33. Glad I Made It Here

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Band: Stray Kids
Ship: this whole things a mess dude

"I always thought your stupidity was just an act but I'm starting to think you're actually fucking dumb." Jisung threw his pencil at the older and grunted. "Math is hard."


Changbin heavily sighed and face palmed. Jisung sheepishly smiled and poked his cheeks trying to do aegyo on his boyfriend. "Hyuuung, C'mon you can't stay mad at me forever." Changbin looked at the boy and rolled his eyes. "I'm not mad, I'm just...what's the word I'm looking for, I'm realizing that I shouldn't be surprised at how much of an absolute fucking dumbass you are."

Jisung pouted and stood up. "Asshole." He walked away from the table and over to the vending machine.

They were sitting in their college library trying to get some homework in when Jisung asked Changbin for help with his math homework. The older watched the boy as he kept on pouting while struggling to get his money into the machine. He laughed to himself as he watched Jisung silently fight with the machine because it kept spitting his money back out. Eventually, he started to feel bad so he walked over and swiped his card. Jisung's drink fell to the bottom into the little container for him to collect it. The younger looked over still pouting but angry this time.

"Thank you." He grumbled making his way back over to their table. "Your tone does not match your words." Changbin said laughing. "Shut up."

Jisung grumbled to himself insults and profanities as he skipped through his math workbook looking for his next page of homework.

Changbin watched the boy easily solve every single "solve for x" problem and shook his head. "How can you do college level algebra but not basic fucking multiplication." "You overuse the word "fucking"." The younger said not looking up from his book.

"I can overuse it on you." Jisung looked up confused. "Is this relating to my terrible math skills or was that a dirty joke? Because if it was that was terrible." Changbin rolled his eyes and smiled, looking back at his own Chemistry homework. "It was a dirty joke." He answered.

Jisung laughed and shook his head. They both went back to studying, sitting across from each other occasionally pointing out if the other was doing something wrong.


Minho sat in the corner of the library near the window. He stared at the couple giggling to themselves. A slight pang in his heart brought his eyes away. He stared out the window as streams of tears rolled down his cheeks. He looked back at the flower petal on his table and picked it up.

Scorpion grasses were his favorite flowers. Who knew they could be so evil....

The boy looked back over at Jisung and smiled when the younger started laughing.


Chan who was sitting across from Minho stared at the boy. He smiled and sniffed. Watching Minho refuse to confront his feelings for Jisung was heartbreaking. Especially when he knew it was killing him inside, literally.

He stared at the boys hands the petal was in. Sighing he couldn't help but think about the fact that one day he'll look up from his book and Minho won't be there. "Min.." he mumbled. The boy looked at his hyung. "Chan-ah c'mon, stop crying." Chan sniffled before looking at Jisung. "Please just say something, or get the surgery, please Minho. Don't let me loose my best friend." Minho sniffed and wiped his tears. "I don't want to say anything, Changbins happy and so is Jisung. I don't want to get the surgery because it means I'll loose my love for him, I don't ever want to forget such a thing."

"Please at least think about it. " Minho nodded and packed up his stuff. His class was starting soon so he had to leave. "I'll text you later hyung." Chan nodded and waved the boy off.

"If there is a later....."


Jisung walked out of his class heading to the bathroom. He was trying to wash off Changbins ice cream off his sweater. Loud coughing erupted from one of the stalls and a boy quickly opened the door stumbling towards the sink. Jisung panicked and helped the male. "Hey! are you okay?"

The unknown male washed his face under the sink before looking back at Jisung. "Yeah I'm fine sorry. I've had a fever the past few days so it's nothing major." Jisung recognized the guy. Lee Minho the most beautiful guy on Campus. "Hey you're Minho!" Minho smiled. "The one and only."


"I still think you should go to the nurse." Jisung said swinging his arms by his side as he tried to balance himself on the beam. Minho walked behind him carefully watching to make sure he didn't fall. "I'm fine sung, like i said it was just a fever." Jisung jumped off the beam and stood infront of Minho. "I've had a fever before but I've never coughed to the point of passing out." Minho sighed and continued walking.

Jisung trailed by his side as they strolled on the bridge. "The truth is I'm sick." He looked over at the older letting him know to go on. "Have you heard of Hanahaki?" Jisung scoffed. "Heard of it? I've had it." Minho looked over surprised. "You did!?" He nodded. "It's how I met Changbin. I thought it was unrequited love but he actually liked me back. I was cured on the spot. Is that why you were coughing?" Minho nodded. "The guy I like already has a boyfriend though so I'm a lost cause."

"Let me tell you something. Get the surgery. I know you might not want to loose the feelings for this guy but trust me. No human being is worth losing your life over. You have so much to live for. Yes this is gonna be probably one of your biggest heart breaks ever but trust me it is worth it. You have a life to live DONT let some stupid guy ruin that for you." Minho smiled and nodded. He wiped the tear that had fallen. "Thank you Ji."

"Anytime hyung." They kept on walking until Jisung got curious. "Minho..." "yes." "Who's the guy?" The older looked up at the sky and smiled. "Figure it out."


Once Minho got home he called Chan.

"Minho is everything okay?"

"I'm getting the surgery."


"Yeah. Come over and I'll explain the whole thing."




"Thank you.."

"Don't worry about it Min"


Few years later

One by one they all piled into the little café. Winter had arrived and the lovely group of friends decided to spend Christmas Eve at their favorite café.

They all piled around the fire waiting for Minho and Chan to get here. "They're taking so long to get here." Jeongin whined. Seungmin side eyed his boyfriend while he sipped his hot cocoa. "Patience innie." "Im trying."

Hyunjin had his arm placed comfortably around Felixs shoulder as he smiled at the maknaes. Jisung and Changbin were playing Rock Paper Scissors, to see who would get up and get the rest of the drinks.  The bell above the door chimed and in came Minho and Chan, pink cheeks and noses, wrapped up cozy and warm. "Sorry we're late, Chan fell in the ice." "If you had helped me up instead of laughing we would've gotten here faster." "I laugh at funny things and you face planting while dressed as penguin was funny as hell." The younger ones smiled at the pair as they bickered back and forth.

Jisung got up and pushed them towards the fire. "Sit down, here's some cocoa, Now act normal." The pair sat down criss cross on the floor and smiled taking the cups from Jisung.

The rest of the night they all made themselves comfortable conversing with each other telling jokes and laughing. Jisung looked at Minho who was playing with Chans hair and smiled. Chan was staring at the boy with the most adoring look in his eyes as Minho twisted and messed up his hair in every possible way. When Chan was forced to have a conversation with Hyunjin, Jisung signaled Minho to follow him. They both got up and grabbed their coats. "We'll be right back guys." Jisung said. Minho followed behind him as they took a stroll through the snow.


"What's up?"

"I think I finally figured it out."


"Who the guy was.."

Minho stopped walking and looked at Jisung smiling.

"It was me. This whole time it was me..."

Minho laughed and continued walking. "Yeah it was. How'd you figure it out?" "The look you gave me when I saw you in the bathroom. That's the look I used to give Changbin before I confessed. I only figured it out because I saw Chan looking at you the exact same way. That's when it all clicked." Minho nodded. "Wonderful observation skills sung." The younger laughed and thanked his hyung.

"Jisung thank you." "What for?" " if you didn't tell me to get the surgery, I wouldn't be here with you guys. I wouldn't be able to see how lucky I would have gotten. I would've missed everything, including my feelings for Chan. Thank you so much Jisung. I really do owe you it all."

"It's okay hyung. I'm glad you're here."

"I'm glad I made it here."

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