Never Forget

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Sun looked out his window, frowning before shaking his head.

" She has him....why would I interfere?" he mumbled, running a hand through his hair smiling weakly.

" I shouldn't ruin in....I'd feel like a monster..." Sun said to himself walking outside and seeing her.

Sun blushed and watched Emily look at him before he looked away quickly. Emily smiled and walked over to him.

" Hey." she said smiling slightly. Sun smiled back awkwardly," Hey." he said biting hid lip.

Emily laughed softly and grabbed his hand," Something wrong?" she asked softly, he shook his head.

" There's nothing wrong." he lied, except that I'm dying inside, Sun thought, smiling.

" If you say so, come on." she said, causing Sun to close the door behind him as they ran to the Starbucks.

Sun gave a fake smile and looked at her, forget that I've ever liked you...

" Hey Sun?"

" Yeah Em?"

" I'll never forget when you told me that you used to like me."

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