The Snake strikes back

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Hebijo Cladenstine Girls Academy

Back to the Academy, the elites minus one are talking about what transpired the passing week and what transpired is a little flaw to the week that pasted on to another, something is bothering them.

"Is it just me or do you think we might have a problem?" Asked the leader, Miyabi with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah; now that you mentioned it, I sometimes see Rin throwing stars at a photo of that hero guy" said Imu remembering when she walked past the rooms and saw Rin looked furious and angry while throwing stars nonstop at the wooden training post with a photo of the young hero.

"Aaaah, I'm so jealous for him I wish Rin was mad at me so I can feel the pain but no" said Ryona with Jealousy but snap out of it when her sister Ryobi slapped her on the back of her head.

"Can't you not be a pervert for one day?!" Screamed Ryobi.

"Oh yes I just love it the way you do it!" she yell out of pleasure rather than moaning in pain.

"Okay, enough fooling around we must help Rin Sensei with this problem" said Miyabi with determination.

" Are we talking about the hero guy?, I don't even think that he's a threat anymore last time I saw him he was buying eggs with his ninja uniform" Imu said with a sweat drop at the last part "......I'm very sure Murasaki and him will get along very will" said Imu mentioning her sister Murasaki who is always absent.

"That's cute and all but what about rin health is not healthy?"

"What about we give her a doll that looks like that hero guy that what I do when my sister is not here I always use all my stress on this doll" she said taking out a doll that looks like her sister Ryona with needles on it , than she took another needle and stick it at her sisters arm by that Ryona scream at pleasure.

"aaaaaaawww yes!" She moan with drooling in ecstasy.

"than what was that doll for!?" the both grown women yell and eyes widened and jaw drop.

(Y/N) Akiba district

"ACHOO!.....someone's talking about me....." (Y/N) sneezed on one of his FUKKIN hoodie sleeves and he brush his nose a bit.

"Someone's talking about me" knowing that someone is indeed talking to him, while other people looked at him weirdly thinking that he's a weirdo but a course he doesn't care. Now on to the journey that (Y/N) as he looked at a piece of paper for the location that seek untold treasures, as he walked he looked at the location and see where he been looking for.

"YES!!!!!" He said while smiling to himself and and looked at the coupon that says 70% off on new releases. While other people looked at him weirdly and kept there distance and now know they now that he's a complete weirdo, and like he said HE DON'T CARE. Without further ado he went inside the store with a sense of relief on his face knowing that it's not over. (Yet)

Manga store

(Y/N) was browsing the section for new releases came out and is looking threw some interesting stories while whistling while he was walking around while keeping his eyes on the pages, he accidentally bump into someone and that person fell down while (Y/N) remain standing. He took his eyes off of the book and soon spoke.

"Sorry about that, are you Okay?" He have a better look at this person, and was a girl who have too purple hair in (Y/N) book and is wearing the uniform that look identical to the ninjas he saw when he search bamboo wood, (that not important right now) the most eye catching thing was she was holding a big purple blue weird teddy bear.

"th-thank y-you very much" the purple hair girl say with a nervous smile while gripping her teddy bear.

(Y/N) grabbed her hand and lift her back on her feet with no problem. "I'll watch where I'm going" he a
Said while scratching his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry " she said bowing her head again and again trying to apologize.

"There's no need to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong" (Y/N) said while sweat drop at someone with very low self-esteem.

"sorry sorry is just I'm not used to going outside in front of people ........ OH YOU GOT THE NEWEST MANGA SAMURAI CHAMPION !" she yell a little out of exciting with stars in her eyes.

"Hm?" He looked at his hand and is indeed the newest one which he is reading now. "Well yeah, I'm about to buy this and other ones that all cost 70% and a buy 3 get 2 free deal, luckily I was able to be on time before it was over while this offer is very exclusive in the Akiba district".

"Samurai Champion is one of my favorite mangas next to Joe's wonderful journey , and you have the newest one, you put a little emotion into it, interesting" explained the purple hair girl to the hero (who she not know he's a hero).

"Ummm...Thanks?" (Y/N) said while continue to scratch his head.

"ooh my bad Sorry ...... by the way my name is Murasaki and this is Bebeby my long time best friend" the purple girl who is now name Murasaki (mentioned) introduces him to her teddy bear.

(Y/N) sweat drop at the girls creepy stuffed animal thinking it's alive, but decide not to say anything and decide to play along with the gig.

"Likewise........I'm Jr." That name made her think for a moment.

"Jr......... you sound and look familiar like that ninja hero" explained Murasaki trying to figure out. But before he could say anything else, she soon remember.

"Oh your that hero guy that everyone is talking about how strong and amazing you are"

"Oh really I'm very happy to hear that"

"They also say that your bold, silly , an idiot, doing nothing but embarrass yourself and making a fool of the ninjas society , but I don't think its true" Murasaki conclude while remembering what they said about him (especially Rin and Ryobi).

"You know this is not the first time I been hated by anyone I don't care if they hate me they need to learn not to care about there reputation, and plus I'm not a ninja, I'm just a guy who's a Hero for Fun". He said with a normal face he wore everyday........ (kinda).

"so your saying your just a ninja for fun , that's a weird quote, but very creative (Y/N) maybe that's the reason why your so famous" she concluded in her theory why he is popular.

"I'm a Hero not a ninja, I don't understand why they think I'm a ninja, clearly I'm not?" He said with an eye twitch. "And how do you know my real name?" Asked (Y/N) getting suspicious.

"Umm...well you became very popular in the ninjas society I can tell........but , can I ask for a favor Mister (Y/N)" she said getting nervous and pushing her fingers together.

"Okay.....what is it?" Asked (Y/N) with a raised eyebrow.

"I want to take a photo with you I'll be very Honor to meet you in person"

(Y/N) thought for a moment and soon replied ".......Sure Thing" knowing that it wouldn't hurt for a photo taken by someone he barely knows.

"Thank you, thank you very much I'm very Honored" she said getting closer to (Y/N) and accidentally pressing her large bosom closer to (Y/N) feeling it, she took out a phone and do a peace sign with her free hand and took a picture "Thank you very much" she said bowing down in respect and thankfulness.

"Yeah, don't mention it" (Y/N) said while scratching his head of being praised by someone he barely know.

"Sorry but thank you again ...... what was that bebe?" the purple hair girl put her teddy to her ear while (Y/N) started to hear a cartoony voice that sound squeaky "really ..... no way ... are you sure .... okay I'll tell him".

"What's Going on?" Asked (Y/N).

"Sorry but I can't say that much but some girls with the same uniform as me but I can tell that you won't go down that easy .... I like to stay but I have to go back". Murasaki asked with a sad expression on her face.

"It's could go...I'm not bothered at all" said (Y/N) in assurance. Murasaki left the manga store leaving (Y/N) to have time to himself.

"Now where was I?, oh yeah". (Y/N) walked around while continue to read his book

5 Minutes later

After (Y/N) pay the manga of Samurai Champion and other new manga and got two additional books for free. he decided to go back to his apartment without noticing he was being sneak up by the 4 elites of Hebijo.

The two twins were hiding in some trash cans costume.(which is very stupid for a reason)

"Damn these stupid costumes are ridiculous and plus I'm let people throw trash on me .... really need to learn how to finish food people!" Ryobi said in Anger, while her sister on the other hand enjoy it. (Duh, she like stuff being thrown at her)

"besides the smell I kinda liked it" Ryona said in pleasure. after a while a business man with coffee on his hand still hot and throw it to the trash were Ryobi was on by that she screamed in her mind and when he was gone she screamed out loud unable to hold back her scream.

"Really why do you people throw shit on me?!, why not her?!" Ryobi scream in utter fury.

"Yeah, why not me?" Ryona whine in disappointment not having hot coffee not being thrown on her.

"Okay no more fooling around, time to get this fool" she got out her rifle take poke out of the garbage lid and aim the gun at (Y/N)'s head but before the trigger can be pull and trash truck came and pick out the trash can were Ryōbi was and throwing her in and soon the truck drive away taking a screaming girl "Damnit!!!!".

"ahhh I'm so jealous of you your so lucky today" whine the blone if her sister have good luck (which is bad luck).

(Y/N) was walking while a garbage truck past him and pause for a moment to hear a feminine scream in the truck past him in a very fast speed, (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders thinking the wind is messing with him. He continue walking while he was walking for 3 minutes till he paused again to feel a piercing stare looking at him the other way, which he turned to see the person but see nothing but walking pedestrian he thought for a moment and made an answer.

"Yep, it's just the wind"

While he was walking Imu was following (Y/N) from building to building.

"Okay all I have to do is use my staff to grab him with this hook" she said bring out a hook attached to her stretchable staff.

"Okay now stay still ..... what the who's the real one?" She question seeing a group of people with the same hair style and hair color as (Y/N) making Her confused 'is like luck is around him' she try to find (Y/N) and found him because of his hoodie 'aha!' her staff stretch directly to his back and was walking unaware what's coming to him but before it could.

"Oh a penny" he bend down dodging the hook while hearing something "hmm?" He got back up and got the penny from the ground.

"ah ha got himmmmm ..... oh no I got the wrong one!" she yell and her jaw drop and eyes widened grabbing a young kid that look like jr. (Kinda by hair)

The kid started to cry and Imu was about to panic and put the boy between her breast to clam him down and it did a little.

"please don't cry or else I'm going to jail" pleaded Imu

(Y/N) hear a little boy cry and looked up to the building to see a silhouette of a person grabbing a crying kid without warning and not be able to ignore his hero instinct he called out

"Hey what are you doing?" Asked (Y/N) to the person grabbing the child.

'shit in this position I'm in now people will think I'm a pedophile' she started to sweat a little but soon come up with a answer.

"Well...... you see my Little brother some how got here and hes afraid of heights ,so I did this trying to clam down" she said trying to convince the hero with a nervous they were looking at each other for a second until the little boy yell.

"Don't believe it ! She's a cougar ! A Rapist!, help stranger danger!" the boy was yelling and Imu was panicking so hard trying to quiet down the boy but no luck.

(Y/N) soon ran next to an alleyway and soon made a very strong leap that cracked the ground, and soon he landed perfectly and walked up to the kidnapper who wear a uniform similar to the purple haired girl.

"Are you going to let him go by any chance?" Asked (Y/N) with a plain and somewhat serious face.

Imu didn't have any choice but to retreat she throw a smoke bomb on her feet and disappeared on the spot she was .

"yeah you better run you cougar...... thanks super guy from saving me from that cougar" said the kid

"Yeah, don't mentioned then you need a hand getting out off this building" as said (Y/N) who gently grabbed the boy and drop down safely and luckily no one saw his amazing feat thanks to being somewhere secluded and soon the child and the hero went to there separate ways.

20 Minutes later

After (Y/N) small hero day, he decided to go back to his apartment after occasionally say hello to the landlady he went to his room but when he came he saw a white hair girl with the uniform similar to the purple hair girl and that girl is the leader. Miyabi the leader of the elites sitting their on his sofa (couch) while crossing her legs.

"Hello their Jr. Saitama" Said Miyabi with a growing smirk on her face.

"Why are you in my house? Last time I'm very sure I locked the door...." Asked (Y/N) With a raised eyebrow at the girl who enter his apartment.

"A ninja always got his secrets hidden away in the shadow but your not a secret so its a easy thing to find you " said the older woman with a more visible smirk and soon she got off his couch and soon she bring out her sheathed sword out of thin air for (Y/N) to see . "you can tell were this is going right?" Miyabi continue to smirk at him while pointing her sword at him.

"No idea" (Y/N) said with the blank expression dead of what's going on "I'm not a ninja by the way, I'm a Hero for fun" soon a small yet hearable chuckle came from the leaders mouth laughing at the hero's stupidity of what's going on.

"Hehehe I'm surprised that a guy like you can actually wield so much power , making Rin Sensei go in shame , making Daidouji kneel to and before you , and having allies of the light backing you up , so is a big risk for me and others who dance for the shadows of evil" she said now taking her sword out her kanji ridden sheath, and when the blade was shown red and black fire sparked the Dark blade of the sword and soon the sheath disappeared in thin air.

"Oi is that thing really on fire?! I will ask you to put that away nice and slow or you'll burn down my apartment!" Said (Y/N) who has a worried look on his face worrying about his precious, comforting apartment being burned down and with no where to live but the streets of him, the landlady and other residents.

"Hmmm you should worry about yourself than your surroundings" she disappeared and appear right in front of (Y/N) like if it was slow motion she swing her sword at his face in one second (Y/N) bite the flaming sword breaking it apart in pieces.

thinking that she miss (Y/N) or he dodge it but then she he looks at her swordand saw it was broken and shattered .

'What the did he somehow had armor on or did he break it but I didn't see him do it.' Miyabi Thought look in disbelief at her sword the most durable strongest that could cut through anything is shattered by a mere person who looks average and non-Threatening .

"I mean it you dimwit I'm serious....." (Y/N) said with a menacing aura around him "Plus I'm irritated and those in my way....Gets Punched"(Y/N) held a serious expression on his face while his presence is getting more menacing then before.

Miyabi couldn't lie that she was intimidated by this new face of this hero but chose to over come it .

"Hehe I'm surprised but I'll will risk and I will not back down" she said while black fire on her body and taking a fighting stand "now than let's see if you - AAAHHHHHH!!!!" she screamed breaking her tough girl charade when (Y/N) got out a Waterhose and shoot it at the ninja again making sure the fire was out on her body and soon Miyabi stood there dripping soaking wet.

"Phew that was a close..." (Y/N) in relieve that his house wasn't on fire.

"Okay I think .........I'll go and plus I need a new clothes anyways" she said now jumping out the window with a blush on her face from embarrassment.

(Y/N) soon got the Hose in its place and looked to see his room is wet

"Now then where was I? Oh yeah my manga......where is it?" (Y/N) looked to see his newest manga was wet and soggy, his eyes popped out and soon feel on his knees in despair.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" A screamed echoed that everyone heard it. He looked defeat until the corner of his eyes to see his newest one is still in the back and still intact and soon relief sprung the hero's morale up. "Oh wait it's still there" he soon cleaned his apartment to its normal self and took off his clothes and switch to his sleep attire in a matter of minutes, soon read his manga while scratching his belly no nonchalantly.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Epilogue Hebijo clandestine academy

After a horrible and embarrassment intent of attacking the hero they all return back were the elites hangout.

"hello miyabi chan how was your day?" Asked Ryona with that smile on her face.

"I don't want to talk about it" Miyabi muttered bitterly.

"aaaaahhh come on it will make you feel better" Ryona whined and pleaded.

"Well my sword got broken and I was embarrassed when he sprayed water at me...... what that smell?!" Miyabi was interrupted when a foul stench stinging her nose.

"Don't make me remember that I was thrown into the trash truck so now I smell like ass" said Ryōbi who has stink lines radiated off of her.

"That's nothing I'm being wanted for mistaking for rape , being a cougar , and a pedo" Imu said with crocodile tears and show a wanted poster of her.

"awww every one having a good time but me I'm so jealous!" Ryona whine believing it as good luck to her (which is not its bad luck)

"We are not enjoying it you crazy woman!" Screamed all three of them in fury and bitterness.

"hello everyone I'm back...... who my it looks like you guys been through a lot?" They look at the voice and it was Murasaki with her teddy bear walking in the elites room.

"oh is just we fail a mission to attack the hero guy" Imu said while gritting her teeth at the part Hero Guy. Murasaki know what person her sister is talking about

"You mean this guy his name is (Y/N)" she show her phone of the picture of (Y/N) and her for the elites to see and soon Miyabi,Imu and Ryōbi got a lightbulb on top of there heads knowing they got an idea.

"Murasaki your amazing I knew you weren't just a shut in" Miyabi smiled at the shut-ins smart moves.

"Huuuuuhhh?!" Murasaki looked very confused of what she is talking about.

"Your a genius making him fall for you with your boobs tricking that pervert to be your friend" Ryōbi said with a sinister smile knowing where this is going.

"and when his guard is down you will get him" Imu said finally with a smirk on her face. Murasaki thought for a moment until she got the pieces two and two together.

"mmmmeeee!?" Screamed Murasaki in shock of the elites plan to use her to kill the hero, Rin heard the Conversation and smirked darkly at there plan to eliminate (Y/N).

"ACHOO!!!!" Sneezed the hero while reading his manga samurai champion he shrugged his shoulder while continue to read his manga knowing that it's nothing.
My Birthday is on March 19 and this is my present to all you who support me and here it is sorry we took so long anyway thanks for reading this chapter oh and by the way here's something for Joelom

Boxing samurai lava boy male reader
(Y/N) Akianu the samurai boxer character for my biggest helper
Tune in next time for another chapter!!!!!!!!!!

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