Sweet Scheme

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Title: Sweet Scheme
Character: Author and Friends OC's
Point of View: Author's Point of View
Plot Summary: Our Author, Maki shares a certain story filled with trickery, dense and love.


I was pretty much heading to school alone. Seeing couples together as they head to school made me shiver. I couldn't say whether I enjoy or feel single as I truly am.

Of course, I ain't the only one. Along the way, I saw my best friend, we'll call her Annabeth.

"Yo!" I greet.

"Morning" Annabeth smile.

"Today's Valentines huh? Any plans for today?" I ask.

"Actually, I do" Annabeth start rummaging through her things.

Unfortunately, my mind has a certain conclusion. Annabeth has a thing for a certain someone.

Looking at her hand was an envelope. A love letter. Swiftly to get my hands on it, Annabeth simply pushes me back.

"Maki!" Annabeth pout.

"Please?" I tried.

She then gives me a straight face and state with a strong resolution. "No"

Sighing, I give up. Don't get my childhood angry, she's scary enough to make me do stuff.

"So, is it for him?" I ask.

Averting her eyes, she nods slowly. Grinning, I pulled her close to me and give her a hug. Knowing how she may be shy and stutter on her words, I'm sure she needs someone to give her the push.

But why not add some teasing, "So?"

"Hmm?" Annabeth put back the letter.

"How do you plan to give it to him?" I ask.

She hesitates. I then let go of her and took a step away from her. "Good luck then"

Knowing she'd call out for me, I waited. However, aside from the shy and hesitating character whenever something embarrassing is to be talked about, she purposely pulled the sleeves, pulling me back hard.

Realising what she did, she immediately let go. "I'm so sorry"

Rubbing off the pain, I ignored it and straightforwardly ask. "Need a hand?"

Annabeth looks at my arm before casting to my eyes. "If it's no trouble,"

Grinning, I answered. "No need to, meet me at the rooftop at lunchtime with the letter"

"Thanks, Maki" Annabeth smile.

Walking to class, my eyes met a familiar one.

"You go ahead, I'll follow behind." I waved and knock to his class.

All of his classmates look at me, procuring them to call him.

"Hey, Luke. Maki's here" said one of his classmate.

Looking at me was none other Luc, or Luke in this story.

"Can I have a minute?" I ask.

"Yeah sure" Luke followed me outside and ask. "So, what's up?"

"Can you meet me on the rooftop later?" I ask.

Cliche, you know where this is going, right? Just a little push would conclude to see how it may go.

"What for?" Luke ask.

"Oh, something important I need you to be in it," I said then faking to look around to see if anyone familiar is around. "It's a bit confidential"

"Oh! Is that so?" Luke replied.

I nod. "So, see you later?"

"Yeah" Luke wave as he entered back into his classroom.

Starting it, one must see the end of their work. I can't wait!

Honestly, I'm not Cupid. So this a first try to see my friend work out with someone she likes. Time pass, I ask Annabeth to buy me a drink. I then look for Luke and told him the same thing. I went ahead. Since I was familiar with the rooftop setting, I had hidden above and waited for the two to come.

Coincidentally, both of them came together, chatting.

"So, why are you heading here anyway?" Luke ask.

"Well...Maki told me to come here. You?" Annabeth ask.

"The same thing" Luke replied.

Looking around, Annabeth and I met eye to eye. I give her a thumbs up, telling her my support. Realising this, she blushes.

"I wonder where she is" Luke asked.

Shock, Annabeth's grip on my drink leaves it falling. Detecting it, Luke picks it up and give it to her.

"You alright?" Luke ask.

Annabeth simply nod. However, a bit red.

"Hey, you sure you don't have a fever?" He asks as he held onto her forehead, resulting in a blushing mess.

Well, this is starting to get interesting.

"I-i'm alright. It's just the heat..." Annabeth stutter.

Watching her hand reaching into her pocket, I grin. So she did bring the letter with her.

"Is that so?" Luke said.

"Let's wait here for her then" Annabeth suggest as she went to a seat on the bench first.

Luke followed behind. 10 minutes pass, Annabeth tries to take all her courage into consideration as she continues to fidget.

Luke then check his watch and announce, "Lunch break is almost finished. Maki is certainly taking a while"

"Y-yeah..." Annabeth nod.

Starting to get bored, I text Annabeth. Telling her to already give it to him. When she check it, the irritation on her face was priceless that she message me immediately.

"Like that's easy!" Her reply came.

Giggling, I text her back. "It'll be over if you don't give it to him"

"You don't have to tell me twice"

"I salute you then"

Placing back my phone, I see her sigh. Luke seems to notice too so he went to open a subject.

"We should probably drink this, I doubt Maki has the time to do so" Luke suggest as he opens the canned drink.

"I suppose so" Annabeth did the same.

Both of them drink in silent. Figuring out the atmosphere hanging between them. Why were they awkward of each other anyway? It's not like Luke's that dense! Or is he? Or playing maybe?

"So, do you have any plans for today?" Annabeth ask.

Luke went to thinking mode, "There's nothing really"

"I see," Annabeth said.

Luke nod.

"If you don't mind..." Annabeth takes chance to look at Luke.


"Uhm..." She fidgets.

Gathering all her courage, she stands up, surprising Luke and take out the envelope. Biting her lower lip, she passes it to him.

Without any words, Luke simply take it and read it. His face serious. So this is it. Whether she gets rejected or not, it all goes to his reply.

Done reading, Luke puts down the letter. "So...will you? Will you go out with me?" Annabeth ask.

The tension rising. I move closer to hear the result.

Luke simply smile and reply without hesitation, "Yeah, sure. Inviting me to go to the new cake shop, I love too"

Wait, cake?

"Really? Cool. I'll meet up with you later then" Annabeth's eyes gleam.

In cue, the bell rang.

"Well, we should better head back. Don't want the teacher getting angry at us for being tardy" Annabeth said.

"You betcha" Luke agreed.

The both of them walk together back to their respective classroom. I, myself ended up sighing. So in the letter was a date invitation to the cake shop. I did not expect that.

Leaping down, my phone ring. It was Annabeth.

"Thanks for your help Maki, I got to ask Luke a friendly hangout in Valentines. Let's meet up later, can we?"


With that said, this is the end of Friendly Invitation. Friends hanging out with each other on Valentines is certainly one of the events you see.

School ended a bit early, I had excuse myself to head to the bathroom. Girls were gossiping.

"Hey hey, do you think anyone can surpass them?" Said one.

"I'm not sure but I really want to give my chocolate to him," said another.

"You? I'll be the first one to give it to him" replied one with confidence.

What are they talking about? Unable to surpass them? Giving a certain guy chocolate? Now that I think of it, I've been hearing a lot from the higher grade that a certain someone is being chased.

In cue, his figure came into my sight when I went out. It was none other, our Sorcery of Mystery, presently be called by his name, Naoya.

"Nao!" I called out to him.

"Oh hey, Maki. As much as I want to stay and chat, I've got to run. See you around" He said and immediately dash.

Ahh, if my senses tingling are right then...

"No!" Shout a fan.

"Please receive my love!" Said another.

"No! You can have me rather. I'm sweeter than chocolate"

That last one was weird. Alright, erase it.

"Sorry but his off-limits" a familiar voice strictly said.

"Calm down..." said a certain someone.

Checking, I see Naoya's Wife and Waifu, trying to regain their standing from the mob of girls wanting to give Nao chocolate.

Seeing them in this state, I called out to them, "Alex! Patch!"

"Maki!" They said unison.

"C'mon, both of you won't be able to contain them" I warn.

"I'll just have to ki-" However, before Alex could finish her sentence, all of them push and left Alex and Patchouli lying on the ground defeat.

Quickly, I evade it and watch them run off to find Nao. Eyebrows furrowing, I then walk back to check on the two.

"Are you both alright?" I ask as I give them both my hand.

"We're alright," Patchouli said.

"Hopefully. We don't want you getting yourself into a bad state. Your health is important after all" I remind.

"For a junior, you're a bit knowledgeable," Patchouli said.

"Aww, being praised by the Unmoving Library is making me blush" I swat it off.

Honestly, working for a title that shows yourself a compatible writer with your reader is hard.

Nevertheless, continuing the story. I ask with a serious tone. "So, what's up with the both of you? Blocking a mob of girls wanting to give chocolate to Nao is quite big"

"It's none of your concern," Alex said.

"Right. I won't ask further details then." I then look at Patchouli, "And you?"

"Seeing him being troubled is quite too much so we went in our stead to help him escape," Patchouli said.

I look at Alex, who harrumph. Ahh, so that's what you meant about being none of my concern. As much as I don't get in such issue, it wouldn't hurt to join some fun.

"Well, they'll be able to find him soon if you don't start heading out" I warn.

"Don't worry, we've done our part. I'm sure he has a plan for this kind of stuff" Alex said.

"And what if a random girl is the first one to give their chocolate to him?" I raise my eyebrow.

Unexpected, they stiffen.

"Guessing, you've been too busy handling them, one would have found their way away from the mob and secretly head out to meet with Nao and give him- I wasn't able to finish when both girls shout at the top of their lungs, breaking my ears.

"I shall be the first one to give him chocolate!" Alex determinedly said.

"Sorry, flat chest. I'll be the first one to give it to him" Patchouli retort.

Annoyed with each other, a background of sparks flying within their eyes shows a competition to who may give him chocolate. Good point for causing more ruckus.

"Woah woah, if you two start bickering, you two would lose the opportunity to give it to him" I remind.

Sighing, Patchouli brings out her hand.

"Hmm?" Alex raises her eyebrow.

"A truce. For now" Patchouli said.

Alex looks at me. I assure her to go on. Without hesitation, both of them handshake.

"Well, that's done. Do you have any ideas where Nao would maybe?" I ask.

"There are three hiding spots he goes so he must be there on one of them," Patchouli said. "The library, storage room or the TLE club"

"I'll check the storage room" Alex immediately announced.

"Eh? What if he's one from the other two?" I ask. "Wouldn't you risk if Patch found him then?"

"Hmm, rest assure." Alex smiles and went ahead.

Seeing her leave, I sigh then look at Patchouli. "To the library?"

She nods, "You should check the TLE club" and heads off alone.

Well, considering I'm alone and have nothing else to do. I search myself into the TLE club. It seems to be deserted outside. Looking around first, I knock at the door.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

No one answered. I then entered without permission. Looking in front of me, I found him hiding beside the locker.

Smiling, I knock once more to take his attention. Doing so, he looks at me.

"Yo! How ya been?" I ask.

Sighing in relief, he stands. "Girls chasing from every direction is quite a hassle."

I giggle, "Be happy I ain't one of them"

"Well, you don't look like the type to do so" Naoya chuckle.

"No. I prefer eating them without caring who it may belong except Annabeth's" I said.

"Oh? I think I saw her with Luke awhile ago" Naoya said. "A date, I suppose"

"An invitation to a cake shop, pretty much" I shrugged. "Seriously though, a certain two has been working hard to save you. Show some love will ya?"

"Don't have to tell me twice" Naoya chuckle. "I'm really grateful to have them here. I keep being saved by them"

"The word stubborn fits them" I point out.

"In both ways. Trust me, they can be quite the handle sometimes" Naoya said.

"Mhm? Then you better get yourself ready cause you got a Wife and Waifu on the verge of strangling each other" I said.


I simply chuckle. However, it changes when I hear the familiar screaming of fans in search for dear Naoya. Without words, I simply close the door behind me and lock it. Now no one will get inside.

I take a glance before heading to the refrigerator. Searching for something sweet to eat.

"Oi, why ya rummaging in there?" Naoya ask.

"You should worry about yourself more than I at this current state. I only came here cause your Waifu's had insisted me to look for you" I honestly said when I found some chocolate. Jackpot.

Quickly, I start eating them. Yes, quite a troublemaker I am. But who wouldn't want to eat chocolates anyway? Might as well be cupid and his counterpart at the same time.

They certainly taste good. Must have been working hard enough to give it to a certain someone. Hopefully, it ain't like Choco Festa. Then again, it's on war.

Finishing them off, I exhale with relief. Naoya rubs his hair, not believing that I had eaten 5 homemade chocolate.

"Try to forget it. It's a bit embarrassing letting anyone see me in this state. I don't get chocolates like you do Mr Popular" I raise my hands in defence.

"Right. I'll take the offer" Naoya nod.

Since time had passed, I check the hallway for any sign of fans. It's quite weird Alex and Patchouli hasn't check here. Hopefully, they don't start tackling each other.

"All clear," I told him. "We should probably head out of school to avoid them. Want me to get your bag?"

"Please. I'm too tired to take another step" Naoya said.

Quickly, I went to his classroom. Grateful, no one minded my attention. Coming here all the time have been a habit.

Taking his bag back to the TLE club, I never realize the screaming horror behind my back until both of the grips on my shoulder tightly.

Ahh, I forgot to call to them. Looking back, I see both girls with immense anger, wanting to get answers from me.

"So, why do you have his bag?" Alex ask.

"Ahh, I was just about to bring it to him" I avert my eyes.

"Oh really? You could have told us beforehand right?" Patchouli said.

I think I found myself in a very disturbing situation.

"I-i'm so sorry! He needed someone to watch outside if they knew, we'd have to find another hiding spot. I thought that you'd be heading there so-" I accidentally bit my tongue.

Ouch... I hid in the corner.

"A-are you alright?" Alex ask.

I look at them with teary eyes. Earning a pitiful expression.

"Sorry, did we scare you?" Alex sigh.

"It's alright. You're his Wife and Waifu anyway. Indirectly, you both love him" I shook my head. "Shall we head there together?"

Without complaints, they both nod and follow my figure. Finally, I stood there.

"Go on," Alex said.

Nodding, I knock.

"Nao?" I called out to him.

No one answered. He should have known I was coming back. Quickly, I open the door. He was nowhere to be found.

"Where did he go?" Patchouli ask.

Looking around, a bit of mess was made in here while I was gone. Concluding, the screaming of girls leads my eyes outside.

"The idiot! Why is he in the tree?" My eyes widen.

"Please spare me already!" Naoya shout.

"Maki. I'll head in first" Alex said.

"Wait, what?" I ask.

Leaving us in haste, she opens the window and jump.

Now, this is quite a turn of events. Now, I understood when Naoya said how crazy she is.

"C'mon Patch. Let's follow" I said.

I ran outside. However, I notice Patchouli panting. Quickly, I went beside her.

"I told you that you shouldn't be forcing yourself," I said.

"Sorry" she pant, "But I really want to go where they are"

Alex must have start fending for Naoya but I doubt it'll be long until a bigger trouble arise. Honestly, this part is way longer than the first one.

Not caring, I quickly carry her piggy bank style with Naoya's bag attached to my arm.

"M-maki!?" She asks surprise.

"Hold on tight" I warn.

Then, I sprint and jump over the stairs as if I was in a parkour. No time to lose. Soon, as we reach the destination, I put down Patchouli before I fall down to my knees, panting.

"Seriously. Working yourself hard, you should be careful" Alex's voice warns.

Alex suddenly appears in my sight, she waited for the both of us it seems.

"Hehe...I got scolded by the Ice Queen" I grin.

Looking at Naoya, I sigh. "You think you can both give him your chocolate?"

Looking at each other, Alex and Patchouli gives off a determined look. No more words need to be said when both girls bring out their goodies. Good thing, I loosen the carbohydrates when I ran.

Pushing through the crowd. Alex and Patchouli's figure was the only thing at Naoya's sight.

He went down with ease as he waits.

"Vergil" Patchouli start.

"You," Alex said.

Grinning, Naoya ask. "Hey"

Not caring about their surroundings, Alex and Patchouli show their own homemade chocolate. If I was right, I think they ask a bit of help to make them. Who knows.

In unison, they propose. "Please take it!"

Shoving the chocolate in front of him, his smile grew wider. "Yeah, thanks. You both are the best"

Ahh, so it seems it had ended with a good mark. However, as I was about to end it.

Girls start pushing forward, "Then I can be your Number 2!"

"No, take mine," said another.

This is starting to get out of hand. Honestly, you don't need to hear the end of it. But it was concluded at the end of the day, the three of them ran in search of a safe place.

Tired, I brought myself to the park, wanting to rest from the cruel fate of being in the middle of lovebirds. Seeing them left and right at the time of nightfall is a bit cliche. Especially, when you see a particular someone with his girlfriend.

We'll call him Zane. Not wanting to ruin their moment, I walk slowly away from them.

"Hey, Maki is that you?" Zane called out.

I shrink. Looks like the cat's out of the bag. I turned back and wave. "Ahh, hey you two"

"It is really you!" Zane smile, "How's Valentines for you?"

"Total mess" Being reminded of what happened, I think I have enough fun to do so.

"No one to enjoy with?" He asks.

I shook my head, "But its like you to have that kind of expression"

"Ahh, right. Sorry, this is my girlfriend I've been telling you about. Maki, Akuma" He introduced.

"Uhm, hi" She shyly smiles.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" I smile.

Long story short, they're in a long-distance relationship. Seeing her here, she must have flown to celebrate with him. How sweet.

"As much as I like to stay here, I'd better get going" I suggest.

However, before I leave. Zane stops me, "Back to our topic, did you celebrate SAD?"

"Me? Nope, I pretty much just loiter around" I shrugged.

"Then, would you be happy if you join us a bit? I was about to buy some ice cream" Zane insist.

The sweet cold frosty being tastes down to your throat was refreshing. As much as I love chocolate, ice cream is a great way to end it.

"Really?" My eyes glittering with a star in it.

"Yep, Mas-Maki" he chokes on his words.

Akuma's expression shown to be curious. Was he about to say, master? Mhm, I take back what I said, might as well end it with a sweet teasing.

"Then, I'll take your offer and have a small chat with Akuma here" I take her hand and pulled her to a bench.

Not surprising, we ended up unable to bring up a conversation.

"So...when did you come here?" I ask.

"Three days ago, was it? I'm staying at Zane's house right now, I have a week here to enjoy the day with him." She replies.

"Is that so?"I said.

She nod.

Another silence bloom. Zane was taking his time.

"So, wanna know a bit about each other? I mean, I've pretty much known a few about you from Zane" I suggest.

"Now that you mentioned it, yeah" She agreed.

We chat a bit, girl talk was always interesting no matter what the topic may be.

"I'm glad you have Zane as your boyfriend. He's quite the trusting person to be with" I giggle.

After giving out info, the last comment made Akuma curious.

"Is something the matter?" I ask.

The atmosphere became rigid. Did I say something I shouldn't? Please, don't be like Alex and Patchouli.

"I was wondering what's your relationship with Zane" she bluntly asks.

"We're just internet friends," I said.

"Hmm, I feel like there's more though. As if you two are hiding something" she asks me.

"Well, uhm. There's nothing really" I replied.

Yeah really! Zane wanted to become a butler and just ended up me being his master. I don't give him brutal task rather than having an SM relationship, we're still normal friends. Nothing else! Is she suspecting that?

"Look, Zane and I met a bit longer than you. That's all. I was a fan of his stories, that's all" I honestly said.

Yet she wouldn't let go.

I sigh, she's not gonna think it's weird right?

"Do you know what profession Zane wants to get in?" I ask.

She nod.

"It was I who suggest to have me as his master which he complies. So we have a bit of that kind of relationship but that's all" I blurted out.

Seeing her blinking her eyes in surprise was something to be expected. Her boyfriend, having a servant-master relationship with a junior. Trust me, his not the only one. I have my own host and servant.

"So?" I ask.

"That is certainly surprising. He never told me about it" Akuma said. "No wonder, I felt like he was about to spill something he wasn't supposed too"

"Well yeah, being called master at public when there's nothing really is weird and may have the wrong idea. It's a secret relationship." I put out my tongue.

"Well, that clears things up," Akuma said in relief.

"You need not worry since the beginning. Although, you have to do something in exchange for this info" I grin maliciously.

Whispering my plan, it took a bit of negotiating but Akuma agreed. Soon, Zane comes back with three ice cream in his hand.

"Thank you so much" I smile as I took the chocolate chip ice cream.

"Your welcome" Zane smile.

He then heads over to Akuma and gives hers. Now let see if the plan works.

"Hmm, thank you so much Zaney" Akuma start.

"Zaney!? Well, that's kind of surprising" Zane blush.

Akuma winks and starts eating ice cream. "I was starting to wonder when will you come back"

"Sorry, the line took long" He apologized.

"You sure you weren't flirting with other girls?" She asks.

"Wait for what? Me!? No. No, I would never do so Akuma" Zane frantically said.

"Oh? Maki said she saw you with someone. Are you saying a kid like her is lying?"

"Hey!" I choke in my mouth.

"Maki? You've got to be kidding!" Zane ask.

"What? Tell me I'm wrong then without getting angry" I counter.

Lowering down his panic, he looks at Akuma. "I swear, I ain't lying. I would never, ever, change you for someone else"

Akuma harrumph. "I don't want to hear of it. Whether it was a lie or not, your taking care of someone instead of me adding your hiding something"

Zane looks at me, asking for help. I simply shrugged. Wow, didn't know this is how it will ends.

"I..." Zane felt speechless. "I'm sorry"

A bit satisfied, Akuma lowers herself and look at him with an apologetic look. She then looks at me, "Is that enough?"

"Yeah, don't want my butler getting angry at me for getting his heart broken falsely" I put out my tongue as I show my phone.

"Wait for what?" Zane's eyes widen.

"Prank," I said. "In exchange for information"

"Information?" asks confused.

"You never told me that you're playfully working as Maki's butler," Akuma said.

"Oh that. I was about to though. But damn, Maki. That was not necessary" he glare at me.

"Hands up," I giggle.

"Oh excuse her in your mind for a minute" Akuma hug him. "I would do the same. I could never leave you. I apologize for the trick but it was your fault for hiding some secrets"

"No secrets. Promise" Zane nod.

"Mhm, so can we enjoy the fleeting days together? It'll be another day to pass before we can enjoy this warmth" Akuma said.

"I'd love that" Zane hugs her tightly. "I love you. Do you know that?"

"Yeah, I love you too" Akuma smile.

Whistling out of my way, it was passionate. However, I'd rather have myself out of the wheel. Not wanting to stay longer, I left them like that.

Man, sharing three stories was certainly tiring. Having almost about 5000 words is too much. Heading back to my house, I have forgotten a certain meeting.

Annabeth was waiting at my door. Pouting as she transparently shows her annoyance. "Where have you been? I've been trying to call you!"

Taking out my phone, a 20 miss call, and 10 unread messages from, meaning I myself in a bit of trouble.

"Sorry" I was too tired to many and eating many many sweet.

Sighing, Annabeth brought out something and place it in my hands then closing it. "If you still have the stomach to eat it then I'm happy. See you tomorrow"

She left in a hurry. Confuse, I look at the item in my hands. I could never refuse until a smile grew wider. If I had to pick which scene, it would be the Special Feelings.

Opening it slowly, I took a bite. The soft texture with chocolate fillings could never stop me to become happy. "Thank you so much, Anna. For the cookies"

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