Requesting Page!

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Now, you have the option to request art from me! Just tell me who you want me to draw, and perhaps what you have in mind for said drawing! Now, there are some things I will and will not do, so here are some regulations:

1. I will, under no circumstances, draw anything that's NSFW. I am a minor after all, and I'm pretty minors read my books or see my art.

2. There might be some gore here and there, but I won't fully go full gore in my art. So there's no chance of that, either.

3. I can deny your requests. It doesn't matter how much we talk, or if you're someone I consider a friend, I have full right to deny requests. I better not see any of you guys whining or spreading rumours or lies about me just because I didn't accept your request.

4. Please keep in mind that there are some things I don't know about. Say for example: certain shows or games, I won't know every single show or video game, so keep that in mind. I also don't know the personalities of every single character, so don't expect me to draw them the way they should be drawn.

5. I might close requests every once in a while, so keep that in mind!

6. And that's it, ask away! Just keep things specific and follow the rules and you'll be fine!

You can request here:

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