Bargain day

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A couple weeks pass since the agreement and a lot had happen to the Hero. He manage to get the dojo and have a job. Thankfully to Takio's ,he was able to get a job that suited for (Y/N) who now work at Takio's mothers Nina's Manga store, that consist of Resupplying new manga or being behind the counter who has a decent amount of money for food and clothing and with the help of Li who is a lawyer gave him a large amount of Yen that could give him appliances.(Y/N) sleep with the families large house guest room.

There daughter Ling Ling who grew very attached to (Y/N) since his fight against the Blood hound. She's mostly cheerful and very happy who called (Y/N) a super hero to her friends and called him Onii-san which (Y/N) was never bothered by it ( despite her invading his space ) everything is going well.

( this is not your hair style you could choose what hair you want in the story, you could pick this if u want )
It was a peaceful morning for the family ( and Y/N) the sun is shining at the rising sun Everyone is snoring quietly it's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming a-
And a person screaming that suddenly woke up everyone in the house or at the radius of the scream.

I WILL NOT, PLAY ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS WITH YOU, YOU GOT EARWAX ON YOUR FINGER!!!!!!!! Screamed (Y/N). And soon he closed his mouth with his hands, knowing that his sudden scream woke everyone in the house. He heard several footsteps coming to the guest room (Y/N) is sleeping in and see Li and Ling Ling with tired yet worried eyes

"(Y/N) are you okay?, we heard screaming and we went to see your alright" said Li who's eyes filled with tiredness and concern in his voice.

"Yea Mr. Li, just a weird quirky nightmare I have there no need for my safety and I apologize for my outburst" (Y/N) said in embarrassment while scratching his (H/C) hair.

"Don't worry about it (Y/N) your not the only person who has this outburst lately we have this most of the time with other neighbors" Said Li

"What time is it?" Said (y/n) looking at the hole to where the clock was "I need to stop doing this"

" It 8:00 hero-chan!, get ready to fight crime!!!" Said Ling Ling with an exciting voice with a beaming smile while jumping up and down with excitement

"Now Now princess, a hero needs to go without an empty stomach first before fighting crime" said Li with happy in his voice

"K!!, I be making some delicious breakfast for my family and hero" with excitement while running off to where the kitchens at.

"I be watching her, see you at the dining room" said Li while leaving the guest room. (Y/N) got out of bed and brush his Very strong set teeth and got out of his black long-johns and PJ pants and wear his hero suit in a matter of minutes. He went to the direction of the dining room

(Y/N) went down stairs to the dining room and see all the family in each table (minus Li and Ling Ling of the family) started talking about there upcoming day, (Y/N) sat next to Takio who is listening to his headphones who Fist-bumped (y/n) ( who he returned back ).

"PANCAKES Are ready!!" Screamed Ling Ling handing out each family members plate of 3 stacked pancake with different flavor's from chocolate to blueberry. Everyone got there pancakes and Ling Ling got a very 10 stacks of pancakes topped with enormous amount of toppings on them.

"And here your pancakes!!" Ling Ling said while placing the monster pancake on the table, (Y/N) looked at the pancakes with sweat pouring down his brow at the size of it. And the family looked also and was surprised and sweat dropped by the size of it.

(Pick which one)

"Is something wrong onii-San ?" Ling Ling said with a worried look.

"N-n-No I'm fine just suprised on how good it looks" said (Y/N) trying not to hurt her feelings.

The Girl beamed up with a smile and skipped her way to the kitchen. Everyone ate with silence almost finishing there pancakes, except (Y/N) who was having trouble eating it but soon an idea struck him, he then place his fork high up with a serious face and soon he said the most dangerous skill his father has thought him.

"Fast Consecutive serious chewing"

As soon as he said that, he soon ate the monster pancakes in a very fast pace held a serious demoted with his fork tearing the monster little by little that the family couldn't see and was amazed at the speed he is eating. And soon the plate is now empty with no crumbs in sight, (Y/N) dropped the spoon and soon made a very burp that echoed across Tokyo that shook the ground a little bit.

(Y/N) shook his hair in utter embarrassment at his actions and soon remember that the technique is required a strong stomach and bowels if not the user will have a mighty burp, stomach rumbles and most worst part is using the bathroom quickly than any before that could destroy a toilet in seconds.

"Sorry" (Y/N) continue to scratch the back of his hair in more embarrassment.

" it's okay you have a reason to eat so fast to make sure not to hurt her feeling" said Nina while whispering to not let Ling to hear the conversation. And as she said that they continue eating much to Ling lings enjoying to see her family and hero ate her pancakes and as they finish eating (Y/N) help clean up the little mess and wash the dishes clean as a whistle.

After that the family went on there separate ways Li going to work, Nina work at her families manga shop, Kuro and Mai went to there family dojo that is fully repair, making Kuro stay in his dojo as will Mai. Takio went to school while (Y/N) is stuck with Ling Ling who he is waking to her school with her.

"Ummmmm....Onii San ....." Said Ling Ling

"Hm?" Hummed (Y/N) who is holding her hands while ignoring the many stares giving to him because of his attire.

"Can we go fast a little im almost late for school" she replied.

"K" said (Y/N) "what's it called" asked (Y/N)

"Kappa elementary school"

who looked to see a person that might help (Y/N) to where the school. "Hey could you help me find kappa elementary school?" He asked

"It 5 minutes away left, right 4 times till you see a giant school" replied a pedestrian

"Thanks" said (Y/N) and soon he picked up Ling Ling bridal style (much to her surprise ) and soon ran in full speed living nothing but debris and dust flying to the wind right past people who look in amazement of a blur so fast they cannot see who it is

10 seconds later

And soon he found the destination and was somewhat kinda impress of the school that look like an academy than a regular school and soon he realized that he still holding Ling Ling who looked in utter amazement of arriving on time in 10 seconds he soon dropped her to her feet."your okay?" Said (Y/N)

"That Was......AWESOME!!!!!" Screamed Ling Ling who screamed in utter excitement "THANK YOU!!! Hero-San!! Thank You so much!!"

"Don't mention it" (Y/N) said while scratching his head and the first time a person who admire him rather than be hated on." Any who good luck at school"

"I will" said Ling Ling skipping to the main entrance. (Y/N) feel several stares in his way that many children looked at him for his costume (Y/N) soon realized something and got out a paper and soon he gasped as he read

"Super lunch sale all 80% off on produce, crustaceans and dairy ends after noon'

"Oh No!!! It's almost late!!" Screamed (Y/N) as he ran at full speed to the supermarket while ignoring the surprise of middle school and some staff.

The supermarket

He arrived on time much to his relief and soon went to the isle with seafood that is on the sale coupon sheet and walked to where the food items that is on sale and in the corner of his eye and see crab legs and felt something he remember 41/2 before he became a hero.

4 years earlier

A boy with a ragged hoodie walking around City Z to find food but no avail he looked everywhere but couldn't find it and at the quarter of his eye he see a soda vending machine 'Bingo!' He said in his mind and soon he looked in both directions to not be seen by people he soon out his full hand at the opening of the soda machine he fished inside it till he feel a cold aura in his hand he soon grabbed it and see it's the soda he looked for he soon opened the bottle and drinker it and feel the cold liquor in his dry throat.

"Good all I need is something to e--"


"a monster lets go!!"

"GeeeeeeeeeeGeGEGeGEGE!!!!" He looked to where it was coming from and see 2 people running away from a crab thing with human legs who looked weird and and soon he see a man in a business suit with a dull expression on his face with no emotion on what next to him. The crab thing explain that he ate to much crab and turn him into a crab monster but the man didn't care even when the crab mention that the guy should be crapping in his pants right know and wonder why isn't he running like the rest and the crab monster point out he's a business man and the man responded that he doesn't have a job and failed his job interview big time and have very little reason to care about anything at this point and ask what happens if he don't and soon the crab held a smile so creepy and unsettled and made the very strange laugh agian of time he spoke and soon the monster said while point his claws at the unemployed soulless personality of a man.

"Your eyes are cold and lifeless just the same as mine, since we have that in common I will let you off the hook this time" the crab thing said while walking past the man "Besides I'm hunting different prey" he said looking back with blood shot eyes with the smile "A brat with a big chin and when I find him I will rip his arms off!! GEEEEEGEGEGEGE!!!!" Pronounced the crab with that annoying laugh and continue on his way while the man went on the other direction probably getting home.

"It's non of my business anyway" said the boy who is names (Y/N) who walked to another way while drinking what left in his bottle.

After a few minutes (Y/N) soon saw a bakery that is uninhabitable and soon run to the store and saw many baked goods from baked bread, cookies, Pastries and the best of it is Cake!!!, he soon licked his lips and as soon as he about to open the door, he saw a person falling to the ground with a very heavy thud and soon heard screaming of a kid and soon (Y/N) ran to the scene and see the crab and a kid with a chin that is size of a butt that makes almost (Y/N) laugh at the situation but stopped when the crab was about to end this boy's life until he saw someone threw a rock at the crab to look at the same man who was emotionless from before.

"That enough already at this age of declining birth rates i can't let you kill some kid" the man said who is wobbling to the crab, and the crab lowers his arm and looked at the man

"you know what else? saw he clench his fist "when I was a kid all I want to be a hero not some damn business man...." The man said that while removing his tie "A hero who send rotten villians like you flying with one punch!!" He threw his blazer on the ground "I'm done looking for a job!....BRING IT ON CRAB!!!!" Screamed the man who wrapped his tie around his hand who eyes filled determination to beat it.

"Ohhhhhhh..a hero huh?" Said the crab who raised his claw and soon he strike at the man "ridiculous!!!!" Screamed the crab, and uppercut the man who is sent flying yet again "Your Pathetic!!!!" Screamed the crab. The man slammed to the ground while griming in utter pain.

"It's to late to Give up Now" said the crab who approached the downed man with a somewhat smiling expression

(Y/N) soon come to the mans aid by charging the crab while taking off his ragged hoodie he jump on the crabs back while using the hoodie to strangle the crab, The crab try to use his crab claws to grab him but (Y/N) evaded the pinchers and soon the crab flopped hard one he the concrete on his back. And soon the crab got up and looked to see (Y/N) laying on the concrete hard with blood smeared on his head and mouth but is still breathing. The crab smiled and giggled at another pray to kill.

"Your life ends.....NOW!!!!" Said the crab while (Y/N) saw the crab who was about to stab him with his claws to finish him off but was interrupted once again by the man who lassoed the crabs eye till it popped out of its socket and soon a huge chunks crab meat came out and crab blood rained while the crab screaming in pain. (Y/N) and the Butt chinned boy looked in utter amazement and soon (Y/N) see the man who pant from exhaustion from his heroic act that impress (Y/N) that also inspired him to be a hero a well."

Present day

(Y/N) smiled at the memory. "Momma look a superhero !" the boy said while pointing at (Y/N) who is inspecting crab legs.

" That nice dear lets go " His mother said while walking faster away from Him thinking he's just a weird cosplayer.

"Hey dad rememb--Oh I forgot" remember his father is not here from where he is .He shrug while putting the crab legs in the shopping cart and got what he needed for the house and walked to the cashier and is next in line

"That'll be ¥233 please" said the cashier who (Y/N) give the ¥300 to the cashier and the cashier took the money out of his hand and gave his small bag "thanks for shopping" said the cashier

"Thank You" said (Y/N) who got his small bag of stuff he need. Walking with bags in his hands without a care and soon him and walked the streets without a care and someone dropped his stores from the bumping of pedestrians and he try to pick them up and soon he see a flare with a symbol of help from afar, not be able to ignore it and soon he went to investigate what is happening.
Bamboo forest
5 minutes Earlier

30 ninjas who are low ranked committed a foolish who try to fight the Kagura-class Stone-walled Yoma they want to fight it on there own to be high rank ninja known as a Kagura but failed.

right know the false wall slammed the ninja away like the rest who are naked or half naked and the last ninja carrying a broken sword and who is corned and have no choice but to call help from neighboring academies and use the emergency scroll that sparked a flare that is not visible for normal people to remember but is only for ninjas.

The yoma grew a giant hammer of a hand and slammed down that create a giant crater but not a dead ninja, it looked at the being with a cape and strange appeal of clothing set down the ninja who's it was about to kill.

"You dare intervene human?..Don't you have any idea what you got into?" Said the golem who's voice sound feminine rather than masculine Who's intent of killing targeted the human who's has no aura of a ninja.

"No,idea just walking by" (Y/N) with no interest of what the being is in front of him. "Put some pants on" (Y/N) said plainly.

"YOU DARE, Give me such a bigoted answer!!, and demanded me?!, You bet your stronger than me not even Close!!!" Screamed the kagura ranked class false wall who grew in size that tower any human.

(Y/N) looked up in interest

"Now I'm going to enjoy ripping you part from part!!!" Screamed the giga false wall. The golem slammed its fist to the fool and soon it give a barrage of fist at the hero and soon it created a giant hammer and slammed it down for the finishing blow and soon a giant crater created at the Gigas mega attack and the being smiled at its handy work and was about to leave to kill any Shinobi.

"That's it" the golem looked at the crater in shock to hear the foolish humans voice and soon grew wide as the human jump at her in a rather fast speed, it had no time to react when (Y/N) punched the being in the face that shattered into pieces.

"I would be expecting more, but I got my hopes up yet agian" (Y/N) said plainly as the beheaded being landed on the giant mass of bamboo. And soon (Y/N) hit the ground with a massive spilt of the ground. He looked at his fist which steamed and soon realize something.

"Damn bags" (Y/N) said in despair knowing that the being destroyed his groceries and know he has nothing left up not destroyed. 'Wait a minute why do I need' he slapped his forehead knowing that he doesn't need them....All.

"Oh well.... Let go back then (Y/N) emotionless as usual and casual walked away from the 'mess' leaving the wounded ninjas and the body where it was.

(Y/N) went back to the Li-family residence thank to a few who know of where it is. He came back he see some of the family are back finishing work and Nana is preparing dinner for the family and ask how's there day was and he say with a simple,answer "same-o,same-o" and no one question about it and after dinner. (Y/N) hand washed his gloves and let them to dry off and soon took a bath, even though he don't need to.

And right know the hero looked at the ceiling of the guest room wearing his sleepwear wondering 'If' he ever returned home and soon his train of thought was interrupted by Li and The grandfather who eyes that held serious in them,
(Y/N) know it might be news that has something to do about him.


"(Y/N) we need to talk......." Said The grandfather, (Y/N) nod and jump out of the bed and walked to where they want to talk about privately.

"Hanzō-sensei" said a man with gray wavy hair and auburn colored eyes in a black suit held a demeanor of a teacher.

"Yes kiriya?" Said an elderly man with grey hair in shape of a pony tail and has comb mustache/goatee combination and his face has a scar that is noticeable and wears a traditional mens kimono."Any urgent business"

"There a report from the student elites saying they saw massive property damage in the bamboo forest that is directed east-way and there peers got heavenly injured and saw a body of a giga wall golem who's been defeated, but some claim the legendary Kagura didn't fight it but someone else...."

"Someone else?" Said Hanzo who narrowed his eyes abit at the news

"No one saw it or any of there downed Shinobi never know of this" said kiriya.

"Thanks for the message, you are dismissed" said Hanzo and soon kiriya left the room to another corridor. There was nothing but silence in the room.Hanzo thought for a moment who could have done it and knew it wasn't Kagura but someone else could've done it.

'I need to know this person to see their an ally or enemy before anyone else does" said Hanzō Quietly under his breath

Achoo! Sneezed (Y/N) in the middle of the conversation before it even started.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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