we never know {TS} (Part 2)

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i thought i would end in second shot but the story got long sorry

hope you guys enjoy reading


The next morning

Sun was at horizon and he was still comfortably sleeping

He changed his position and sun rays hit his face he covered himself in duvet

But he was no longer able to sleep

He decided to wake up

Pervious night he was dam tried he looked at the clock it was 10:30 now

"I slept for so long and ragini" he looked around the room and didn't find her

"she didn't wake me also" he thought and walked towards washroom

After freshing up when he walked out he found her arranging bed

"good morning or better say afternoon" she said with her ever glowing smile

He was lost in it

'she looks cute' he thought

"why didn't you wake me" I asked walking towards dressing

"you were tried and I didn't want to disturb your pretty sleep anyways papa ji asked you to have rest for today so thought not to disturb you" she said

And he just nodded his head

"ragini" he called


He was bit embarrassed but his stomach growled in hunger

Last night to he didn't have proper dinner

"lunch is ready you can come down If you wish or I'll send it here" she said with light smile

He nodded his head and followed her

She looked confused from the time she is the one speaking and he is just nodding his head

'strange guy' she thought and walked down

Swara was uncomfortable finding laksh at dinning because usually the men and women don't eat together at Maheswari bhavan

But things were do changing

Having ragini back at MM things were ruined for swara

She loved being center of attention and ragini's entry and AP's health didn't let her have so

It was tough for her to decide because laksh had been avoiding her he was least bothered about her presence as if he never loved her

After serving everyone when ragini was about to sit swara stood up

Ragini had guessed that reaction it had become usual for her to hear her tantrums

Laksh looked at both sisters and he was also confused but he decided to ignore

"ragini serve me some rice" he said concentrating on food ragini nodded

"mom I'll have my lunch in my room" swara said glaring ragini

And Sujatha just nodded in agreement

Swara was infiltrated that no one actually bothered

Everyone in house needed time things had changed

And it was difficult to figure out and everyone wanted to avoid any kind of conflict for time being

For AP's sake but that never meant there was no hate or anger between all

Adarsh disliked the idea of sanskar joining the business

Though sanskar owned his own company his presence in Maheswari's business would snatch future position of Adarsh

Laksh had just joined the business and he needed guidance and his both brothers did give him needed knowledge and he was least aware Adarsh feelings for sanskar

Sanskar had joined the business has he thought he needed to mend his relations with DP and he was working for that to

Parinitha was waiting for the time when she will be given responsibility of house and she kinda deserved to but present situation was different

She disliked swara for her arrogant attitude and ragini she didn't have any hard feeling for now

Uttra had decided to ignore the mess and concentrate on her studies

The Maheswari family looked more messed now

Though everything looked together but it was falling apart and this was something AP was sacred most about

She worried for her son married life and other the way the present generation was moving towards

Many things needed to be sort out but the ego between all didn't give chance

Ragini was worried day after tomorrow is court's first hearing and she has not informed laksh about it till now

Rudra had been calling her and asking her to speak to him as soon as possible

After she returned they never had any discussion about divorcee

'what should I do please help me khanaji' she was miserably failing to stand on her decision she herself had said laksh that once AP is fine she'll divorcee him and now she is doubting if she can

In this one week there relation had seen many development for a moment a hope raised in her heart that even he can love her but can he

Practically speaking she was never his type and opposite never attracts that's true

She was moving here and there in room waiting for laksh

He had been to office

He entered the room she looked at him but he looked tried

"I am tried" he said falling back on bed

"I'll get coffee for you" she said walking out

When she returned she found him deep sleep

She tried to wake him but he was kumbkaran

She looked at him he was in his formals

She removed his shoes and socks and loosened the wrist buttons and placed his watch on dressing

She walked back placed his head on pillow and covered him with duvet

He indeed had a handsome face and she laughs at the thought that how every day he cares for his handsome face

She walked towards the balcony

The cold wind gave her shivers

She looked at the moon

'I am confused ma what to do what not heart says give last chance and mind says you deserve better'

She closed her eyes tight hoping that some one would wake her up and tell what ever happened till date was all a dream


The next day

Laksh was searching something in cupboard and he found a notice letter there he checked it

And it was notice of there divorcee hearing

His heart shunk and he fell down with thud

'what was happening divorcee but' he closed his eyes in frustration

How could he forget that that was all he wanted in past that was what ragini had promised when she returned back to his life

'no I can't but what will I say' it was hard for him to accept the fact that tomorrow was there divorcee hearing

He didn't want that to happen and but he didn't know how to stop it he didn't want her to leave but he didn't know why he felt that way now

Ragini entered the room and saw him sitting idle

She walked to him


And found the letter in his hand

"I was about to tell you" he fisted the letter

And just stood and walked out

She was confused but thought may he didn't accept things this fast

He walked hastily out and AP was worried seeing his state

Something was wrong a mother can feel a child's problem even before he can

He banged his hand hard on car

He drove car harshly on roads and stopped near a cliff

"what is happening this was what I wanted na then why am I feeling like this" he screamed

He never felt this way even when swara had left the mandap he never felt cheated then why now did

It was night and laksh had not returned yet

Ragini was worried she clutched her mangalsutra tight

His phone was not reachable she had tried number of times

"please pick the phone damit" she screamed when it was ringing but no response

Tears were ready to fall from her eyes

"ragini" sanskar knocked her door

She looked confused

They walked down and found all family there

"what happened sanskar" DP asked

"bade papa laksh met an accident" he said

The tears which she was holding fell down her eyes

When I opened my eyes I found myself in hospital

'gosh what had happened' and then all the events related played in my mind

That while driving back home my car breaks failed and I ended up here

I tried to analyze the whole scene

'I was agitated and the result is so'

I closed my eyes in frustration

I moved a bit

And then I relaised that other than me some one else was also in room

"laksh" her voice made me forze

Her painful eyes made me feel guilty

"you are fine" she asked and I nodded

Next few minutes doctor was exaiming me but my whole concentration was towards her

Her face had tears marks it and evident that she had cried a lot and her state did make me feel that I am lucky to have some one like her who loves me so much

Even I myself don't know what I did that she loves me so much and I was guilty from the time her truth was out and now I felt terrible

'was I being to selfish then' but I don't know

What next

"he's perfectly fine mrs.maheswari" the doctor said

"and I think even you should have proper rest from last evening you are here and its mid night now" the doctor said and left the room

I looked at her whole time she was here when I had least idea what was going on



"you look tried" I said

"and terrible to" she said

I actually felt to chuckle but I didn't you never know when girls get angry on silly comments

"I know that" she said as I didn't give any proper response

"sleep laksh you need rest" she said covering me with sheets

"and you"

"I'll also have small nap" she smiled

And moved towards the couch placed in my ward

She had fallen asleep assuring once I was fine


The next morning

It was dam tough to console ma I was thanking my stars that Ragini was better she had managed herself and it did made me think I girl I knew was dam sensitive but now the ragini infront of me was different she looked strong but I don't know why I don't like this shade of her

'was she this strong always and I failed to notice or there was something which I never tried to know about her'

I was smiling like hell

When sanskar narrated how she scolded Rudra

All were confused but I did know the reason

For sure he would have brought our divorcee topic out and she would have scolded him for wrong timings

Next few hours terrible ragini had been to MM and I was left with my brothers

Its not like I don't like there company but I needed my wife I had so much to speak so much to know

I had broken my hand and fractured leg

And my silly brother were busy writing some illogical msg on plaster

"bhai" I chided but no they were in no mood to stop

They were taking revenge

"areh sanskar write nicely" Adarsh bhai said keeping his hand on sanskar's shoulder

"is this ok" he asked and bhai nodded on

God these people

"bhai I have a wife" I said and they looked up at me

"so" and they continued there nonsense

"areh his hand is left out" sanskar bhai said

"no ways enough no more" I said but these guys are terrible

"ahh" I felt pain my hand god

"laksh" she called my name

Finally my svaiour came

"how can you leave me alone with these idiots" I screamed when she was trying to help me

"its paining" doctor was called and when he was checking ragini was scolding sanskar badly

Hehe I was enjoying this

Once doctor was done both of them silently seanked out

Ragini sat next to me

She looked at me and then plaster

"they are terrible" I said and she nodded in agreement and gave innocent look

"no need to give that look" and she busted into hearty laugh

I smiled looking at her

It was long that I had seen her so

ok now I'll read out my brothers' creative work

they made a doremon and with msg 'langada godha' (lame horse) which was not funny

and then there was heart with arrow passing and written 'romeo died'


next was 'jesi karni vesi bharni' (what you sow that you reap) that was by Adarsh bhai

then it was list of some girls whom I had dated

and then a angry takla man barking (and I know who it was) hehe

next it was a donut and a fork

and a apple

I need to change my plaster


Laksh was strictly advised for bed rest

Its been week he returned back

And it was strange his accident just didn't change his and ragini's equation but also his bond with his brothers

He had seen swara once in hospital and the day he returned home

After that never

In day everyone do comes and ask about his health but she never does and he doesn't care to

Adarsh was trying to be the elder brother and trying to understand others priorities

Sanskar realized that there was something wrong and he sorted that matter with adrash a evening before laksh's accident

Sanskar was not sure wheter he should continue his relation with swara

Some times her arrogance was not tolerable

And he had shared this with ragini

But she advised him that she was herself disturbed she needed time and support

But he didn't know was that true because the way she had turned over demanding did raged him

Ap had a big relief that finally everything was sorted

It looks perfect

Laksh had realized that he had started loving his wife

He did feel different for her but was waiting for a right moment to say that

He wanted to give her all happiness

The night passed by there late talks some times movies

And during this period laksh did realize that ragini was different she had a good knowledge of business as she did help him

To not let him bored

Sanskar had set up a mini office in home

And interesting fact ragini played video game better than sanskar wow

Usually when laksh and sanskar play sanskar wins but due to his facture he couldn't and he didn't know from where ragini and sanskar had ended up in bet and actually she bet him

I was shocked ragini plays video games but when how

Later she said how secretly she used to sneek to Shsha place and she and Rudra used to play along

Rudra this guy was pain for laksh for a fact he didn't like him

Firstly he was more to ragini than him and second he did have a handsome face better than laksh

And that hurt his ego

He looked bit fat now because continuous rest did make him look obese

And she loved teasing him

Its been two weeks now

Doctor had advised him to go for small walks

And ragini had taken that responsibility

Every evening she used to help him walk in garden

He was better now

But some one was not and it was swara

She gritted her teeths looking at their happy faces


When ragini was not in room swara slowly sneaked in

Laksh was surprised seeing her

"ragini is not here she went down" he said and swara was trying to control her rage

"how are you laksh"

"better than before" he said lifting his broken hand a bit



When ragini walked up she saw swara along with laksh both looked happy and she smiled at them

As she entered swara stood up and left giving a smirk to ragini

Laksh looked at her direction and then at ragini

"Finally you came just help me to change" he said and she looked shocked

"why you wanna change now" she asked

Ok from the time he has returned its always sanskar or Adarsh who help him

They make sure that he freshed up before they leave for work

"I am just bored in these colors"

"you don't have to go anywhere"

"still I should look handsome patient" he said

"but no one is in home sanskar and Adarsh bhai is out and papa ji to wait let me check if chachu is here" she was about to go he held her wrist

She looked at him baffled

"is chachu my wife" she nodded in no

"so mrs.laksh Maheswari just help me out" he said and she didn't know what to say

She hesitated but then slowly removed his shirt

Her hands were shivering and he could feel it

He felt a electric shock when her fingers contacted his skin

He enjoyed her touch

She closed her eyes trying to control her thumping heart

She some how managed to make him wear shirt

She stood silent now

"what happened" he asked

And she nodded as nothing and as something

"what" she was scared but then pointed towards torso pants

He was controlling his laugh looking at her

"if you want I won't mind" he said

And her eyes popped in shock


He winked at her and she ran out of room

He laughed looking at her situation

'just some days and then everything will be fine' he thought in mind


Through out the next week swara made sure that she visted laksh then and now

Ragini found that odd but thought to ignore

When everything was sorting she didn't want to create new mess

She was happy

Swara started speaking to her

But then she did realize by her words that laksh and swara looked more perfect than her and him her heart did pain but she thought may be she was overthinking

Laksh was to hospital for his check up Adarsh had accompanied him

Laksh was able to walk now his leg plaster was removed but hand needed some more days for recovery

Ragini was passing through corridor when she over heard swara's phone conversation with some one

"ha dida yeah soon everything will be fine I and laksh have spoken about it and we both are clear that we can never get over each other" her words crashed ragini's world

"I am so happy dida finally laksh confessed that he loves me"

"ha dida don't worry anyways he'll divorcee ragini soon"

"and ragini was never his type and who can love that bhenji and after what she did no one can forgive her she separated me and him she will suffer for that"

Ragini didn't feel anything more she just walked out of house

Swara smirked looking at her state

'just wait and watch ragini you'll pay for snatching laksh form me' she thought in mind


That day when swara came to speak to laksh he had clearly said her that he loves his wife and what he felt for swara was just attraction and nothing much and soon he'll confess his feelings to her soon

Swara then plastered smile that she was happy for her sister and would like to continue her and laksh's friendship

Fb ends

Ragini just walked inside Rudra's cabin he was worried looking at her

From the time she came she didn't speak a word

"ragini what happened" Sasha asked kneeling down

She bust into tears

Sasha looked horrified looking at her state she had never seen ragini like that

"why am I so unfortunate in love" she asked painfully

"first my mother left me then dad never cared for my existence and when I though laksh will love me he loved my sister"

"don't I deserve to be loved"

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