| SCRIPTORIAL | Round Beta

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Here's my entry, helloilovecats!

Hi there! Uh, I'm Thornkit! 

What're you doing here? Do you want to play moss-ball? Aww, come on, it's fun! 

Oh, I see! You're asking a question! What about?

Right, yeah. I should probably wait for you to ask...

Oh, so you heard about the tom in the nursery? That's my dad, Finchclaw!

So, yeah! He's that light brown tabby over there, in the nursery. 

Look! A leaf! What? You don't want to talk about the leaf? But it's a pretty leaf! Ugh, fine.

Oh, yeah, he's the one with the white muzzle and yellow eyes! That's him. 

He's pretty awesome! He actually is a permanent queen. He's a tom, but he watches all of the little kits! He does hunt and fight sometimes, though. But he won't take me hunting...

What? You don't believe me?

Ugh. Fine, he did take me hunting once! Shhhh! Don't tell Hollowstar! 

Oh, you have to? Come on, I'm almost an apprentice! I've waited so long...

You won't tell? Oh, thank you so much!

RIght, right. Back to Finchclaw!

He's been in the nursery ever since he became a warrior, or so he tells me. I don't think he's lying. Lying is bad. Snowykit lies a lot. So she's a bad kit. No, they're not about anything important, but still!

Oh, right. I'm supposed to talk about Finchclaw...he says I get distracted easily! I guess he's right!

Anyway, he helped raise Goldenpaw and Badgerpaw, before me and my sister were even born! They told me he's always been very fun and playful! And they told me about how he met Kestrelcry. Oh yeah, that's my mother, by the way.

So yeah, Badgerpaw said that she came in to see her sister and interacted with him for real for the first time. They got closer and he proved to her that he wasn't weak, and then they watched a sunrise over the lake.

I know, right? Ewwww! It's so sappy and gross...you don't think it is? Well, I do! It's disgusting!

Anyway, Finchclaw's pretty cool! He's very nice and playful, always willing to let me pounce on his tail! His very fluffy tail! Oh, and his whiskers are really ticklish.

He's a pretty calm guy, too. He doesn't freak as much as mom when I screw up! Oh, and he teaches us hunting and fighting and stuff! He's a fearsome warrior!

Someone once told me that he wanted to be a medicine cat, but there was already an apprentice. I think he just likes hanging out with kits, though. Kestrelcry is the one who is more of a fighter. Don't tell her, but he's sweeter and more sensitive than her, honestly!

Oh! I got to go! My sister Snowykit is calling me! We're going to play moss-ball with Finchclaw now! See you later!

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