Husbands and Lovers [Straight]

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Husbands and Lovers

"What are you doing here Raegan?"

Rae spins around, capping the plum lipstick before taking in the sight of the fully clothed man before her. He's here earlier than she expected and still in his office suit-a well, fitted charcoal grey number that has Rae zoning on his lean, tall physique.

"You're back early."
Jade green eyes stick to her face as one light brown eyebrow raises.
"Yes I am. What are you doing here? It's Valentine's Day, shouldn't you be spending it with your husband?" He repeats stepping into the room and shutting the door.
Rae frowns before giving him a sordid grin.
"He and I are in disagreement at the moment and I don't really feel like spending another night alone," she explains, sashaying towards him. Her creamy, porcelain thigh peaks with each step from the loose tying of the black, silk robe. She'd spent a lot of effort into today. Curling her normally stick straight black hair and even perfecting the art of the winged liquid eyeliner. Now her indented eyes-curtsey of her East Asian mother-stand out, contouring means her cheekbones are sharpened and the plum pink has her lips looking fuller than usual.

"So this is just one-night?" he demands still not succumbing to her attire.

Rae considers his question. It's something she's had to do a lot recently. And after careful consideration, she knows what she wants.
"No. I want to carry on what we had, Calvin," she solidly tells him causing his shoulders to slump like an anvil has been lifted off them.
"And what about him, Raegan? If he finds out what will he think?" he continues questioning her despite Raegan flattening herself against his strong chest and winding her willowy arms around his neck.
Massaging the muscle there, she softly responds, "with the way things are between us, I don't think he'll mind."

Calvin's fingers pull at the sash of her robe, and with a quick flicker of it past her shoulders the silk material shimmies and slither's to the base of her feet. He inhales sharply at the sight of her. Her beautiful alabaster skin is decorated in only a red lace bra and matching thong, both of which are so flimsy that he can just about see her rose pink buds and tell that she'd shaved herself completely below.

"Holy...fúck, Rae," he breathes.
Raegan smiles seductively at him, peeking beneath her eyelashes as she says, "what do you think, Cal? Will you take me back?"
Large palms hold her slim waist; so tiny and toned, despite motherhood.
Using one hand, his fingers gently stroke her cheek, brushing away her thin hair.
"We'll see, baby, it'll all depend on if you can follow my instructions."
Rae chews on part of her lip, eyes sparking with lust at what he wants. There's no doubt it's exactly what she wants. Calvin was always dominant in the bedroom-considerate too. He could always play her like a fine tuned violin, knowing exactly her ultimate limits and the weak spots on her body.
"You know I can, Cal. You know I always do my best to please you in the bedroom."


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start.


Raegan gazes at him, her mind in a frazzled mess as she slowly crawls beside him.
"Calvin?" she whispers, tentatively threading their fingers together. His head rolls to his side as he gazes at her.
"What is it, Rae?"
"I'm all for roleplay Cal but why pretend to be my lover? And you've never had a problem with condoms before? What's going on? Talk to me, what's this about?"
He stares at her for a moment before unlocking their hands and running his across his weary face.
Rae waits for him to say something but when he doesn't she can only sigh in frustration.
Lifting herself up, her shoulders slump as she lets out a small frustrated noise.

"See this is why our marriage isn't working Calvin. This is why we got a separation. This lack of communication. You never tell me what's wrong. You just keep it all bottled up and you wonder why we fight," shaking her head Rae picks herself off the bed, "I just don't know why I thought this time would be different. This was stupid. It was a stupid, dumb thing for me to do."
She tries to suppress the sobs by continuing on muttering but just as she's grappling with the sash of her robe, his voice cuts through.
"You said you wouldn't leave me again, Rae."

Spinning around, her eyes go wide with equal parts fury and sadness as she witnesses him standing there with only his boxers on, gazing at her like some lost little boy.
"Give me a reason to stay Calvin."
"Love. Isn't that enough, Rae. I love you said you love me too-"
"I do! But love isn't just saying the words; it's action too," she gives him a pained gaze, "I want to stay Calvin. I miss you, I miss us and Yasmin miss you too." Yasmin being their daughter.
He sighs, his shoulders slumping and Rae knows that he's close to letting her in.
"Why are you making this so hard, Cal?" she whispers, palms spreading across his chest.

"You deserve better Raegan. You deserve so much better than me," he murmurs.
"That's not true, Calvin. You know that. All I want is for you to talk to me. Do you truly want to tear up the separation?"
"I want to burn that piece of paper. I...I missed you too. It was hell without you Rae. You and Yasmin...But I thought-God you're going to hate me for this..."
"Just tell me Calvin."
"A few weeks before we got that separation. I thought...I thought you were seeing someone else. We were already so rocky, I didn't want to tip the boat over happened anyway and then I thought...I thought you'd gone back to him. I was so angry, Rae. I just kept imagining this other man, taking my place; playing with Yasmin, coming home to you two, sleeping with you."
Raegan sighs, shaking her head as she tries to process all this new information. She had no idea, Cal was even entertaining such thoughts. Especially when she hadn't been.

"You big idiot. There was-not before or after the separation-another man. Calvin, it's always been you."
His eyes melt as a small smile takes over his features, "seriously, Rae?"

"Yes Calvin. My only lover is my husband."

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