Ethan Dolan ~ A Day Spent Well

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Hello people!! So I decided to make a one shot for my sister's birthday today. I really hope you enjoy this mate  bandana_j

Bandana's POV

It was another dreadful day at Leeds University, but this seemed to be worse than any other. I was late to my lecture for the first time because of the stupid alarm not going off and the taxi being tardy. I was half an hour late and when I arrived, all eyes were on me, which you can probably imagine how awkward and embarrassing it would have been. 

However, I wasn't the only one late, there was another guy who came ten minutes later. He was wearing the most ridiculous and out of fashion clothes; green shorts, white long socks that reached his knees paired up with white trainers and a red t-shirt. Not to mention that it was mid December. 

He gave Mr Ronaldo a paper and waited patiently at the front of the room, not bothered by the weird looks that most of the students were giving him. 

"Guys, please welcome our new transfer student from Hull University, Ethan Dolan!" Mr Ronaldo said enthusiastically to the half asleep audience. Ethan beamed at us and walked towards the last row to take a seat.  Oh... that already explained the kind of student he was. 

The lecture went by quickly thanks to Mr Ronaldo's amazing ability of cracking jokes even while talking about cell biology. 

"Biology is the only science in which multiplication is the same as division" Mr Ronaldo said, referring to our mitosis lecture. This cracked me up and I started laughing like an idiot. My course mates gave me weird looks muttering that it wasn't even as funny.

"Yo Bandana! Let's go and say hi to Ethan, he is my college mate" Aiden came to me. I shook my head and told him that I had to go home to study for my exam that was the next day. He shrugged and left. 

I reached my block and entered my room. I soon started making notes and revising for tomorrow's exam even though it was an open book exam. I had been studying for around an hour when I suddenly heard the sound of an electric guitar. 'Who the hell's playing so loud?!' I thought as I got up and walked out of my room. It was the room next to mine, but as long as I remembered no one lived there. I knocked on the door and it opened to reveal the new guy that was introduced this morning.

"How may I help you beautiful young lady?" I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes and kept a straight face. 

"Apparently, there are people trying to study in here. How about you be a bit quieter?" I asked with a flat tone. He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, understanding that I was not the type of girl who jokes around. 

"Uh, sorreh hehe. Just that my love for this darling won't let me stop playing it" He showed me the electric guitar and sheepishly laughed. I gave him an unimpressed look. 

"Why so serious?" he asked, trying to imitate in the Joker's tone and miserably failing. 

"Whatever. Just stop playing otherwise I'll complain to the team" I threatened in a serious tone. He gave me another nervous laugh and closed the door. I went back to my room and peacefully studied for another hour. I finally decided to take a break and sat on my bed while looking through my Instagram feed. 

I saw something falling on the floor from the corner of my eye. I quickly looked at the floor and froze there. It was a giant spider laying motionless on the floor. I stared at it for about a minute and when I finally came back to my senses I quickly killed it with my slipper before running out of the room and going into the kitchen. I stood near the counter as silent tears traced my cheeks and all I could think of was my family back in London. I regretted coming here more than anything in my life and now I just wanted to run away. 

"Hey... are you okay...?" I heard a male voice behind me and I quickly wiped my tears away. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" I managed to say in my coarse voice. I kept facing away from him because I knew that my face was probably red and my eyes were puffy from crying. 

"Hey what happened? I just wanna help" He said in a gentle voice. 

"I-I'm sorry..." My voice broke while more tears streamed down my face and I desperately tried to stop them. I didn't even know what I was saying at this point. He gently turned me around and I could read the concern on his face through my blurred vision. I recognised him as Ethan. He led me to the sofa and made me sit down. He brought me a glass of water and I gladly gulped down the contents. 

I finally calmed down and he listened to me carefully while I told him everything about my fear of spiders and homesickness. It was very easy to talk to him and I couldn't believe it that I actually confided in someone other than Sameeksha and my family. I did feel very embarrassed at the same time though, I never made such a bad first impression. He will think I am a crybaby every time we'll talk in the future. 

"Gosh Bandana, you are going through a lot indeed. But it's normal to have phobias, for example I have a very bad one about holes" he said disgusted by the memories of his fear. Now that was something new. People usually never spoke about their fears to me which made me feel insecure about mines, but as he mentioned this new bit of information, I felt more comfortable around him.

In the next couple of months, we became really good friends. He supported me whenever I felt down and cheered me up. I also tried lifting his spirits up when he was faced with his phobia. We got to know a lot about each other. I got to know that he had a twin, Grayson, and that he went to UCL to study Music. I told him all about my family and about how I got along really well with my younger sister, Diksha. I grew to like Ethan's guitar skills and I would often go to his room to hear him play. Life at Leeds was definitely more interesting now.


Today was my birthday and I was still in Leeds which automatically woke me up in a bad mood. I got ready for the day and opened my phone. There were many new messages wishing me happy birthday but the one that stood out was Ethan's. He had sent me a picture of Spongebob holding a cake and a message that said: 

'Happy Birthday Princess Bandana!! Thank you for being such a wonderful and kind person ❤︎ I am very fortunate to have someone like you and I wish with all my heart that you can accomplish everything you wish for. Happy birthday again Bands!'

I smiled at the screen and heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find Ethan standing there with a small basket filled with different chocolates. My eyes widened and I smiled widely.

"Happy birthday Bandana!!" He exclaimed and handed me the basket. 

"Oh my god thank you so much for this! I love it!" I said happily and hugged him. He stiffened at my touch but soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. I broke the hug and let him in the room. 

"So what are your plans for today birthday girl?" He asked as he jumped on my bed and got himself comfortable. 

"Cricket duh! There is a warm up match between Bangladesh and India today" I said and paused to give him a very serious look in the attempt to create a serious atmosphere, "it's vital". Ethan rolled his eyes but gave in. 

Author's POV

They both sat on Bandana's bed and started watching the match on her laptop. India was batting first but Ethan was getting really bored as nothing special was happening. 

"Bandana we've been watching this for tw-" he stopped talking when he glanced at her. He did not notice her head resting on his shoulder. She was breathing evenly and her eyes were closed. She looked fast asleep. Ethan smiled at her cute sleeping face and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He kissed her forehead and rested his head on the top of hers. Soon they both fell into a deep slumber, escaping the reality and entering their dream world.

Woho! First one shot completed! Even though I personally don't like how it turned out to be, but anyways. Hopefully I will improve in the future. I hope that you still enjoyed it and a very happy birthday to my amazayn sister!!!!!! 

Diksha xx.

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