The mystic watch

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Izuku was walking up the last stairs to all for one. Clenching his sword as pulls it out he hears an organ playing. Once at the top he preps his sword the organ stops.

???: So... You finally made it.

Izuku: Suprised, I'm more surprised that you took your sensei's name. Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: Well, since I have the quirk now. I might as well use the right name. Right?

The room is surrounded by the bodies of his friends. Eyeless and bleeding everywhere. Shigaraki then launched at him. Izuku swiftly dodged it.

Shigaraki: Seems like you have the speed of Stain.

Izuku: I have been training for this day to fight you. Take this. WIDE WAVE!

He slashes his blade horizontally and a sharp wind slash comes at Shigaraki. Shigaraki crosses his arms to block it. He was then sent through the building.

Izuku: "Alright, the watch gave me power before. It could be dangerous if it happens again"

He jumps for another attack.

Izuku: SPIRE!!

He comes down with his sword up slashing down on Shigaraki. He dodges the attack and the fires missiles from his back at him.

Izuku: Huh. AHH!

The missiles made contact with him and exploded on him. The watch glowed and activated kirishima's quirk and hardens his body.

Shigaraki: WHAT.

Izuku: "it activated again!? Well, might as well use it." Alright then. Watch please give me the right one.

He touched the watch and then the face changes to Shotos and he can now use his quirk.


Izuku: I'll be honest, I don't know myself. But I'll use it to stop you. DUEL TECH!! ICE SWORD.

Using his right side and made an Ice glacier, ran up to it and slashed through it and hit Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: AH!!

He starts to shiver at that. Izuku starts running and start a flame on his left hand.


He lights the sword on fire and cuts up Shigaraki and burns him. He cools him self off with some water her made. Now he's soaking wet.

Izuku: "perfect"

He touched the watch and it changed it to a face of Kamimari.

Izuku: Let's try this, LIGHTNING II

Kaminari's powers enhanced the skill of the lightning surrounding him hitting everything around him. Shigaraki used a quirk to turn him into rubber survived.

Shigaraki: Tch. Da%m brat. EAT THIS METER RAIN.

He raises his hand in the air and fires boulders high in the air. The fall catching on fire. Izuku then changes the watch to Bakugo.

Izuku: "all right kacchan, I'm gonna finish this."

He preps his swords and using the palm of his left hand he launches himself in the air.


He obliterates the meters and he then starts to fall towards Shigaraki. He looked shocked at this.

Shigaraki: "he's gonna die. Unless..."

He lands on the ground lifts his sword and then walks away. In the distance we see Shigaraki cut in half. Izuku enters the room with the bodies once again. He raises the watch and then orbs of light come out of it. Each finding their own body. The bodies start to get up and look at Izuku.

Izuku: Sup.

Bakugo looked at him questioning what just happened.

Bakugo: How?

Izuku takes off the watch and simply smiles.

Izuku: The watch has magical properties. So I just needed to activate soul release near your bodies. The downside is that you can't use your quirks anymore.

Everyone tried and failed. Izuku pulls up his arm and a crow lands on it.

Izuku: The watch is still dangerous though.

Iida: So what are you gonna do?

Izuku: I'm not strong enough yet to destroy it. So I'll hide it and one day. Someone can do it.

Just then Shigaraki's body glows and releases many black creatures with skull faces. Each going off in different directions.

Iida: Seems like he had a plan for when he died off.

Izuku: Let's get to the town and get you guys some new gear and some clean clothes.

The nodded and headed off. Izuku looked at the watch the tossed it to an in for seen forest. It was now lost only to be found by the greatest if all hunters.

The end.

Trajon:... And that's the story of why I wanted to be a hunter.

???: Wow that's deep.

This boy's name was Shonaku. He was appointed leader of team STAR. He had black hair with blue highlights.

???: So your ancestor made that watch?

Trajon: Yup.

Shanic had white hair with little bits of red stripes on the back.

Striker: Dude, why didn't you just tell me the whole story while we were traveling.

Trajon looked down and just looked out the window.

Trajon: Cause my father was following me. He wants to use me to find that watch and use it to control the grimms.

The group looked shocked.

Trajon: He can't find me here. Want to see another secret of mine?

The others nodded as he puts a bandana on his face.

Trajon: This is my true form.

The others looked at awe in this form.

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