Halloween Outfits

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TylerxOliver - 2

Tyler's Pov

Sitting on an uncomfortable chair, waiting for hours on end, is not how I want to spend my weekend. I'd rather be sleeping or something useful, but of course, someone roped me into this. And by someone, I mean Oliver.

Halloween is coming up, and he had the grand idea of having everyone go to a Halloween store, and picking out costumes for a party his school is hosting. Jane immediately agreed with him, and that's how we all ended up here, at Spirit Halloween.

I groan, rolling my head back in boredom. How long does it take to pick out a damn costume??? I finished a while ago, going for a simple knight costume. Blake finished as well, going with a zombie costume.

A few a others finished as well, but Oliver, Jane, and two other friends are still in there. I can hear them whispering and giggling. It made me want to barge in there, and tell them to either pick something, or let us leave so we could actually do something before the day ends.

Jane finally skips out as a fairy, spraying glitter everywhere, and I mean everywhere.

"Jane! Keep your glitter away from me, damnit," I grumble.

Jane grins, before throwing some at me, and skipping off back to the changing rooms.

Suddenly, I pick out Oliver's sweet little voice. "Jane! I don't want to! I look pathetic!" He exclaims.

"Oh come on, Olly! You look adorable!" She protests.

Their talking piques my interest, and I sit up, now eager to see what they were talking about.

Jane finally drags Oliver out, and my heart almost completely melts to goo. He's dressed in a prince costume, a small crown on his head and everything.

Blake wolf whistles. "Looking good, Olly," he laughs, making me frown a bit.

Oliver blushes, before scurrying off to change again.

"That was hot," Blake mutters, making me turn and glare at him.

"Hey, that's illegal, you know. He's not eighteen yet."

Blake grins. " Oh, I know. You should properly remember that too."

I flip him off, before Oliver, Jane, and the last few people changing come out. Oliver still has hints or a blush on his face, and it was just too cute!

We all leave, and I honestly can't wait to see Oliver in that costume again. He's my prince, and as his knight, it's my duty to protect him at all costs.

Because he's my best friend...right?

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