Chapter 8: Episode 7 - Zitz Vs Leonardo

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"Leonardo returned after slaughtering his brothers to slaughter what looks like his cousin." Doflamingo said with an amused smirk.

"Did you have to say it like that?" Ace asked in annoyance.

"Yes." Doflamingo said as his ominous smile grew.

(*Cues: Invader – Jim Johnston*)

Boomstick: Last time on Death Battle, the Ninja Turtles battled to find the deadliest of the team, and good old Leo used cunning strategy and swordplay to come out on top.

"Like a real swordsman." Tashigi said with an approving nod, "But RIP to his brothers as well."

Wiz: But the fight isn't over yet. Leonardo must now face his most powerful imitator: Zitz, the leader of the mighty Battletoads.

"Battle toads..." Usopp let out to process what he had just heard.

"Why not!?" Nami exclaimed, not surprised anymore.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


(*Cues: Battletoads & Double Dragon – Main Title*)

Wiz: Zitz was computer engineered as one of three ultimate amphibian warriors in a gladiatorial video game reality show called Battletoads. This accidentally opened a dimensional gateway to another galaxy. Every time the game began, the galaxy became the Battletoad arena for their superhero war against the Dark Queen and they-

Luffy, Ace, and Sabo cocked their heads to the side in utter befuddlement at Wiz's words.

"What is this man yapping about?" Whitebeard asked with a raised eyebrow.

Many were quite confused by the explanation as well.

Boomstick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?

"I'm disappointed that I share the same confusion as this pig." Hancock admits.

Wiz: Three nerds made a video game, got sucked through it into another galaxy, and became toad superheroes.

Boomstick: K, got it!

"Ahh..." Luffy, Ace, and Sabo said in unison upon understanding.

"That makes sense." Sabo said with a curt nod.

"Why didn't you say so before? You think we're stupid or something!?" Ace asked angrily.

"I wanna be a super space toad sucked into a video game!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly.

"What even is a video game?" Vivi pondered.

"Must be some type of children entertainment if the word game is in it." Law guessed.

"Makes sense Luffy would be the first to want to participate in this video game thing." Nami said with a sigh, "Our captain really is just that immature."

"He isn't the only one." Robin informed and Nami looked confused until Robin directed her to Shanks and his second in command.

"Oi, Benn! Let's go into another galaxy and fight space toads! Please! Please!" Shanks begged.

"No." Benn simply replied.

"Man you're no fun!" Shanks said as he pouted in annoyance.

"Yeah, I'm starting to see that." Nami replied to Robin with a sweat drop.

Wiz: Zitz was originally colored yellow, to differentiate him from Rash, but he is now officially a blue-green hue. He leads the Battletoad team with a laid back yet strategic attitude.

"So that's why they paired him up with Leonardo." Tashigi said with an understanding nod.

"Pretty basic to lead to something as extreme as a battle to the death." Coby said with a frown.

"Any reason to fight is a good reason." Kaido said with a grin.


- Real Name: Morgan Ziegler

- Height: 6'8

- Weight: 196 lbs.

- Leader and Strategist

- Superhuman Strength

- Was originally yellow, but is now Blue/Green

"Froggy could pass for a fishman." Lucci pointed out.

"He'd be more than welcome to our home if he insists." Shirahoshi said with a smile.

Boomstick: He chooses to go with my personal favorite battle strategy:

(*Cues: Battletoads in Battlemaniacs – Ragnarok Canyon*)

Boomstick: Beat the shit out of everything that moves! And as a Battletoad, Zitz can shape shift his body into various weaponry: Giant fists, heavy weights, ram horns, you name it.

'Oh my god! He's Luffy!!!' Most of the Strawhats thought with wide eyes and jaws ajar.

"He's just like me!!!" Luffy exclaimed with a grin.


- Can transform into weaponry.

- Giant fists, boots, horns, hammers, weights, etc.

- Technologically advanced.

- Added drills, blades, saws, spikes, and dozers.

"He can use his body to form blades as well?" Marco asked and chuckled, "What a versatile individual, yoi."

"You can have all the shenanigans you want; it won't matter against someone with skill." Zoro said, sure that this battle would end in Leonardo's victory.

Wiz: Unlike his teammates, Zitz has used his inventive genius to mechanically advance his weaponry far beyond those of his fellow toads. By combining technology and brawn, Zitz has added blades, saws, and drills to his arsenal.

"So, he's a cyborg!?" Franky exclaimed with a grin, "SUUPPERRR!!!"

"A cyborg, shapeshifting, toad superhero..." Law summarized with a blank face.

"Y'know, he sounds like a perfect fit for your circus of a crew, strawhat." Kid said with a laugh.

"Uh huh, uh huh!" Luffy said with an excited nod, "He should join my-"

Suddenly his mouth was covered by Usopp and Nami.

"Not another word from you!" Nami shouted.

"If he gets sucked into another dimension then we get sucked into another dimension! No, thank you." Usopp denied vehemently.

"You're sort of already in another dimension, mate." Jack reminded.

"Ahhh!" Usopp wailed.

Boomstick: This guy could be the world's best handyman, if he always wasn't getting sucked into an alternate dimension every time someone turned on a video game.

"What a life to live." Crocodile said with a smirk, amused by the poor bastard's circumstances.

Wiz: Despite almost having no actual combat training, Zitz has proved strong enough to power through some of the toughest games ever made. And yes, the game's excruciating difficulty is canon, as it was specifically programmed by the Battletoads themselves.

Boomstick: Yeah, try and wrap your brain around that one.

"No, thanks." Sabo said with a shake of his head.

Zitz: I'm a big bad mother of all toads!

"Still think he's outmatched, Marimo?" Sanji asked.

"He'd beat you that's for sure." Zoro said and Sanji sported an angered expression.

"The fuck you say!?" Sanji exclaimed angrily.


(*Cues: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) – Main Theme (Rock/Metal Cover) *)

Wiz: We briefly covered his abilities last episode, but there's plenty more to Leonardo. He's trained in Ninjitsu and Bushido all his life, shaping his body and mind to master close combat, swordsmanship, honor, and the art of invisibility.

"We're essentially retreading the same talking points as the last one here." Smoker pointed out.

"I guess some people need a refresher course." Aokiji assumed.

"He's a ninja turtle that stabs people with katanas." Blackbeard summarized flatly, "What else do you need?"


- Height: 5'2

- Weight: 180 lbs.

- Master of Ninjutsu, Bushido & Swordsmanship

- Leader & strategist

- Favorite Color: Blue

- Skilled in environmental combat

Boomstick: He's also the strategist of the turtle team, who are now all dead. Sooo... yeah.

"Dude!" Ace exclaimed.

"Too soon." Sabo said with a shake of his head.

"This clown amuses me." Doflamingo said with a smirk.

"Clown?" Buggy asked as he perked up.

Wiz: Leonardo is especially skilled in use of environment to outsmart and outmaneuver an opponent. He is also the only Ninja Turtle in any timeline who has studied under two masters, Splinter the rat, and the Ancient One.

"The ancient one...fascinating." Robin said with interest.

"Right!" Usopp said with an agreeing nod, "Just who is Splinter the rat?"

"Yes, Usopp...that's what I meant." Robin said with a chuckle.

Boomstick: Hey Wiz, look! It's an Asian Yoda! ...What? Leo wields two Ninjaken swords, which are best for swift deadly strikes and are designed with the idea that a good offense, is the best defense. They're usually mistaken as katana in the shows and comics, even though they are obviously straight, rather than curved.

"Still sword of some kind." Zoro said with a shrug.


- 2'ft long blade

- Designed for swift, deadly, offensive strikes.

- Also called Ninjato

- Commonly referred to as katana

- Invented by Hollywood

Wiz: The Ninjaken is, in fact, an invention of Hollywood, as there is no historical evidence of the weapon's existence.

"A sword that hails from the land of Hollywood." Rayleigh said with a hum, "I wonder what other inventions come from such a place."

"Ooh! I would love to explore that island!" Roger said with a grin.

Boomstick: Like the moon landing!

"Enel did it first." Jack said amusedly.

Wiz: Shut up. While he usually relies on his brothers' solid teamwork, he has proven to be a very effective warrior on his own, too, defeating all sorts of enemies like ninja robots, giant monsters, war-torn aliens and even The Shredder.

"That would be all well and good if he didn't murder his whole team!" Bonney exclaimed.

"Technically they murdered each other...with Leo's help." Killer pointed out.

Leonardo: (swiping his sword at a foot ninja) Gotcha. (then kicks the foot ninja)

"Impressive as ever." Tashigi said with a nod.

Leonardo: Zoro, Tashigi, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, Law, Doflamingo, Marco, Nami, Robin, Lucci, Mihawk, Aokiji, Blackbeard, Killer, Rebecca, Vivi, Dragon, Nichiji, Yonji, Buggy, Bege, Jimbei, Shanks, Benn, Smoker, Crocodile, Moria, Akainu.

Zitz: Kid, Kaido, Roger, Hawkins, Big Mom, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Katakuri, Bonney, Garp, Kizaru, Shirahoshi, Carrot, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, Ivankov, Bon Clay, Reiju, Sandersonia, Marigold, Hancock, Franky, Chopper, Brook, Usopp, Coby, Helmeppo, Sanji.


Zitz jumps over a wire fence and walks forward as Leonardo jumps out of the sewer. Zitz turns to face his opponent.

"Leonardo must be the smelliest good guy ever." Vivi pointed out.

"The man lives in a sewer. He's a victim of circumstance." Reiju said.


Zitz uses his ram horns to knock Leonardo into the fence and, as Leo bounces off, Zitz kicks him with an iron boot and then punches him away with a giant fist. Leo recovers just in time to avoid Zitz' drill attack and kicks him twice, only to get countered by a giant fist and a spiked wall. After pummeling Leo some more, Zitz throws him towards the wire fence...

"So much for all that skill, Marimo!" Sanji laughed.

"The frog is showing all his abilities. Let's let Leonardo do what he is better than you at." Zoro said with a smirk.

"Oh, yeah? And what's that?" Sanji asked.

"Let him cook." Zoro responded.

Sanji launched a kick at Zoro who blocked with one of his swords.

"Can you idiots watch the fight instead of initiating one!?" Nami shouted knocking them over their heads.

"D-Damn you..." Zoro grunted as he held his head in pain.

"N-Nami-swan~" Sanji let out in pain.

(*Cues: I Beam Fight - TMNT*)

...only for Leo to flip onto his feet and defend himself from Zitz' giant fist. Leo hits Zitz twice and stabs him once, but Zitz turns into a weight to defend himself from Leo's swords. Eventually, Leo jumps into the sewer as Zitz returns to his normal form and jumps into the sewer.

"Now they're fighting on his home turf." Kizaru pointed out.

"The frog's grave." Akainu stated with a smirk.

(*Cues: Battetoads & Double Dragon – Next Level (Remix)*)

As Zitz scouts around for Leo, the turtle jumps out of a hole in the wall, stabs Zitz with his sword and jumps away. Leo tries this again, but Zitz grows a chainsaw tail, which Leo dodges. Zitz gives chase and finds that Leo has disappeared. Leo jumps out of the wall and hurts Zitz. Enraged, Zitz attacks the wall that Leo jumps back into through the hole. This distraction allows Leo to swim through the water and then slice Zitz in half.

"Ooh!" Some let out at the deadly blow.

"Like a true ninja!" Kid said with a laugh.

"Truly Leonardo is warrior of skill." Rayleigh said with a chuckle.

"Can he become a warrior of showers too?" Vivi asked.



(*Cues: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) – Season 8-10 Closing Credits Theme*)

Boomstick: Damn.

"Damn straight!" Zoro said with an approving smirk.

"Goddamnit!" Sanji shouted.

Wiz: Zitz was more than a match for Leonardo in a simple brawl, using his brutal arsenal to overpower him. But when it came to using the environment, Zitz couldn't handle Leonardo's ninja skills and his lack of training left him frustrated and unsure of what to do.

"Your skill is truly your best asset in any fight." Mihawk said with a nod.

"If only Zitz wasn't untrained." Coby said with a sigh, "He'd be quite the powerhouse."

Boomstick: While Zitz is a strategist, he always relies on his brute force and once Leo went in stealth mode and turned the tides, Zitz decided to just bring the whole sewer down. And c'mon, Leo fights all kinds of mutants and monsters at least once a week.

"That amphibian needs some serious Observation Haki in his arsenal." Katakuri stated.

"You think everyone needs Observation Haki." Big Mom pointed out.

Wiz: Of all the toads, Zitz certainly stood the best chance with his technologically advanced weaponry, but while the Battletoads are known for accomplishing impossible odds, so are the Ninja Turtles. Leonardo made quick work of Zitz as soon as he had the chance.

"He may have been a cyborg, but he didn't have the heart of one." Franky said with a tearful frown.

"...Huh?" Chopper asked in confusion.

Boomstick: In the end, Zitz just needed to pull himself together.

"Hehe." Ace chuckled.

Wiz: The winner is Leonardo.

Boomstick: Again.

"Could've told you that from the beginning." Zoro said with a shrug.

"Hopefully now we can move on and see other non-turtle fighters." Law said.

"Give it a second..." Jack let them know.

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle.

"There we are." Jack said with a nod.

A cute and tiny little dinosaur danced idly in a nice and vibrant area filled with serene flowers as well as a gigantic green pipe next to him.

"Is that a dinosaur!?" Carrot exclaimed in wonder, "He's so cute!"

"That is the most depressing thing I have ever seen." Kaido said.

"Why?" Big Mom asked.

"Dinosaurs are beasts of violence, survival, destruction! Not that shameful travesty!" Kaido exclaimed, enraged by the dino's appearance and demeanor.

Suddenly a monstrous velociraptor hops out of the pipe and roars much to the little green dinosaur's shock.

"HELL YEAH!!!" Kaido exclaimed with a grin.

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