Dragon thing (not WoF)

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The small, pale gold hatchling blinked the rain out of his eyes and covered his head with his wings.

It was raining-- no, it was more like the sky had decided to swallow up the Pikat Sea and dump it down on the mountains in droves, the water so cold it stung his wings. Here and there, he could feel ice hit his wings as well, causing his wings to shudder violently without his consent.

He wasn't made for this weather.

The dragon beside him, though, didn't even flinch as the frigid rain cascaded down her slate grey scales in a freezing waterfall. She had some sort of second eyelid that let her amber-colored eyes keep scanning the horizon anxiously despite the rain, though the scale-coated ones still slid down at regular intervals.

She glanced down at the hatchling with a hint of confusion, as if wondering why his eyes were squeezed shut and his so,he were shaking in a pointless effort to try to fight off the cold.

"What's wrong?" Her voice was surprisingly rough for her sleek appearance, and it was laced with the local accent that seemed to make any "wh" noises longer and breathier.

The hatchling turned to glare at the dragon in question, wings flaring. His green eyes almost instantly squeezed shut as a drop of water landed directly on his horn and sliding down it. "I'm not made for this weather," he hissed, shivering as if to emphasize his point. "Why did you take me to these stupid mountains anyway?"

The grey dragon rolled her eyes. "What, you'd rather still be in that cage?"

"At least it was warm," the pale hatchling muttered, but with a resigned tone that told her had dropped the issue.

Still, the large dragon sighed, smoke shooting out if her nostrils and blending in almost instantly with the dark sky. "Fine, then. Follow me. I'll show you your new home."

The hatching blinked. "Home?"

The dragon the color of the rocks beneath her nodded, seeming confused at his question. "What, you thought I'd leave you in the rain to freeze? Or starve?"

The small light yellow dragon blinked. "I...I see." He paused, something like wonder igniting in his green eyes. His next statement was quiet, almost a whisper. "I've never had a home..."

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