Prank to Project [Straight]

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Prank to Project

"Cody! Cody, dude, wait up!"
Cody Strauss glances back at the approaching figure of his football teammate Tom Hardy. The blonde mop of hair suddenly flaps to a halt as the boy himself straightens up beside Cody.

"Hey, what's up?" shrugs Cody carrying on his path to his car with Tom beside him.

"Listen, that chick who was your partner for English last year-what's her name again?" quietly asks Tom arousing suspicion in Cody. Cody had found a sort of sweet spot to the girl. He can't call it a crush-he dares not call it a crush. But whenever he thinks of her, his heart seems to tighten slightly, and now that Tom's asking about her, Cody can feel himself not liking the direction of the conversation. Cody knows that reasonably, if he's not going to make a pass at her, then he should allow someone else. But...But Tom Hardy doesn't deserve her. No one in the school does. She's...she's this shy, pure beauty and he won't let any old idiot play her.

"...Why? She's not your type. Too nerdy," defensively retorts Cody, as he opens up the boot of his car and swings in his kit.

"Look, just tell me her name. I think I have information about her," Tom lowly says with a roll of his eyes.
"Lyla Cheung, her name's Lyla," mutters Cody, remembering the big brown eyes behind the thick, black rimmed spectacles.
"Damn, it is her then-" mutters Tom only to have Cody's head spin around and narrow at Tom.
"What's her? Tom's going on? What have you guys done?" he demands hotly. Surprise bursts in Tom's eyes and he holds up his hands defensively.
"Woah! Calm down. Look, I hear the guys are planning to make her the target of this year's Halloween prank.-"
"What the hell man! You can't do that...she's a girl!" cries Cody in outrage.

Every year, tradition has it that the football team would do one Halloween prank on an unsuspecting student at Kellwood High and this year as the senior's Cody and his team members were expected to carry on the tradition. Only Cody opted out not wanting a part in the cruel 'prank'; he'd hoped the others would follow in suit but sadly it seems not. A part of Cody feels betrayed but a stronger part of him selfishly didn't care all that much; until now. In all of the history of the Halloween prank, a female had never alone been preyed upon. There had once been a targeted group but never a sole one. And Cody couldn't let that happen, never-mind let it happen to sweet Lyla.

"I know but the guys have something special planned for her tonight. Look, I'd tell you more but I don't know. Kyle's the one organising it all. I just thought I'd let you know on what you're missing out," shrugs Tom nonchalantly before striding off.

Cody watches his friend walk away for a minute, lost in thought. Kyle is-or should it now be, was? - Cody's best friend so to hear that about Kyle organising such a cruel joke is like a dagger to Cody's heart. He knows that Kyle knows nothing of Cody's...feelings towards Lyla but even so he wouldn't have thought his oldest friend to be so callous as to play horrid jokes on such innocent girls. Still it's not like Cody can stop him. Kyle is the football captain and it is tradition....

He lies on his bed throwing the stress ball at the ceiling and catching it. Cody's mind is running in circles trying to find out what to do about the Lyla prank thing. He'd tried to call Kyle multiple times but he wasn't answering. He'd thought about ringing Lyla and warning her but the number wasn't connecting. He could always go around to her house what?! He cries to himself. What can he do?
An image of Lyla pops into his mind. The soft waves of long chocolate brown hair, her delicate face with those pouty pink lips and large brown eyes. He can't do nothing, Cody resolves in his mind, he has to do something.


Lyla wraps the other flap of her large jumper closer to her body whilst striding up to the trashcan. As she dumps the full bag into the metal can, she breathes out a chilly breathe of air. Friday night, and what's she doing? Chores. She's a senior now, she should be out partying like the rest of them. Having fun and living it up. Maybe...maybe this year, she'll get to go to the big Halloween party. Oh God...Halloween. No doubt Monday, some poor sod will be the victim of the traditional Halloween prank devised by the football jocks. Although Lyla doesn't think much of them, she has to admit that she's lucky that her year of jocks aren't the same level of obnoxious, rude, dícks as previous years. In fact some of them are quite nice...One in particular. Despite the chill in the air, Lyla feels her cheeks heat up. God, she cannot be thinking of Cody Strauss like that. Forgetting the fact that he's way out of her league, they just...he wouldn't give someone like her a second look. Besides, he's nice, sweet and so cute; he could have anyone he wants.

She walks back up the path when suddenly; she feels an arm clamp down on her waist and another around her mouth. Her initial reaction is to scream, but the opening of her mouth does nothing but widens her lips and allows her to feel the thick skin of the large hand of a male. She founds her bound arms against him, struggling in his pinned hold. Her legs kick widely but her short petite frame means that no real force can be applied that's strong enough to escape her captor. From the hard ridges and sculpted torso that Lyla can feel her back pressing against, she knows in her mind that her attempts of escape is futile. Yet never one to give up or go without a fight, Lyla tries even harder, hot tears of rage streaming down her cheeks as she wiggles and thrashes.

It's all over in a matter of minutes though, and Lyla is bundled into a car. Her eyes blink away the tears and just as she's about to open the door and leap out, her captor has already made it to his seat and locked the road to freedom. With fury and terror blazing in her eyes, Lyla spins to gauge the appearance of her captor. If she ever escapes she'll need to memorize his appearance to report it to the police.
From the soft glow of the streetlamps she can't make out much, except his tousled light brown hair and well formed physique.

"Who are you? What are you going to do with me? Why did you take me?" she rattles out with fear and indigence.
"Lyla, calm down, it's me-Cody," he whispers only to have Lyla sigh loudly in relief. Her body slumps into the soft seat as her heart recovers from the near heart attack.
"God, Cody!...What the hell do you think you're doing kidnapping girls in the middle of the night? Is that like your secret, sick hobby or something?" raves Lyla with anger.
Cody gazes over to her, his dusty pink lips curling at the corners in a suppressed smile.
"Only on weekends," he smirks.
"Cody, seriously, what are you doing? Take me back home, this instant. This is ridiculous, couldn't you wait until Monday for whatever this is about?" groans Lyla rubbing away the wet tear trails and sighing.

"Sorry Lyla, I just missed you so much I can't-"

"Cut the bull Cody. Just tell me what on Earth is going on," demands Lyla.
"Nothing Lyla, just chill out....Do you have a place you could stay-actually, erase that. Call your parents and tell them you're staying at mine," he instructs her, tossing a mobile into her lap.
"Cody Strauss, I am not doing that," firmly states Lyla crossing her arms and staring defiantly straight ahead.
"Lyla, just do it. Trust me."
"Cody...Look, you' acquaintance. And even for you, I think this is a little too forward. I don't know what you expect kidnapping me and demanding me to come spend the night at your house," glowers Lyla, the frown deepening when she realises he has parked into the driveway of his house.
"Lyla it isn't like that. You know I'm not like that. This is for your own good, I'll explain inside alright?" bargains Cody. Lyla takes a moment to consider it, but also taking into account that she can't exactly walk home, she has no other choice but to take Cody up on his offer.
"Fine," she exasperates.

Following him inside, she notices that the 2 storey house is spookily empty and none of the lights are on.
"Cody where're your parents? Won't they find it odd that I'm here?" questions Lyla as Cody leads them into the living room.
"Oh...them. Yeah, it's just my dad and he's out of town this week," shrugs Cody dropping onto the couch.
Lyla feels her jaw drop and fury burn through her even more, "Cody! Oh God...I cannot believe you! Take me back home. Take me back now!"
"Woah! Lyla, babe, calm down. Just call your parents and then I'll explain it all to you," soothes Cody pointing to his phone in her hand again.
Groaning Lyla realises Cody's not budging on this and finds it smarter to gain all her facts first.

"Lyla! Where did you go? I step out for one minute and the next thing I know my daughter's runaway!-"
"Mom, mom, listen to me. I'm sorry. I'm forgot to tell you I'm staying over at a friend's today-Katelyn, you know her mom. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Don't worry and I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. It completely slipped my mind," babbles Lyla giving her mother a fabricated story that's a lot better than the actual strange truth.
"Well..." sighs her mom, "it's not like I can do anything now, but we will be talking about this when you get home young lady. Don't think you can just go running off in the middle of the night, half scaring me to death. Your punishment will be discussed later but...I suppose you girls should have fun tonight. Take care, Lyla and behave."
"You know I will mom," sighs back Lyla, secretly pleased that her mom's in a good mood tonight but no doubt facing the music tomorrow will be no walk in the park.
"Good. Love you Le-Le."
"Love you too mom."

"There, now tell me," demands Lyla dropping the phone into Cody's lap as she stands in front of him with her arms crossed and a frown etched on her features.

Cody takes time to finally look at what she's actually wearing. Her dark brunette waves are framing her heart shaped face perfectly. Just as always Lyla's not wearing any make-up and just as always she looks drop-dead gorgeous. Her black glasses are perched on the bridge of her nose and pouty pink lips and curled down in a less than impressed scowl. Engulfing her shoulders is an old white patterned knitted sweeter that reaches down just above her knees. Her top is a simple light pink t-shirt but her bottom is covered in the same coloured cotton shorts. They are tiny but her slim pale legs carry it off gloriously. He can't seem to remove his eyes from her beautiful slim legs; images of them wrapped around his hips running through his mind.

Lyla clears her throat drawing up Cody's attention. She gazes down momentarily as well, wondering if she has any stains on her that has his eyes drawn to her legs.

Cody grins up at her and relaxes back onto the couch. He has her. He has the girl he's wanted for a year now and no one knows she's with him. A variety of less than noble scenarios run through his mind, but Cody decides instead to have fun with the whole situation; after all Lyla angry seems to be some kind odd turn on.

"But we got all night!" smirks Cody gaining a glare from Lyla.

"Fine, if you won't tell me why you're being so crazy at least drop me off at Katelyn's house," commands Lyla.
"Why would I do that? I have you all night, to myself, Lyla, why would I just let you go?" huskily grins Cody. A shiver of delight sparks through Lyla and her cheeks taint the faintest tinge of pink but she shakes the lustful thoughts out of her mind. Cody probably says stuff like that to every girl, she's no different.
"Whatever Cody, that just sounds creepy. Come on, don't be a díck. Just take me to Katelyn's or drop me at home," whines Lyla tired of his games now. She has no idea what the purpose of all this was but she frankly doesn't care. She'd rather just curl up in bed with hot coco and watch old rom-com's or at least do it at her friend's house; not run around in circles, playing victim to the mind games of some bored jock with nothing better to do.

Cody stands up, and much to Lyla's surprise draws her in with one arm around her waist. Her small palms rest against his hard chest as thin eyebrows scrunch in confusion.
"Cody, what-"
Before she can finish her question his lips are on hers, gently pressing and coaxing hers to join in. The warm feel of them with the soft pressure has Lyla abandoning her thoughts and accompanying Cody.

His tongue slips out running along the soft curve of her bottom lip and enticing her to let him in. Unable to resist Lyla feels her lips parting allowing Cody's tongue to slip into her mouth and slowly tango with her own. Desire bursts in Lyla; she can hardly believe that she's making out with the Cody Strauss. As they both run out of air, Cody parts himself from Lyla mouth and instead kisses down the slender column of her neck. His arms gently push off the sweeter from her shoulders and Lyla takes it as her cue to allow her arms to drop so the large, frumpy thing can pool on the floor at their feet.

"Cody..." she breathes, a soft gasp following that husky call as Cody nips on one particular spot just below her ear lobe.

"Lyla, you have no idea how much I've wanted to do this," he whispers to her, his fingers tracing down her slim frame and stroking at the hem of her t-shirt between the material and exposed skin.
"Don't say that Cody. Don't make me think that you want more from me than just séx," mutters Lyla her own palms slipping up his t-shirt and running along the lightly defined plains of muscle.
Cody's fingers grip firmly at her slim hips as he raises his head to gaze into her brown orbs.
"No Lyla, I do want more from you...Don't you get it? I've wanted you since that project in English last year. I thought I was being so obvious. I thought you'd never be good enough for a guy like me Lyla. God knows, you deserve better than me-"
His sweet confessions strum on Lyla's heart strings and she can't help but rise up on his tip toes and firmly press her lips against his.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I've had a crush on you since freshman year, you dummy. You have no idea how much I've wanted you," murmurs Lyla. A faint blush splatters along the sharp cheekbones of Cody as he leans in for another kiss. He had no idea Lyla had wanted him for so long but now that he does, his heart seems to flutter.

As they continue making out again, Cody's hands coil around the back of her hips and carry on downwards, cupping her small, plump áss. A tiny mewl of approval flows from Lyla's busy lips causing Cody to become bolder. He gives a quick squeeze before running his hands down and gripping her creamy, slim thighs. Getting a strong grip, he hoists her up and around his hips. A squeak of surprise echoes around the room from Lyla as she wraps her arms around his neck and strokes at the dusty brown strands of hair at the nape of his neck.

"Where're we going Cody?" she whispers placing kisses at his thick neck.

"Bedroom," he grunts back with some difficulty which is hardly surprising with Lyla lithe sweet body pressed so tight against him and her mouth laying soft kisses at his neck. His can feel his growing eréction press into Lyla's cotton shorts only to provide more fuel for the hungry beast.
As Cody heads up the stairs, Lyla gives a small giggle that has Cody's heart skipping a beat at the carefree sound.
"And what exactly are you planning on doing to me in your bedroom, Mr Strauss?" she teases with a smile in her voice.
Cody leans back slightly and kisses the ridge of her nose before answering, "Why, ravish you of course, Miss Cheung. You are after all my kidnapped victim."
Lyla laughs at that as he leads her into his bedroom and lays her onto the mattress.
"Lyla, I-...May I take you out, on a date? I want with you," stumbles out Cody nervously. He doesn't want her to think she's just some girl he wants to fúck. He wants her to think of herself as his girl. Maybe even...his girlfriend.
"Yeah, Cody, I think I'd like that but..."
"But right now, I need you."
Cody feels like the air is punched right out of his lungs with that statement. He's never had a girl-as beautiful as Lyla-'need' him before and that statement alone has Cody's heart clenching.


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start.


All through that night all they did was sleep and make love. Then as Monday came, Cody was nervous of showing the student population of his new girlfriend. It's not a revolutionary concept to be a jock and have a nerd as a girlfriend but it's still uncommon and Cody's not sure how accepting his friends will be of it.

"So who was the victim of the prank this year then?" wonders Lyla out loud as Cody's friends approach them.
"Actually it was no-one," announces Tom leaning against the locker next to Cody.
"Oh..." mutters Cody trying to act nonchalant about it.
"Yep. Thought we'd try something different this year. We found ourselves another project," enigmatically murmurs Kyle eyes glancing at the clasped hands of Cody and Lyla.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" snaps Cody only to have a scolding look from Lyla.
"Not much. But looks like it worked eh, Tom?" teases Kyle causing Cody features of concern to morph into one of confusion.
"What are you guys talking about?"
"Oh...I think I kind of get it," pipes in Lyla, connecting the dots from Kyle's thrilled look. Everyone knows Kyle and Cody were best friends since toddlers.
"Guess we know which one you is the smarter one in the relationship," teases Tom, causing Lyla to giggle and Cody to blush.
"Everyone except you knows how obvious your crush was to Lyla, Cody so me and the boys came up with a plan to get your áss in gear," finally explains Kyle causing Cody's jaw to drop.

Cody gives Kyle a playful punch before pulling him into a brotherly hug and whispers, "I'm going to get you back."

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