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Grammar Edits

This is one of those Mortals meet things.

Nico's P.O.V.

Sighing, he sat down in his seat at the back of the classroom. He thought High School would be better than this. 

Will and the gang had forced him, and Hazel to watch so many movies and shows he started to think that High school would be like it was in the movies.  

Sadly, it was not.

He was still waiting for someone to break out in song and dance.

The teacher, Ms. Deid, didn't even know what she was talking about.

"And Thanatos is the god of the underworld, while Hades is the god of Death."

He better stop this, before dad got mad.

Tentatively raising his hand, the teacher called on him.


"Nico, Nico di Angelo"

"Yes, Mr. di Angelo?"

"With all due respect, Hades is the god of the Underworld, while Thanatos is the god of death. "

She looked at the book, and replied, "Ah, yes...... I was just testing you!"

Rolling his eyes, he sat back down. She began droning on, about how Apollo was the Egyptian god of the Sun. He'd decided he'd let Apollo deal with this.

Suddenly the Sun became brighter and was directed at Ms. Deid. Nico smirked, knowing what was going to happen. 

Suddenly her dress caught on fire. She began shrieking. 

Everyone began laughing and taking videos. 

"Class dismissed!" She squeaked.

Grabbing his backpack, he made his way towards, the Cafeteria. He went to his seat at the back. *sigh*

Then Greyson (insert last name) and his goons walked up to his table. 

"So, this is where you eat every day, I thought you ate in the Garbage Can!" weak

His goons began snickering, except for one guy, who was new. 

"Hey, Matthew, why don't you introduce yourself?" He grinned wickedly. 

'Matthew' gulped and walked towards me. He had short cropped brown hair and green eyes. 

He picked him up from the scruff of his collar. And slammed me against the wall. A sickening crack could be heard throughout the Gym. Matthew's eyes widened, and dropped him, in a crumple on the floor.

Nico groaned in pain. 

Then, Greyson said, "Okay, I think he knows who you are now. We can have a proper conversation after school." 

They all started to walk away, except Matthew, "I'm sorry, I'm SO sorry! I didn't know they did this!" He throws him a roll of gauze (because everyone has a roll of gauze in their pocket) and ran after them. A few of the brats, I mean the Popular girls looked at him in disgust. Then left.

Then a Cheerleader, with blonde hair. Kim I think walked up to him, and asked, "Hey, are you OK?"

She offered him a hand. He cautiously took it. And winced in pain, when it strained his back. 

"Oh my gosh! Do you need to go to the nurse?"

"N-No, thank you... I've been through worse. "

Her eyes widened, "You should report them!"

"Nah, I'm just waiting for the right moment."

She looked at him, confused. Then helped him to the bathroom. "Hey, you're, Nico right? I'm Kim."

"Yep, that's me. Thanks for the help."

Kim's P.O.V.

When she heard the crack, she saw Nico, crumpled on the ground, with Greg Greyson and his gang.

She ran over to him. "hey are you OK?" Of course, he's not okay! 

He looked up at her with broken eyes, and she gave him her hand.

He looked at it cautiously and then took it. He winced in pain when they made contact.

"Oh my gosh! Do you need to go to the nurse?"

"N-No, thank you.........I've been through worse."

She mentally gasped. Worse than, 'maybe' breaking his back? Then, she noticed that he had an Italian accent.

Widening her eyes, "You should report them!"

"Nah, I'm just waiting for the right moment. "

She got confused, the right moment for what? Then, helped him over to the bathroom. 

"Hey, you're Nico, right? I'm Kim."

"Yep, that's me. Thanks for the help."

She watched him cautiously limp towards the door.

Nico di Angelo sure was a mystery. And she decided she wanted to be his friend. 

Matthew's P.O.V.

He felt so bad for beating up Nico. He hadn't realized, he was going to injure his back!

Then Grey spoke up, "So, we'll be meeting up with di Angelo before he leaves."

He wanted to object, but they already started walking. Fine. It was because he was scared

"Hey Matthew, you go scout over there for him."


He started looking around when he saw him. He decided he was going to warn 'Nico'. 

He saw him talking to someone on a laptop.  (the mist makes Iris Messages look like you're talking to someone on a laptop.  He listened to his conversations. 

"Hey, Neeks!" Neeks?

"Hi Will, and don't call me Neeks."

"Oh, C'mon, I know you like it."

He grinned, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"So how's High School?"

He groaned, "Horrible! It's nothing like what you guys showed me!"


"Can, I please beat someone up? Just a little?"

"Neeeks! C said that you can't hurt anyone!"

"I promise, I won't knock them out, or give them a concussion. Not even  a coma!"

'Will' seemed to ponder this for a while. Reluctantly he sighed. "Fine."

Nico pumped his fist in the air. "YES! Thank You!!"

Then Greg and the gang came up behind him, "What's the brat doing?"

"He's talking to someone on the laptop."

"Bye Neeks, gotta run to the infirmary."

"bye, Will" There was a grin on his face. 

that's when Greyson decided to speak, "Aww, so the freak's got a friend!"

Nico turned towards him, his grin wiped off his face, and scowled. With a dark look in his eyes. I flinched. 

"I am sick and tired of dealing with you guys." He cracked his knuckles. 

"Now, I promised Will I wasn't going to knock you out. "

"As If! You're nothing but, a puny, weak, freaky brat."

"We'll see who's weak now won't we?"

He calmly walked up to Greg. And socked him. 

yes, he socked 'em. 

Then he faced towards the rest of the gang. Except me.

I got a look at them and saw that their noses were broken. 

While Nico was grinning again.  Then he looked at his knuckles, which was covered with the gang's blood. "Ugh, so messy. He wiped it, on a napkin and threw it away.

Then, the Principal arrived. "My! What on earth happened?!"

"Well, you see Mr.Jones. These people except Matthew came here with the intention to beat me up. But, then they started fighting each other. "

I wonder why he excluded me.

Mr. Jones assured Nico that he would have them kicked out. 

I was about to ask him, why he excluded me when he interrupted me. 

"You're probably wondering why I didn't count you in." I nodded in confirmation. "Well, I saw that you didn't even want to be here. And you seem like a guy, who doesn't like to fight. Though you've taught yourself, in case, you might need it later. You came here to warn me. Isn't that right?"

He stared at him. "Y-yeah."

"Well, Matthew, I hope we can be friends."

I grinned at him, glad to have a real friend. 

*time skip. Kim and Matthew became close friends with Nico.*

Kim's P.O.V.

It's been 3 weeks since the incident, and I've become close friends with Nico. Matt and I started talking about how we just got girlfriends. 

Then it struck me, "Hey Nico? Do you have a girlfriend?"

For some reason, he blushed. "N-No."

"Do, you like anybody?"


"Who is she?"

He started fumbling with his skull ring. "Well....."

Matt piped up, "Yeah?"

"I'm going to tell you something, and you have to promise, you won't freak out, or tell anybody."

We both agreed immediately. 

He took a deep breath, "I'm G-Gay." He shut his eyes. 

"Really?" (K)


"cool" (M)

He opened his eyes, "What? You're not mad?"

"Why would we be? There's nothing wrong with it" He smiled at them.

"..........So, who's the guy?"

"Nobody..." He jumped up and ran out. But, you could notice his face was red.

------Time Skip by Feels City!----

One day, Nico seemed happier than usual. And time to time, a faint pink blush would appear on his cheeks. 

I was going to confront him about at Lunch.

When lunch rolled around, I was about to ask. When the door slammed open. 

The guy had blond hair, baby blue eyes, freckles, and a tanned body. Some girls tried to approach him, but he just dismissed them.

His eyes began searching the crowd. 

I turned towards Nico, who was blushing beet red. I looked back at the guy, who was staring at out table. 

He started making his way towards our table. 

He smiled brightly and sat next to Nico. Who had his head buried in his hands, while still blushing. The stranger wrapped his eyes around Nico. 

"Hey, Neeks!"

he mumbled something, that I couldn't make out. 

I sent a glance at Matthew, who was confused as me. 

"Err. Hi. I'm Matthew. But, you can call me Matt.

"And I'm Kim..."

He smiled brightly again, " Hi! I'm Will!"

"So, how do you know Nico?"

"We go to the same Camp."

Apparently, Nico, went to a camp, with people who had ADHD, and dyslexia. 

"Are you guys Neeks's friends?"

Matt chuckled, "yeah. Neeks?"

"Yep!" He popped the p. "That's my nickname for him, and he loves it!"

That's when Nico looked up, with a faint blush on his face. "No, I don't..." He grumbled, crossing his arms. 

"You know you do!"

He got a little redder, "N-no. No, I d-don't!" Why did he suddenly start stuttering?

"Aww, you're so cute Neeks!"

His whole face flamed red, " No, I'm n-not!"

Then, I spoke up, "Are you two a thing?"

They both spoke at the same time.



Nico glared at Will, who smiled in return, "S-shut up!"

"Aww, you two are cute together!"

"Don't you two start on it now!" He whined. 

While Will, said, " Thanks!"

The something happened that I did not expect. Will hugged Nico. I suddenly got worried, Nico didn't like being touched. 

But, to our surprise, after a few seconds, he melted into the hug. Then something else happened that we didn't expect.

Will pecked Nico's forehead. Who started to get so embarrassed, he kept his head down. 

"So, when does school end?"

That's when I remembered that today was the last day of school. 

"Oh. I forgot." She tried to keep the sadness out of her voice. But failed. 

Nico smiled, "Don't worry, we'll all be here next year."

"Really!? You're staying?"


"And I'm gonna go here with Neeks too!" 

Nico looked at him, "You are?"


He smiled. "I'm counting on it."

The day zoomed by. Will sat next to Nico the whole time, and the teachers ignored him. 

I thought Nico would spend the whole time with Will. But, I was wrong. He spent the whole time with us. Saying, he had all Summer to spend with Will. 

And we might or might not have pushed them against each other...........Near the face.....

Nico di Angelo to anybody would seem like a depressed emo kid, who didn't care about anybody. But, if you actually met him. And hung out him. You'd see he was just an adorable ball of fluff. 

What'd you think?

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Republished: February 9, 2018

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