Moving out

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We see both Darko and Striker in an RV. Darko is driving while striker is in the passenger seat.



Striker: So.... you're actually moving.

Darko: Yup.

Striker:... Is this cause of the PUBG incident? Cause I got that all figured out.

Darko: Nope.

Striker: Then why?

Darko:... It's more of a personal reason.

Striker: Could you elaborate?

Darko: It involves 2 people. And me not looking into both sides. But I already dug myself into this hole.

Striker:... You could still talk to them you know.

Darko: I feel like I'm already past that. They hurt someone close to me. And I feel like I made a premature judgement.

Striker: At the very least... are you guys still friends?

Darko shrugs

Darko: I don't know... I cherish friendships to a fault. And seeing 2 of my friends stop being friends, honestly tore me in two. I chose the person I wanted to support and in the process lost another.

Striker: Is it too late to talk to him about it? Cause it won't be the same without you.

Darko: Y'all are free to visit me, I just need space. Some time to think if I made the right decision.


We are now at an apartment complex, Darko and Striker get out of the RV.

Striker: This seems kind of extreme man.

Darko locks up the RV and they both start walking.

Darko: If they admit what they did is wrong and they both make up it'll be fine, but I have a feeling that won't happen.

Striker:... aren't you supposed to be the optimist? Why are you being so negative.

They make it to the door as Darko looks through his Keys.

Darko: Just being realistic, I'll still thank them for what they helped me accomplish. I just don't know if I can see them in the same light.

He opens the door, enters the apartment, and turns to face Striker.

Darko: Thanks for the company here dude. Here's something for the train ride back.

He pulls out a 20 dollar bill and gives it to Striker.

Striker: Thanks and no problem.

They stand in still silence.

Striker:... You hope that we'll stay good friends right?

Darko:... Who knows, life works in weird ways, but I do hope so... see ya Striker.

Striker: See ya.

Darko's closes the door as Striker walks out of the complex.

Darko/Striker:... I sure hope we stay close friends

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