A Proposal..........(ragsan)

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"I love u will u marry me" said a boy kneeling in front of a girl
"ahh" he screamed in frustration
"oh come on sanskar can't u do a simple thing" said a girl
"what simple thing ha I am going to propose ur sister"
"so"the girl said raising her eye brow and folding her hands
A laugh of a boy is heard from behind
"leave it swara he can't do it" said the boy keeping his hands around her
"shut up lucky" swara pushed him and went near sanskar
"if u love her can't u do this"
"I just get nervous and forget everything when she is in front of me"
"u don't get nervous when u irritate her" said laksh
"laksh is right"
"that's different"
"yaar u know na this would be third time that I'll propose her" laksh went aside
"and she'll reject u this time also"
"shut up lucky" swasan said at a time
"ok ok guys relax" said he being scared from these two
"but I really wonder how did u convice shekar uncle and sumi anuty for ur marriage with her"
"ha that was really a daring" said uttra who entered in
"but their too it didn't work as ragini rejected him again" said laksh and both gave hifi to eachother
Sanskar felt bad and left from their
"guys" swara glared them and both felt sad for their friend who failed in love as always
Swara followed him he went and sat on a bench and she sat next to him
"sanskar when u can ask our parents her hand can't u express ur feelings to her"
"I love her and she know it then what's her problem with excepting it" said
"u understand that better than anyone else"
"I understand but what about me"
"u were the one who broke her trust first and then her personal problem"
"sanskar I would always hate u for what u did in past and about helping u know I know how much u love her and no one could love her like u"
"possessive sister"
"not as much as u mr"
Both laughed a bit and sanskar's face turned pale
"ok I did a mistake that time by not trusting her but that never meant I stopped loving her"
She smiled at him
" day after tomorrow is valentine's day propose her tell ur heart ti her she'll except for sure"
"if she didn't"
"stop being negative"
"negative its not me its ur sister stuburn can't she except"
"oye mister think before u speak don't forget that I am the one helping u what if she gets to know what would happen to me have u ever imagined"
She said dramatically
Both gulped
"u are right"
"ok ok I'll leave" said swara and left
Laksh placed his hand on sanskar's shoulder
"don't worry everything would go well" he said
"I hope so"
At ragini's place
"ma baba what's ur problem" said ragini irritated sitting in front of her parents who were trying to convice her
" its not us its u why can't u except him" said sumi
"I can't and I don't understand why are u people behind me"
"ragu beta he loves u a lot" said shekar baba
"finished aren't u people tried"
"aren't u tried by running from ur feelings "
She left from their being irritated
She was daily facing their lectures regarding this
She went to a flash back
Ragsan and swalak uttra were studying in same college they were best friends
Ragini herself didn't know when she fell for sanskar she started loving him first she ignored her feelings thinking as infatuations but later she realised she loved him truly
She liked sanskar who naughty flirt and lover boy she loved him
Sanskar was unaware about ragini's feelings for him she was just his friend but deep in heart he liked her but didn't wanna except it he used to feel jealous whenever he saw raglak close
"hey beautiful" said sanskar flirting with a girl in front of ragini
Who was sitting in cafe
Ragini made an irritated face
He saw ragini and waved her and she turned he asked the girl her number and started moving towards ragini but she stood but picked her books and started moving
"ragu darling" he called she ignored him
"areh suno toh" he said
"are u angry"
"no" "then"
"don't u get bored by flirting with girls"
She asked
"no ranbir kapoor said flirting is like yoga it keeps u fit u too try it"
"no thanks I am happy with what I am"
They were talking when a girl called sanskar
"tiya" said ragini
"my new GF"
"three hours back it was mina"
"we broke" he winked at her and left with tiya ragini smiled at him though she didn't like him being with other girls but couldn't deny that he had a charm that made everyone go crazy about even her
During their college ragini decided to tell her feelings to him she proposed him and he said she was playing prank on him ragini felt broken by his words but controlled her emotions
As time passed time btw two also increased
Sanskar felt a part of him was missing
But didn't care to know
Sanskar got manipulated by what his friends said about ragini when they said she was having relation with this ajay
Sanskar felt angry
When he saw both of them close he encountered her and they had a huge fight
Ragini was disturbed during that time ragini's dadi died she was broken
She was a girl who didn't trust people easily she didn't trust this marriage system as father cheated her mom later sumi married shekar it took her alot of time to accept shekar in place of her dad how ever he was but was her father she loved him
Later sanskar realised his mistake he asked her forgiveness many times but she just hated him he tried to heal her but was not able to heal her completely
Flash back ends

At present
Swara entered her room
"di" she called
"ha swara"
"di wo"
"if u are here to talk about him u can go"
"what ur problem"
"u know well"
" he loves u"
"he labelled me characterless without knowing anything" roared ragini and left from their
Sanskar was remembering all their moments
After he realised that he love her he tried hard to convice her but failed all the time
He even proposed her twice she rejected he talked with shemish first they were angry but later agreed even sujitha and rp sanskar's parents talked with ragini but her answer was same
She was being stuburn
The next day
"ragu" called sanskar
Ragini was angry like hell she held his collar
"what's u problem sanskar why can't u let me leave I peace why what u want ha how many times did I say I don't love u I just hate just go away" she sacreamed and left from their
Sanskar was hurt by her words but he knew her pain
Ragini was sitting alone in garden a small girl came to her and gave her rose and kissed her cheek
She was confused
Then a boy came and gave her chocolate
She smiled at him
Then saw sanskar who was watching her he knew how to cool her she left from their making angry face
"till when are u planning to forgive me"
"why are u so stuburn"
"any problem with u"
"hey bhwayan why didn't u give some brain while manufacturing this product" he said seeing up in sky ragini glared him "sorry" she started moving
"ragu" he started moving behind her
"don't call me that my name is ragini not ragu"
"but I call u that only"
"get lost sanskar"
"argh" she screamed and he smiled
From past few months he is behind her conving her but she the same
"I love u"
"and I hate u"

The next day was valintine's day
Sanskar was nervous what if she denied
And it happened she denied
He was broken
"ragini how can u be so heartless"
"what ma are u blind can't u see how much he loves u ragini their is limit for everything"
"what shekar that boy is trying to convice her trying to tell how much he loves her but she she is not ready to see anything"
"ragini only few people are lucky to get their loved once and all those are blessed who loves them so madly u are blessed to have sanskar don't loose him u regret for ur decision"saying shemish left
She got into thinking about what ever was happening her mother was right
She hurried and dialled sanskar's number but it was switched off
She called laksh he said they were in their old college
Without any delay she rushed
"ragini where are u going" asked sumi as she spotted her going out
" to my lover"
"what when did this happen whom do u love and what about sanskar"
"ma leave my way"
"no I won't first tell who he is"
"offo ma who is ur jamai raja"
"that's it I am going to tell u jamai that how much I love him" saying she left
Sumi didn't understand
Shekar laughed
"why are u laughing"
"because u are tubelight"
"I am happy" said she and hugged him
Ragini was in full hurry
She spotted sanskar walking sadly
"sanskar" she called
He turned and smiled his smile faded he started moving again
"sanskar" she called again
"I know u are just my dream"
Ragini smiled at his comment she moved close to him and touched his cheeks he closed his eyes
"ragini what have u done to me I am imagining u every where"
Ragini didn't understand what to do she pinched his nose
"what u are real"
"ha its me"
"so u are here because u are feeling pitty on me go away if u came for that" without listening to her he said
"idiot" she stamped her foot then she saw here and their
She got an idea
She climbed the water tank
"sanskar" she screamed
Laksh who saw her he called sanskar their people started gathering around
Sanskar reached their
"ragini what are u doing come down" he said
"I love u sanskar" she screamed
"ragini u have gone made come down"
"idiot I said I love u"
"really" he asked
"no I am joking making u april fool are u nuts from that time I am trying to say but u donkey a girl climbed on top of water tank and she is telling I love u then what does that mean" she said
"laksh pinch me am I dreaming"
"sanskar" both yelled at him
"oh sorry"
All clapped for them

Finally they confessed
Lucky are those who their true love and blessed are those who get some one who loves them unconditionally
"happy valentine's day to all"

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