Day 21 - "Little Lotte"

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Today's prompt: backstory/beginnings/the red scarf

Today's one shot is very loosely based on Kay's novel. It is in no way canon, but it was a funny little idea that I thought of, and so I ran with it haha. I hope you guys enjoy!

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It was my first time at the beach in...well, come to thing of it, it was my first time at the beach ever. I was dressed in all black, with exception of my white dress shirt, and I was sure I stuck out like a sore thumb.

I didn't exactly want to be here. The only reason why I had come in the first place was because Nadir had been nagging me incessantly about getting out more and "seeing the sun every once in awhile." He was utterly exhausting, but I've kept him around for reasons unbeknownst even to me.

I stared out at the water for a few minutes, and I quickly realized that I had to be insane for traveling all the way here just to look at water. What was so special about it anyway? I could have stayed in my home under the Opera and stared at my lake to get the same effect. Why do people, apparently, love the beach so much?

Shaking my head, I turned to leave, but I couldn't help but frown when I happened to notice something strange.

There was a blond boy who was diving into the water, fully clothed, and was seemingly going after a red scarf. On the shore stood a young girl of around the same age with curly brown hair, and she was watching him. Neither of them could have been more than eleven or twelve at the oldest.

I couldn't tell exactly why the boy was making the highly idiotic decision to swim after the scarf, but I concluded that it must have been some insipid game the two were playing.

Stupid children.

Turning my attention away from them, I adjusted my mask and set off for the train station. I'd had enough of the sun, and I was much looking forward to returning to the comforts of my home in the fifth cellar.

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