Part 1

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It was early afternoon in zootopia, Judy stared out the window at the city below everything was quiet as the wind blew through the streets it was a Sunday after all not much about.

Next day in work

Judy was doing paper work as she sat down on her desk she looked over at nick who was swinging in his chair talking to clawhauser "nick stop swinging it that chair chief bogo will see you"

Nick just sat there laughing "sorry carrots didn't know you couldn't chat" he said mocking Judy

Recently Judy had noticed that nick had become more moody and snappy towards her it wasn't her fault that she was strict most of the time she had to be

"So nick me and a couple of my mates are heading down to the club tonight do you wanna join?" Clawhauser said with a wide grin

Judy knew what he was implying she wasn't stupid

" I thought you would never ask me!" Nick said winking at him

"Judy you are more than welcome to tag along" clawhauser said

"No I can't but thank you for the invitation" she said as she rose up and walked out to the cafeteria

Nick followed her

"What's your problem carrots?" Nick said stopping Judy

"Nothing nick I'm just not into that scene of strip clubs and men throwing money at dancers" she said

"It's just a bit of fun lighten up carrots" nick said while following her

"Nick I said no I'm busy tonight ok!" She said as she started to get angry at him

" you know what Judy I'm tired of you're attitude"

" you're tired of my attitude Nick who's the one who busts their ass off in the office when you and clawhauser make goo goo eyes and go out having parties and fun" she said stopping raising her voice

"Well maybe I'm allowed to have fun not some stuck up like you" Nick said without thinking

Judy looked at him while everyone had seen the commotion going on in the cafeteria

"Nick leave me alone!" She said while running away out through the doors

She had enough of him she needed space

Few days had passed

It had been a few days since nick and Judy had talked while in that time a new worker had been employed by chief bogo

It was a rabbit called jack sawyer and he had seen Judy and he knew what he saw he liked

Judy gathered up her paper work as she headed towards the cafeteria for launch time

She sat down to pasta whilst she stared at Nick sitting beside clawhauser she felt jealous almost seeing them giggle and mess around like they had once done it's like he didn't even notice her existence anymore

"Hey officer Judy" a voice came out of nowhere

Just turned around

It was jack sawyer he was handsome and well groomed more than nick had ever done

" hello do I know you" Judy said smiling

" no I'm a newbie" he said whilst smoothly sitting down beside her

Judy could feel a heated glare come from across the room

"So miss Judy I know we've only met but you are quite beautiful" he said

Judy blushed

" thank you jack" she said it was nice to have a compliment instead of being mocked like Nike had done

"Would you be interested in a date with me?" He said

" I usually don't date my co workers" Judy answered

" it'll be fun Judy" he said as he smiles innocently

"Okay then" she laughed with flirting signs

" okay I'll pick you up tonight half eight wear something elegant" he said winking at her as he left the table

Judy felt like she was on fire from the staring nick was giving she turned around looking at him

His face was a bright red as if he was about to kill something

Judy looked away while casually eating her lunch

Later on

It was nearly time to go home Judy packed up her stuff and was getting ready to call it a night

Judy noticed that nick was not there

She didn't care not after what he had done to her ignoring here

She headed home to get dressed

Part 2 soon

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