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They were sitting on beach watching the sunset

She looked at the setting sun with a sad face

"is it necessary" she asked pouting sadly

He looked at her with an apologetic look

"hmmm"he replied

"after two weeks its our marriage" she said

For a strange reason her eyes had turned moist she herself doesn't know why but she felt weird from the time she heard of his departure

"its just about a week I would return soon" he said squeezing her hand tight he looked straight at her, her eyes depicted some strange worry and so were his


"ragini" he called turning her towards him

"I don't wanna stop you" she said looking down

He cupped her face and moved towards her lips

Soon his lips were on her soft petal he kissed gently

"after I return it would be just us" he said

"I am sacred" she said expressing her insecurity

"everything feels like a dream I fear that If I woke up this dream would end"

"its not any dream its real after two weeks its our marriage and then it would be us just you and me"

"I fear to lose you"

"so do I"

She smiled at him

And hugged him tightly he responded with same passion


They were sitting in airport

"passenger's of flight number 124EHRN are requested to enter the check in area" the announcement was made

He stood up and she held his hand he looked at her

She stood up and hugged him

"return soon I'll be waiting" she said breaking the hug

He kissed her forehead

"I would return soon , be ready to soon be Mrs. Maheswari" he said and she smiled at his comment

"I'll make you mine " he whispered in husky voice making her blush like hell

Happily they moved apart just to be each other's forever


"ragini" sherya called her name entering her room

She was lying on bed being lost

Any sound was not reaching her ears

She was busy looking at her love his picture which was in her dairy which was in her one hand and in other phone

Waiting for his call but he didn't

Sherya tip toed and snatched the pic

"sherya" she screamed standing up

Sherya laughed at her

"hay I thought you were too lost to notice me" she said

Ragini snatched the photo back and caressed it

"there is something called as common sense which unfortunately you don't have" she said placing the pic back in her dairy

Sherya was left mouth opened

"bewafa sanam" she commented

She walked to her cupboard and placed the dairy there

"Why are you here" she asked uninterested

"such a ungrateful friend you are" sherya said sitting on bed picking the pillow

"instead of saying thank god sherya you came or I am happy to see you are insulting me by asking such question"

"oyee drama queen care to tell reason for your sudden appearance" she asked sitting next to her

"jeeja ji asked me to come here"

Hearing his name a bright smile appeared on her lips

"hay haya look some one is blushing" sherya said hitting her shoulder with her's

"shut up" she said

"ok tell me missing him"


"didn't he call"

"he's busy in meeting"

"ohh I see"

"by the way when did he call you" she asked sherya

"he didn't call me but dropped a msg he knew you would be madly missing him and would neglect all marriage shopping"

"I am no more interested in shopping" ragini said

"oyee enough of your nakara's come with me aditi and lav are waiting down" she said literally pulling her

"Wait lav" ragini asked

"stupid your devar re laksh now come"

"from when did he become your lav"

"a long story" sherya replied blushing

"Am I dreaming or you are actually blushing" she asked

"shut up ok" sherya replied in ragini's style

Both laughed and walked down


He looked at the watch and cursed the board members the meeting was still going on and he badly wanted to speak to her

Its been a day he's in London and spoke to her just once


They were at mall

Everyone were happy choosing dresses but she was uninterested she looked at sherya who was fighting with laksh

She looked around and her gaze fell on a women who was standing in front of mirror holding a dress across her shoulder and a man was standing a bit back of her

Who signaled that the dress was good she smiled recalling Sanskar and there such moments


Flash back

She entered the college campus in hast she was late today was her first day and she was late

But her stars were shining that the watchman let her in

While walking she hit a pillar and fell down she quickly collected her belongings and ran

But some one was lost looking at her

The way she entered her cute expressions when she was pleading watchman her worried face her lips moving up and down in prayer

All this had stolen some one's heart

He placed his hand on his chest where the heart was beating too fast


She was walking along with her friends when she for first time heard of him

He was there college football team captain

She saw him at times but never knew him

They were from same batch but yet she had no idea who he was

She saw him and was shocked seeing him hurt

she was unknown why his wound hurt her but she was in pain seeing him in pain

she kept on looking at him and asked her friend what had happened

her friend said Sanskar was trying to help some one and in that he got hurt badly

'sanskar' that was first time his name acknowledged her mind

'ragini ka sanskar'

A crazy thought of her mind but she smiled like hell thinking of it


She hated sports but that day just to see him she walked to stadium shock to all

She went there just for him

He was mood off because of something and this game was also not going good his anger reached its peak and he even had a fight with opponent team member because of which they got red card

She became dull looking at there play she could feel his anger his pain but that moment she didn't know what to do

Among the crowd something caught his sight it was her cheering his name

He didn't hear it but he knew standing in middle of stadium when the game was still going on he was smiling , smiling at her

The crowd yelled at him but he seemed all lost she became numb when she found him just smiling she was not sure wheter he was looking at her or some one else but she felt weird

Some one dashed him and he fell down

"Sanskar" she yelled standing and moving her hand front trying to reach him

He sat on ground and took deep breath and stood up and this time he smiled again at her

Everyone were confused but he had a thought in mind

'I need to win this game for her'

And bingo they won the game

She smiled happily looking at his victory

But her friend pulled her from there

Sanskar was searching her but didn't find her and finally saw her moving out he handed trophy to his other team mates and ran out

"oyee" he called from behind she stopped in her way and turned and found him smiling like an mad

She looked confused

"Won't you congratulate me" he asked and her eyes pooped in shock

He wanted to laugh seeing her expression

'so cute' his mind said

She looked here and there still confused was he speaking to her if yes why would he speak to her


After that day they met each other often and he tried to initiate a conversation with her but she didn't speak much but that no where meant he stopped trying he kept on trying

Irritating her playing pranks around her and she loved his presence unknown to her


They became friend finally after lot of hard work they were friends now

"ragini" he called her name with extra sugar

She was scared and on her guard

'what ever he asks answer would be no' she thought in mind

" did you complete reading this book" he asked pointing at the book at table

"no" she said bluntly

"why do you need this book" she asked observing his expression

"yes" he said and she handed him

"did you complete that last chapter"


"did you finish that assignment"


"do you know sanskar loves ragini"

"yess" when the words registered her minds she was shocked

"what" she asked standing up

He made an innocent face like he doesn't know anything

"what did you say"

"me nothing"

"you said something"

"ohh I did I asked did you complete that last chapter"

"no after that"

"about assignment"

"no not that after that u said something"

"me I said nothing re"

"you did"

"I didn't" he said acting casual

And his tone made her question herself

'he did say that but why is he denying am I thinking a lot did he say nothing what's wrong' she thought being irritated

"what happened" he asked shaking her

"ah nothing" she left the place being confused

And he laughed seeing her confusion


Flash back ends

"oyee" sherya shaked her

"where are you lost"

"nothing" she replied controlling her smile which was betraying her and would appear on her face with a thought of his

" I can see that" sherya said in sarcastic tone


Finally the board meeting was over and he badly wanted to speak to her

But his phone's battery was dead

She was rolling on bed waiting for his call

He hurriedly walked out of office building

He wanted to reach hotel soon and make a skype call to her

He knew she would be waiting for him

On his way he saw a old couple and he smiled recalling there moments

Flash back

As usual they were on beach

"Sanskar" she called him

He looked at her and then followed her gaze which was on a old couple who were helping each other to walk

He questioned through eyes what

"if some day I become ugly will you stop loving me" she asked

"nah because I love your heart which is more beautiful than anything else"

She smiled at him

"I won't be the same like this forever"

"even I won't be but then will you stop caring for me"

She nodded in no


"I can't imagine how it would be"


"you without these hairs" she said ruffling his hairs and laughing

"everyone will call you takalu dadaji"

"yeah why not and you without teeths" she glared him and he laughed

Flash back ends


Marhami sa chaand hai tu

(When ever he closes his eyes her face would come in front of him

He smiled like a mad thinking of her)

Diljala sa main andhera

flash back

"ragini stop" he said running behind her

She showed him tongue and continued running

And finally he caught her by waist and started rotating she laughed happily opening her hands more wide embracing the moment

Flash back ends

Ek dooje ke liye hain

Flash back

"what" he asked shocked when he heard of ragini leaving Kolkata he didn't understand

But later sherya explained that her parents found about she loving some one

A strong sting of pain ran across his heart thinking that she loved some one

Tears didn't stop there ways

But he had decided to help her

He along with sherya and his brother laksh planned to elope ragini

She was caged in her room not allowed to move out

She was terribly crying

Recalling all her moments with Sanskar

Love makes you experience both pain and joy

She heard some noise and turned her head towards balcony

Some one entered

"whose there" she asked in shaking voice

"Sanskar" seeing him she just threw herself in his embrace and cried her heart out

"ragini" he hugged her back

He broke the hug wiping her tears and holding her face in his palms

"don't worry I am here" he said looking straight into his eyes

She could find only love and care there

They heard some noise

And he quickly hided himself

Ragini tried to act normal

"Adarsh bhai" she called the name of person who entered the room

"who is here" he asked in dangerous voice

"no no one bhai" she said trying to control her self from breaking down

He walked to her and harshly gripped her hairs

"ahhh" she yelled in pain

He tightened his fist seeing it

He wanted break those hands which were causing pain to her

"don't try to act smart"

"umm" she tried to control her sobs

"why are you doing this bhai" she asked in a painful tone

Adarsh left her

And laughed evilly

"should I explain that every time" and slapped her hard

"this is for questioning me"

Corner of her lip was bleeding

A second more he couldn't stop the beast with in but he had to back off looking at ragini who was pleading him when Adarsh had slapped her

And left the room

"make the security more tight" he roared at his men

Sanskar ran to her and held her protectively in his arms

"shhh" she said trying to console her but he himself was crying more

She looked at him and laughed at bit he looked confused

"trying to console me but tearing yourself" she said wiping those tears

"why didn't you said anything earlier"he asked wiping blood and she hissed in pain

They were sitting near bed holding each other

She explained him everything that how after her parents death her uncle and aunt came in front to take her care she lived in a delusion that everyone loved her but all that was for property which was on her name

Sanskar felt bad for her but he couldn't do anything then

"but why are they holding you captive" he asked

She was numb at his question

"ragini answer me" he questioned cupping her face

"because they found about my love" she said

He laughed at her statement

"you say we are best friends but you never said me about your love" he said trying to act cool but was breaking every moment

Ragini looked at him with pain and guilt

"who is that lucky man" he asked in choking voice

She smiled sadly at him

"he doesn't know"


"he doesn't know that I love him" she said lowering her head

"you should have said him" Sanskar said in low tone

They sat like that for some time in silence

Trying to understand the turn of events

"Sanskar" she called him when he was about leave explaining her his plan to help her

And walked close to him

Pecking his lips

He was shocked and didn't know how to react

"I love you" she mumbled


"I am sorry" saying she back offed

Before he could react she pushed him and he fell on heap of hay which was down

Adarsh entered room with some men

To save him she pushed him

She was forcefully taken from there

She didn't plead to be freed her heart jumped in joy finally she had confessed her love

Now whatever was ahead she didn't care death would be her last choice she knew because her heart and soul belonged to him and no one else and if anyone try to mark her she would happily embrace death

Flash back ends

Neend meri khwaab tera

Flash back

"sanskar" she called her


"I wanted to be a dancer" she said and he looked at her surprised

"but my family was against it" she said

He didn't know what to say he squeezed her hand tight

"but now I want to open an dance academy to help those who wanna pursue there career in dancing" she said proudly

"and I would always be there with you at every step" he said

Flash back ends


Flash back continues

"Sanskar what next" sherya asked nervous

"I'll protect her" he said

And walked from there

It was battle of thug a war to win love

He reached the place where the marriage was going on

"stop" he screamed

Everyone looked at him

"this marriage can't happen" he said

And adrash and everyone looked at him with rage

Ragini was looking at him

"ragini loves me" he said

Adarsh signaled his men

And they attacked Sanskar

It was tough fight all guest had left by now

They were beating Sanskar black and blue

Ragini was screaming to stop it but they didn't listen to her

"your luck is really bad at love" adrash said pointing at gun at him

"better luck next time" he said and was about to press trigger

When they heard some noise

Police had arrived there to arrest Adarsh he tried hard to say that Sanskar was at fault but the sanskar's entry to secnce was just for getting some time to collect proofs

Adrash was taken to jail

Ragini walked to him

"bhoth shauk hai hero ban ne ka" she said angrily

He smiled at her

She cried her heart out on his chest

He hugged her tight

"tume kuch ho jata" (what if something happened to you) she said in between her sobs

Flash back ends

Tu ghata hai phuhaar ki

Main ghadi intezaar ki

Apna milna likha issi baras hai na

After that incident Sanskar and ragini were staying together Maheswari family too happily agreed for there marriage

They were happily engaged and were going to get married soon

Jo meri manzilon ko jaati hai

Tere naam ki koi sadak hai na

Jo mere dil ko dil banati hai

Tere naam ki koi dhadak hai na

Flash back

"wish you happy b'day" everyone screamed entering her room she jerked from her sleep in shock

"thank u" she said hugging Sujatha and RP

Her eyes were moist it had been years that she celebrated her b'day

"lets cut the cake" laksh entered room dragging everyone's attention

"bhai what are you gifting ragini" laksh asked excited

"why you want" he replied in stern voice

Everyone presented her gifts

And left the place leaving them alone

She smiled seeing how he forced everyone to leave early

Finally all left and he latched the door

She giggled at him

"what" he asked and she nodded in no

He walked to her

"bhauth hasi aa rahi hai" he asked pulling her close to him

"Sanskar" her breath was getting uneven by his closiness

"wish you happy b'day love" he wishpered in her ears

"thank you" she said "and my present"

"ummm had I to give you something" he asked in confused tone


"ok tell me what do you want" he asked

"you" she said

He raised his eye brow

"your love is enough for me just with me forever" she said

He smiled and kissed her forehead


At evening Sanskar took her out

they reached outskirts of Kolkata

"this" she asked him confused

"your gift" he said

It was the house where she spent most of her childhood and her uncle and aunt sold it when they took her with them

They entered the house and she nourished all her memories

"ragini" he kneeled down holding a ring in his hand

"With all my heart, and all my soul, I wanna say I love and will love you till the winds don't blow. Until the oceans turn to stone, my love is yours and yours alone" he said and made her wear the ring

They spent some time there

And when were about to leave she stopped him


"ha ragini"

She was hesitant to tell him anything

"what happened love" he asked cupping her face

"can I ask you something"

"why are you hesitating go ahead I promise I'll try to fulfill your every wish" he said

She took a deep breath

"make me yours" she said shocking him


"I want to be yours Sanskar from every way" she said

"why you I mean all of sudden" he asked

"I don't know I fear what if" he placed his finger on her lips

"don't you think you being too bold these days" he asked

"from that first kiss to today" he asked in husky tone making her blush

"are you sure" he asked

And she nodded her head

Flash back ends


"Sanskar your flight tickets" jai said handing them to him

"thanks dude"

"but why are you taking flight to delhi there was direct to kolkata after two days na" jai asked

"I wanted to return soon , so that I can the surprised and shocked face of my ragini when I reach there early" he said

Jai smiled at the romeo who was madly in love


She was walking restless her heart was saying about some unknown turn of events

At London airport

He happily boarded the flight

Soon he landed in delhi and boarded taxi from there to reach Kolkata in time

Hours had passed he wanted to reach her as soon as possible

Surprise her

He called sherya and asked about ragini she informed him that she was at office with laksh

He reached home and surprised his parents

Today there was different glow on his face and sadness in everyone's heart

seeing there son near them to his parents felt weird sadness

he hurried to office to surprise her

Ragini and laksh were at office

When laksh received a call

The riots had broke in Kolkata

"we need to reach home soon" laksh said worried

The place where they were was too prone

The roads were filled with anti national slogans

Crowds were rushing to find a safe place

Anti- nationalists were beating people burning busses and tires

the city was no longer safe

Sanskar had to stop in half way when he heard of recent events

He was worried for ragini

He tried there number but the network was blocked then

"ragini" laksh searched her but she was not in office

Sherya called her informing that she was in danger

Without a second thought ragini left the place with her scotty to help sherya

Her heart was beating abnormal today

She feared

The roads looked clamed but the heat of fire was everywhere

"bhai" laksh saw him and was shocked and happy

"where's ragini" he asked in worried tone

His heart was paining like never before

"don't know bhai she was here but then don't know where she went"

He held his head in pain

"bhai" laksh reached him out

"ragini" he said

And rushed out

Ragini reached the place where sherya said she would be but she was not there

She found that police had recused everyone and now the city was safe

She felt happy

And decided to return home

Then she received a call

"ha ma I am coming" she said Sujatha

"what" ragini was so happy when she heard the news that Sanskar had returned and wanted to surprise her

She soon hanged the call

"hmmm so mr.maheswari wants to surprise me so now lets give him shock"

She thought happily

And started her journey

She was smiling a thought of him always filled her heart with so much happiness

her eyes popped in shock when she found many goons holding flags and weapons

they were yelling there solgans

she thought to change her route and turned her scooty but some one from crowd recognized her he once worked for Adarsh anger took over him when he saw her because adrash was in jail he lost his job and his child died and to feed his family he joined these groups

he thought ragini was responsible for there misery

and threw a big iron rod towards her it hit her head with great force

"ahh" she fell down from her vehicle with a thud her head was badly injured

She lied there in pool of blood

All her moments with Sanskar were playing in her mind

Koi Bandhani joda odh ke
Baabul ki gali aaun chhod ke

She blinked her eyes and tried to move

Sanskar was walking on road aimlessly

Tere hi liye laaungi piya
Solah saal ke saawan jod ke

"I'll leave the world for you" she screamed on top of her voice climbing on bed and he closed his ears in irritation


They were at beach Sanskar was spinning her and she was having a hearty laugh

There romantic dance during engagement

"I love you" Sanskar said hugging her

She was finding it difficult her breath was hacking

"its not any dream its real after two weeks its our marriage and then it would be us just you and me"

"you are mine" he said authoritatively

Pyar se thamna, dor bareek hai

Sanskar reached that place

His vision started blurring but he tried to search her

His heart was feeling heavy he was finding it difficult to breath

"I just want to be in your embrace" she said both were sitting on terrace and he was back hugging her

He kissed her head when she those words


"Sanskar" she whispered when she felt his presence

"ragini" he said and fell down with thud

When he opened his eyes he found her he tried to reach her but his body was betraying him

She saw him struggling to reach her and smiled at him and forwarded her hand

Saat janmon ki yeh pehli tareekh hai

He tried to hold her

And finally his fingers touched her hand

He smiled

She breathed her last and he saw her struggling and felt heavy in his head

They breath there last

Dor ka ek main sira

Aur tera hai doosra

Jud sake beech mein kayi tadap hai na

Flash back

"what's this" ragini asked when Sanskar got her to garden

She looked confused

He showed her something

"Sanskar" she screeched in happiness

"ragini" one of the bird said

"this is so cute" she said playing with those birds

But then her smile faded he looked at her confused

"Sanskar can't we free these birds" she asked

He smiled at her and slided his hands across her waist back hugging her

"I knew you would say this and I got these birds just to free them" he said and she smiled happily at him

"but before that wanted to see this happiness on your face" he said

They opened the cage and held both birds in each other's hand

And together they let them free

Birds can't be kept in cage so is the feeling of love its filled with wildness and is vast like sky

no limit and no aim

Jo meri manzilon ko jaati hai
Tere naam ki koi sadak hai na
Jo mere dil ko dil banati hai
Tere naam ki koi dhadak hai na

Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship united forever in love

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