Here we go agian......

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

One day after the battle of the rip off, (Y/N) and Ball Man went back to the apartment to live their normal life.......Kinda with Ball Man will be a big change for (Y/N).

They were in their apartment watch what ever they're watching anime, sports than news were they show the course of Vaccine Man.

"Today the city of Tokyo was under attack by a strange thing, it appears to be a purple alien like figure almost destroy half the city....but witness say that a hero like figure defeated the weird creature".

"I wonder if everyone else is watching this?" Said Ball Man changing the channel to see anything is available.

"Meh..." (Y/N) said blankly.

Hebijo academy

In Hebijo academy were the 4 (minus 1) elites were watching the news wondering what the heck happen but until the news lady explained everything and knowing who's in charge of the problem (kinda).

"A lot of weird things have happened when that guy came" Miyabi remember the past week from this and that now an alien guy came since the hero guy came.

"He sure cause a lot of trouble even if he wasn't really trying" Imu said realizing more strange things have happened when (Y/N) came to the picture.

"That's why we must stop him or do something else to stop this madness!!!" Said Ryobi ready to stop (Y/N). (And wanting Revenge).

Ryona on the other hand......... is in a dream like state of being in utter pain for utmost pleasure but Ryobi smacked her the back of her head (just for the hell of it) snapping out of it.

"OOOHHH.....Yes!!!!!" Moan Ryona in pleasure.

"Calm down, we don't know if he's really the cause of all this or he's a targeted victim from someone going after him" theorized by Miyabi.

"That's why we have a fake date to see if he's really the threat of us and every ninja" Imu said explaining what's the plan for.

(Y/N) sneezed knowing someone's talking about him once again. (Actually more than once).

"Hey kid do you have a cold or something because you're sneezing all of a sudden are you sick?" Asked Ball Man with a raised eyebrow.

"No.......someone's talking about me...." (Y/N) said brushing the bridge under his nose.

Ball Man frown at this and went back to the TV.

"Rrrrrriggggghhhhhhtttt" said Ball Man going back to Tv while watching (Y/N) weirdly.

"What?" (Y/N) said with a raised eyebrow.

Ball Man ignored him and continue to watch TV but they stop when they heard the door bell.

"Oh its the pop0!!!, you'll never catch me alive!!" Ball Man under the sofa " (Y/N) go get that" (Y/N) sigh and went to the door and opened it to see the same purple girl he met from the manga store.

"Oh hello their" she said very nervous heading
Behind her stuffed bear.

" Murasaki was it?" (Y/N) said without any mistake with name spelling.

Murasaki for some reason was having tears of a crocodile coming down but those tears are tears of joy.

"Your the first boy who actually have my name right most boys call me Mosty or Mubarak and even worse Ms. Boobies ahhhhhh" she said having tears of joy.

"Umm.....Thank you?" (Y/N) said with a raised confused and bot knowing luckily gave the name right for once and awhile.

"Hey kid who is it!?" Yell Ball Man still under the sofa.

"Huh is that your roommate?" Murasaki ask confused that (Y/N) suppose to be alone.

"No just the TV" (Y/N) said hastily put Ball Man in a sound proof container to shut him up.

While (Y/N) and Murasaki were talking, Ball Man took a little peek and saw something wonderful.

Ball Man was so amazed and soon bounce up to (Y/N)s shoulder "well hello their good looking what's a pretty girl like you coming in this apartment?" Said Ball Man wiggling his eyebrows shocking Murasaki and pointing at herself.

"Me!!?????" Murasaki in shock that a talking bouncing ball and the ball try to flirt with her.

"Not you sweet cheeks your friend got me!!!" By that, he was talking to Bebeby the creepy toy bear.

(Y/N) was pissed off and decide to throw Ball Man to the sound proof container this time he adds locks to it to keep him in place.

"Hey! Open this at once!! This is against Human rights oh wait this is against ball rights !!" Yell Ball Man trying to escape.

"Well your roommate is sure interesting". Said Murasaki.

"Just ignore the way you need anything?" Asked (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh..I just wanted to say that we could hang out like best like best friends going out having some fun not like a date or anything like that" Murasaki pushing her fingers together.

(Y/N) was about to say no but Ball Man bounced right next to (Y/N) while still in the box.

"Say Yes!!!, say Yes!!! Make it a double date!!!!" Ball Man said bouncing excitedly.

"No!!!, just a single one!!" (Y/N) said kicking Ball Man (in the box) to the corner.

Murasaki started to hear her bear bebeby 'talk' and put the toy to her ear.

"What is it???" can't come said you want to stay with the ball?.....fine I'll allow it" she said letting the stuff animal on the sofa and suddenly the ball escape and bounce right next to him (not knowing Bebes a dude).

(Y/N) sweat drop at this and soon he took off his Pjs and switch to his Fukkin clothes. "Okay I'll go".

Murasaki happily lead (Y/N) outside of the apartment to hangout (not a date because what's her name will get mad if you know what I mean). Now that the two are gone leaving Ball Man and the doll alone.

"Well beautiful now that we're alone why not 'Netflix and chill' and get to know each other" he said very romantically and getting closer but---

"I'm a guy you idiot" by that Ball Man froze by shock .

"But how you have lipstick and makeup all on your face!!???" Said Ball Man still frozen by shock.

"Enough about me....your friend is in danger, the date is a trap and her team will get him while he's off guard" by that Ball Man have the shock but was replaced by a serious face.

"Than why are you telling me this than hmmmm?" Ask Ball Man suspiciously.

"It's because I never seen Murasaki get out of her room for so long and she finally found a male friend that she could hang out for once in awhile" by that Ball Man have a better understanding whilst have a face of rage.

"That's good to know but what Now?!!!"

"Is up to us to make sure the hang out go well" concluded Bebeby.

"Yeah...move aside toy story reject it's my turn to shine let's go!!!" He said bouncing to the windows and breaking the windows "yeaahhh!!!!!" By that Bebeby sweat drop.

"That guy didn't hear of doors?" He said opening the door and walking off with no human eye watching him.
Back to (Y/N) and Murasaki

Murasaki and (Y/N) talking about famous anime and manga

"So Samurai Champion is inspired by the creators experience of his old life as a pro boxer/MMA experience theirs a reason why their are many characters from different countries with unique techniques" explain the shut-in otaku to (Y/N).

"Good to know about that" (Y/N) said with his hands in his hoodie pockets. (Y/N) scratch the back of his head letting some hair strands falling off and blowing off to the wind.

"Well I'm just saying I like the show that I even meet the creator and he said that he used to work for Joes wonderful journey......well enough talking about me what inspired you to be a hero that you said all the time?"

This made (Y/N) stop for a moment to think about how he became a hero and said the most simple thing ever.

"My dad" he said simply.

"Really how did he inspired you?" She said wanting the know the cause of him being a so called 'hero for fun'.

"Well I was walking a business man saved a child from being killed by the hands of a thug over a harmless simple prank even through he was out of the thugs league and gained the upper at him but the man has determination won the fight". (Y/N) said remembering.

"So this guy with the business suit is your father while the little one is you?"

"No but yeah because there's another kid with a big chin while I was in the mix". (Y/N) said with a little chuckle.

Murasaki remember something that is a opposite of what (Y/N) became.

"Well the reason why I took the path of ninja is because I was the only one in my family that was born with a ability that my family history use in battle and since then my dad plan to make me a ninja but I was a shut in so my father and sister took risk by making me get out and even try to take away Bebeby from me....." she said almost about to tear up but kept it in by drinking her soda "so I was force to be a ninja while you choose to be a hero.." Murasaki finished her story.

"I'm sorry to hear that, the other reason I was a hero in the first place because I lost everything ........"

While Murasaki was listening to (Y/N)s story on top of a building was Ball Man and Bebeby with some goggles looking if there's anything suspicious.

"Do you see anything suspicious?" Bebeby than looks at Ball Man who was watching TV through the window of the building.

"Yeah yeah I hear you, things are getting interesting" said Ball Man watching the screen making the stuff bear have a tick mark and smack him upside the head.

"Focus you useless ball......look at that" said Bebeby making Ball Man look at the goggles seeing the 4 elites hiding on the other top of the building and saw one of them holding a sniper rifle. "It's them we must do something!!" Bebeby said thinking of what he will do but----

Pffffftttttttt the sound of a fart that broke his train of thoughts and look at the ball who have a nervous smile on his face.

"Sorry about that it happens when I get nervous" said the ball chuckling nervously.

Ball Man move aside his embarrassment and decide to bounce at the other side of the building "move aside I'll show you how a man does a cannon ball!!!!" He yell bouncing and soon to the building the elites are at.

"I wonder why that guy keeps the ball?" Bebeby said with a sweat drop.

Hebijo elites

To the Hebijo group were they spying on (Y/N) and Murasaki and everything seems to be normal.

"Well nothing wrong here..." The leader said looking out.

"Just hope he doesn't do anything funny on my sister because if he does--"

"Calm down he didn't do anything perverted" said the leader trying to calm her childhood friend (thunder user).

"So hey when do i pull the trigger!!???" Said the markswomen growing very impatient.

"Calm down we don't want him to know about our location do we?"

They kept spying until they heard a yell over their heads and look up.

"Hey you suckers!! You can kiss me !!!" By that ball fly at them and give them the biggest stink face anyone has ever seen shocking the girls.

"What the hell is that!!?????" They yell out shock and Ball Man attack Ryobi first by hitting himself at her head and biting her nose thus letting her go of her rifle.

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! Get this little shit off of me!!!" She said running around and shaking trying to shake him off and pulling him off but Ball Man clench his teeth at her nose refusing to let go.

"Nya Nya sister let me help you out even if it looks good nya!!" Ryona said trying to help her sadist twin sister by trying to punch the ball but instead she hit her sister accidentally the ball went flying away (bouncing per say). "Oops sorry sister I didn't mean it" Ryona said sticking her tongue out while placing a knuckle on top of her head.

"Why you bitch !!" Before they could do anything Ball Man return with a stink eye.

"You didn't forget about me did ya!!!!???" He said bouncing at Imu and going inside her uniform making her blush but freaked out as well trying to shake out the Ball.

"EEEEKKKK !! Get if off me!!!! EEEEEKKK!!!!" Imu said shaking around trying to get the ball out.
Back to the Duo

........And that's how i became the hero or should I say sidekick I dreamt about" (Y/N) finished his long story of how his life was before he became a hero

"That is very interesting I must say that almost sounds like it's from a comic book" said Murasaki and saw a huge group of people gathering around in a big group taking pictures and surrounding a big fellow.

"Would you look at that I'm wondering....hey let's go see what's happening". Murasaki wanted to see what's going on.

(Y/N) nod his head and soon look to see a large humanoid crab-esque creature with large claws and a hard, bright red carapace covering his upper body. His lower body is that of a naked muscular human male save for a pair of white briefs. He has two nostrils on his flat face, a large mouth, and two eye stalks that protrude from the sides of his head, ending in large, elliptical eyes with small pupils and to his surprise it's that Crab Guy (Crablante).

Crablante was posing for the group of people taking his picture.

"Gegegege Yeah you like that don't you?, what about this? Mmmmmghmmmmm" he flex his crab armor muscles and more people started to take more pictures.

"This guys cosplay is so real" said a guy

"I bet it took him years to make that to feel real"

(Y/N) glared at the crab who came back and how stupid the people knowing he's a threat and will kill anyone who make fun of him
Pays the price.

"Hello everyone yes I'm amazing I know" He said looking at the crowd while gurgling and lol sounds even a kid with a paper trying to get his name.

"Hey can i have your autograph mister crab?"

"Sure sure" before his claws could reach, the four elites run from shock and the ball was given them the biggest stink eye and barking at them.

"Yeah you better run you sucker!!, Hahahahaa!!!!!" He laugh out Loud than he realized that he was in the middle of the crowd who are know taking more pictures and Crablante remember him so well.

"Hey I remember back at the ball game of the dream" he said with blood red eyes remembering the ball.

"Oh shit!!!..hello their crab man...nice still mad of me are you?" Ball Man said remembering what he did to Crablante.

"Yeah I remember what you did to me!!!" He said showing his back to him that shows a silly drawing of poo with stink lines radiated off of him saying He Stinks.

"What it's call art you don't appreciate it?" He said nervously and bounce away to escape a claw that create a small crater in the ground. "Will gotta roll!!!!!"

Ball Man said rolling away while Crablante chase after him with a pissed off look of someone draw on His perfect body first a stinking big chin brat now a ugly faced wise ass of a ball.

(Y/N) look with a sweat drop knowing that Crablante wasn't a threat he just thought it was normal so he continue to walk with Murasaki.

"That was sure interesting" she ask (Y/N) but before (Y/N) can say anything the ground shakes and the building shake while everyone stop what there doing and they saw something huge.

And soon the giant was no other than the one his father defeated and was walking around creating giant footprints on the ground and as a result squish Crablante.

The crab was shaking out of pain.

"I-I-I'm fine" he said in hushed whispers and mutters.

"Haha another one bites the dust!!!" Ballman said dancing on top of Crablante. (Y/N) and other look to see resembled giant human body without skin, steaming, with a white, bone-like armor covering its enormous muscles. Most of its skeleton and muscle tissue became visible, including the tendons. And it also grew two tubes, protruding from the chest and running over its shoulders to the back.(and its junk is covered with the clouds in the sky).

And everyone was screaming some were taking pictures of the giant.

"Aaahhggh he ain't even wearing some pants!! Amazing!!!!" Some women said taking pictures of the giants thing with a blush on her face.

"Oh my....he really needs to wear some pants" (Y/N) said covering Murasaki eyes.

The Giant crushing small cities and towns and along with a his brother who is a slim and pale man, with wrinkles and has thin black hair that is parted in the middle, draped along the sides of his long face He dresses in typical scientist clothes, a long white lab coat and a regular black shirt. And the mad scientist look to see a lot of people taking pictures of them by the view of his shoulders.

"These vile worms don't know about our power of fear show them our wrath!!!!!" Screamed the mad scientist.

As requested the giant use his arm and swings it to his left and soon a huge force of wind and a giant shockwave destroyed and crushed buildings and small towns at a little wide radius.

"Incredible!!!!!!" The scientist said with a smirk and soon people ran for their lives and soon he see tanks and fighter jets shooting at them with missiles and anti tank round but has little effect.

"Show them fear, show them death show no mercy!!!!!!" Screamed the scientist and soon the giant clap his hands together that destroy fighter jets and soon the giant made a giant stomp that create a shockwave destroying tanks and vehicles at it wake causing several to flee.

"Yes!!!, this is perfect dear brother but now I need a queen by my side as supreme rulers!!!"" Demanded the scientist and as requested the giant look around and see Murasaki with a boy and she looks perfect for his brother and soon with a hand he pluck (Y/N) out of the way with a lot of force that send him crashing through a lot of buildings

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!"and soon he grab Murasaki softly but not to hard.

"Eeeehhhhh!!!!!!" She said being picked up by the giants hand.

"Noooo" and Bebeby who was watching jump off the building landed on the hand.

"Bebe!!!!!" Bebeby continue to bite on his hands but it didn't work.

"Yes dear brother now I could get a queen to rule the world ahahahahahahaha!!!!"

"Hey can you let her go?" (Y/N) was on the giants hand.

"Help (Y/N) help me!!!" The brother was to sneak up to her but she grab one of his arms and flip him over smacking him on his giant brothers shoulders "(Y/N) help me!!!!!!" She yell and the brother slowly stand up holding his head out of pain but out of pure instinct Murasaki punch him in the face breaking his glasses and loosing his tooth.

"Maybe picking her was a bad choice" he said now in the hound looking at a ugly stuff animal who was Bebeby who was angry and attack the brother on the face when he was down.

"Help me!!!!, I'm afraid of heights!!!!" Murasaki screamed being a damsel in distress.

"Help me brother on your shoulder Kill Them!!!!" Screamed the scientist not being very specific WHICH shoulder they are on.

As requested the Giant swing his arm to the shoulder and look to see who he squash.

"BROTHER NO!!!!" The giant scream while (Y/N) Covered both ears to not hear the loudness in the giants voice (which he doesn't have to do).


(Y/N) smiled for little to no reason making the giant growl and the look of furious rage.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" The giant grab (Y/N) and slam him to the building that smash upon impact and soon the giant stomp his big foot creating a massive crater.

"Behold THE MIGHTY POWER OF BRAWN!!!!!!" The giant created a giant barrage of berserker fist in the crater that the hero is in and finish with a giant hook that made a massive hole in the ground.

The giant panted and look triumph and soon he look to see some remains of his brother the person he killed the second time.

And soon (Y/N) flew out the hole with utter speed and the giant look in shock and without warning (Y/N) punched the giant to the jaw that create a mold of a massive hole and some skull matter is disintegrated to thin air and (Y/N) drop to the ground but was forgetting someone.

The giant is slowly falling down while Murasaki falling down screaming for help while holding her bear for dear life.


"Oh I forgot about her" (Y/N) said that he jump up and grab Murasaki bridal style but Murasaki kept her eyes closed and holding on for dear life until she open her eyes and saw that they were on ground and by that she hug (Y/N) as a sign of thanks.

"Thank you!, Thank you so much!! I thought I was about to die!!!" She said screaming, blushing and accidentally putting him in her breast and crying a little.

"It's....okay" (Y/N) got out of her chest and shushing her a sigh of its okay and welcome and soon the Giant slammed to the ground causing the ground to shake violently and landed on buildings and squishing Crablante the second time and this time killing him instantly.


Some cities destroyed

Soon Murasaki and (Y/N) parted ways and right know (Y/N) decided to walk some more thinking about how's life is now compared to back home and believe he's the hero he always dreamed of and look to see the sunsetting and look to see how beautiful it was of seeing the sun gleam and the sky's turn orange yellow mix together as a team.

After that he decided to walk back home with a sushi dinner he got from a conveince store while walking he see a cat and decide to pet it but decided to flee but went back of hearing cars parts flying at his direction hitting the bag that contain his sushi.

"Vroom Vroom.......ehehehehehe" said a hysterical voice and soon a being decked out with car parts who is tearing up a car in pieces and soon the being look at (Y/N)s direction.

"Don't hide when I see you I am Super Custom YO649Z Mk. II!!!!!" SU said with pride and stood prideful and so he continue onward to talk but (Y/N) never really listen to the lame monsters story.

"I love building cars and made my self....Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah a Car Loving Monster!!!!!" Said SU finishing his super long story that (Y/N) paid letting attention too.

(Y/N) blink and went past SU but the car loving monster move to block his path "you think of leaving like that I'm going to kill you and make your skin to a new se--AAAHHH!!!!!!!!" The being was punch in the stomach letting car parts, blood and guts fall on the pavement.

(Y/N) examined his food to see it perfect and intact to eat and continue walking.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hebijo academy

Back with Hebijo academy who are facing defeat and embrassment by their loss because they lost to a ball of biting and chasing them around while Ryona who was whining about how she didn't get enough pain.

"Awwwww no fair everyone have some nice pain and embarrassment but me no fair Nya!!!!" Ryona said angrily and jealously.

"We can say the say the same thing!!!" They yell angrily at Ryona and they didn't notice that Murasaki came back with Bebeby looking happy.

"I see your back did it go?" Ask Imu and by that Murasaki She blush and panic

"Ah ah! It went very well !! now if you excuse me I'm going back to my room!!!" Murasaki said going to her room.

"She seems to have more energy today" Murasaki was in her room looking at the blank screen of the computer that she look herself into the reflection and she blush while holding her heart.

"(Y/N).......strange" she said going back to her computer.


ACHOO!!!! (Y/N) sneezed not knowing that the snot shot at Ball Mans face who is sleeping.
Hope you enjoy it

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