What a dream....(Prolouge)

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In an unknown red barren place where the cloud is inhumanly red beyond anything most would ever seen before and the ground is barren devoid of any life on it making it a vast wasteland making it uninhabitable for any soul to be in. The ground is scattered with weapons consist of katanas, kunais, shuriken and many more all scattered around being in the worse conditions and most are coated in blood and ruined.

It doesn't seem to be a signal soul presented in the strange barren world making it lifeless except.......

"Where am I?" Asked a young male with short (H/C) hair who face is rather blank and unremarkably plain written over him. He also appear to be wearing a (F/C) long sleeved shirt with a distinctive symbol of FUKKIN (Abs), (F/C) pajamas and is barefooted.

(Y/N) is his name as his rather unremarkably simple feature contorted to confusion as he was walking among the barren world devoid of life

He was scratching the back of his head seemingly confused on how he even got here?....could someone just kidnap him in his sleep...nah.....could his Bro pull a prank on him as revenge for eating his favorite hot pot?....could be but that answer couldn't be since after all how would he even know to drop him off at this place exactly.........maybe some monster take him which is very likely of course seeing how monsters just appear at the worse amount of times....

"Man all this thinking kinda give me a headache slightly...." said (Y/N) whom he scratched his head more and feel a slight tremble in his ear to his head as it was getting louder by the second as he felt the ground shake before when he realized

"Wait....." it wasn't a headache it was coming from the ground before it was too late to react anytime sooner when something large and bulky shot up from the ground and soon landed a blow to (Y/N)s direction whom didn't had time to block and defend against

"Gah!!!" Before he knew it he was catapulted to the opposite side hitting agianst the large rocks all around the barren world as the rock made a large around (Y/N) whom he gasp in shock and in great pain as he was on the ground with white hot pain begin to crept up on his forehead as a patch of blood begin to pour from the head wound as the stinging pain continues to flood him.

(Y/N) didn't had time to recover much when he heard a whistling sound coming at him fast when he did a being with a sickly blade appeared and gave a slash at his chest as (Y/N) gasp in pain as blood sprayed around him before he was sent flying through the rock which the rock shattered before (Y/N) skid before he stopped when he applied force to be in place

(Y/N) fell on his knees before he was breathing heavily from the pain and felt a slight blur of his vision as he wondered what came at him fast and hard........

"Well well it seem like the human filth survive...." said a ghastly dark voice that boomed inside his head before he looked up to see the source of it all and find no one but him around by the looks it

"Who's there show yourself!" He said as he looked left and right

"Seem like you are just a clueless and just as foolish like the other trash" said the voice mockingly that seem to boomed in the sky

"Who are you?!!" Screamed (Y/N) as he looked around and see no one but him around however he knew he wasn't alone at this point

"My identity does not matter nor the name bestowed upon you mere humans....." said the voice "however since you are alive I'll give you the title of what we are....... we are Yoma's"

"Yomas?" Asked (Y/N) whom looked up in piqued interest.....

"We are being born from the blood of the shadows of light and darkness we thirst to end life in the human world to devour...."

(Y/N) soon noticed rising from the ground from large rock like beings to oni with large clubs even a large avertly hideous Minotaur creatures that stood over most with bulging muscles and the variety didn't end their at all for him before he knew it he was surrounded by these beings

(Y/N) couldn't help but sweat as he held a serious gaze on him as he clenched his fist at the situation as his eyes narrowed deeply as he felt.........excited since it's been quite a while to encounter such formidable opponents it makes him quite excited.....

"Now you are surrounded by my children trespasser why don't you give up and stop the fut-"

"Just Shut up and fight" interrupted by (Y/N) who smirked immensely as he wanted to taunt the voice once more.

"Very well now DIE!!!!" The voice boomed as (Y/N) feel the force of the wind to show how angry the voice.

Before one of the Yomas a Minotaur variation slammed its mighty fist down in hopes to crush (Y/N) whom with speed dodged the strike as the ground shake as (Y/N) stumbled slightly

(Y/N) took to slam his fist to the beings chest before any of them knew the Minotaur exploded into chunks that scattered around leaving a stump and legs of the being

The creatures look suprised and some narrowed as they seem to be angry as they guessed they never see a human kill them with One Punch!. 

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N) clenched his blood soaked fist as he held a smirk on his face whom bland expression was gone to a natural serious one as he did a small stance and did a motion for them to bring on

The Yomas took the message and them charge at all sides coming at him hot the oni one slammed its club which only (Y/N) to dodge and retaliate with a right hook to its face which cause it to be sent flying with a cracked face

Another creature came and it seem to be a spider whom jabbed it's large legs sharp as a knife at him with inhumanly speed which thankfully it grazed him slightly and gave him a fresh cut on the side of his body along with a tear in his shirt. He kicked it away from him and it be sent flying.

He wasn't finished as he looked at his next target the rock being whom he ran close before he jumped on it not only shattering it but give (Y/N) the momentum needed for him to jump away from the large army as he was airborne feeling the tense breeze

However (Y/N) picked up whistling noises and he stared to see fast projectile from very sharp tips of feathers coming from harpy like creatures whom look grotesque than usual

(Y/N) knew the danger he try to use his momentum in the sky to swerve and dodge the feathers which some miss however most grazed his face slightly causing him to hiss in pain slightly as he noticed more coming to his way

(Y/N) with quick thinking he begin to clap his hand which created a massive shockwave which not only staggered the flying creatures it brought their razor sharp feathers at them which cleaved most of them in pieces temporarily disabling their airborn forces

(Y/N) noticed a glowing orb of light coming at him fast and hot which (Y/N) dodged it in time before he see ground forces with them taking the appearance of skeletons by the looks of it with their mouth glowing blue or red whom opened their maws to blast more energy at him fast which caused (Y/N) to dodge airborn as one grazed his side burning the side of his shirt as he grit his teeth before he continued to dodge while still falling in the air before he noticed a opening for him which struck an idea

(Y/N) on begin to flip before he lead his leg out downward for force coming down hot on the ground when he landed on the ground it emitted a vast shockwave that blow away most enemies giving him some distance away however soon some bolted at him as he dodge and weave through an onslaught of claws, clubs and fist thankfully dodged thanks to his agility before he see the 4 giant ones slammed their attack as He blocked the 4 giant beings attack which cause the ground to shatter from the force as he stood there gritting his teeth and he stared intently a glint in his before he sweeped his leg down causing them to stumble before he hit the ground (Y/N) charged a powerful punch which pierced through the 4 Yomas with a gapping holes in their chest before they are sent flying away from him. Before more Yomas came out of the portals to surround him once more

before more creatures be sent flying by the kicks, punches from here and there as his clothing begin wear and tear by the abuse coming

He seem to be winner however sooner out of the portal came a very large being whom is a large being of bulk and muscle brought its fist down and (Y/N) didn't had anytime

"Gahhhhh!!!!" He gasped out and was sent flying before he knew it a fist behind him punched him once again and this time it was a variation of an uppercut which sent him flying upwards before the first colossal being did a downward slam at (Y/N) cause him to rocket down the earth with a very large crater before the first one brought down its feet thanks to the built up kinetic energy

A violent explosive followed after manifested gust of wind and dust which staggered most of the lesser ones

The dust cleared up to reveal a massively sized crater that stood several towers bellow making survivability impossible for (Y/N) as the Yoma stood and see no trace of him being a victory for them by the looks of it until-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I will never go down....." said a voice bellow before they noticed coming out of the hole is a serious determined young man rocketed to the nearest colossal Yoma before it can react (Y/N) landed a solid punch to its inhuman head which exploded from guts, bones and brain matter

"A Hero for Fun never gives up!!!!" Screamed (Y/N) with determination before he rocketed towards the lesser ones and manifested a shockwave that send them flying all over

Soon the colossal beings roared and charged ahead to help the lesser ones and trample those that aren't fast enough to move away to be crushed by their brethren

This time (Y/N) was prepared and soon punched one away, kicking the other one in the head exploded it immensley before slamming its body down on the ground with a crater sized

'......This feeling.......' thought (Y/N) whom planted another kick to the collasal sending it flying and hurling to the lesser one crushing them more as their number being to pour and lose

'This rush.....'

the piles of corpses reached three or more stories high. The sound of thunder echoed throughout the area. Shockwaves destroyed vast amounts of land second by second. Chunks of mangled bodies flew in every direction. The ocean of enemies seemed endless; they were laid out as far as the eye could see. Had he been anyone else, not only would he have already lost all hope, he'd be dead.

'This sensation.....'

Left hook. Right jab. A quick spin to knock them off their feet. A few quick haymakers to make space to let him catch his bearings. Two massive fists out of nowhere to crush him between them. Nope, gone. Giants taller than him fell before his fists, just like all the rest. He hopped from foe to foe, hardly ever touching the sea of corpses that had become the ground. Each of his punches caused explosions of blood to geyser from their bodies. Dimly, he was aware that he'd been fighting for hours, but he felt no fatigue. How could he? He felt more alive than he had in years. He could almost feel the fire in his eyes, see the heat pumping through his heart, and hear the singing of his muscles as he obliterated more and more of them.

'This is the feel of a real fight a real challenge!!!! I feel determined!!!' Screamed (Y/N) in his head

"To Win!!!!" He screamed out as he charged ahead at more

slowly, but surely, the tide of foes dwindled and died. He stood there, alone, on the mountain of corpses of his foes as he was breathing heavily as he turn to the sky

"I defeated your army COME OUT AND FACE ME!!!" (Y/N) screamed out to the voice with hand soaked in blood of Yoma around him

On cue erupting from the skies suddenly mere yards away from (Y/N) an enormous glowing figure emerged before floating a vague appearance of a muscular man who's eyes glowed red intently

"Looks like i need to do it myself this world will be mine me and my army of Yoma will conquer all rise my fellow yoma!"

Said the voice presented and before he knew it more creatures manifested next to the figure each look inhumanly grotesque and colossal than anything he ever seen before

One of them an inhuman mess of snake like heads with foundations of traditional buildings as armor or clothing , machine like parts around its faces of the heads is concealed with unknown metal with faces contorted before him with large swords around its form.

The second and third ones are centipede like creatures with them having feminine features on both all staring intently at him

Fourth one as it's vaguely resembles a cross between an octopus and a ship with a growing sea below its ship contorted hear and there.

Another is a vague appearance of a woman whom both parts of its chest pop out and manifested creepily looking balls stating and floating intently around the woman

(Y/N) smirked before going fast before leaping as radiant energy manifested around his body before he made a battle cry at the creatures meeting his charge head on

A battle remember a battle between the hero and the demons. Nothing can interrupt their legendary battle before.....

"Oi Wake Up!!! Baldy!!" Screamed the voice whom poked his right cheek before (Y/N) shot up and had a blood vessel appeared before him

"I'm not the baldy your the ba-uh?" he was as he turn to looked around to see him no longer at the barren wasteland as he at the apartment room shared by 2 occupants as he looked down to see his body held no damages from the fight which (Y/N) concluded and pretty much guessed one thing

'Oh so it was a dream.......Ah well...' he looked around before he turned to see who woke him up

It was a man whom face is just as bland as his but what make a contrast is the man lack any hair on his head whatsoever and can have similarities to that of an egg or a crudely drawn character you would commonly find in a background setting of an anime as the man is wearing traditional pajamas a contrast to (Y/N)s choice of attire.

His name is Saitama the more half-assed role model and master.

"(Y/N) you seem to be late by 2.5 seconds is something wrong?" Said another voice to his side to reveal a man who is older than (Y/N) who is more metal than flesh by the inhuman irises of his eyes, his arms that have streamlined metallic that is glowing and humming slightly

His name is Genos another self-proclaimed despicable of saitama and a torn to the side at times but is pretty good overall minus the fact he often annoy saitama and him.

"I'm fine had a good dr-" he didn't finish his sentence when saitama preceded to poke face once more without breaking eye-contact as he sunk his finger into (Y/N)s cheek.

"Oi stop I'm already up!" Said (Y/N) he slapped the man's hand away, he noticing the tiniest of smirk's play across the man's face he stopped and turn to Genos

"Here genos fill him in.....I'll get ready" said saitama whom rose from his spot before he went to the small bathroom to do his business leaving (Y/N) and the cyborg whom the cyborg complied to his master request

"So what do you guys want, I was having a really good dream you know." (Y/N) said tiredly as he rested his head back down on his pillow, not really angry at the older male as he was used to his antics as he turn to Genos.

"(Y/N) this is an urgent mission that is needed for your assistance master cannot do it alone!" Said genos speaking for Saitama before he pulled out the flyer

Saturday Only! Big Sale!

"So? Today's Monday," (Y/N) said confusedly as he looked at a calendar that was currently pinned to the wall with a thumbtack. Saturday having a red circle around it with a note to go to the sale. Sales were usually bi-weekly and tended to be what got them through the month more often than not.

Genos simply pulled the flyer back for a second as his eyes narrows

"The people of this store held a secret message no one is unable to see crack thankfully with my highly advanced specs gifted by Dr. Kuseno! I can analyze the secret message!" Said Genos whom eyes glow before a highly advanced hud appeared before he said the following words

"Except Beef and assorted produce which are to go on sale on Monday during the lunch hour special"

(Y/N) shot up from his bed in an instant he heard those words as he held a serious experience

"those little cheats, try to pass a fast one on us uh best we be ready!" Said (Y/N) who has unyielding determination to get their hands on the beef and produce! Not letting that go by a long shot!!!

(Y/N) quickly rolled up his futon before heading to the bathroom when he saw saitama left the bathroom as (Y/N) begin to brush his teeth while Genos made to get breakfast ready while Saitama sat himself in front of the T.V. to see if there was anything interesting on the morning news.

"Hey what time is it?" (Y/N) whom poked his head out from the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth still

"Based on my built in time it's about 8:20" answered Genos who prepared breakfast for the three of them in a pink apron a funny contrast for a rather serious person. The breakfast consisting of a bowl of white rice for them that he heated up from yesterday's dinner, along with some natto on the side – for texture. Two fried eggs with accompanying seasonings for each of them which were currently still sizzling on the frying pan at the moment. Orange juice, toast for them , along with a banana and an apple to finish it off for a fairly well balanced meal.

"8:20!? What happened to the alarm clock?!" (Y/N) eyes widened as he turn to saitama knowing it's him of all people destroy the littlest of things.

Saitama pointed to a hole on the ground where he had punched said alarm clock through. While saitama simply scratched his belly uncaringly continue to watch the news or anything interesting

"Baka!!! You nearly took half of my sleep! We are almost late to the Monday sale!!!" Screamed (Y/N) who eyes are white to show how he is pissed

"It just suprised me" saitama half-assedly said while keeping his eyes glued to the screen

"Indeed master was surprised by the clock that interrupted what master is dreaming of in order silence the machine he had no choice but to terminate its noise"

(Y/N) simply sigh no longer angry since after all its a antic that saitama and even he does for a living at times to the alarm clock or any mundane thing.

"Alright best we hurry for that sale and by the way bro your paying that hole on the ground and the clock from your own pocket money!" (Y/N) pointed at Saitama

"Eh" he simply said with a shrug not really midn since after all money isn't as much of an issue thankfully due to the place they live in is a ghost town and repairing the floor is cheaper and got just enough to pay for that clock.  Soon after that they resume to whatever they are doing
_______40 minute later___________

"Ready (Y/N)?" Asked saitama whom is now in his costume consisting of a plain yellow jumpsuit with a short zipper at the collar and a belt. The costume being finished out by a red ensemble of boots, gloves and a white cape. He looked to his first 'disciple'

"Of course I am" said (Y/N) who wore a similar costume to saitama with contrast consist of (F/C) jumpsuit, a bronze zipper at the color and bronze belt. As the costume is finished with (F/C) gloves, boots and a gray cape.

"Alright" saitama nod before he turn to his second 'despicable' "ready genos?"

"Indeed I am master" genos said whom wore a sleeveless hoodie to expose his cybernetic augmentations, jeans and shoes all staring intently

"Okay everything good got your wallets and papers of the sale?"


"Indeed so master"

"Alright.......we spread out around the city to find the cheapest deal starting from Y....."(Y/N) and Genos nod intently before they got ready with (Y/N) in a starting position you would find in track, Genos primed his boosters ready while saitama leaned in slightly getting

"Begin!!!" Before on cue the three scatter at inhumanly speeds as dust blows around them, debris flew from the combined forces of speed and strength

And their off! The trio quest to find the right store with the cheapest sales a Quest of Beef and Produce is on the line and make no mistakes

Chapter End
Author note
Here it is guys the first chapter of One-Punch Kagura remake hope you guys enjoy it I put in a lot of effort for you guys for a fresh start and if your wondering the dream is a foreshadowing of his sudden departure of the new world

Tune in next time for the next chapter!!!

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