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March 21, 2018        I'm gonna start writing when I publish these (Update: I never did :< )

Nico sobbed as he slid against the wall onto the floor. How could he?

Haha Just Kidding

The sun shined brightly in his eyes as he woke up. (I am really bad at starting the story)

He groggily got dressed and used the bathroom. Taking one more look around the room, to make sure he didn't forget anything he left.

Only to turn back again, to make sure he didn't forget anything...

Then did it again..

Once, satisfied [:)] that he didn't forget anything he made his way towards the dining pavilion. 

After getting his food, (Captain Crunch) he sat down at the Big Three Table.

Greeting Jason and Percy before starting to eat.

"So Nico, what's your plan today?" Percy spoke up.

"Nothing much, just gonna take a walk, might participate in a few activities, t- talk to Will" He did not blush when he said that, "And yeah..."

Jason grinned, "I'll bet you'll like talking to Will the most. eh?"

"Be quiet Jason!" He groaned.

Fortunately, Annabeth and Piper dragged their boyfriends for their job to teach sparring.

Sighing in relief, he quickly finished his cereal. 

-----Nina the Time Skip, because I have no idea what I'm doing-----

After taking a nice walk. 

Which did not involve chasing Percy and Jason with a bunch of skeletons, and pranking with the Stolls, he made his way to the Infirmary, to see his boyfriend.

Oh yeah...forgot to mention something he and Will were dating (rebuilds 4th wall)

"Hey Nico" Greeted Kayla and Austin

"Hey Kayla, Austin, do you know w-"

"Where Will is?" Grinned Austin.

"U- Uh Yeah."

"Why my dear Neeks, he's behind the Infirmary" replied Kayla, who had a similar grin as Austin

"Thanks, guys."

He proceeded to the back of the infirmary.

To see, some guy kissing Will.

He had black hair with a purple streak in it, and maybe green eyes? He wasn't sure since they were partially closed. 

Nico gasped and ran away, tears brimming his eyes.

Just kidding.

He ran towards the two, and pulled the other guy off, "What the fudge do you think you're doing?? Kissing my Boyfriend like that?!"

The other guy glared at him and stalked off.

"Oh gosh, Nico" Exclaimed Will running a hand through his hair. "I thought you'd think I was cheating on you!"

"Will. Will. Will. You just never learn."

"What?" He asked, clearly confused.

"This always happens! It's so cliché."

"What do you mean?"

"It always happens in the stories. Two people are dating, and they love each other. Then one day one of them sees the other being kissed by someone else. They start crying, thinking their S.O is cheating on them. Where their S.O's like, '----It's not what it looks like!' Then they both go into a state of sadness. Where everyone notices. And they either hate the other person, or they try to bring them back together. After a while, one of them goes to the other again, and they both begin apologizing, and explaining what happened. Then they both go on an amazing date. Like Honestly Will, it's too cliché." Nico finished, taking a deep breath. 

"Uh Wow...You really know your stuff."

He smiled at this, and they both held each other's hands and walked off into the sunset.

Not really, they walked off to the dining pavilion. 


Sorry, it's not as long as it usually is.'

Hope you like it

Republished: March 1, 2019

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