Special Powers

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I don't own Stranger Things.

So, looks like 'soon' meant five fuckin' minutes. This story could be a shitstorm but I'll do it anyway. Mike and Eleven, Mileven, whatever it is, it's goddamned adorable. Turns out that they're all the same age, so now it's three years later: They're all sixteen in this. And yeah, I know Eleven has an actual name now (Jane Hopper), but I couldn't give less of a damn what her 'actual name' was if I tried. She is referred to as Eleven or 'El'. End of story. Final note, but at this stage El is still only speaking somewhat broken English. She's basically four years old when it comes to speaking, and most four-year-olds don't talk no good (Intentional grammar mistake). Anyway, longest intro note ever written aside, prepare for some innocence loss.

3rd Person POV- Mike's Basement

Mike and Eleven were lying in the fort that he had built for her when they first met. It had been three whole years since the incident with the Demo-dogs and the Mind Flayer, and all had finally seemed to return to normal in Hawkins, Indiana. No more Demogorgons, no more Demo-Dogs, no more Mind Flayer.

Mike was reading El a story he himself wrote. He knew better than anyone that the stories he wrote weren't the best, but they entertained El, and that was all that really mattered. She always became enraptured in the make-belief stories spawned from Mike's wildest side of imagination. This story was a bit different, however.

"The girl raised her hand to fight the flower-faced creature, letting her power flow into the demonic beast. The creature howled and shrieked in pain as it's body dissolved, like glass shattering. The girl turned back to face the boy, tears staining her eyes, as the creature's body engulfed her in darkness. All that was left lingering were the words... "I love you."... The end, for now." Mike folded the paper in half as he finished the final page of the thirteen-page story. "What didja think?" He asked El, who was cuddling up against him..

"It's good. It's us." She replied cutely. Ever since the Snow Ball three years ago, Mike and Eleven had been practically glued at the hip, earning many jokes from Max, Dustin and especially Lucas- though he couldn't speak much, judging from how often him and Max seem to 'disappear' for some time, then coming back like they'd been running through the thickest woods ever, all sweaty and dry leaves clinging to their clothes and hair- but the couple didn't care about any jeers or taunts thrown their way (Will mainly kept out of it, keeping his jokes and comments to himself). They had spent every day either with Dustin, Will, Lucas and Max or just to two of them together. And on school nights, El often wouldn't be able to sleep without talking to Mike on the radios first.

El cuddled closer to Mike, nuzzling her head into his chest, wrapping her arms around him.

Of course, Mike and El's relationship wasn't the only thing that had grown over the past three years. Eleven had grown a small bit taller, as well as grown to look more like a woman. Her hair now extended down to her shoulders, creating an adorable frame for her, in Mike's opinion, adorable face. Almost all the time, she had the turquoise bow in her hair from the Snow Ball because Mike said it made her look even cuter. Her eyes were closed, and there was a blissful smile across her angelic face.

Mike had also grown up quite a bit, and his features had sharpened and set, almost like clay. His hair, like El's, extended down to his shoulders, midnight-black and wavy as it had always been.

"MIKE! JANE!" Mike's mom, Karen, suddenly called the two from upstairs. El's eyes snapped open, and her faced turned from one of peace and bliss to one of mild irritation, as did Mike's. They both sighed in mild frustration as Mike rose out of the fort.

"Come on, El." He said, offering his hand to her. She took it and rose to her feet. They both stood at their full heights for a few seconds. Mike was a good four to five inches taller than her. She pretended to pout, before lightly punching him in the arm. Mike smiled, ruffling her curled hair.

"Come on." Mike said, nodding towards the stairs.The two headed up the stairs, Mike behind Eleven. As the pair reached the top, a clack came from the living room as Mike's mum hung up the phone.

"Jane, that was Hopper. He's out of town, and he said you're free to stay here, as long as there's no 'funny business'." She said using air quotes. "Oh and Mike, this is from Hop." She gave her son the best intimidating glare she could. It got its message across just fine, as he tried to shrink down as small as humanly possible along with a blush heavier than a block of steel.

"Really?" El asked, her eyes lighting up, and wide smile encroaching upon her face..

"Yep." Karen replied, placing her hands on her hips.

"YAY!" El exclaimed, before once again embracing Mike in a hug. This time however, she kissed him on the cheek before heading back downstairs.

"God, you two are adorable." Karen said, aweing at Eleven's affection towards her son.

Mike went to follow El, before his mum tapped him on the shoulder. "Mike, remember to be gentle." She said quietly, motioning towards the basement, but more towards El.

"What? Mom, she has super powers, I don't think it's possible to harm her. " He said. It was true. While El appeared fragile and delicate, she could seriously mess someone up without moving a muscle. She may appear vulnerable to the naked eye, but those who knew her knew that to be the absolute furthest thing from the truth.

"Mike I'm not stupid. I know that you guys are teenagers going through... changes. I'm not saying it's gonna happen, and of course, if it does, don't do anything Jane doesn't agree with, but she trusts you. Don't take... advantage of that." She said awkwardly.

"Mom, I won't. And I thought Hop said-" Mike started.

"I'm not Hop. But if it does happen, and I or Nancy, or god forbid, Holly hear you two... there'll be hell to pay." She whispered. "And if it does happen... Hop won't hear of it." She looked around, almost as if Hopper would hear her.

"I get it, Mom." He said quietly, knowing to just submit at this point.

"Mike?" El asked, peeking around the doorframe.

"I'm coming, El." He said, turning to face the basement doorway. He turned back to his mom, who winked at him. Mike simply rolled his eyes.

The two teenage lovers went back downstairs, and curled up together in the little fort. Over the years, Mike had upgraded the fort, making it into basically a poor man's guest bed. It was large enough for the entire Party to sit together in it, or for two or three people to lay down in it.

Mike and Eleven had slept together numerous times now, to the point where it was a regular, not (entirely) sexual thing. On days where El slept over, be it weekends, summer holidays, regular holidays etc., nine times out of ten they slept together in the fort instead of Mike's bed, simply because El was more used to it.

El was lying her head up against Mike's chest, listening to his heart beating, feeling his chest rising and falling with his breaths.They weren't shallow, but they weren't exactly deep. They were some kind of in-between breaths, slowly lulling El to sleep. Mike was gently playing with her hair, circling his fingers in her tight curls. Soon enough, he heard El's slight snoring, which was more like quiet breaths.

She was beautiful. The way her curly brown hair framed her thin, pale face, her dark, deep brown eyes, the blue bow she always had in her hair, the navy blue sweater that he gave her three years ago, her dark cyan rippling skirt, her creamy skin, perfect and smooth, her delicate features, her dainty touch, her smooth, sweet lips, it all drove him mad.

'What did I do to deserve Eleven?' Mike mentally asked himself. He smiled, watching her take a deep breath, rising and falling lightly on his chest. The sweater she was wearing- Mike's old zip-up hoodie- was still slightly too big for her, making her look smaller than she was. The sleeves cut off just under her first knuckles, leaving just her fingers emerging from the sleeves. She really did look like just a sweet young girl; vulnerable, innocent and speckless, but those who truly knew her knew she was anything but.

After what seemed like forever watching his beloved girlfriend, Mike glanced up at the clock. It read 7:45, about fifteen minutes till sunset.

His gasp in surprise at how late it was accidentally startled Eleven awake.

"Oh, sorry El." He apologized, tangling his fingers in her curls again.

"It's okay. What happened?" She asked, rubbing her eye.

"Have you ever seen a sunset, El?" He asked abruptly.

"What's a sun-set?" She asked innocently, tilting her head slightly.

The Forest

Mike and Eleven ascended the hill in the forest to watch the sunset, which was turning the distant clouds to a dark purple, and the closest clouds turn various shades of red, orange and pink, as well as the sun turning a blood-red, glowing beautifully against the darkening sky.

Eleven's eyes widened, and her mouth hung open slightly. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen, all the colours simultaneously mixing and blending and contrasting against each other, all radiating off the leaves of the forest. She sat down on the soft grass, her skirt billowing in the slight breeze. Mike sat beside her silently, letting her lean against him and drink in the sunset, while he admired every inch of her exposed, pristine skin. They were both breathless, absorbing the beauty of their surroundings. El was enraptured with the setting sun, and Mike with the beautiful girl- no... Woman- leaning against his shoulder.

El was a woman.

His woman.

Breathlessly, El whispered, "Really pretty." Her voice was breaking, like she was tearing up, and she sounded almost silent. Mike could see the sunset partially being reflected in her eyes.

"Not as pretty as you. You're beautiful. " He replied, equally as quiet. He kissed the top of her head as she turned to face him, slight tears threatening to fall in the corners of her eyes.

"R-really? I'm beau- beautif-?" She said struggling with the word. Her voice was breaking even more, just above a whisper. He had called her that before, during the Snow Ball three years back. Hearing it again now brought forward emotions she couldn't even put into words.

"Beautiful. Really beautiful." He replied, smiling at her. El smiled back, her bottom lip trembling. All of a sudden, without warning, El dove forward, crashing her lips into his.

Mike's eyes went wide, the sudden feeling of her soft, warm lips against his took him aback something fierce, but a kiss he wouldn't refuse. He kissed her back with such an intensity their teeth almost clashed, but neither cared.

El placed a gentle hand on Mike's chest, and he wrapped an apprehensive arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him, to the point where he thought they would fuse together.

The heat between them was surely enough to achieve fusion.

They were together, lips locked, for what felt like eons, but was really only three and a half minutes. When they separated, they were panting like marathon runners, a thick blush coating both of their faces. Eleven swallowed tentatively, before asking, "Can we try something?" She asked feebly, her apparent innocence killing Mike.

For Eleven, he would try anything and everything.

"Yeah, anything." He replied, still trying to catch his breath.

"O-okay." She breathed shakily, as if she herself was unsure of what to do next. She reunited with Mike in a kiss, but this time more passionate, more desperate. She slowly snaked her hand into his, gripping it tightly.

'Okay, not too bad.' Mike thought. If this was all she wanted to try, that was fine by him. Of course, he was fine with practically anything. El once again separated, panting. She leaned her forehead against his.

"I love you." He whispered, using his free hand to cup her face. He kissed her forehead, and squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"I love you too." She sighed, now more sure of herself than ever before. Once again, she leaned forward to kiss Mike. He once again accepted her kiss, closing his eyes in bliss, loving the feeling of her soft lips on his.

Suddenly, Mike felt a warm, wet muscle press itself against his lips. It was El's tongue, begging for entrance. He opened his mouth, meeting El's tongue with his own. He heard her moan as their tongues met, enjoying the experience as much as he was. He was definitely enjoying himself, as the tightness in his pant so eloquently screamed. Luckily, his jeans restrained it's power to such an extent that El didn't notice... yet.

El was also loving the kiss with reckless abandon, as her aching chest and throbbing core proved. She had no clue what the feeling was called, but it felt both heavenly and tortuous, as there was a growing ball of tightness and heat growing in the pit of her being, like a raging fire being contained in rubber bands, all in her deepest pit inside.

They had kissed before this, but nothing felt this intense. Not the time in the cafeteria, not even the time at the Snow Ball, and the kiss at the Snow Ball sent shivers down her body.. This was a whole new goddamned ball park (pun not intended). Everything they were doing; the kiss, how close they were, physically and emotionally simply heightened the attraction to each other to a level neither had ever experienced.

El began to grow more aggressive. She pushed Mike over, placing both hands on the ground near his shoulders. Mike raised his knee to make somewhere for El to be somewhat comfortable. The two once again separated, with Eleven looking down at Mike who was sprawled across the hill. Unbeknownst to the two, the sunset had ended, and the countless stars along with the bright moon began to rise in the sky.

"Was that your experiment?" He asked, panting.

"Partly." She gasped, her chest heaving with both arousal and lack of oxygen. She leaned back against his raised leg, making somewhat of a seat for herself. It was then the pair realized their hands were still clasped together, gripping each other tightly.

El bit her bottom lip, apprehensive of what to do next. Mike leaned up to her, giving her an abrupt kiss. He nodded, as if to ensure her shaking body.

"I-I saw Nancy and Jonathan do this, so I know it's a 'couple thing'." She whispered, still rather shaky. She unclasped her hand, instead grabbing Mike wrists. She guided them to her hips, allowing them to mould to her form. Then, with her shaky hands, she undid the zipper on the front of the navy sweater, revealing a shirt of the same cyan shade as her skirt. El shrugged off the garment, revealing her pale arms in their entirety. She heard Mike swallow quietly. He took a moment to drink in the sight set in front of him; Eleven, the girl he had loved the moment he met her, continuing for four years, was now sitting in his lap with nothing but a skirt and a loose shirt covering her body.

She once again took hold of his wrists, guiding them up her body; every curve and dip, every rise and bump. She brought his hands to her front, still guiding them up. She released his hands as they approached her breasts.

"El, are you sure?" He asked, looking into her lidded, lust-filled eyes. She nodded slowly, swallowing in anticipation with bated breath.

Mike, moved his hands up El's chest, cupping her developing breasts gently. They were squishy and warmer than the rest of her, yet they were blocked by her intrusive blue shirt. Even so, El moaned lightly as her sensitive chest was caressed by the man she loved. She felt the tight ball in her stomach grow tighter and hotter, reaching dangerous levels.

Not being able to hold herself back, Eleven grabbed the hem of her shirt, and began to pull it up, just like she did when they first met. And just like when they met, Mike stopped her.

"El, are you sure you want to do this?" Mike asked, biting back his own arousal as best he could.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I love you, Mike." She whispered, nodding slowly. also trying to resist the urges her incredible arousal brought on.

"I love you too." He replied shakily, rising to plant another rapid kiss on her velvety lips. He laid back, letting El raise her shirt above her head, throwing it beside her. She inhaled sharply as her rock-hard nipples were unclothed. She watched Mike's eyes go wide at the sight of her erect nipples and her perky breasts which flawlessly morphed into her clear, smooth skin.

He took a deep breath, before once again snaking his arms around Eleven's- this time nude- waist. He brought her down until their faces were centimeters apart. El's blush had extended to practically her entire face. She smiled, before kissing Mike again gingerly.

Once again, she felt Mike's hands scale her stomach, reaching her breasts, this time unassisted. He gave them a tentative squeeze earning a high-pitched moan from El. Almost instinctively, she began grinding against Mike's raised leg, trying to reduce to tightness in her core. She squeezed her eyes tight and bit her bottom lip trying to keep her moans in.

She was desperate now, desperate for the tightness in her body to be loosened, for the irritating feeling in her stomach to go away, for her love to this man to be expressed in a way that wasn't just words.

Mike saw, and felt, her desperateness; her incredible need for him more intense than ever before. "El, at any time just say stop and I will." He said slowly.

"What?" She asked, opening her eyes. Her question was left unanswered as Mike sat up, moving El onto his lap again. She was on her knees, sitting in his lap. She felt his erection press against her crotch, only increasing the temperature of the ball in her being. He slowly crept his hand down her body, and raised the hem of her blue skirt just enough to gain access to between her legs. He rubbed her thigh, before giving her butt a slight squeeze with his whole hand, gaining another longer, deeper moan from Eleven. He felt that she was wearing a thin pair of underwear, nothing but a thin veil of protection.

Mike swallowed before creeping his hand to her front, feeling the heat coming off of her core. He pressed his index and middle finger to her vagina, feeling how completely soaked she was, even through her underwear.

El had to cup her mouth with her hand to keep from screaming in pleasure.

Mike continued to poke and prod at her wet core, before El rose to her feet silently (not without a almost gasp-like whine from Mike), her breathing as heavy as her blush.

She used two fingers to take off her underwear, sliding them down her pale, slender legs before throwing them onto her shirt and sweater. Meanwhile, she also used her powers to undo Mike's jeans and free his erection from it's fabric prison. She sat in Mike's lap again, feeling his bare erection rub against her wet vagina. She moaned again, much louder this time.

"Please, Mike..." She begged, burying her face in his neck in an attempt to hold back her moans. She sounded desperate, like she really was just a normal girl, desperate for her heat to be quelled. And both knew that he was the only one capable.

Mike didn't have to ask if El was sure. He knew she was. She had been for years, and nothing was ever going to change her mind.

"I love you, Eleven. I always have." He said slowly, tracing circles on her back, sending otherworldly shivers down her spine.

"I know Mike." She whispered, her voice shaking.

With that, he felt her soaking entrance's heat approach his throbbing member. El knew that was going to hurt, but anything that brought her closer to him was worth it.

She slowly slid onto him, feeling herself open more and more, accepting his member into her. It felt way bigger than she expected, causing her to ball her fists on his shoulders, raking her nails against his skin, leaving red trails in their wake. She bit her bottom lip, partly in acute pain, majorly in pleasure. She sank further down, inch by inch, feeling his thick, pulsating member penetrate further into her small body.

Suddenly, El felt a sharp shock of pain as Mike hit a thin barrier. He knew this was coming. This was the most painful part for girls, as they had both learned many times in Sex Education. But before he could say or do anything, he felt El ball her fist against his shoulders and pierce herself on him.

There was nothing more painful than that. Nothing Hopper did to her, nothing Troy ever did, not even Brenner. Eleven felt tears sting her eyes as she gave something Mike could never give back. She doubled over onto him, biting Mike's clothed shoulder, trying to resist the pain. She felt his loving arms slowly circle around her, before coming to rest on her shoulderblades, rubbing gentle, loving circles.

After a few minutes of throbbing pain, heavy breathing, and silence, El picked herself off of Mike with arms shakier than Haiti's tectonic plates. Her soft brown eyes were still moist with tears, with some decorating the corners of her eyes and a universe on her lashes. She looked into Mike's eyes, which were flooded with worry and pain. Not his own, but hers. He felt bad for hurting her, worse than he had ever felt before. Not falling off the cliff, not lashing out at Max, not even when Eleven went missing did he feel this bad.

"E-El, I'm sorry... I didn't... I didn't mean to hurt you that bad, I thought that-" He began, his voice breaking.eleven silenced him by placing an incredibly emotional kiss on his lips. He moaned in response. She broke off the brisk kiss, shaking her head.

"It's okay, I want to be with you forever." She said simply, a shaky smile etching itself onto her lips. "Nancy said, it feels good." Mike chuckled, wondering who his elder sister was talking about when she said that.

"It will El, promise." He responded, smiling back at her.

"Promise." El whispered, before slowly sliding herself up his member. The pain of her deflowering subsiding immediately, being replaced wholly with immeasurable pleasure. She moaned in pleasure, her dainty hand muffling it considerably. Mike also moaned through gritted teeth, curling his fists up.

Eleven had reached the tip of Mike's penis, almost scared of plunging again, as if her hymen had magically reformed. She looked at Mike, who ran a gentle thumb over the back of her hand, smiling gently. She smiled, before slamming back down, engulfing him again. But, instead of pain, they both moaned loudly in bliss, El's hand once again slapping itself to her mouth like a spell, quieting her noises. Suddenly, it was brutally wrenched away.

"I wanna hear you. I don't care if anyone else does." He said, his voice low and sultry, heavy with arousal and provocativeness, almost gravelly. His words were like space; deep, vacuous, almost infinite. El simply nodded once more, this time more frantically, eager- almost desperate- for her heat to be put out like a campfire at three AM.

She gently rose again, feeling her tight, wet, fleshy walls squeeze the ever-living Hell out of Mike's cock, adapting to his size and spastic throbbing: He was as, if not more, desperate than her. She felt empty, as if not whole when he exited her. But when he pushed back in, it was like being filled, like eating the biggest feast in the world, but somehow more... satisfying.

Mike felt Eleven's walls squeeze tight as she slowly enveloped him in her heat again, as if her insides were an oven, a fire burning harsher, deeper and brighter than any star in any universe. Her vagina was working magic he didn't even know was possible, and Jonathan had told him some intense stories about a past lover- some cunt named Stacy- but that was nothing, not even a speck of dust in the universe Eleven and Mike were creating between them.

And the only cunt that mattered right now was Eleven's, mercilessly clamping on his member.

She had given up on being slow and steady. She was now bouncing up and down, rapidly taking Mike's cock in and bounding off it again. He curly brown hair was jumping up and down, shock waves rippling in through it. Her loose breasts were also hopping along, jiggling in such a way that Mike couldn't help but stare at it; her breathtaking chest bounced up and down hypnotically.

The couple were both moaning intensely, not caring if they were heard, not caring if they woke up half of Hawkins, not caring if the Mind Flayer was watching because right then, right at that very moment, it was just El and Mike, just them, having vigorous, passionate, loud, paralyzing sex. Eleven was practically screaming in pleasure, her sensitive walls almost burning with desire. She felt like any second she would literally explode in a blaze of glory, burst into a fire that would burn everything around her into powdered atoms.

Eleven felt the growing, burning ball in her being tighten even further, if it was even possible. It was tortuous, clawing at her insides to escape, burning her up inside. She squeezed her eyes shut and let loose a shrill scream as the tightness reached her limits. Suddenly, in a fraction of a millisecond, the ball broke with a feeling of pleasure so intense, she had to fight a losing battle to stay upright. She saw stars behind her eyes and her mind went white as she orgasmed.

El screamed and tangled her small fingers in Mike's wild hair as her vagina exploded, letting loose practically gallons of juices, all flooding Mike's dick, his crotch and the ground beneath them. She collapsed onto his chest, going numb everywhere. She vaguely felt Mike pull out of her, squirting his hot semen all over her nude arse. She didn't care, as she definitely would not be wearing her underwear back home.

They were panting like they'd just ran around the world four times over, still half-nude and covered in each other's juices. It was what felt like hours before Eleven found the breath to speak.

"Worth... Everything..." She panted.

"Definitely." Mike replied, practically gasping for air.

The two then lay still, half trying to catch their long-gone breath, half still too stunned in the afterglow to even process colours. It took a sudden gust of nightly wind up El's internally stained skirt for her to realize they were both still half-naked on a hill.

"We... We should get back..." She sighed, looking up at Mike.

"Yeah... It's been a while." He replied, laughing dryly. Eleven somehow found the power to get off of Mike, grabbing her cyan shirt and pulling it on. It was a challenge however, as she was still wildly dizzy and her mind was pulling nonstop blanks. Mike did up his jeans with a sharp zip, piercing the silence between the two..

El grabbed her stained underwear, smiling. "For you." She whispered, gently stuffing them in Mike's pocket, before grabbing his hand. He looked at her, before smiling warmly.

"All mine." He replied, before leaning in to kiss Eleven. The two united in a warm, passionate kiss, before separating.

"Home?" El asked quietly.

"Home." Mike replied.

The couple started for home, but were quickly stopped when El hissed in pain.

"El? What's wrong?" Mike asked panickedly.

"My hip..." She sighed, placing a hand on the front of her hip. But they both knew she was still sore from being taken.

"Sorry." Mike said, before picking El up bridal-style. She squeaked in surprise. "Let's go home." He said simply, before starting for home. Eleven may be psychic, but Mike was something else too.

I guess we all have special powers.


This went through more re-writes and more edits than any story I've ever wrote, and therefore took WAY longer than it should have, but it was worth it. Mileven is the most adorable ship ever. Again, apologies for interrupting other stories, but this had to be written. There are a few, but there aren't THAT MANY decent-quality Mileven stories out there, so I decided to dabble. However, if you ship Mileven, or Hell, anything, I encourage you to show your love for it. Draw fanart, write fanfiction, just let the world know that those people might be perfect for each other because fucK SOME REALLY GOOD SHIPS ARE MISSING QUALITY REPRESENTATION! SHIT!!! Sorry, I wanted to that out. Anyway, the next one-shot might be Lumax (Lucas and Maxine) or maybe a Team Fortress 2 story (fucK YEAH, THOSE EXIST), but I haven't decided yet, so it might be neither. As always, thanks for reading, have an exceedingly handsome rest of your day.

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