septiplier- laziness

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LissaWho5 thank u for ur suggestion of mark and jack having a lazy day :4

Jacks POV

It was currently Saturday and Mark and I had nothing to worry about. The next convention wasn't for two or three months, we both had enough videos made, hell we had even made plans to go and visit Bob and Wade but that wasn't for a week.
"Babe what do you wanna do today?" Mark asked me.

"I dunno Marky a movie?" I suggested.

"Nah we've watched tons of good movies," he frowned.

"We could go skating? Or to the park?" I suggested.

"I don't feel like leaving the house today," he replied.

"Mark if ye aren't goin' to fookin' take my suggestions then what's the point in asking me?" I stated. He chuckled.

"I don't know. How about we just cuddle?" He suggests and I nod.

"Of course will you bring cookies up to the bed?" I say getting excited. He nods and goes to get them as I head upstairs. ((Warning this is about to get deep for a minute because of thought I'm thinking right now and I hate it sry in advance))

We had been cuddling for a few minutes when I spoke up.

"Mark? Do you ever wonder if people will notice that you're gone? I mean our fans might for a bit but after no replies they will probably just go watch their other YouTubers. (Me thinking if I left wattpad) And I don't know if our friends would care. I know some like Bob and Wade might but the others that we don't talk to often might not care at all or even notice! (Me thinking if I stopped talking to people IRL or in group chats except no one would probably even notice) I much do you think people would really actually care if we left? I mean we're just 1 in 8 billion people and we already get so much hate (bullied) so I don't know what I'm getting at but just what if?" I say getting all deep and stuff in our lazy cuddles. He stiffens.

"Babe so many people would care if you died or just left. It would be talked about for years. Daniel, my old friend, wasn't that popular and he's still mourned today. Thinking about you leaving it would be so much worse and no matter what I would care I love you," I smile at his words.

"Thanks Marky I love you," I say.

"I love you too baby muffin."

I'm not putting my regular outro. Or the thingy saying to suggest things tho u should. Comment wat u want on my mini rant. I always feel this way now especially but I don't have many people who would care at least from wat I think so say wat u want in it.......sry it wasn't wat u wanted Lissa but this has been on my mind and I wanted to tell someone but didn't want another a/n for u guys so....yea.......bye kitty-cats stay beautiful

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