Misunderstandings [Straight]

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"Josh, honey, please pick up. Actually...nevermind, I'm just calling to say that I've dropped Reese off at mom's and I'm going to get a bottle of champagne for...well, for tonight. Anyway, see you at home sweetheart. Love you."

Amelia Chambers manages to get that sentiment in before the familiar bleep tells her she's out of time. One thing that's always frustration (amongst countless others) about her husband is his refusal to pick up his damn mobile whenever she's calling. He assures her he doesn't do it on purpose but it darn well seems he does. Still, as long as he remembers tonight's special occasion, she'll let him off the hook.

Mia grins to herself in delight as she slips the phone into her purse, thinking about the well needed time she'll have with Josh tonight. Since the arrival of their bundle of joy -Reese- 4 years ago, they've been too busy and exhausted to get past a simple peck on the lips. But this year, she's determined to relax and delight in some X-rated fun with her gorgeous man.

The walk to the liquor store is short from her mother's house but after purchasing the alcohol, Mia groans in regret as night closes in fast. She should have taken the car. At least that way she'd be safer and her mind at ease. Plus, she'd be warmer. The evenings dropping temperatures easily overcome her thin cropped cardigan and peach summer dress.
With no choice but to continue Mia clutches the bottle closer to her and walks faster. Although a good enough neighbourhood, it's eerily quiet and even the streetlights seem dimmer tonight, however Mia guesses it could just be her imagination.

Suddenly the noise of a chuckling engine can be heard. Mia's body tenses in fear but as the vehicle zooms past and its light fades into the distance she forces herself to relax; reminding herself that she's a grown áss woman with a kid and it's a good neighbourhood.

With the glow of the another car's headlights behind her, Mia calmly carries on walking, managing to ignore it. However just when she thinks it's about to drive past, it actually slows to a stop.
The tinted windows of the white van should have been Mia's first clue that something isn't right. But in her shock, nothing seems to register until it's too late.

Two men rush from the back of the van, their faces covered by white masks. While one comes around behind her the other stays in front. Scared, Mia opens her mouth to scream but the man in front instantly shoves a rag into her open mouth. Surprised she tries to spit it out but he presses his body against her and folds a hand over her mouth, refusing to let her spit the thing out. Her arms get roughly clamped by the man behind her and before she can even struggle he's bound her wrists together securely with plastic zip-ties. The only thing Mia can do is use her legs but even kicking is useless as they drag her back into the van.
She tries fighting, struggling, screaming.
But the muffled calls and the weak squirming are all futile.
She never really does have a chance against two, built grown men.

Pushed into the back of the empty van, she spits out the saliva soaked cloth and with tears blurring her vision, tries to make out the figures in the dark.

As the van starts to move, Mia gasps in air and prepares her lungs to scream but as soon as she gathers a good mouthful of air, a piece of cloth smothers her face. The scent of chloroform seeps into her system and unable to fight it, Mia finds herself slipping into terrifying darkness.


When consciousness slowly returns to Mia, she finds herself unable to see. After her heart skips a beat in fear, she realises she hasn't lost her vision there's just a silk blindfold over her eyes. Tugging on her hands she finds them immobilised by...shackles.

Freaking freezing, hard, metal shackles.

She kicks her legs in relief, noting that at least they have not been bound down. She's lying flat on some kind of mattress with soft cotton sheets. Her nose tries to pick up any kind of smell but it just smells...dingy. Perhaps it's because she doesn't have her sight but she can't seem to pick up any distinctive smell she can commit to memory that if, by some miracle she escapes, she can report to the police. Her skin does however prickle at the cold temperatures. But then again that may be due to the fact that she's náked.

She wonders why she hadn't noticed that right away but the question is a dumb one to ask at this point, she realises. In fact, the better question would be who the fúck undressed her? Which ásshole has touched her body, shredded her clothes, and taken their pérverted fill of her náked body while she's been unconscious? It repulses Amelia to think that there would such disgusting, awful, sick freaks in the world that would do something like this and probably worse. At the thought of worse, a chilling thought sweeps through her. She quickly focuses on trying to sense any sticky wetness pooling at the junction of her legs but much to her relief there doesn't seem to be any. It's still very much dry and very much cold.

Relieved that although stripped and chained up, nothing else had happened to her, Mia's thoughts soon take another direction and that being of her family. Of course her son wouldn't miss a thing but Josh...

Josh would notice her missing, Josh would come save her, after all, that's what he does. He saves people. Not because he's a superhero (except her own personal one) but because he's a cop. Surely, at this point, he'll have realised she's missing. He'll have realised something's wrong and he'll get his team and save her. Yeah, he would be her hero like always. Unless...Unless he doesn't notice anything's wrong. How long has it even been since she was abducted? Minutes? Hours? Not long, judging by her lack of appetite but then again, maybe it's the drugs.

Thoughts of her family and her abduction flow through her mind endlessly as she lies there helplessly. Ten minutes since consciousness and Mia hears the first sounds of something other than the dripping of water. The creek of a wooden door as it opens and closes. Heavy footsteps could be heard descending down rickety stairs; footsteps that could only be of a man.
Her breathing turns shallow as hears him slowly and painstakingly comes to stand beside her. She waits for him to do something. Her heart pounding hard in anticipation but for a few moments he simply does nothing. Then just when she can't take it anymore she hears his footsteps start to clip away.

"Wait! Wait! You can't just leave me here!" she cries into the unknown.
The footsteps stop and as if he's thinking about her request, there's a long pause. After which they crescendo back towards her.
"Please. Please, just let me go," sobs Mia, tears soaking into the material of the blindfold. She hears nothing in response and that's like a knife to her chest.
"Please," she sobs again but is only regarded with a thick finger against her lips.
He wants her to be quiet. Another sob splutters through Mia's lips as she tries to hold it together. She has to hold it together, she reminds herself. And she can't give up. Josh is going to find her soon. He will. She just knows he will and she has to remain hopeful and remember her two special boys.

His finger is replaced by his thumb which traces along her plump red bottom lip. Mia holds her breath as he continues to gently finish tracing her soft lip. Then as he pulls away, she sighs mentally in relief which trying to gain a regular breathing pattern. But once again her heart jolts when she hears the mattress squeak with the new weight. She tries to shift her weight in the opposite direction but with hands stiffly cuffed, she can only lean her lower half away. Her ears strain catching the whispers of dark chuckles and a bud of anger spurts in her. How dare this demented áss laugh at her situation?!

"What do you want with me? What is this all about? Please, please let me go," begs Mia once again trying to find out what the psycho even wants with her.

She's no-one particularly special. No-one extraordinarily popular or beautiful or...anything. She's just-she's just plain old Amelia Chambers; wife to Josh Chambers, mother to Reese Chambers and the accountant at the local bank.

His hand traces her face and when reaching her jaw, he cups it briefly before trailing his hand around her neck. Fingers thread through her silky oak brown locks, tugging slightly at her scalp. Her head seems frozen in shock and nerves but as he tugs harder she gasps slightly at the increased pressure.

"Shh," he whispers in a husky, rough tone.

Mia feels her bottom lip tremble as a soft whimper escapes her.
His hand clutches at her roots again in warning and not wanting to test her luck Mia quickly presses her lips together to try avoid any unwanted whimpers or pleas.
A few seconds later, when he confirms her compliance, his hand travels to her shoulders and gently strokes down her left arm, the one furthest from him. Mia's skin breaks out in prickles at the disgust of being touched by the stranger. As he reaches her wrist, his hand then skips to her hips.
His thumb draws circles into her smooth skin as her heart races. Then, the inevitable happens and Mia feels his hand glide up her sides, over her slight love handles, into the dip of her waist, only to rest right under her bréast.


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start.


As much as Mia hates to admit it, a part of her feels sorry for her rage by seeing his adorable face. But she pushes that part away and tries to focus on her previous fright.
"What? What did I say Josh?" spits Mia harshly.
"Our last anniversary you said you had this fantasy of being woken up náked, tied to a bed and ravished," explains Josh.
He knows so well now that even though Mia has all these naughty fantasies, she's too scared to tell him but that day he'd got it out of her and since then he'd been planning to try make it perfect for her. Maybe he's gone overboard with it. Maybe...

"Josh," sighs Mia closing her eyes and inhaling a deep breath before opening them whilst exhaling. Now knowing the logic behind his crazy scheme she couldn't help but feel a tad touched by his efforts. Even if it has been a huge misunderstanding.
"Honey, I meant like, woken up in our bed, and yeah tied up but not blindfolded! I didn't want to be scared out of my mind wondering if I would even make it out alive, Josh!"
"Oh...I thought...I just-"
"You know what? Whatever. Just...Just get me out of these," sighs Mia referring to her shackles.
"Josh? Josh, come on, I just want to go home now," repeats Mia when gaining only silence from Josh. She opens her eyes to blink up at his steely, thinking gaze focused on her.

"We are home-we're in the basement. But no, baby, I'm not letting you go just yet. In fact, I like you tied up, moaning in pleasure. You have no idea how long I have waited to hear those sounds and I'm not wasting this opportunity, understand?" decidedly states Josh, not allowing room for argument.

Mia bites her lip, the flush of lust rushing through her by her husband taking charge. Sometimes his stubbornness would be an absolute nightmare but there were those times, where she'd be in panic and his steely voice would cut in reminding her that he's her rock. And now, to hear him take about her like that is so hot.
"Josh," she whispers her eyes glazing with arousal.
Josh's hand gently cups Mia's face, his thumb stroking her soft cheek as he leans down and presses a lingering kiss on his wife's beautiful pouty lips.


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start.


Panting, he forces his tired arms to hold out just a little longer. They both catch their breaths before locking eyes. Warm brown meets with bright blue and little words are needed to confirm their mutual feelings, yet Josh feels the need to anyway.

"Mia...Amelia, baby, I love you so much and I am so thankful for everything you've given me-"
"Josh," whispers Mia chocking up with emotion. Her husband's not one to always bear his sensitive side and even though he does it even more so with her, it's still pretty rare.
"I mean it, Mia. I have no idea what made you say 'yes' to me, but I'm...I'm goddamn grateful that you did."
"You big teddy bear," grins Mia, "I love you too. And..."
"And?" smiles Josh.
"I'd love you a lot more if we could relocate all this upstairs. Oh and by the way, tell George and Graham that I don't care if they are gáy, they touch me again like that and I will cut off both of their balls," points out Mia.
Josh can only laugh at his wife's declaration and nod.

"Sure baby and next year, how about we do dinner and séx, just to...you know, avoid misunderstandings?"

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