user?" Chopper asked.

"Maybe." Usopp said with a shrug.

"Like Pell?" Vivi asked no one in particular.

"This has Vegapunk written all over it." Garp said.

Boomstick: How do they do that?! I want me some bird DNA!

"If that's all it grants then I wouldn't mind having some too." Galdino commented.






Wiz: She wears the Power Suit, typically in Varia Form, shielding her entire body without restricting any movement or flexibility.

"These bounty hunters have some Fine equipment." Bepo said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"WHY!? Why does she have to hide her beautiful body in that tin can of an armor!?" Sanji exclaimed in sorrow.

Boomstick: Too bad it makes her look like a dude...

"SERIOUSLY!!" Sanji exclaimed in agreement until Nami knocked him to the ground with a sigh.

Wiz: Her primary weapon, the Arm Cannon, Samus has acquired numerous awesome upgrades over the years. Though, the basic is a pea shooter with a pathetic range.

"Lame!" Buggy shouted.

"Boba's gonna kill her dead." Kid said with a smirk.

Boomstick: But when it's fully charged, it'll blow your face off. BAM! Shoop Da Whoop!

"WOW!!" Luffy exclaimed.

"That's a surprise." Roger said with a grin.

"Boba might me in trouble." Killer said as Kid grumbled.



















Wiz: The Arm Cannon can also use an ice beam, a grapple beam , and a plethora of seeking and super missiles. Samus controls the skies with a powerful and speedy Screwattack, and if there's trouble on the battlefield, she can curl up into ball mode and slip away unnoticed.

"She too has an arsenal; this match will be interesting." Inuarashi said with a bark.

"But how the hell does she morph into a ball?" Kid exclaimed.

"That ice beam sounds very useful." Aokiji said with a hum of approval.

"Man she has missiles too!? She can destroy Sunny if she wanted too!" Usopp exclaimed in fear.

Franky scoffed "She can try."

Boomstick: What the f-?! How does she do that?

Wiz; Bird DNA, Boomstick. Bird DNA.

"That explains absolutely nothing." Reiju said with a sigh.






Boomstick: Samus also has a freakin' huge supply of missles , which will destroy anything on the screen in seconds. Nothing survives!

"She sounds like a scary foe to face." Marco said in interest.

"She sounds awesome!" Luffy exclaimed.

"A woman with an explosive personality is just my type." Ace said with a smirk.

"Don't start telling puns man." Sabo said with a sigh.

"Hmm...I unfortunately know a man who would be a fan of her." Crocodile said with a sigh.

Wiz: She is known to be the bounty hunter capable of taking on impossible missions, fighting massive beasts and even wiping out entire species . However, she often makes mistakes. Somehow, she always seems to lose all her power ups and upgrades at the beginning of every mission.

"Do these bounty hunters all have stupid flaws?" Mihawk asked as he was unimpressed.

"Despite the flaws, I admire her bravery and choice of profession." Robin said.

"She is a strong woman I can respect." Hancock said with a nod.

"Us too!" Sandersonia and Marigold exclaimed.

Boomstick: Man, someone get this chick a purse.

"I resent that!" Nami shouted with a glare.

"This ogre I starting to get on my nerves." Hancock commented.

"Pig." Marigold said with a huff.

Samus: Time to go.

"So who do you guys think is gonna win?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, they're both impressive in their own way." Sabo said in thought.

"I think I'll choose Samus, she blows up stuff and that's cool!" Luffy exclaimed with a grin.

Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, Doflamingo, Buggy, Kaido, Nami, Robin, Hancock, Bege, Bepo, Carrot, Nekomamushi, Vivi, Shirahoshi, Rebecca, Ace, Shanks and Roger all agreed and added in their own points on why she would win and voted for her.


Boba Fett: Zoro, Mihawk, Brook, Jinbei, Law, Big Mom, Katakuri, Bege, Bonney, Hawkins, Marco, Whitebeard, Blackbeard, Smoker, Akainu, Kizaru, Sengoku, Katakuri, Dragon, Kuma, Ivankov, Crocodile.

Samus Aran: Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Buggy, Kaido, Hancock, Bege, Bepo, Carrot, Nekomamushi, Vivi, Shirahoshi, Rebecca, Coby, Fujitora, Aokiji, Garp Ace, Shanks, Roger, Bon Clay, Alvida.

Death Battle

(*Cues: Metroid: Zero Mission - Title Theme Remix*)

Samus is shown flying through space in her spaceship. However, Boba Fett's ship, the , shoots at her ship, throwing it out of orbit and landing on Earth, where it crash lands somewhere in the middle of a futuristic city. Samus gets out of her ship and Fett hovers down to the where Samus landed.

"Ooh! She's pissed now." Bon Clay said with a smirk.

"Show him who's boss Samus!" Nami cheered.


(*Cues: Star Wars Episode V - Attacking a Star Destroyer*)

Samus shoots her Power Beams, that fade out almost instantly, not even reaching her opponent. Fett counters with a few shots from his blaster, but Samus jumps in the air, firing a missle at Fett, which hits. When she lands, Fett hits her with his flamethrower. When Samus jumps back and shoots another missle, Fett flies up using his jet pack. However, Samus goes after him using her Screw Attack and eventually hits him, which forces him to the ground.

"Ooh! That's gotta hurt!" Nami said as she cringed.

"C'mon Boba! You can do it!" Big Mom cheered.

"Take him down Samus!" Buggy exclaimed.

(*Cues: Star Wars Episode IV - Imperial Attack*)

When Samus lands, Fett shoots missiles at her. He then fires his anti-vehicle homing missile, which Samus escapes by going into Morph Ball mode and escaping through a doorway.

"Bird DNA Chopper, Bird DNA." Usopp says wisely as Chopper nods in agreement.

(*Cues: Unknown Theme*)

Fett cautiously creeps toward the doorway as Samus sneaks behind him in Morph Ball mode and plants a Power Bomb near his feet.

"Watch out you idiot!" Blackbeard shouted.

(*Cues: Metroid Metal Brinstar*)

The bomb explodes and it takes off a large chunk of Fett's health. His suit having withstood the blast, Fett sees Samus and fires a missile at her. Samus dodges by stepping to the side and then freezes Fett using her Ice Beam. She then moves toward the frozen bounty hunter and begins charging her arm cannon. With the charge at its apex and Boba Fett's body slightly moving as he tries to break free of the ice, Samus positions her arm cannon toward his head.

"Here it comes!" Luffy said with a smirk.

"Crap." Katakuri said with a sigh.

Samus: You're mine.

With the charge at its maximum before Boba Fett could escape, Samus fires her Charge Beam point-blank, knocking his head clean from his body.


His head flies back downward, clanking on the ground.

They jaw dropped in shock at the brutality as they were dead silent.


(*Cues: Super Metroid - Main Theme (Orchestrated)* )

Boomstick: Holy shit! Did you see that, Wiz? That was insane!

"I know right!?" Luffy exclaimed in awe.

"That was cool." Kid said with a smirk.

Wiz: Fett battled like a champ, but in the end, Samus' superior technology and athletic skill trumped him... hard. While her basic Power Beam failed miserably, Samus put her Chozo DNA to work by jumping and dodging around Fett's offenses. Boba Fett, who relies more on cunning and brute force, simply didn't have the means necessary to catch Samus.

"Might isn't always right." Smoker summarized with an agreeing nod.

"Works a bunch though." Garp laughed.

Boomstick: He was shooting all over the place, but that space chick was just too quick for him. He even tried to use his homing rocket, but anybody whose blown up a lot of shit knows anti-vehicle rockets don't work too well with people.

"His rocket wasn't made for smaller targets and that was the key to his downfall." Law said.

"She used his disadvantages to her advantage." Robin said with a smile.

"Smart and beautiful~ What a maiden." Sanji gushed.

"How do you know she's beautiful?" Zoro asked.

"A man can assume moss head!" Sanji shouted.

Wiz: Exactly. Samus is about four times smaller than the average vehicle, so there's only about a one in four chance for a direct hit from Fett's rocket. Not to mention she kept moving, preventing Fett from getting a solid lock on her.

"Being quick has its advantages, Yohohohoho!" Brook laughed.

Boomstick: After that screw up, Samus managed to sneak around Fett and left a little surprise at his feet.

Wiz: Fett's micro-energy field managed to minimize the damage he took from the power bomb, but by that point, it was all over. Samus froze Fett with her Ice Beam and finished him off with a Charge Beam to the face.

"Using her arsenal to her advantage shows that she is truly skilled in her profession." Rayleigh said.

"The brats strong." Whitebeard said with a smirk.

Boomstick: She sure stopped him cold.

Ace chuckled as Aokiji smiled at the pun while some groaned.

Wiz: That's right Boomstick. The winner is Samus Aran.

The ones who voted for Samus cheered while those that voted for Boba were mad though some gave Samus props.

"Well what'd you guys think?" Jack asked.

"That was amazing! Let's watch some more!" Luffy exclaimed.

"It was both informative and quite an intense spectacle to watch." Benn said with a smirk.

"I have a new respect for bounty hunters now." Helmeppo said.

"They do good work but remember they are not above the law." Akainu said with a glare.

Helmeppo gulped "Yes sir."

"Alright you all ready for the next one?" Jack asked with a smirk.

"Yeah!" They all cheered.

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