A Gallon of Milk (Chrisse)

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A Gallon of Milk (Mortal AU)

Clarisse had never been so mad at herself ever. It was always some other pink she was mad at. And usually when she was mad at someone else she could beat their face in.

With so much pent up energy in her, she was just about to explode. The nerve of that guy!

And it started about twenty glorious minutes ago....

Clarrise hated Walmart. There was always too many people there. Loud kids, stupid wimps, squeaky carts with broken wheels and that one guy talking on the phone way to loud. Clarisse didn't care that he his wife was cheating on him with his best friend or whatever drama she was listening to.

She just wanted the gallon of milk.

She didn't need to stand in line for this. And really she should be home studying for that quiz in History.

"Hey, Sil!"

Clarisse gritted her teeth and turn to see some wanna-be punk strolling up to a pretty slim girl with black hair with his lackies at his side. Clarisse rolled her eyes and huffed. She was so not in the mood for this right now.

"Get away from me, Michel." She said, her blue eyes flashed.

His lackies shuffled back warily like they were dealing with a rabid dog.

"Oh, 'Lena, baby," The idiot called out to her stopping a couple feet away, like she hadn't said a thing, "You are looking smoking hot today. What do you say to a couple of beers out back? I could show you a brand you world." He winked at her, like he was some big hot shot guy, "I know you wanna Beauregard." The girl stepped back as he leaned closer giving him more ground to play with.

"Michel Yew, I am not interested!" She said, and even though her voice was hard her eyes gave away her fear, "And get my name right! It's Silena! Not Sil, or Lena! Silena!"

Michel laughed and it prompted a chuckle from his friends, "I always did like the feisty ones!"

Silena backed up again bumping her back into the refrigerator doors that held the milk. Michel stepped up right next to her, grinning with victory in his brown eyes. He swept his black hair to the side, "What's there to be afraid of, Sil?" He ran a finger around her cheek lightly, and she grimaced. "It's just you and me and-"

"Oh God Damnit!" Clarisse shouted. The nearby shoppers startled by her outburst jumped. Michel jerked back at her voice, and Silena looked at her pleadingly. Clarisse stomped right up to the little punk who was a couple inches shorted than her and glared down at him.

He grinned, "You got a problem?"

"No, but you and your punks are about to have one." Clarisse sneered, "Why don't you back away from the girl before I break your faces?!"

Michel didn't back down. In fact he had the nerve to laugh, "This ain't your business. We're just having some fun. Right Silena?"

Silena squirmed and closed her eyes looking away.

"See, its all fine." Michel pushed his hair back, "Besides a pretty little lady like yourself shouldn't be-"

He didn't finish he statement. Clarisse smashed his face into the glass door, and dropped him to the ground. He spluttered a bunch of curses, holding a hand over his nose where blood was gushing about.

"Get Lost, Morons" Clarisse barked. His lacky friends gulped and shared one look before tearing out of the store. Michel stumbled behind them muttering threats at her but Clarisse could care less.

Silena was shaking slightly, "Th-thank you." She stuttered, "You didn't have to do that."

Clarisse grunted, "You were in my way."

"Oh." Silena jumped out of the way so Clarisse could get to the milk. She took the jug of milk and hefted it with about zero effort. Silena glanced around nervously. "Thank you, again, for the help. Michel can be such a jerk."

Clarisse gave her a look that blatantly said she didn't actually care.

"You're Clarisse right? Clarisse La Rue?"

"What's it to you, Princess?"

"Nothing!" Silena said quickly, "It's just....Nothing." Silena turned away, "See you at school." Before Clarisse could say anything the girl was gone around the corner. Not that she cared. But it was just they way she acted. She dressed like one of those popular bimbos, but didn't have any of the style like those idiots who flaunted about.

Clarisse didn't even remember seeing this girl before at her school.

Whatever. Clarisse decided she didn't care. She got her milk. She could get home and then practice a little more on her punching bag before dinner.

"Hey, psst!" She glanced around the isle as her slowed her walk, "Psst!"

Her eyes landed on a boy, with black hair and brown eyes, similar to the kid she just beat up. Unlike Michel though, this kid was Hispanic with sharp features, and he was hiding behind a shelf of mac n' cheese.

"Hey!" He said in a hurried whisper, "Yeah you!" He motioned her over, "My name's Chris and I need a huge, huge Huge favor."

Clarisse rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You see I just got dumped by this girl, a total heartless jerk, and she just walked in with her new boyfriend." Chris said quickly, "I don't want to look like a loser. Please just hold hands with me so it doesn't look like I was sobbing her name last night! Please!"

Clarisse should've said no. if it had been any other situation she would've said it and walked away. But for some reason she couldn't bring herself to do it. She felt bad for him. So she huffed again."Fine."

Chris's face lit up, "You're a life saver!" He took her hand, and peeked out side the shelves. Then he led her towards the checkout lines. He offered to take the milk from her in order to make it up to her. One look and he gulped, "Yeah sorry, shouldn't have asked."

He lead the way in a somewhat awkwardly way. He gave her a smile and mostly just blurted out whatever was on his mind. It was slightly cute the way he did it. "Wow that's a really cool box! I like the...yellow..." He said about a yellow tuber-ware container.

He looked rather nervous too, but that only escalated the cute look. She didn't see why some girl would dump him. He wasn't so bad.

"So what's your name?" Chris asked ever so casually. As the bored looking cashier rang up her gallon of milk.

"It's Clarisse, moron." She looked around trying to catch a glimpse of this girlfriend he was talking about.

"Right." Chris said, "Nice name."

"Do you have a problem with my name?" She asked. They walked through the sliding automatic glass doors.

"No." He said honestly, "I think it's a beautiful name. Clarisse Rodriguez."

Clarisse frowned, "It's La Rue."

He shot her a smile, "My mistake. Thank you for your help."

He let go of her hand. His smile was mischievous now. Clarisse thought for a moment she missed something. What was so funny?

"See you around." He said winking. Then he burst into a run in the opposite direction. Clarisse was confused at first. Weirdo.

Then she glanced back into the store, and notice there weren't any couples in there. Immediately her hand went to her back pocket with her wallet, only to find it empty except for a small crumpled receipt.

She cursed.

He ran off with her wallet! Anger bubbled in her and she growled. He was long gone now. He played her like a fool.

On the bottom of the receipt though, was a penned writing.

Pic u up @ 7?

Clarisse started at it for a moment.

"Sly Bastard." She grumbled finally and she hunched her shoulders and walked back towards her house, milk in one hand and the other in her pocket, with the hint of a smile on her face.

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