Help Me Out?

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Putting my ear phones in my ears I put on my play list and listen to Out Of The Woods by Taylor Swift while I write up the last assignment for my university class. As I'm getting into my assignment the door to the room is slammed open and I jump. I turn towards the door and see my roommate Violet.

She has a dozen bags in her hands and she drops them on the floor on her side of the room. Which has posters of One Direction and Harry Styles mostly. Even her quilt cover has one direction on it. She lies down on her bed.

I pull my earphones put of my ears and look at her. "Hey, Vi. How was shopping?"

She sits up on the bed and looks at me. "It was good. Can you do me a favour, Zee?"

"No, I'm busy." I turn back to the computer and type up the rest of the assignment that needs to be handed in on Monday.

Violet climbs off her bed and moves over to me. She kneels in front of me and crosses her hands together. Her brown hair falls into her eyes and her hazel eyes give me the puppy look that she knows I can't refuse. "Please?" she adds an eye flutter at the end.

"The answer is still no, Violet. If I want to graduate I need to finish this and I'm not going to party away the weekend because that's what you're going to do since you've handed in your last assignment."

She stands up and moves over to me. "I can finish that for you if you do what I want you to do?"

I sigh. "Fine, but you owe big time, Vi. And I'm not going to do anything over the weekend with you until I've finished everything."

"Deal," she holds her hand out and waits patiently for me to shake her. I place my hand in hers and shake it. "Thanks, Zee. You're the best." She walks over to the bed and pulls something out of a bag. Placing it on the bed she says. "You need to wear this tonight."

I close my computer and walk over to the bed where I see a short school girl skirt, a button up shirt, stockings and heels.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Violet rushes out the door before I can say anything.

I give the clothes a dirty look. "She didn't tell me where I am going and what's with me having to wear school girl clothes."

My phone buzzes on my desk and I walk over to it and see that it's a message from Violet. I open the message and read.

Violet: The party is at 3757 Hudson Street. It starts at 8pm, but you need to be there by 7 to set everything up. Don't forget to shave and wax. You never know you could get lucky at the party.

Looking on the white wall where the clock is sitting I see that it 5:30.

I better hurry and get ready for the party.

Grabbing my stuff for the shower I head into the bathroom and pull out my shaver and I begin to shave my legs, underarms and in between my legs.

The last time I had a bikini wax it stung like hell and I refuse to go through something like that ever again.

I pull tweezers out of the top draw and pluck my eye brows before stepping into the shower. The water cascades down my body. I squirt some shampoo into my palm and rub it into my hair, before stepping back under the shower head. I repeat it again with the shampoo and conditioner. I wash my body with soap and step out.

Grabbing a towel from the wrack I wrap it around my body and walk into the room where I grab a black thong and put it on, followed by a matching bra. I move over to Violet's bed and pick up the clothes. I slip the skirt on followed by the white button top. I do up four buttons before tying the rest in a knot, showing off my belly and the ring that I have in it.

My blonde hair falls down in ringlets around my face. I pick up the brush and brush my hair. I part it and put it in piggy-tails. I put a pair of earrings into my ears and grab my handbag.

How am I going to get to the party?

I hear my phone buzz inside my handbag and I pull it out. I see another message from Violet.

Violet: I ordered a car for the party. It will be pulling into the parking lot in five minutes.

Me: Thanks,

Violet: You're welcome. Take a picture of yourself and send it to me. I would love to see what you look like in the uniform.

Me: That's not going to happen. I'll see you tomorrow.

Violet: Okay.

I walk down to the parking lot as a black car pulls in front of the dorm. A guy steps out of the car and opens the door. He looks at me. "Are you Zee Bale?"

"Yes, that's me." I walk over to the car and climb in.

The door closes and the driver jumps into the driver's seat and he takes me to the party. I look out the window as we drive through the rich side of New York.

My mouth drops open when I see cars pulling into a driveway of a mansion. "Who's place is this?" I ask the driver.

He turns towards me. "You don't know who lives here?"

I shake my head. "Am I supposed?"

He chuckles. "When Violet told me that she got someone else to take her shift I thought she'd at least tell you whose party she was supposed to waiter for. This place belongs to Bryant Larkin."

Wow! That guy is the richest in New York City and he's even a bachelor. He's been number one for three years in a row and still hasn't found a woman worth having his last name.

From what magazines write about him it says that he uses girls a lot and can't have a proper relationship, but I've never believed what magazines say. A lot of the time its fabricated bullshit to suck you into buying the magazine and what's on the cover isn't really what you read inside it.

The car pulls into the driveway. "I have to drop you off at the side of the house where the entrance is for the waiters. When you finish give me a call." He pulls his card out of his pocket. He stops at the side of the mansion and I step out of the car.

Looking around I see people looking like me walk through a door at the side of the house and I follow them.

When I walk through the door a woman wearing an apron approaches me and she looks me up and down. "Damn, Vi. She was right about you being able to pull this off. I should hire you to do more parties."

"It's only a one-time thing. I don't want to make a career out of this." I tell her honestly and she nods. "That's what Violet told me. She's been with me for three years and I don't think she'll be leaving New York anytime soon or this job. She loves working for me."

A girl crashes into me and makes me fall into the woman standing on front of me. "Sorry,"

The woman turns to the girl. "Jasmine, apologise now."

She looks at me. "I don't think so. She should get used to us not liking her, Berther." She walks over to a group of girls that are looking in our direction and they start laughing at something that Jasmine said.

I'll have to stay away from that group.

"Nicole," Berther calls.

A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes steps through the crowd and a smile spreads across her face. She pulls me into a hug. "I've heard so much about you from, Violet. I can't believe that girl got you to cover her shift. She's been trying to think of something to get you to work here for a while now and she had to do on one of the biggest night in the company's history."

"What company does she work for?"

Nicole laughs. "Violet, didn't tell you a thing did she?"

I shake my head.

She sobers up and looks into my eyes. "We're hired to cater for parties, but to also put on shows. A couple of are chosen from the crowd to put on a show, which usually involves us stripping in front of the group."

My face pales and I begin to feel hot.

I can't do that.

Jasmine laughs. "What a loser. We should get out of here before she vomits." The group walks out of the kitchen after grabbing some drinks from the table and walking into the room that's connected to the kitchen.

Berther looks at Nicole and I. "It's time for you to do your job. Show her the ropes, Nicole and make sure that those girls stay away from the new girl."

"I'll do my best." Nicole promises her and she leads me over to the table where there's finger food on the table. She grabs a tray and I do the same.

I follow her into a massive room where there's a bunch of people wearing nice dresses and suits. They are drinking, laughing and listening to the band that's on the stage. I walk around the room and a few people stop me as I walk around.

As I make a second round around the room I see Billionaire Bryant Larkin and he has Jasmine pressed against the wall and he whispers something into her ear.

She throws her head back and starts laughing. Her eyes land on mine as I watch them and she pulls him into her and kisses him.

He gets into it and starts to lift her skirt as his hand runs across her thighs.

I turn away from the action happening in the corner of the room.

A guy stops behind me. "Bryant is like that to all the waitresses at his party, but I think he'll be different when it comes to someone like you." he grabs a sandwich from the tray and spins me around. "I'm Julian Crane."

A smile spreads across my face as I look at the handsome man with me. "It's nice to meet you, Julian. I'm Zee."

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he kisses my cheek before walking over to his.

For the rest of the night I walk around the ballroom with trays of either drinks or food for the guests at the party.

Julian walks over to me and he stops in front of me. "I need to talk to you." he takes the tray from me and gives it to Nicole as we walk past her.

We walk up some stairs that are made out of wood to the second floor. The walls are made out of wood and there's a couple animal heads lining the wall. As we walk toward a room. He opens the door for me. "Wait in there." He closes the door behind me and I hear his footsteps disappear from the room.

What's going on?

The door open and in walks Bryant. He stops and looks at me. "So, you're the woman that my best friend chose for tonight?"

"Excuse me?"

He takes a step toward me on the bed. "You're beautiful. I can't believe someone like you is willing to give herself to me."

I stand up and walk over to him. Whispering in his ear I say. "I saw what you were doing with Jasmine earlier in the ballroom and I want you to do the same to me."

Bryant's eyes turn dark with lust and he lifts me up. "I'm going to enjoy tonight." He carries me to the bed and throws me on it. He kneels on the floor and pulls a box out from under the bed.

Pulling out cuffs he puts them on me and connects them to the bedpost. He puts a blind fold on me. His hands move down my stomach. "Lift up off the bed."

I lift my lower half off the bed and he pulls my skirt and thongs down my legs. He spreads my legs apart before moving his hand to my thigh and I feel him stick a finger into my core and I grind on it. "Add another finger, Bryant."

He adds another and starts to finger fuck my pussy, making me wet. He finds my clit and starts rubbing that.

I throw my head back. "Fuck, Bryant."

He removes his fingers from my core and replaces it with his face. I feel his tongue enter me and I start to grind on his face. "Are you going to fuck me now, Bryant?"

"Shortly," he tells me as he feasts on my pussy.

"I'm coming," I yell, into the empty room.

"That's my girl." he moves his face from between my legs. He leans on me and spreads my pussy with his cock as he enters me. I bite him as he stretches me. "You're so fucking tight." He tells me before filling me completely.

Bryant pulls out of me before thrusting back into me. He gets into a rhythm before I meet him for the thrust.

My hand start to hurt as the cuffs dig into my skin. "Harder, Bryant." He thrusts into me harder and I start to feel sweat form on my body as he fucks me. "I'm coming," I tell him as my pussy clenches against his cock, making it harder for him to pull out.

He shoots his seed into me, splashing my walls with it. He rides out his orgasm before pulling out of me. He takes the blind fold and cuffs off me.

Looking at him I say. "You didn't use a condom."

A smile spreads across his face. "I know." He pulls me into his side and whispers. "You're mine. Now and Forever, Zee."

Next update will be Next Wednesday.

I hope you enjoy it.

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