Ice Company

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sun rays hit (Y/N) on the face through his window he got up on his futon and soon yawn to get the tiredness out while smacking his mouth and soon he stretched his back from an itch and soon felt very relieved at it being gone (for now). (Y/N) got up and rolled up his futon and moved it to his closet, and soon he made breakfast consist of Toast, egg with seasoning on it, some cooked rice from last night for dinner an apple and then a glass of OJ, it's a hearty, simple balanced and completed Breakfast.

After breakfast he turn on the TV which switched to the News for any update.

"We interrupt this program with some breaking news, massive sounds and an earthquake struck some of Kyoto and Tokyo which brought on a question, what caused and will it be another one, that all for today Tokyo News out" (Y/N) switched the channel for anything other interesting while sweat dropped at his yell yesterday when he fight the girl and when they scream which annoy him.

"I really need to fix that" he said to himself of fixing his anger issues. (Y/N) decided that for the rest of the day he'll just stay in his apartment while watching some TV or read Manga whatever works for him.

Manga and TV minutes later

(Y/N) was on the couch looking at Shogunate Wars new episodes which is getting more and more Dramatic and exciting to watch in his Point of View as he was continue to see the part of the father and son fighting it was all going good until---

Knock Knock
A Knock of his door interrupt his Show watching, (Y/N) was annoyed because there's a button for the door in the first place to ring the doorbell, plus he missed the favorite part of the shogunate wars he turned off his TV.

"Who could that be?" Asked (Y/N) who is still in his PJs walked up to the door and looked at the peephole in his door. In it was yumi who is in her Gessen uniform the girl who brung her ninjas that crash his room when they first meet.

"is someone their?" as the ice controller keep knocking on the doorway.

(Y/N) thought for a moment whether he should do something about ignoring it or open the door, a second felt like a minute than he sign and shrugged his shoulders he unlock the locks while opening the door halfway for his head to see her.

"Yes?" Asked (Y/N) who he scratched his leg with his other leg and looked at Yumi with a plain look.

"its been a while since we meet I see your room is all fixed" Said Yumi who looked around and see the ceiling fixed after (Y/N) slapped her guardian to the roof.

"Yeah, I soon found out that I don't need to pay for the damage at all, because the landlady was really nice of her fixing the ceiling" said (Y/N) "Anyway you need anything?" He opened the door completely while continuing scratching his leg.

"Nothing I'm just here to talk" she said walking pass (Y/N) and sat down on the couch "I'm just here to make a deal" she said looking at him.

(Y/N) who he closed his door and sat on the opposite side of the couch..

"What Kind of deal?" (Y/N) said with a raised eyebrow while looking at her and she looked down for a minute of silence and soon she spoke up.

"I'm here to ........ Will you marry me?" As soon as Yumi said that his small apartment fell into dead silent.

"EEEHHH?!" Asked (Y/N) who looked shocked and questioned at the girls request.

"I said would you marry me" Yumi repeats it again thinking that (Y/N) didn't hear her request.

(Y/N) is completely baffled at the girls request of marrying him, someone he barely knows at all.

"Why you want to marry me for what reason?" Asked (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow.

"Well you see I'm the only child and my parents died and for my grandpa, he passed away meaning my clan is in great danger of low family members" answered Yumi.

"That doesn't explain why"

"You see I need a groom that is worthy for marrying me" she said now sitting on (Y/N)s side of the couch. "your a powerful warrior perfect to make a new generation for my family"

(Y/N) is in silence at the girl explanation why she wants to marry him, he doesn't know what to say about it.....AT ALL.

"Hello is anybody their?' Yumi said waving her hand up and down on (Y/N)'s face.

"......................" He still doesn't know what to say or do in this situation, if he's Saitama he would've declined it with a drop of a hat, but he know better not to hurt this girls feelings. (Y/N) eyes are cloaked/concealed in shadow.

"I see the problem we just met and I'm hurrying things up am I?.....Maybe we should go on a date right now" She said pulling his arm.

Yumi trying to pull (Y/N) off but with no avail of getting him off the couch, until he spoke.

"Can I At least wear some clothes first?" Asked (Y/N), Yumi stopped pulling his arm and soon nodded while waiting outside of the doorway for (Y/N) to get some privacy of him dressing up. (Y/N) sigh and got off his PJs and soon put on his FUKKIN hoodie. As he finished getting dress he walked to where Yumi was waiting at the doorway,

"Are we ready?" Asked Yumi, (Y/N) nodded and soon walked out of the apartment complex and proceed to where Yumi want to go, because (Y/N) still don't know the location of Japan towns or districts.
THE 'Date'

(Y/N) and Yumi go to the arcade on their so called date in the arcade they were playing some games like fighting games, shooting games, racing games, retro games and Air hockey, some of the arcade machine that require a joystick and button (Y/N) always destroy it, the button are caved in the machine while the joystick snapped into two which no saw.
And the last one didn't go well for him again because ever time he hit the puck, the puck go through the arena sped like a missile to the wall making a very large hole, while baffled many people, luckily they manage to get out of here and luckily no one saw who did it.

And luckily before they left they played the claw machine which (Y/N) manage to win a stuffed animal for Yumi which she cling on his arm so affectionally that anger the male population which (Y/N) is very obvious to there piercing glare.

After the arcade they decide to eat at a fancy 5 star restaurant, which served edible and high quality food (Which (Y/N) never experience luxury before) Many people stared at (Y/N) that aren't very friendly because his attire is not formal or sharp like the other patrons in the restaurant and in jealousy because many guys wondering why a generic boy manage to get a sexy/hot girl who the boy looked out of her league, this girl should be dating them than a weirdo.After lunch they walked to the park while Yumi was clinging on his arm affectionally, while every guy looked in jealousy giving (Y/N) death stare which he never notice them agian, all was well until.

"Hey babe why you dating this loser here? Why don't you party with us than?" The voiced come from a group of 8 guys who are older than Yumi and (Y/N) ( way older) who wear casual clothes and some have have fat, or macho physique and have faces downright perverted and pedophiliac.

"Sorry but I'm not into evil perverted idiots like you plus he's more manly than you 8 that all you can't match to his level". Exclaimed Yumi who glared at them in disgust of picking on young girl like herself.

That remark made all of the men mad.

"Oh yeah?, I'm more manly than this twerp!" The guy who charge at the boy and threw a sloppy right hook to (Y/N) face, but (Y/N) effortlessly caught it and squeezed the said hand. "AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" The big one screamed like a little girl which echoed around the park. The guys looked shocked at some boy hurting a guy who look more stronger than him.

"Ow OW OW OW OW!!!, Okay I give up, I give up your crushing my hand!!!!!!" Screamed the big one who look more macho than (Y/N).

"Wait?, your kidding right?" (Y/N) said with a sweat drop while putting pressure on the hand.

"yes yes I'm sorry!, I won't do it again!!!" Screamed the man as tears stream down his face.

As he let go of the hand the guy curled up to a ball with and was crying with tears streaming down his face on the pavement while clutching his hand to ease the pain while keeping a safe distance away from (Y/N). The other looked shocked and suprised and soon turn to fury.

"See we'll do this the hard way than, after we beat your ass to the ground while take this hot kitty cat to somewhere private and have a party with just her and us whether she do this the easy way or the hard way". After that the other guys smirked and chuckled evilly while Yumi glared at them of shameless men (like them) covering the earth.

After a while the other guy charge try to attack (Y/N) by kicking him in the face but the kick hit air and (Y/N) simply went behind the kicker and give him his own move Serious surplex and picked the other one by his neck and was throw to a tree which slammed on impact breaking the tree in two. while (Y/N) grab two more heads and slam them together knocking them. (Y/N) evaded a knife to the back and looked at the biggest one who has a knife in his hand.

"On second thought we'll just kill you, rather than knocking you ass out and soon where going to claim our prize once we deal with you" said the knife welder who looked at Yumi hungrily Lust for her sexy body. The knife wielder charge at (Y/N) and gave a combo of slashes at him in different directions which (Y/N) effortlessly evaded them and soon got bored of evaded them and soon (Y/N) brought out his fist to the mans face and soon the man rocketed to another tree which broke the tree in pieces rather than into two.

the rest were surprised, shocked, humiliated and now fear gripped there hearts and run away and left there friends rather than to fight .

"we're sorry it won't happen again!!!!" fast as a blue they disappeared leavening (Y/N) disappointed. Than (Y/N) look at Yumi when she hug his arm while smiling at him also.

"That was amazing I knew that you were perfect to be my husband." Said Yumi affectionally while continue to hug his arm.

(Y/N) sweat drop and cringed at the word 'Husband'. He sigh and want to get this date over with. (Y/N) and Yumi continue to walk till its nighttime as they proceed back to his apartment complex.
Apartment complex

Both Yumi and (Y/N) found there destination there were at the front of the entrance of his apartment.

"Well that was a nice date while it lasted" she said trying to kiss him on the cheek but felt the air rather than skin as (Y/N) move out of the way avoiding her kiss.

"Sorry no kissing on the first date" said (Y/N) which was clearly a lie by that Yumi puffed out her cheeks.

"Your the worst, I come here to meet you but you don't let me, your girlfriend kiss you, your a meanie" she crossed her arms and continue to puff and swelled out her cheeks making (Y/N) sweat drop again.

"Anyway uuuhh...." (Y/N) thought for a moment trying to say goodbye to her while he sweat dropped at her small tantrum, he thought for a moment until a lightbulb struck his head.

"See ya!!, have a nice night!!!" (Y/N) screamed at the top of his lungs while running to his apartment room with a blur so fast that no one could see him while leaving Yumi to herself standing still at the entrance

After (Y/N) closed his door, he sigh while banging his head on the wall at Yumi remark of him being her boyfriend which he is not her boyfriend but rather an acquaintance.

*what have I gotten into?* asked (Y/N) thought as he is In sticky situation but he is not boyfriend material, he sigh in utter defeat of what he suppose to do in this situation and he sure is not Saitama, because his father would pick a different route on it.

But soon he decide to put it on the back of his mind, as he took off his casual clothes and put on his PJs and soon got himself some rice ball bento out of the fridge and do his usual routine to end the day.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

At gessen inside the room were the elites are allowed yumi just came back from her mission the 3 members was wide awake except Minori who is sleeping at her room. As Yumi entered the room the 3 eyes on her.

'hey girl so how was like your mission to ask the boy in our school?" Asked the valley girl (Gyaru) Shiki who looked at her blog on her phone and lab top at the same time.

"What mission?"

"the mission to ask him to join and if he doesn't you will be his girlfriend" answered Yozakura who she stopped drinking from her teacup.

"oooh that ..... I forgot." by that Yozakura eyes pop out and sweat drop from her and the 2 members (Murakumo and Shiki) .

"seriously did you forget the mission or something!" Screamed Yozakura who can't believe her eyes that The leader forgot something so easy.

"I don't know but I think he's actually a hero than a fool embarrassing himself" said Yumi.

"Well he's both a hero and embarrassing himself" exclaimed Murakumo who is drawing on paper.

"You can say whatever you want, but he's no pervert or an idiot he even save me from some guys who try to hit on me" she said closing her eyes and daydreaming.

"That sounds like a cliche from a anime show" said Murakumo with a sweat drop.

" Yumi are you sure your OK !?" she yell shaking Yumi to see if she was okay but in the end Yozakura got aa bump on the head by Yumi as a result for it.

"Don't do that again Yoza ..... tomorrow I'm going on another date"

"why don't you invited him here to get him to trust us better"' asked Murakumo. By that Yumi has a light bulb shined on top of her head from Murakumo idea.

"That's a great idea but maybe tomorrow I'm getting tired" she said as she go to her dorm leaving the 3 to themselves , while she was in her room she took off her uniform and put on her sleepwear and soon laid on the bed and soon she whisper something."sweat dreams Jr." Whisper Yumi who wished the hero a goodnight.

(Y/N) sneezed while going to his dreamworld and felt she was talking about him.
Give credit to my macho friend and follow him rather than Qwertz here.

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