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"Jenni, are you ready?!" Jackie called up to the second floor. "If we don't hurry, we'll miss our flight!"

A slender, redhead scurried down the stairs. She would have fallen at the bottom of the steps out of excitement, had Jackie not been there to catch her.

"Carful Jenni." Jackie smiled at her long time roommate and best friend. If only we could be more than just that.

Jenni covered her giggles, "Sorry. I'm just so excited. I mean can you believe it?! We're actually going to Paris!"

"Yep. It's real exciting." God she's so cute right now!

"I want to take a picture to remember how this whole trip started!" Jenni pulled Jackie into a close hug. If one of them moved their heads one inch, their lips would have touched. "Alright, now smile!"


Jackie glanced at the cute picture. We look so happy. Could she be this happy with me?

"Perfect!" The redhead squeaked in delight.

Jackie snatched Jenni's hand and pulled her to the car. "Alright now let's go! We've got a full week of vacation waiting for us."


"Bonjour et Bienvenue sur Paris." (Hello and welcome to Paris.) An announcement sounded on the speakers as the two girls left the comfort of the plane.

"Jackie, we made it! We're in Paris!"


Jackie growled at Jenni for capturing a moment of her in utter exhaustion. "Are the pictures necessary right now?"

"Of course silly! I want to remember everything." Jenni continued to marching towards baggage claim while simultaneously capturing memories of every little detail. She's a handful. How do I put up with her? Oh right never mind. Jackie smiled to herself as she followed the childlike Jenni.

A luggage carousel had just came to life as the two young women walked up. Jackie casually looked around as Jenni watched for the bags like a hawk. The sooner they got the bags the better. Jenni ready to just bounce off the walls. Where is our luggage?!

The girls waited about an hour. When the carousel shut off and both women looked at each other. Jackie was fully irritated while Jenni was simply worried.

"Did they loose or bags?"

"Jenni I don't know but let's just go ask someone for help."

Jackie stormed back and forth from terminal to terminal until she finally found the service center. As they approached, Jenni grabbed Jackie's arm. This small motion caused Jackie to briefly calm down in order to approach the clerk.

"Bonjour et comment puis-je vous aider?" (Hello and how can I help you?)

"Do you speak English?" Jackie internally struggled to seem calm.

"Oui. Is there anything I can help you with?" The clerk spoke with a thick accent.

"We've somehow have lost our bags. Is there any way you can track them or tell us if they are on another flight?"

"Of course. I'm assuming you've just arrived from flight F517 from New York City?"


Jackie slowly rubbed her temples as the clerk searched for any sign of their lost luggage. Seeing a distressed Jackie, Jenni rubbed her back to try and comfort her. The only thing she received was a small smile. A few minutes later the clerk had found that their belongings had been placed on a later flight due to storage problems. After thirty minutes of going back and forth, the clerk genuinely gave them a free taxi pass to their hotel and arranged for the luggage to be dropped off.

"Thank you so much for what you've done." Jenni thanked as she struggled to pull Jackie away from the clerk's desk.

Once outside, Jackie had finally calmed down. For a moment she looked around and admired the beauty of Paris at night. Everyone was awake and moving so quickly. It didn't take long to hail a taxi because of this.

Safely inside the cab, Jackie watched the city rush by. Before she knew it, Jackie was completely asleep. Noticing this, Jenni snapped a picture.

Why does she have to be so peaceful when she's sleeping. Jenni smiled to herself and enjoyed the rest of the quiet drive.


"Finally! I can just lay on a bed!" Jackie shrieked as the lights turned on. The light revealed a small kitchenette, a television set, a door leading to a small bathroom, and one king size bed. "Oh you've got to be kidding me!"

"Jackie I'm sure we can make this work. Don't get too upset. After all, we are here to have fun." Jenni gave a small smile of reassurance.

Annoyed, Jackie took one look at the bed, glance at Jenni, and returned her gaze to the bed. How can she be so positive right now? Maybe I should just try this. It can't be too bad right? It'll be fine. And if not I can just sleep on the floor. "Alright. If you say so."

Out of no where, Jenni hugged her best friend. Slightly caught off guard, Jackie tensed up. A few seconds later, she returned the hug. They stayed in once embrace for longer than a normal friend hug. When they pulled away, both girls were flustered with embarrassment.

Clearing her throat, Jenni spoke up. "I'm going to go freshen up."

Jackie watched the retreating form of her crush. I just need to spill everything. After all we are in the city of love. It's perfect!

Twenty minutes later when Jenni exited the bathroom, Jackie felt nervous. She couldn't put the words together she needed to say. Her whole mind shut down as she watched Jenni's every move. Slowly, she regained her composure.

"I'm going to head to bed. I think jet lag is finally getting a hold of me. Good night Jackie." Jenni laid beside Jackie facing away from her.

"Good night." There goes my chances. I guess there's always tomorrow. Jackie sighed as she fell asleep herself.


"Jackie! Come on! I want to go do something. It's our last night here." Jenni dug through her luggage, which had come a whole day after their arrival. "We lost one whole day just to wait for our stuff. We need to try and make up for the lost time."

Giggling, Jackie pulled out two tickets to the Eiffel Tower. "I'm one step ahead of you. If I were you, I would get ready. Our private tour starts in two hours."

Jenni's eyes expanded as she watched the tickets. "How did you-"

"I had a few connections. Now go get ready. We don't have much time." Jenni obediently did as she was told. Suddenly, Jackie thought back to her earlier outing.

"Here are your boarding tickets for tomorrow morning. I hope you have enjoyed your stay here in Pairs." The same clerk from the first night handed an envelope to Jackie.

"Thank you so much. And I'm terribly sorry for the way I reacted in our first meeting."

"It's alright. There are many like you that come through here who stress and fret over everything. They want every detail to be perfect with someone they care about."

"What do you mean?" Jackie question.

"Well, I saw the way you looked at your girlfriend and I figured this was a big present for her or something."

"Oh Jenni! No she's not my girlfriend sadly. I wish she would be though." Jackie glanced down at the floor.

"I have a way that could fix that." The clerk rapidly typed into the computer. Within minutes the clerk had two new tickets in her hands. "A friend owed me a favor. This is the least I could do after everything you've gone through."

Jackie glanced down at the new pieces of paper. There in her hands were two VIP tickets to the Eiffel Tower. No words could show her gratitude.

"I can't except these. These should be-"

"Your's. I've seen many lovers in my years here but none as sweet as you and your friend. Besides I feel obligated to help you. My brother went through the same thing with his husband a few years back when those types of couples where frowned upon. Don't let that scare you into not trying." The clerk smiled at Jackie. That sweet smile was all she needed to except the gift.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means."

"You're welcome. Now get going. I'm sure you don't want to keep your friend waiting any longer. Au revoir et bonne chance. (Good bye and good luck.)"

Jackie smiled at the memory. The clerk had no idea what her kindness meant to Jackie. This provided her the perfect opportunity to share her feelings and have a wonderful last night in Paris with the one she loved.

Jenni stepped out of the bathroom ready for their last Paris adventure. Her red locks were pulled back into a half ponytail. It framed out her face perfectly. Jackie couldn't help but stare at the angelic features of Jenni.

"I'm ready. Want to head out?"

Clearing her head, Jackie nodded. She was repaid with a gentle smile from Jenni. Though neither one knew, both of their hearts were racing. Their nerves had sky rocketed. Both of their lives were about to change.

The young women decided to walk to their destination for it was only a few blocks away. Neither spoke the entire walk. At certain moments, anyone could clearly see the glances they stole from one another. Jackie would quickly watch Jenni before turning her focus to something else. Jenni on the other hand used her camera as an excuse to glance at Jackie. They kept this little game up until finally reaching the Eiffel Tower.

"Wow! It's more beautiful in person." Jenni looked up at the glorious building to snap a photo.

"It sure is." Jackie watched Jenni as she took more snapshots for her memories.

"I can't wait to see the view from the top."

"Then why don't we head up there?" Jackie grabbed Jenni's hand and pulled her all the way to the top of the tower. Not once did she try to let go.


As the elevator doors slowly opened, Jackie finally released her connection with Jenni. Both were disappointed but not for long. When the doors fully opened, it revealed a breath taking view of Pairs.

The lights from cars below zoomed and zig zagged. People looked like ants. The night sky was clear enough, if one tried, they could touch the stars.

Jenni did not wait. She began to take pictures from every angle. Side ways, perpendicular, veridical, horizontal, up at the sky, down towards the people. Jenni was so happy, and there was only one person she could thank.

"Jackie, this has been amazing! I can't believe we actually did this. A whole week in Paris, just the two of us. I loved it and I wish we didn't have to go home tomorrow. You really made tonight a memorable one."

Jackie stood by her long time roommate, best friend, and crush. "There's something special about this city, you know?"

"What do you mean?" Jenni gave her a quizzical look.

"Well it's the city of love after all and there one thing I've been wanting to do all week."

"And what's that?" Jenni scooted closer to Jackie.


Jackie captured Jenni's lips with her own. At first nothing seemed to happen and Jackie thought this was going to be her rejection that she had been fearing. However, Jenni surprised her and kissed her back with more passion than Jackie could ever imagine. Somewhere off in the distance fireworks went off, causing the girls to pull apart in awe. Although they still held each others' gazes.

"Jenni, I love you. I have loved you since the day you moved into my apartment all those years ago. I was scared that you wouldn't except my love, but that kiss says otherwise."

"It better have Jackie, because I love you too." Jenni pulled Jackie into a soft kiss, long enough to snap a picture for their memories.


"And that kids, is how mommy and I knew we would always be together." Jenni closed her Paris scrapbook just as Jackie walked in with lemonade.

"Momma, I want to find someone just as special as you did with mommy." Cristy, only six years old, gave a toothy grin to Jenni. Her brother Charles, ten years old, however pretend to gag.

"Momma that's gross. I don't want to hear anymore mushy gushy things about you and mommy." Charles complained.

Jackie plopped down next to her wife and held her hand. "Just think of it this way Charles. If momma and I never had that trip, you and Cristy wouldn't be her in our loving arms."

Jackie pulled her children into a warm embrace with the help of Jenni. Everyone smiled as they held on to one another. The two wives slowly looked up.

Jenni shared one loving look with Jackie. It had the same passion and love combined together, just like it had on the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"I love you Jackie."

"I love you too Jenni."

"Hey! What about us?!" Cristy pretend to whine. Charles laughed at his little sister's reaction.

"And we love you two too!" Jackie and Jenni said together.

The End

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