Meeting At Hero Association

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Here's the next chapter.......
I decided to not take requests for Diabolik Lovers because my last one was reported and take down.

I will put back up certain stories after copying and pasting then on my word document app, the last app I had is not on the play store anymore so I couldn't get it to function anymore.
So I'm having to copy and paste multiple documents.

The name of the main villain above is pronounced Nah-Woo.


I walk through the doors of the Hero Association; the familiar smell of the building brought back memories of my time of being a hero, until a certain demon blinded me, and that demon was my Uncle Nawu.
Uncle Nawu was a powerful demon, just like my father was, the two though they had separate mothers, they hated each other.
My father and Uncle Nawu often had fought each other, nearly killing each other each time as they grew older, and my father supposedly was killed by Uncle Nawu; and on my day of my birth, my father was protecting my mother while she was giving birth to me, as Uncle Nawu was trying to murder my mother whilst she was giving birth, him enraged my father dirtied their bloodline by having a child that's a halfwit like me, of mixed blood.
When I eventually fought Uncle Nawu; I was indeed apart of the Hero Association, and I was winning the battle so far, until Uncle Nawu used his powers, and blasted my face with energy that destroyed my eyesight.
The energy was a spell that he purposely used to blind me, to handicap me, so that he could easily murder me.
When I lost my sight he laughed gleefully, and who saved me from dying that day was Silver Fang.
Whilst my Uncle was weakened; Silver Fang beat him up enough to send him fleeing, and since then, my Uncle hasn't bothered me nor the Hero Association, so I figured he went into hiding.

I perk up and heard the familiar footsteps of Silver Fang walk up, and he then says to me.
"It's been awhile Bombastic or should I say Nubella."

I turn to his voice and smile warmly yet kindly in his direction.
"Silver Fang; it's been a few years since I last saw you.
How are you?"

"I am well.
So can you tell me why you are here?"
He asked me.
"Because I heard you retired since you became blinded by your Uncle."

"In here because I was called in.
I'm not sure why I was called in."
I tell him honestly.

"I see; it might be due to alot of monster sightings, well since you're an expert when it comes to monsters and demons?"
He inquired to me.

"I figured it is; since my Uncle is the ruler of demons, so I figured it might involve him, or even monsters which he don't rule."
I walk with Silver Fang to the elevator.
"Were you called in as well?"

There is a new hero coming to the meeting.
He's known as Genos."
Silver Fang says to me.

"I met him today."
I tell Silver Fang.
"So my secret may get out I was a hero once."

"We will have him swear to secrecy like all the others Miss Nubella."
I heard Alaric say, who is the Manager of the Hero Association as we approached the elevator.

It has been awhile.
Last time I saw you; you had just been appointed to manager."
I say to Alaric.

"I am still the manager."
Alaric says to me.
"Follow me to the elevator in front of you."

I walk into the elevator with Silver Fang; and Alaric, and the door closed, and we moved upward, making me grab the railing of the elevator, me uncomfortable with the way the elevator moved.

"You still hate elevators."
Silver Fang comments to me.

"Yeah I do.
I hate they make horror movies about them, so that's why I hate them."
I tell Silver Fang.
"I love horror flicks too."

"You never changed."
Silver Fang says to me.
"I remember when you were a freshly out of school teenager joining the Hero Association, and watched your tests.
You were very skilled.
Your Uncle causing your blindness was unfortunate, and I felt for you back then, and still do."

"Thank you for giving me that compliment.
It's been awhile since I've been complimented, because people have been rude to me, due to my blindness, but not everyone has been rude though."
I say to Silver Fang.

"My old friend I would never be rude to you even if you are blind and gave retired from the Hero Association."
Silver Fang says to me, his voice sounding warm.

"You were young when we met.
You had to of been in your thirties Silver Fang.
Even back then you were a warm kind person towards me.
You even saved my life when I was blinded, which in grateful for."
I tell Silver Fang; me patting his shoulder.
I felt his eyes look upon me, and see them too, and I saw warmth in them, adoration, though we were friends, close friends, I swore the man had been in love with me for so long, but he never tried to woo me out of respect.
Though he is a martial artist teacher at a dojo and now old; I still see him as the best friend I had back then, and yes I'm quite old, so I've known him since he was in his thirties.
He's a good man overall.

The elevator dings and opens it's doors, the elevator interrupting our conversation, and we step out, and Alaric guided me to the meeting room with Silver Fang, and Silver Fang pulled out a chair for me, which I heard him do, and I use my hands to feel for the chair, my hands meeting synthetic leather, and I sat in the chair carefully.

"What's up with the blind chick?"
I heard a female voice scoff.

"This blind woman was once a legendary hero; so you should respect her Tornado!"
I heard Alaric grit out and I heard the female voice do a humph.

Alaric then handed me paperwork with brail, and I started reading it with my fingers as I heard him say next to the other heros.
"This paperwork is the information on monsters in the area attacking cities, and they are supposedly all connected to a higher up monster, monsters and demons; Bombastic here is familiar with, she's related to by blood to a royal demon, and though she looks human, that is because she's half human, and her father was related to another royal demon in charge of other demons."

"Wait; so she's related to the leader of demons?
So is she also working with the demon by using monsters to attack the cities?"
One person asked.

I answer before Alaric could.
"Though I maybe related to the royal demon; I in fact have never harmed a human being, though I'm half demon.
I once battled this demon, and failed in defeating him, but by reading this information on each attacks, it seems these demons doing the attacks are merely rogues working with monsters, and are just seeking food to eat, since demons are cannibalistic, and devour the flesh of humans, and no I'm not a cannibal, because I ingest human food.
My father was a cannibal; but when he fell in love with my mother, he switched to eating animals, which made him weaker than this royal demon, who is my uncle.
If a demon does not eat human flesh it weakens their powers overtime.
And starving rogue demons are the worst creatures to encounter.
They lose all sense of reason and go for the kill to feed their bellies."
I tell the other heros.

"So you think these attacks are not affiliated with that royal demon?"
Silver Fang asked me.

"Nawu is not involved; there are demons who do not align with him, who he has banished, and those demons have human mates, and half demon children.
Nawu loathes demons who are infatuated with humans and have half demon offspring.
I do have contacts with those demons who have human families, that are in hiding from Nawu."
I tell Alaric.

"I see.
Nawu is his name?"
Alaric asked me.

"Yes; my father and Nawu always hated each other, and they had different mothers, and my grandfather favored my father over Nawu, causing much jealousy within Nawu."
I tell Alaric.
"Rogues can be dealt with quickly enough.
But there can be some that are above B-Class, and they are hard to handle.
Demons are far stronger than monsters.
Monsters don't compare to demonic creatures, and demonic creatures have abilities that rival even humans with unique abilities.
So if you want to send humans to fight them, especially the humans here, I suggest have them have partners to help them out if things get troublesome."

"Alright; then they'll have partners each time dealing with rogue demons, but right now monsters have been plaguing the city too.
Non rogue demons haven't popped up in three months.
What do you suggest we do about monsters working with the rogue demons, though they do not compare to demons?"
Alaric asked me.

"Monsters can be strong as well; so I suggest that you partner up too.
I heard you guys had issues with a Sea King monster, and there were several heros who fought him, and only one hero defeated him in the end.
It's best to have partners.
Going solo will get you killed."
I say to the heros and Alaric.

"That is why I called you here is to give advice to these young heros."
Alaric says to me.

"Demons can heal quickly.
They regenerate fast, whilst some monsters do not.
Especially demons of royal blood can regenerate faster than other demons.
If you notice the monster you encountered regenerates fast, then they are a demon, or demon monster hybrid, and yes demons and monsters can copulate."
I tell the heros.
"I've been alive a long time; though I look young, and I suggest you listen to my advice, lest you be killed by these creatures."

"Thank you for the advice."
I heard Geno's voice say to me.

I smile in his direction.
"You are welcome Genos.
It's nice to hear you again."

"This meeting was called to teach you young ones about the difference between demons and monsters, and demons who copulate with humans, so that you don't do something stupid, and get your asses killed."
Alaric tells the young heros.
"I suggest you listen to Bombastic since she's a veteran.
Though blind; she knows monsters and demons like the back of her hand."

"Yes sir."
All the heros say as I stand up.

"Though I maybe half demon; I have struggled with demons calling me dirty blood, and try to kill me, so I know their behaviors.
I know how to handle them.
I know they can easily kill you.
I only got strong due to I scratched and clawed my way to survive, and I don't want that for you young heros."
I tell the heros.
"Also keep my identity a secret if you see me in public; if word got out that I'm still alive, Nawu could come here, and cause issues for us, and try to destroy us, and the cities."
I turn to Alaric.
"That is all for today.
I will come back in if you call me to another meeting.
I'm tired."

Alaric says to me.
"Go ahead and go home.
Silver Fang shall escort you out of the building."

"Thank you."
I say to Alaric.


To be continued.......

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