A .....STORY (Ragsan)

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Mirror it reflects your image and sometimes evens your emotions

Flash back

Her routine was going quite normal and just like other days but seeing him sudden shocked her

She was on her way to office travelling in car when she saw him standing near a hotel building

It took her some time to realize that she was not hallucination he was indeed there

Her heart sank in pain and distress

'he doesn't matter now' she said in her mind voice but she herself knew that in past 2 years there hadn't been a single day when she didn't thought of him there hadn't been a moment when her heart didn't pray for his wellbeing

'Maybe he has moved on'

She felt hurt but she was quite habituated to that

Back then it was her decision to apart and he obeyed her wish

All the thoughts of their first meet slammed her mind and to her greatest dismay

She found him at her office sitting along with some board members

"Finally you are here" Abhirudh greeted me

His gaze was fixed on me and I was trying way to escape

"Meet our new client"

"Mr. Sanskar Subhramaniyam"

She felt like the floor beneath her was shaking

He came in front of her and forwarded his hand for handshake

It took her some moments to release that actually he was here and standing right in front of her

"Ragini" ache's voice broke her thoughts

She hesitatingly forwarded her hand and he grabbed it

He held it tight and secure

"nice to meet you ms.gadodia" he said with his playful smirk

"do you guys know each other" abhi asked

And he is just on looking at me

"yeah more than any one else" he replied gripping her hand more tight

From the time she entered the room her eyes were fixed with his

His eyes clearly showed anger pain and mischief

'was he planning something' her mind questioned her

"its our pleasure to have you here Mr.sanskar" abhi replied when she didn't speak any word

It was about reputation of company and her behavior was quite unethical that time

she tried hard to divert her mind and just focus on meeting but a shiver ran down her spine with the intensity he was looking at her

she found herself helpless and if this continue any more definitely she would end up busting and it won't be good for anyone

the sound of claps got her to reality

the deal was signed

sanskar had a handshake with everyone she was standing in a corner trying to save herself from his gaze

but he was sanskar he some how made her come infront of him and soon he reached her

forwarding his hand

"will meet you soon" he said but before leaving her hand he kissed it

Shocking everyone and most her

He walked from there leaving her in more confusion


Flash back ends


Due to the new project her work burden increased and concentrating on new one she couldn't ignore the other

She hated sanskar for doing this

He placed many conditions in front of them and one of it was that ragini would personally look after the new venture and he would supervise the project

She said a clear no but he was sanskar


She was at cafeteria busy with her work

'workaholic' he said in mind

"hello ms.gadodia" he called her name huskily

She looked at him straight in his eyes only to find love for her

'he has no other work' it was true from the time they met in office he tried every way to get close to her

He looked more manly and mature now, chocolate boy

"what" she asked in angry tone

"heard that you backed off from my venture" he said taking seat next to her and taking her cup

He sipped some coffee and tried to tease her nerves

He knew she was irritated by his presence and he wants that he wants her out bust he wants to hear from her what she felt in these years

He missed her like hell and was now sure that he couldn't imagine his life without her but did she feel the same was a big question

"I have other venture to look after kindda busy so had to say no"

He laughed at her statement

She glared him angrily

"why are you laughing" she asked

He placed the cup aside and leaned towards on table

And gestured her to come forward she moved a bit close

"accept the truth that you are scared" his smirk was something that she hated most anger was clearly visible on her face

"nothing of that sort" she said moving back to her place

He stood up and walked towards her

"such a liar"

"I am speaking truth"

"truth is you still feel for me truth is you are still not over from me truth is you regret your decision" his hands were around her shoulder

"just stop it" she yelled in anger

"I don't feel anything like that I was clear in past and even now I am"

"ohh really" he asked holding her hand and pulling her towards him

"then why do my closeness affect you" he wishpered in her ears

She felt a sudden shiver and pushed him

He stumbled a bit

"sacred kitten" he teased her

"I am not"

"then prove it"

"why should I"

"if not then I'll believe that you still love me and can't control yourself from coming close to me so only you are trying to avoid me"

"I don't love you and you don't matter in my life"

"another lie"

"I am speaking truth"

"fine I'll believe you work with me for this project if you agree I promise after this project gets over I'll never come in your way"

It was hard for her to agree but the deal looked pretty well she agreed

Her heart knew all this may go totally opposite of what her mind's thinking but she was helpless

It was true after seeing him after so long she was hardly able to control her emotions and his care was something that was making her weak

he didn't care about what other's thought when its about her he forgets whole world

she was confused she knew if this continues any more she won't be able to push him away like she did before


Flash back

they were in same college they became friends in short spam and unknown to them they fell in love

they knew they felt different for each other but both knew the path won't be easy

they were in there final year of post graduation

ragini's parents wanted her to marry a marwadi guy whom they had selected for her but ragini had given her heart to him

she was in delimma she couldn't break her parents's dream nor his heart and in all this she just ended up hurting herself and all

sanskar found about her love and also the reason for her not accepting but he was hardly sure about future step

he was from a bhramian tamil family his parents won't object his love

but he knew about her problem

her parents would never agree , they were more reserved

both belonged to a different culture and state

so she never said her feelings to him

finally the day came when sanskar couldn't control his feelings anymore seeing her with other guy it just tested his patience and he ended up kissing her

and it was first time when she could know and feel how much he loved her

her fiancé was there only he found about her love and he created a huge drama insulting ragini's parents

she couldn't take that and slapped that guy hard

for days there were talks about all this

ragini's dad hit a cardiac arrest and ragini felt badly broken but she had him beside her who supported her

but the little happiness didn't last long

she promised her mom that she would never do anything against there wish

and she scarifised her love


"ragini please we'll figure it out"he pleaded her

"will you give me anything I ask" she questioned him with teary eyes

He nodded his head

He placed his hand on her head

"if you had ever loved me promise me that you'll forget me and move on"

He took his hand back

"no I can't please"

"we can never be together sanskar" she said

And there talk ended up with a fight and she asked him to leave the place forever and he in anger agreed to that

Flash back ends

(Back to present)

Tears tripped her eyes remembering that night she wiped them and tried to concentrate back on her work

But her tears were not hidden from him

'Just few days' love I'll fix everything' he said in mind


'Just few days then he'll leave' she thought

She kept on saying this every time but her heart was sad at the thought of him leaving

In these days she was quite habituated to him

Arguing with him had become a part of their routine

He took care of her every need he made sure that she didn't skip her lunch and made sure that she didn't burden herself with excess work burden

Scolded her at times when she behaved carless

They did most of work together

Ragini had not realized that they had turned close and when she realized she was hurt and sad she again tried to avoid him he was angry

'Why do you this every time Ragini' he banged the wall hard

He was determined that he would make her confess that she needed him she loved him and couldn't live without him like he felt


When she walked out office she found her car's tier puncture

'Oh god now how will I reach home' she took the glance of her surrounding

Almost everyone had left

She walked few distance in hope to find any transport

But it was late around 11 there was no buses and rickshaws were most full

Her phone battery was dead so she couldn't book any Ola cab to and couldn't even return to office as she herself had asked the watchman to lock and he had left to his home

'All syiappa's had to happen today only'

From morning she was irritated by seeing Sanskar's bonding with female colleagues and now this

She was walking when she heard horn sound

She clutched her hand tight

The sound increased

"Ragini" she heard his voice and turned around

"What are you doing here?"

"Jagraata" she answered irritated

"Very funny" she gave him I know look

"Now answer me"

"My car's tire was puncture"

"You could have called for cab"

"My phone's dead"

"Come I'll drop you" he said opening his car door

"No need I'll go by myself"

"How any UFO's are gone come here to drop you at your place"

"It was not funny"

"So you speak bit sensible Na there is no transport here and it's late so you won't find any taxi or rickshaw"

"Urghhh" she stamped her foot and got inside the car

Sanskar smirked remembering how he punctured her tries and had asked everyone to leave early and at some distance he requested his inspector friend to block the way

'Poor girl'

He laughed remembering her irritated face

The drive was silent and he was driving really slowly

She was getting more heated up by his action

"If you drive at this speed we'll reach by tomorrow's morning"

"But you only say Na no harsh driving"

"Stupid I say no to harsh driving that doesn't mean that you drive car like a tortoise"

"Hey but"

"Stop the car" she yelled


"Stop the car" he gave a sudden break and she got out

"Ragini listen" she started walking

"Sorry dude fine I promise I'll drive normally please get in" he pleaded her but her mood was not to listen to him

Suddenly they heard the thunder sound

"Ragini listen please I won't repeat it again please let's get in it may rain in sometime"

She had to finally give in

They started their journey

Sanskar wanted her to break this silence but she didn't want to speak

He switched on the radio

She was looking towards window

"Sanskar stop staring me" she said irritated

"Is there is any rule to not stare beautiful things" he asked

She huffed

"Look front and drive" she said

"Sanskar" she yelled when a truck was about to hit them

Sanskar turned the car at right time

And stopped at one side of road

"Ragini are you fine" he asked cupping her face and she nodded

They reached her place soon

She was trying to unbuckle her seat belt but it was stuck he moved forward and tried to help her in this hands touched her multiple times

They faces were inch apart she closed her eyes trying to control her overflowing emotions

The seat was unbuckled but she didn't move he was lost in her angelic face

He slowly tucked her hair strands behind her ear

She opened her eyes feeling his touch they were lost in each other

He slowly moved forward and captured her lips

He kissed her gently and slowly expressing his love

But she didn't reciprocate he bite her lower lip

Demanding her to reciprocate she gave in and kissed him back

His hands were holding her tight he moved back to his seat lifting her during this they didn't break there kiss

She was leaning on his lap and his hands were around her waist and she was holding his shoulder tight

The kiss was passionate and fierce

They broke the kiss

He joined his forehead with here

"I missed you, missed you as hell" he whispered

She felt guilty she was hurting him but if she agrees she would hurt her parents

Hot tears dripped down her eyes

"Ragini" he wiped them

She opened her eyes and quickly moved and walked out of car

"Ragini" he called again but she didn't turn back she wiped her tears

Someone saw all this


She was sitting in her room all lost thinking about recent events

The knocking sound on door brought her to reality

"Ragini" she heard a female voice

And walked towards the entrance opening the door

"You look so hot" pragati complimented her

And she smiled

"Girls come soon" they heard a male voice from out

"Let's go" pragati grabbed her hand and started to move but stopped when she found her rooted

"What happened" she asked


"Ragini" she freed her hand walked in back and sat on sofa

"I don't want to come" she said closing her eyes tight


"Please don't force me you guys know well" she said

"Wait" pragati rushed out and called everyone in

All of her friends were standing in front of her

"What happened" sindhuja kneeled down near her and asked

"I am not well to come" she answered

When she heard akshay's chuckle she glared him and he shut his mouth and now all looked bit confused

"Guy's you people move I'll get her with me" Akshay announced everyone though were not much convinced but left

"What" he asked

"I am not feeling well"

"yeah yeah whenever it's about going close to him you will feel ill" he said in sarcastic tone

"Aksahy" she chided his name in irritation

"We are getting late"

"Please" she pleaded in cute tone

"Fine doesn't come but then don't blame us for consequences"

"All are blackmailers only" she said as he pulled her

It was his sister's marriage reception and she had no reason to attend neither the marriage nor reception but he blackmailed her and forced her to attend the wedding in the way he wanted


Flash back

"This is for you"

"What's this?"

"Invitation" he replied

"For my sister's wedding I am inviting you specially to attend this wedding"

"Thank you and sorry I can't attend I am bit busy" she replied

"As you wish but then don't blame me if some of your employees come on road"


"Didn't you hear ok let me repeat if you didn't come I'll fire all these people working under you" he said in dangerous tone

"You can't do anything of that sort"

"I can ms.gadodia"

"Why are you doing all this?"

"You agree and I won't do any stupidity"

"Sanskar please"

"Ragini you agree"

"I can't"

"Fine I'll fire these people and first I'll fire mr.mahendra after all it's his age of retirement let me retire him early and then I'll fire Samar then Krishna and then"

"Just stop it" she yelled in anger

Mr.mahendra was really old and he had to support his family his son died in an accident and the responsibility of his grandchildren was on him and this job meant everything to him

Samar was doing part time job in company his mom was suffering from tuberculosis and for her treatment he was earning

The people Sanskar pointed were all dear to Ragini and Sanskar intentionally took their name

"Fine I'll come"

She agreed

She reached the venue with one of her friend

She was looking angle in south Indian wear

She didn't wanted to come but it she had to give in

She was nervous

"Ragini stop behaving like a child" Chandana said seeing her nervousness

"You would never understand that dude" she said

Just then Sanskar approached them

He was wearing a white shirt and lungi and had an cloth with golden border across his shoulder

His shirt first two buttons were open making him look hot and traditional

Ragini for once was lost in him but then she retrieved herself back

"Hey" Chandana hugged her happily

He kept on looking at Ragini who just wanted to run away from his gaze

"You are looking stunning Chand" he said eyeing Ragini

Ragini turned her face away

"Chandana varsha needed help can you" he asked politely and she left

Ragini was left behind with him

"You are looking pretty"

"I know" she said irritated

He chuckled at her frown

"Come" he said holding her hand and pulling her with him

"Sanskar leave my hand what will guest think" she was trying to reason but he didn't budge and got her with him to meet his parents and other relatives

Ragini was confused what he wants

Being a sweet girl she couldn't just push them when they started speaking to her

The marriage went on with great fun

Fb ends



She walked along with her friends

Her heart was beating abnormal today she feared don't know what

She looked around but didn't find him

'Where is he' she thought in mind

It didn't look like reception party but then she thought may be some new style

She greeted the bride and grooms along with her other friends

Throughout she didn't leave Akshay's hand

He looked at her giving disbelief look

"Stop searching him" he said

"What I am not searching him ok'

"Yeah I know"

She turned around and was shocked to see her parents there

She didn't know how to react

Then suddenly Akshay made her stand and pushed her she didn't realize that she was now in center of hall

All of sudden all lights were turned off she was searching for help but then she felt a hand on her shoulder

Her eyes were moist

"When we are troubled by problems we start searching for solace some find it in certain things and some find that in there loved one's when we are walking on some path and lose our way we just try to find the one who would help us to have our way back"

He spoke

"And maybe even I have found my solace my peace in someone"
he said and there was chuckle

She closed her eyes because of sudden light on her

She looked around and found all smiling at them the light was focused on her and he was standing in front of her smiling

"Sanskar" she tried to know what was going on

Fear occupied her mind her parents were there what they would feel what if Sanskar does something that they don't like

She tried to leave but he held her hand

She gestured no but he didn't heed to it

She looked around try to find help but no one would come forward she was searching her parents but they she couldn't find them

'Hope they don't see me' she prayed in heart

"I understood the meaning of love loving you, I found way back to myself knowing you I started understanding the complications of life being with you I never felt that way for anyone there was fear in me fear of losing you and this fear thought me that love is not bounded by any I was furious when you asked to leave and in anger I left I thought maybe I could move but I was wrong my heart was always with you my soul longed to be with you I wanted to be with you every moment of life , the time spent without you was hell I missed fighting with you I missed your care" he fumbled

Tears rolled down her eyes and even he had tears in his eyes

"Please" she whispered

"if this time I if you push me I'll die Ragini I have realized that Sanskar is for Ragini and no one else he can't live without you, you are the air I breath , you have turned the reason I feel I have turned better than before" he kneeled in front of her

"I know I am rude at times but no one can understand me like you do no one can explain me things like you do and I can't love anyone more than you, i love you these three words means everything to me because you are the meaning of those words for me I know I have plenty of mistakes I have behaved mad but I need you,"

He forwarded his hand

"Accept my love and fill my life with your colors, lighten my world and my family with happiness"

She didn't utter anything

He knew her trauma but he wanted to hear her

"Say yes" Akshay cheered and slowly everyone did

But she closed her eyes painfully

"I am sorry" she spoke opening her eyes and turned around to find her parents there they too had tears in their eyes

She felt guilty she thought may be because of her

"Say yes" her dad said and she looked shocked

He nodded his head

She ran to him and hugged him tight

"I am sorry beta" he said

"No dad I am sorry" she said

"He's waiting for answer" her mom said breaking there moment

Shekar held her hand moved towards Sanskar

"Go" he said

Sanskar looked at her

It was awkward moment

"Say yes"

"Yes" she said keeping her hand in his

He smiled along his tears

She bends down and hugged him tight

He pulled her closer

"I am sorry" she spoke

"Let's burry past"

"How did you manage all?"

"I spoke to your dad" she looked shocked he smiled at him

"Guys come on lets exchange rings"

After the ceremony


"Hmmm" they were sitting in alone

"Don't you feel angry on me?"

He looked towards her

"If I had listened to your words earlier maybe we could have been better it was my fear that just spoiled everything and we were away for so many years"

She felt guilty even after so much how anyone can love her like that it was her fears her insecurities that created such a mess in their life both suffered but he didn't hate her why

"Because I love you" he said as if he could read her mind

He knew what she was going through and that was a sudden surprise or better says shock

After returning the first thing he did was speaking to Ragini's dad he said him that he loved his daughter not revealing about their past relations but later Shekar did find out everything

And he felt sad about it that his daughter didn't share her feelings just thinking that it may hurt him for him she constantly suffered

She never failed to fulfill her duties as a daughter and son but maybe he did fail

That day when he saw ragini entering home with tears he saw sanskar coming out

Sanskar stood there watching her go

After he left shekhar walked towards ragini's room

He wanted to know  from her 

But he heard some sobbing sound 

He stopped in his way and decided to speak to sanskar 

Inviting Ragini to his sister marriage was just a way to introduce her to others

Other than her everyone knew about their engagement

"Why do you love me so much?"

"I don't know" he said kissing her forehead

"I still feel like some dream you know you me and all this it feels amazing" she said and he smiled at her

"But you liar" she hit him


"You tortured me so much if you had said all this earlier I wouldn't have been worried so much" she said frowning

"Like seriously I did so much alone speaking to your dad was no less than going on a war and you instead of showering me with love are hitting me" he said dramatically

"You deserve it" she said pushing him away

'my life is gone be hell after marriage' he thought in mind he looked up at sky " god save this innocent kid" but he couldn't complete as she pulled him collar and sealed his lips he soon retrieved from shock and pulled her close

They parted away she blushed recalling there recent moment

"Some said true you can never understand women" he said

She hit on his shoulder and both laughed and hugged each other


'hello people there wondering who am I its me sanskar whose love story you just completed

Don't this story feels like some fairy tale with lots of ups and downs but it happened we faced all that pain and struggle , but in all this what we realized was that true love never fades , just by saying I love you , you don't love some one when we say I love you it means that from that moment the other persons all problems are yours you promise to be shield to them and protect them from all problems and take away all insecurities , making a relationship work is not duty of one its responsibility of both what ever it I would just say never leave hope yeah at I was angry on my love but the distance made me realize her importance in my life and then I found my determination to get her back , so never leave hope and don't ever feel that you have lost because the end point is start of something'


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