Miracle 💫

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Dharshan was sitting in the coffee shop waiting for his lover Priyanka.

They both were in love for the past two years. They met for the first time in their college , and realised their feelings in the third year of college.

Only few of their friends were aware of their love story as Darshan did not want to fantasise his love and make a big deal of it.

They completed their studies and Dharshan joined in an MNC company. Everything was going on smoothly between them until priyanka dropped the bomb of marriage in front of him..

As he lifted his head to look at her she sat in front of him with an angry face.

Dharshan ; Why are angry Priyanka?

Priyanka : Don't act like you don't know the reason Dharshan.. I can no more postpone the marriage talks going on with my parents. I'm just waiting for your word so that I can tell them that I love you and I want to get married to you.

Dharshan: Please don't act stupid Priyanka. This is an important thing in our lives we can't decide it immediately.

Priyanka : Just answer my question ! Why are you hesitating to marry me?

Dharshan : Because I need some time to get settled! Before that I can't risk my life by getting married.

Priyanka : Think about me Dharshan!  For how many days I can give some lame excuses to skip the topic of marriage and stay? I'm not hesitant like you.. even if you ask me to get married today I'm ready ! Why can't you take a decision like me?

Dharshan : It's because you are thinking about just two of us and I'm thinking about our families too !

Priyanka : Do you think I won't help your family after getting married??

Dharshan : That's not the point priyanka.. please try to understand my situation.. I need some time.. atleast a year to set everything right..

Priyanka : A year?? Do you think my parents will leave me till that?!

Dharshan : I don't know..

Priyanka : What kind of an answer is this Dharshan?? Do you love me or not!

Dharshan : I love you priyanka.. why are you doubting it?!

Priyanka : Then why are you not ready to marry me??

Dharshan : I'm ready to marry you.. but not now.. I need time !

Priyanka : Ufff !! What If you waste this whole year and do nothing? Even then you will say the same excuse right??

Dharshan : Why are you taking it negatively? Think positive!! What if I get into a better position and talk with your parents about our marriage after a year?!

Priyanka : If you really love me then let's get married.


Priyanka : Then you don't love me right?


He lost his patience due the constant questions posted by her. She was not ready to hear his point of view and understand him. If she had given some interest to hear him he would have made her realise the reality.

He walked away from the place and went home ! She did not expect this reply from him. She was very much frustrated due to his harsh behaviour.

Neither of them were ready to contact the other person . Due to the pressure created by her parents nd ignorance by Dharshan Priyanka had to get married to the guy chosen by her parents and move on.

Dharshan had to accept the fact that they were  not meant to be together and started living a life for his parents..

It was very hard for him to digest the fact that the one he truly loved wasn't able to understand him. He started hating things..

Dharshan's POV

It's been a year since Priyanka left me.. moreover I ended our relationship. She got married as per her parents wish and now living in Mumbai. One of our common friends told me this. But I fulfilled my word ! In this one year I had lost many things.. mainly my happiness. Yet I am now in a better position as I promised her that day.

Didn't she believe in my words? Didn't she believe in my love? What made her to say so?!

For the past few days my amma was constantly telling me to get married. Even they know about the struggle I am going through mentally and physically. I had told everything to them one day . .

Still they supported me and stood by my side making me realise that they are my biggest strength.

I had asked for time to decide..will I be able to move on from the pain caused due to the love? Will I be able to love a girl again? What if I fail to keep up the vows of a marriage?

These questions were haunting in my mind. But my parents asked me to move on and accept the life..

I agreed to their wish. Why should I blame them for my mistake?

They started searching for a bride ! I was least interested in all these things. I was ready to nod my head and accept any girl who my parents choose.

Soon they found a match for me . Her name is Abinaya !!

They told me that she liked my picture and agreed to marry me . I also agreed to the proposal and soon everything was finalised.

We both did not meet before the wedding as she was working in Singapore and landed just before few days for the wedding.

I was not interested to talk over phone. Even she didn't call or text me . I felt relaxed. .

She was looking pretty in the red colour wedding saree !

She smiled as she sat next to me in the mandap and I just gave a reflective smile not to disappoint her .

I was feeling nervous as the procedures got started but she seemed like enjoying each and every ritual . She was smiling throughout the ceremony 😍

When I tied the knot she kept her eyes closed and was chatting something but the smile on her face never seemed to have reduced !

All the rituals got over and we went to my appartment. My parents had planned to move to their native after my marriage so we both were alone in the house.

My room was decorated with flowers!

Arghhh ! I don't even know about her and they have planned for our wedding night !!

Before I could say something she was looking at me with a smile. 

"I think this is too early for this.. " she told like she had read everything from my brain !

"Hmm yeah.. " I replied formally .

"Hmm.. you go and change your clothes I'll clear this up "  she said with a smile again .

I don't know how she is able to keep up the smile constantly ! I nodded my head and went inside the washroom to change.

When I came back I saw her lying down in one corner of the bed. The room was looking very clean and neat !!

She turned and saw me looking at the room.

"Good night! Sweet dreams"  she said and closed her eyes .

For a moment I almost forgot that I'm married.

She is acting like a stranger yet she is  sweet!

I lied down on the other corner and closed my eyes.. In the past 24 hours my life has changed completely. I am married and I don't even know anything about my wife.

My wife!!

Life is full of surprises and miracles 💞 and she is one of the surprise for me 🤩

After battling up with my thoughts I slept.

When I woke up I saw my bed empty. She was not there in the bed. I walked towards the washroom assuming that she must be in the hall .

After I came out I saw her sitting in the sofa and having coffee.

"Hey good morning!! I thought you were sleeping. Wait I'll make your coffee.. hmm you'll have coffee or tea? " She told everything in a hurry but with her usual smile 🙂

"Coffee is okay.. " I replied and she immediately hurried to the kitchen.

She forwarded my coffee and sat before me .

"How's the coffee?" She asked me excitedly after I had the first sip .

"It's nice. But little strong..". I replied. But her smile never seemed to reduce !

"Ahh ! Okay from tomorrow I'll correct it! When are you joining office? " She asked me again.

"Coming Monday.. why? " I asked really surprised.

"Then I'll also join Monday ! What am I going to do at home when you're in office" she replied with a chuckle 😅

She is really cute ! I just smiled and started reading the newspaper.

She was doing something seriously in her iPad.

fter few minutes she closed the ipad and marched to the bedroom . She sat in front of the wardrobe and started arranging her dresses.

I was just noticing everything from the hall. After arranging the dresses she went inside the kitchen along with the iPad.

That's when I realised that she was browsing for the recipie in YouTube to cook 😂

She cooked and called me for breakfast. She had made Rava dosa for breakfast  along with some tomato chutney !

"Athai told me that you like rava dosa more than other dishes.. that's why I made it . Taste and tell hows it!! "

Oh wow ! She has even asked amma what's my favourite food.. this girl is a bundle of surprises really ;

"Eat yaar.. why are you starring at me??" She pouted cutely.

I took a bite and it tasted really good 😋

"It's yummy 😋 thank you! " I said honestly.

" wow ! I'm trying this for the first time !  And one more thing.. we both are married. Then why thanks between us?"  She asked me righteously and I liked it ☺️

"Hmm that's right.. I won't say again"

Then we both had our breakfast and started talking about some random things.

Actually she was talking and I was listening to her. She seemed very jovial and light hearted person 🤩

Our life started like this ☺️ We both decided to know about eachother first and then take things forward 😊

On Monday we both joined in our offices. I went in bike while she had her cab .

Things were going on smoothly between us. She asked me to buy groceries while coming home and so I went to a supermarket.

While I was searching for some products I felt like someone looking at me .

I looked up and saw Priyanka standing in front of me.

It's been almost one and a half year since I met her..

"How are you Dharshan?" Priyanka asked me.

"I'm fine.. how are you?" I asked her back.

"I'm not fine Dharshan.. I am not good.. " she told me in a broken tone.

I didn't know how to react for this..

"What happened?" I asked just to avoid her breaking down more..

"My husband left me.. we got divorced."  She told me directly.

I couldn't believe her ! She is the one who married him because her parents forced her and left me in pain.. now she says that she is divorced..

"I came back to my parents house. Now I told them everything about us.. they feel bad for forcing me to that marriage.. "

"Ohhh" that's what I could tell her . I don't know what is she upto.. is she wanting me to get back to the relationship?

" I know I'm at fault Dharshan.  I'm sorry for that.. I realised that you are my happiness.. you are my love.. let's get married.."

What is she thinking of me?? If she wants me I have to get married and if she dislikes I have to leave her alone.. this is too much !

"Priyanka. Everything is over between us.. there is nothing to go back now ! I'm married and I have a life to lead. I'm sorry for your state.. please understand. "

I said and I was about to make a move. But she stopped me..

"But you love me.. not your wife.. am I right??" She asked me .

"I don't love you anymore. And I don't have to answer any of your other questions..good bye" I told her sternly and walked away.

I did not want to think about her anymore.

I reached home and saw Abinaya who had packed her bags and sitting in the hall .

I was shocked ! Few minutes back I met priyanka whom I had loved in the past zbd she left me..

Now is she also going to leave me alone??

An unknown fear ran in my heart.. I ran towards her in tension.

"I was about to call you Dharshan!! "

"Where are you going?  " I asked her trying to avoid my fear as much as possible. I started sweating..

"To my parents house" she replied casually..

" Why! What happened??" I asked tensely..

"Relax..my sister's baby shower function is on Sunday.  So amma asked me to come earlier.. appa told me that he informed you and you also agree to it?! "

Oh yeah!!  I totally forgot about it.  It was my insecurity which made me think like that..

"I forgot about that.. "

"Why are looking worried? Is everything okay?"  She asked me concerned..

"Hmm nothing.. I'm okay ."

Her phone buzzed with a message.it must be the cab notification..

"I'll call you after reaching home.. take care" she told me with her signature smile 😁

"I'll miss you Abinaya.." I muttered unconsciously and she heard it too..

Immediately she hugged me and I hugged her back 🥰

" We'll meet on Sunday! "  She told me..

"If you have a peach colour shirt wear it for the function.. because I'm wearing a peach colour saree"  she told me excitedly..

"Okay. "  I replied looking into her eyes..

She smiled and left the house 🤩

The End 💞

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