Office Spy [Straight]

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Office Spy

Selena knocks on her 'boss's' door and waits as he calls her in. Forcing a bright fake smile onto her face, she struts over to her boss's desk. Truth is she hates the man. Not because he's an awful boss, or acts in anyway unprofessionally towards her (or any other employee) but for one reason and one reason only...he's the CEO of Caster Co. A large business firm that designs and engineers engine parts. This company is the very rival to UniTec Industries, which is Selena's true company.

The one she is supposed to be heir to. The one her father runs: And the reason why she's playing the whole charade of being the faithful secretary. As far as she's concerned Mr Grant, her employer, believes her to be the faithful, loyal, ditzy blonde and that's just what she wants.

"Miss Curt, is it 6 o'clock already?" asks her boss, his turquoise blue eyes glancing up at her.
Selena feels like cursing his devilishly good looks. With dark hair; a tall, lean, muscular frame; bright turquoise eyes and slight stubble at his chin and cheeks, even Selena's not immune to having her heart thump just a little louder from his looks.
"I'm afraid so, Mr Grant. Is there anything else you needed?" she politely asks, already in anticipation at what's to come on Monday. Monday will be the merger or if it all goes to plan for Selena the hostile takeover of Caster Co. by UniTec Industries. She's managed to hack in and get most of their business plans but a little more hacking tonight and she'll have it all. The documents she'll then proudly present to her father; who will then be forced to accept her cunningness and safely step down so that she can inherit the empire.

"Actually Miss Curt...there is something. The files for the meeting about to take place on Monday with UniTec Industries, I was hoping you could go over them and perhaps make some suggestions," says the man.
Selena's eyes light up at that.
"Yes, of course, I'd be happy to," she smiles with excitement. This is it! This is it, the last piece she needs to give to her father.
"Great...But, I seem to have misplaced me look won't you?" mutters the man fumbling with some files on his desk.
Selena drops her bag and walks over to the filing cabinets, unlocking them and searching through but a few minutes later and none of the files are there.
She feels her heart sink in dejection finding many files there except the correct ones.

"They're not here, Sir," she tells him.
"They're not?But-Oh, that's right," he snaps his fingers, "I must have left them at my apartment. I'd be much obliged if you could drop by and collect it."
Selena nods her head naively, "sure. Of course, I don't mind."
"Great. Um, well, give me a few minutes here and we could go together so you can pick it up. Unless of course, it's out of your way?"
Selena shakes her head, "no, it's fine. We can go now."
The sooner she can read through that document the sooner she can get herself appointed as new CEO of UniTec Industries.
"That's great, Miss Curt. Why don't you wait in the lobby, I'll be done in a few minutes," grins her boss.

As Selena walks out, Nicholas Grant drops the fake smile and glares at the ghost of the woman. How dare she pretend to be 'Sarah Curt' when she is obviously not! He felt so stupid for taking so long to find out that the woman claiming to be Sarah Curt is actually Selena Yvonne, the daughter of his rival Andrew Yvonne. But arguably, it wasn't his fault he didn't know. Andrew had always kept his personal life private which meant that his daughter appeared to be just another blonde vixen needing a job. He hadn't known that she'd be the vicious she-devil that could hack into his company's files and gain the trust of his employees and him. Still today, he'll undo his stupid error and put an end to Miss Yvonne's devious plans to ruin him.

His secretary stands up as his feet ring out against the tiled floor of the lobby. He subtly glances from her pristine blonde bun to her elegant pale neck, to the large swell of her ample bréasts in the black fitted dress, down to the dip at her waist, curving out again at her wide hips and then to her thick thighs; the dress stopping at her knees shows off her smooth shins and the heels on her feet make her legs longer as well as making her rear even more so delectable.

Nick has always been more partial to the curvier woman. A good sized bust and behind, attached to a pretty face always got his attention and sometimes, in the real world that also meant a softer, rounder stomach which he also likes. And Selena...Christ the woman is boarder line fantasy plus-size model and straight up his alley.

"Did you drive today?" asks Nick as he approaches her.
"No, Sir. I took a cab," she responds.
In busy New York, cabs or the subway is far easier than taking your own car.
"Okay, then we can just take my car. This way," instructs Nick, making his way to the elevator and pressing the basement button to the car park.

Selena slides into the cool leather interior of the Mercedes and waits for her boss to start the car and drive to his apartment.

The whole place is empty as they make their way up to Nick's penthouse apartment. As the elevator dings open, Nick unlocks his door and politely allows her to go through first.

Selena steps through into the dark hallway, her heels clicking against the laminate flooring. She hears Nick's own shoes clipping against the floor as he steps through and closes the door, shutting out the artificial light rays from the outside hallway.

"Mr Grant. Where's the light switch?" she calls behind into the darkness as her hands fumble at the wall trying to find the pesky switch.
Nick, counts to three in his mind before darting his hands forward.

The shrill shriek echoes through the hallway as Selena screams from the hands on her body. One is secured at her waist and projects her sharply inwards, as the other comes just above her breasts, immobilising her arms. Her back crashes with the hard, muscular chest of her employer and her body freezes in shock, her mind screaming in confusion.

"Mr Grant, what are you doing?!" she gasps struggling in his hold. She feels his face lowering, his lips brushing at her ear and his warm breath blowing just over her skin. Her heart races, as she feels the adrenaline heightening her sense of touch, meaning the very feel of his warm breath has shivers raking through her, and the feel of his masculine body has her own submitting to him.
"There's no point screaming. The walls and floors are sound proof so no-one will hear you," he whispers.
Selena's skin breaks out into goosebumps of fear as she gulps hard.
Really, her addictions to movies and TV warned her. Rich ássholes really do think they can do anything. Fúck it all.

"S-Sir...please, just let me go...please," she softly begs, her voice trembling.
"I can't do that, sweetheart," he responds in the same hushed tone.
Selena feels tears prick at her eyes before she blinks them back-she can't show weakness. That's what psychopaths get off on and she refuses to be that pathetic girl.

Nick suddenly jolts her body forward, pushing her down the hallway.

Selena screams her vocal chords dry, as she digs her high heels in and continues struggling in his hold. Then as they near a doorway, she raises her foot and brings the 3 inch heels with force onto his foot. She will not be some pliant victim. Hell no. She will fight him to her last breath.

Nick, having felt her leg rise in action, manages to narrowly miss getting his toes broken and for precaution, he spins her around.
He holds her close as he hoists her up onto his shoulder. Her plump áss in his peripheral vision and more of her soft, lightly tanned legs showing as her dress also hitches up.
Selena pounds her fists on his back, even trying to shove her herself up from his but the tight arm clamped just below her áss, causes her attempts of escape to be in vain. Even so, she bats her feet at his chest, trying to dig her shoes into his chest and wind him. Unluckily for her, he grasps her only weapons with his other hand and yanks them off, throwing them somewhere into the darkness.
Without meaning to, tears slip down Selena's face, as she stops her futile attempts and her body lies limp on his shoulder in acceptance of her death.

Feeling the woman on his shoulder finally cease her thrashings, Nick strides forwards through the room, shutting the door behind him, and locking it. He orientates himself a few paces forwards and feeling his leg hit against the hard frame he halts.

Just as Selena's wondering at his reason for halting, she feels herself being thrown of his shoulder and allowed to fall.
Her fall lasts fractions of a second as her body bounces onto the springs of the semi-soft mattress; the cotton sheets brushing at her exposed legs, the silk pillow sinking to her head and her hair that had long undone from her bun, splaying around her. Selena has a split moment of disorientation, before she realises what's going on. She feels her breath hitch at the realisation, her body trembling and eyes going wide.

"N-Nick? What are going to do with me?" she stutters out in a soft pant from her breathlessness.

She can't possibly imagine why a man like Nick would need to capture women to gain his release. He's one of the handsomest men she's ever seen in her life and he could quite easily gain a bed-partner without even having to try; so why would he capture her like this? Could it be he's interested in her? But then she finds herself trying to recall all the moments she's spent in his presence. Not once did he show any signs of wanting her.
Had she known then....The chilling realisation is that part of her wants him to just ravage her. And even though that's-
Selena's thoughts cut off as she feels him straddle her. His knees pressing either side of her waist and a small fraction of his weight resting on top of her; just enough to keep her still.

"Mr Grant, please, you don't have to do this," she groans only to be denied a response.
She feels him part her hands. He takes one wrist, leaving the other free, which she uses to blindly push against him.
Her hands flay wildly and Nick narrowly avoids it from clawing his face. He quickly secures her wrist into the leather bonds he had attached this morning and repeats the process with her other hand.
He hears her cry out and he has to force himself not to give into the little witch.
Climbing off, he lets out a breath of exhaustion as he makes his way to the light switch.

The light bursts into the room, causing Selena to wince at the suddenness. She struggles to sit up against the headboard of the bed as her eyes focus. Bewildered, pale green eyes take in the entirety of the room. Her suspicions of it being the bedroom are confirmed as she takes in the sleek, sliding wardrobes, the fancy, royal blue and silver themed walls and the luxurious bed; the one she is currently tied to. She tries to ease her fingers through them or even undo them, but it's pointless. Instead she directs her attention to him.

Nick swings his blazer and tie onto the back of the small couch. Undoing his sleeve buttons he rolls them up and also unbuttons the top two buttons on his black, cotton shirt. He pulls up a chair next to the side of the bed and lowers himself onto it; keeping his eyes locked on the trickster before him.
"That was just a little something to scare you," he states, noting how her body relaxes slightly.
"W-why? What is this? Why-I don't understand, Sir. Is this some kind of test?" asks Selena unsurely. She hasn't heard of any of his employees having gone through it. Why would she have to?
"For you...of sorts. I'm going to ask you some questions and I want truthful answers. But bear in mind, if those answers aren't going to be ones I like then..." he trails off into a deadly silence, to which Selena gulps at. She knows this is it. She almost positive he knows about her now and she feels a new fear prickling at her heart. She has no choice but to lie. But what if he finds out? What will he do to her?

"First question, this should be easy. What is your real name?" he questions, the corners of his lips pulling up into a small smile.
"Sarah Curt," Selena answers automatically with no hesitation.
Nick clicks his tongue against his teeth as he looks away. Then gazing back, he grimaces at her while shaking his head.
"Now, a lie," he points out.
"I'm a kind I'll give you another chance. Tell me, what is your real name?" he asks again.
"Sarah Curt," repeats Selena, trying to keep the wobble out of her voice.
Although she succeeds, Nick knows that it's not Sarah Curt.

He sighs and shakes his head again, causing panic to rise in Selena. As he stands up and eases himself on the bedside, his hand rests on her knee. The large palm encases her whole knee-cap and his fingers draw soft patterns at her flesh.
The sense of danger, strangely just amplifies Selena's arousal.
"Nick, please. Please, let me go," she begs desperately.
"And have you go back, only to hack into my files and sabotage my company? I don't think so," he retorts in a clipped tone.
Selena's eyes widen in shock. How did he know she did that? She'd covered her tracks when she'd got into their files.
"I won't take being backstabbed lightly," he snarls again, squeezing her knee just a tad in warning.
"So I'll ask once again, what is your real name?"

Selena knows it's over now. If he knows what she's done then he knows why and he knows who. Her tongue flickers across her bottom lip to moisten it as she briefly closes her eyes before reopening them.

"Selena...Selena Yvonne," she whispers with a soft gulp.
The left corner of Nick's lip rises slightly into a lop-sided smirk as he eases his grip on her knee. His thumb circles at her soft flesh, trailing higher up her thigh, pushing under the hem.
"Andrew's daughter, huh?" he breathes inching closer towards her.
She can see the soft wrinkles at his eyes and the dense ones at the corner of his lips, adding to his handsome face.

"Yeah," she whispers back.

"He did a good job of hiding you from the press. It's a wonder I found out about you before Monday. Did you think you could really just trick me? I worked damn hard to get to where I am and I'm not going to let some busty, blonde, backstabber, take it from me," he hisses, hand gripping her inner thigh causing her to gasp slightly at the increased pressure.

Along with the shame courses through the arousal that she can't help. She has a resounding feeling for all his swagger and bluff, that he won't hurt her. Scare her yes. But hurt her, no. Not now that she really thinks about it. Just last week, he fired an employee for getting grabby with his assistant. With that knowledge, her primal mind is deeply aware and aroused at this hot, angry, alpha male. The sophisticated common sense part of her fights that horny bítch though and as the struggle continues, she decides the best thing is to keep him talking.

"Nick. Stop this. Let me go, Nick. You don't want to do this. This-this is sexual assault," Selena states trying to enforce some authority in her words, however she has no real power, not when she's tied to a bed with a man wreaking havoc on her self-control.
"Oh, I think I do, darling. Sweet, naive, sheltered princess, what the fúck would you know about sexual assault? I can read you, Selena. You're fighting this attraction, wanting to pass it off as all my fault but that's not going to happen. Tell me 'no', Selena. Tell me that your heart's not beating fast right now, that your dirty, lying cúnt isn't wet. Go on, lie to me, princess."

Her breath catches at his words and all higher thought processes freeze.

Nick simply locks eyes with her as he trails his hand even farther up her bunching skirt. It rests at the tops of her inner thighs when he swears he can feel the heat of her throbbing pússy. Giving the supple flesh a gentle squeeze, he carries on upwards, gaining only positive body language from the woman chained to his bed. His fingers part the silky material of her panties, just enough for his middle finger to slide along her soft, wet lips.
Then just as she sharply but quietly inhales, he brings his hands back out and raises his finger to show her the betrayal of her own body.

"See you do want this."

"Let me go," she softly whispers afraid of her own lust for him.

She can't sleep with him. Not him. Anyone but him.
"Why fight what our bodies want, Selena. Give in...give in for tonight. This can mean nothing to us, we can go back to exactly how things were before.-"
"That's not possible," she interrupts.
"Touché. Let me rephrase. I am allowing you to quit right now. So tonight we longer boss and employee. You are my one-night stand as I am yours. Tomorrow you can leave and forget the whole night. But I want tonight Selena."
"Why? Why do you want me?" she asks.

An intelligent, gorgeous man like Nick Grant, isn't exactly a guy that women avoid. And before he obviously made her, he was her friend so he's got a good personality too.

"Jeez. For Andrew's daughter, you certainly haven't inherited his ego. Come on now, you can't really be oblivious to your beauty," he grins.

Selena furrows her eyebrows in confusion. Beauty? She's long accepted she's not a looker; and one more of substance rather than style. She's known that since high school, when she had braces and acne and split ends; and be it may that she's changed those things, but she's still the same green eyed blonde that's the back-up option for guys. And it's not her taking a swing at her self-esteem. She just knows her place in the world and in the dating world. She's accepted it and is fine with it. She doesn't need someone like Nick confusing her and knocking off that carefully balanced insecurity.

"Oh you are! Poor little princess. Take me up on my proposition, sweetheart and let me show you that beauty," he hums.
"And if I don't?"
"Then..then I will be forced to keep you comfortably kept in my apartment until after Monday," he shrugs.
"It's not much of a choice," she dryly comments.
"It's more than you deserve, wouldn't you agree?"

She does. Even option number 2 is unusually generous. Were it her who had caught a trusted employee backstabbing her; then she would give them hell. But both of Nick's choices don't seem too bad. Either sleep with the sexy man she's been lusting after for months or be comfortably trapped in his luxurious apartment for 3 days.
Selena sighs having made her choice.

"Take the cuffs off. I don't want you ruining my dress," she orders.

He grins not liking the command but complying nonetheless. He needs it to be so that she is a fully willing participant in this. He picks out the key from his shirt pocket and unclips the cuffs. She sits up rubbing her wrist and glances at her lover for the night.
"So how are we doing this?" she asks.
"You've never had séx?" he retorts causing her to roll her eyes.
"Yes of course. But...are you-am I-do you want me to take off your clothes?" she stutters, a small splash of pink colouring her cheeks.
Nick gives a small chuckle as he pushes her down fully onto the bed.

With her eyes to the ceiling, he quickly takes the device out of his pocket and presses the button. He then lays it gently on the bedside table before flipping his partner on her belly.
Straddling her, he slowly pulls down the zipper of the dress, kissing her silky, lightly tanned skin that gets revealed.
Once it's pulled all the way down he slides off her encouraging her to kneel up and pull the dress off.
She tosses it somewhere on the floor of the bedroom and pats her hair.
"You're wearing too much," she mutters dragging him forward by the belt around his waist. She pushes him down onto the bed and unbuckles the black belt. He raises his hips and watches as she quickly swishes the snake out. Dropping it onto the floor, Selena straddles her former boss, feeling lust swirl in her as she gazes down at the handsome man under her.


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start.


Selena rises up to slip the flaccid tool from her body. She rolls over onto the other side of the bed and swivels her head to be met with turquoise blue eyes, her mind just coming off the ecstasy of getting some séxual release.
So as clarity seeps through her, that when she realises what a huge mistake she's made. She shouldn't have slept with him, because fired or not, she'll still have to see his gorgeous ass on Monday and there is no way she can just sit there and focus when she'll be reminded of his náked body joined to hers.
"This was such a mistake," she groans closing her eyes.
"Too late now," smirks Nick. Selena can't help narrow her eyes in anger at him. But there's nothing she can retort with because it's true. It is too late now and it is her own fault. Her fault for being found out, and her fault for agreeing to his craziness. She should never have done it but at least she's free now.

Dragging herself out of the soft bed, she rushes to slip all her clothes on before glaring at the man so casually laid there.
"I expect you to keep your word," she scowls.
"You're free to go as you may and this never happened," smirks back Nick watching as she stiffly nods and sways out of his room. He listens for the front door closing before reaching over to the bedside table and pressing the button to stop the recording. His lips curl into a smirk as he tries to imagine his 'secretary's' face tomorrow morning.

Selena groans as she hears the sound of the buzzer sounding outside her apartment door. She runs a hand through her hair as she opens the door only to be met with the delivery guy.
"Hi," she smiles hesitantly. Who's ever heard of delivery guys on a Sunday morning? That's usually their time off.
"Hi, are you Mrs Yvonne?" he asks glancing down at the package.
"Yeah...I thought you guys don't work on Sundays," she mutters confused.
"We don't usually, but this is a special delivery. If you could just sign for it, I can get going," he grins.
Selena can't help feel a little suspicious about that but nonetheless she signs for the package and takes the small box inside.

She presses her ear against it to try figure out if it was ticking. But the lack of any sound from in there, has her believing it's not a bomb. Although she's still hesitant as she opens the package to reveal a DVD in there and a letter. Frowning she examines the DVD before moving onto the note. It's addressed to her, but she has no idea who it's from. Even the box doesn't have a return address on.

Sighing, Selena makes herself a cup of coffee, before slotting in the DVD and playing it. As the video starts playing she spits her coffee back into the mug in shock. She can't believe her former boss has recorded their one night stand and without her permission. Angry and frustrated she stops the DVD and switches off the TV before grasping the landline. That's when she spots the letter. Changing her course of action, Selena rips open the envelope and reads:

Dear Mrs Yvonne,
It seems I was reminded off our night. It's only fair that you are as well. Consider that copy my gift to you. There are plenty more in-case you happen to misplace it though...
Did you think I would not retaliate, sweetheart? If you wish to play dirty, then so be it, I can play dirty as well.
If you do not wish for this video of us to go to the media and every employee in both our companies, you will shut down your whole project of trying to takeover my company. You will destroy the files you have of mine and you will never attempt this again.
Think you can beat me, darling? Think again.
Mr Grant

Selena fumes as she crushes the piece of paper.

Oh Nicholas is so on.

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