Giving Up

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The case was over, and Dev was impressed with Abhira and was ready to give a promotion to Abhria, but Abhira requested that he find another intern. She asked if he wanted to help her, try to help her find another position, in Somnath if he could, as she was leaving town to move there.

Luckily, Dev had a friend that had a firm there, and he made a quick phone call and was able to get Abhira in. He did let Abhira know that there would always be an opening in his office for her.

When Abhira arrived at the Poddar House, she saw everyone, including the Geonka's celebrating in the hall, and she quietly went upstairs to Armaan's room. She started to pack her stuff.

While she was upstairs, Charu came running into the hall.

"Charu, what's wrong?" asked Armaan.

"It's all my fault. I'm sorry, Bhai. Please stop Bhabi. I am so sorry. I thought I was helping. I didn't know that you would blame Bhabi. Please stop her." cried Charu

"What are you talking about?" aske Armaan confused.

"I was the one who took the papers. Not Abhira Bhabi. I'm sorry, Bhai." cried Charu, shocking everyone. "And another thing, Bhabi has left the internship at Dev sir's. She's leaving town. Please, Bhai, stop Bhabi."

"Where is she?" said a panicked Armaan

"She already came home. Dev sir was able to get her an internship in Somnath." answered Charu. Armaan rushed upstairs to see if Abhira came upstairs without him noticing. Abhira was finished packing and ready to leave.

Armaan was trying to apologize to Abhira, yet Abhira wasn't listening to Armaan. Abhira was trying to take her suitcase out of their room. Abhira was finally able to leave Armaan's room and leave with Armaan following her, trying to change her mind.

"Enough! Armaan! I don't want to talk. I don't care for your apology, nor do I care to stay here. You called me a thief, correct? Let's leave at that. Let's pretend that you have already helped your mentor's daughter. You have been released from your promise. I promise you I will never think to look backward. Congratulations, I will never treat you as my family, nor will I ever think of your family as mine. As far as I am concerned, you and your family are strangers to me." said Abhira

Armaan was trying to stop her. "Abhira, please. Don't go. I promise. I will do anything, please don't go. I am sorry."

"Why would I stay? Where I am insulted? Where is my upbringing questioned? Where I am told that I don't belong in a family? Fine, I agree to them all. Why would you want a person like me living here. So it is better if I leave." stated Abhira

She was greeted by the whole family, and she froze. "Ladki, where do you think you are going?" said Dadisa.

"Um, I am leaving the house?" Abhria said it like a question?

"What do you mean? What's going on?" said Vidya

"Um, I am leaving the house?" Said Abhira again like a question

"Abhira is not leaving the house. She is not leaving me!" said Armaan.

"You raised questions on my upbringing on my character. It is better that I go away." said Abhira

"Sorry, Bhabi, I was the one that took those papers," said Charu, shocking everyone.

"It's ok. It worked out well in the end. I found out what the family thought of me. Doesn't matter anymore." said Abhira.

"Chachasa and Manisha Chachi, you two are the sweetest, I've only known my mother as my family. You two showed me the love that can be between a husband and wife. It's nice to see, and it's very rare. Never change."

Abhira walked up to Madhav and said, "Papa, can I still call you Papa. You see, my father, Abhinav Sharma, passed away just before I was born. My mother raised me with all the love a mother and father could. But she was alone, and there are things that only a father could do. I didn't know what a father's love was until I met you. For me, you are the best father." cried Abhira. When the Goenka family heard the name of Abhira's father, they froze. They were shocked.

"Armaan, let go of my bag." yelled Abhira

"No! You're my wife!" yelled Armaan, trying to grab the bag away from Abhira.

Abhira took a deep breath and said, "Armaan, our journey ends now. I am done. I am leaving for Somnath. Please, I don't want any drama."

"Abhira beta. Please don't go. If you don't want to live here, come to Goenka house, " said Manish, coming out his shock.

"Yes, beta, please come to our house." said Swarna.

"Never. I guess you've realized that I'm Akshara's daughter. That I am also your great granddaughter. But you forgot, you disowned her. You wanted me aborted before I was born. So Mumma could remarry her ex-husband." shocking the Poddars.

"You know what, I am glad that my mumma was disowned by the great Goenka family. I was happy in my little world. I love the family we had. This family here, whether it's Goenka or Poddar, I don't want a part of. One bump, one disagreement, and you change sides. One can't trust the people they live with, and then who can they trust. I've lived here for a while. I may not follow the straight and narrow, but I follow the path of justice and truth." stated Abhira.

"You're that murd-" started Ruhi

"Ruhi, before you start your blame game, try to remember that day. What were you doing? What were you being stubborn about? Mumma and Mama kept the secret, but I have no qualms to do so." said a forceful Abhira

"What are you talking about?" asked Ruhi

"You were the one that day, was very insistence of driving? You got in the car and turned it on. Mumma got in the car to save you after you changed gears into neutral and accidentally hit masi." said Abhira

As soon as Abhira said those words, Ruhi started to remember. "Oh my God. I did it. Oh no. I was the one, " she started to cry uncontrollably.

Abhira slapped Ruhi. "Stop it! You were a child. You didn't know better. But your elders did." Abhira said, looking towards Swarna.

"Give me my bag now, Armaan. I need to leave." said Abhira

"Never. You are my wife." said Armaan

"A wife, that you called cheater. So let me leave." said Abhira

"Why is your needle stuck on one line. You aren't leaving." Armaan stated.

"Fine! Keep the bag. I can grab more" and she turned around to leave when Armaan grabbed her waist to stop her. She started to pinch him to make him let go of her when he picked her up and took her upstairs.

Charu felt relieved that the problems that she caused might be fixable. She looked at the family. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to cause so many problems." and ran towards her room.

"What a mess," thought Madhav.

"Ruhi, why don't you go with your grandparents today. I think they need the support." Madhav said. "Everyone, though it is a win for our family. We got that win through Abhira. We lost today, as Abhira no longer wants to be a part of this family. And I don't blame her. Why would she? Why don't everyone just go to your rooms and rest. Tomorrow is a new day." said Madhav

Ruhi left with her relunctant grandparents, and the rest of the family went into the rooms.

Krish, Kiara, and Aryan met in one of their rooms to discuss what just happened.

"We screwed up! Big-time! Bhabi always fought for us, and when it was time to support her, we went with the family. Bhabi won't forgive us."

"You're correct, Krish. We have a long way to go to receive forgiveness from her. But we will get. We will work for it." said Kiara.

"Let's make plans," said Aryan.

What they didn't know was that Madhav had overheard them and was proud of them. They realized their mistake and were willing to fix it. He wished the adults of this family had the same sense. He walked away from there.

Meanwhile, in Armaan's room, Abhira refused to talk to Armaan. Once Armaan let go of her, she rushed towards to bed and hid under the blanket, not wanting to talk to Armaan.

"Abhira, talk to me, please. I am sorry. I called you names and questioned your character. I was wrong. I am an ass. I got so caught up in my family problems that I forgot you would never do something to hurt anyone. Please forgive me." Armaan was getting no response from Abhira. Finally, after an hour, he was able to find out that she had fallen asleep. He was worried that she would leave before he woke up, so he decided to grab his father's handcuffs, where he handcuffed himself to her. So if she woke up before he did, she wouldn't be able to leave.

In the morning, she woke up intending to leave, but she realized that Armaan had handcuffed her while she was sleeping. She was angry. She started hitting him with the pillows, waking him up. "What do you think of yourself! How dare you!"

She was so angry that she pulled him out of bed, rushing out the room, calling for Madhav. "Papa! Papa!" She was yelling at the top of her lungs. Waking everyone up, and when they saw what Armaan did, they were smiling.

"Papa, release us please," crying to Madhav.

"Ok, ok. I will get the key. Why don't you sit down and I will be in a few minutes." Madhav left to grab the key.

The cousins, including Charu, tried to apologize, but Abhira brushed it off. Abhira was quiet, she was too quiet. "You guys won't let me leave, will you?" asked Abhira, with tears in her eyes.

"We are family. We fight. We make up. But we don't leave, " stated Dadisa surprising Abhira.

Madhav came down with the key and opened the handcuffs. Abhira said a quiet thank you and went back upstairs with Armaan following her.

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